Learning Curve

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Learning Curve

Post by daneldorado »

hugob00m wrote:Oooh! It makes me tingle! Until now, Backside Story had been my favorite of yours, but now I think I like Learning Curve even better!
Phil, you are now receiving kudos from every quarter, with Web-ed, hugob00m, and y.o.s. chiming in with our praises. Web-ed even included this accolade: "I eagerly await the next episode."

He also said that until now, your backstage tale cleverly named Backside Story was his favorite among your works. I agree that the actress/director tale of a burning tail is one of your better outings... but in my humble opinion, I still rate One Good Turn the cream of the crop.

One Good Turn told your story about two (2) females who try to pull a fast one on the granddad's buddies by flaunting their bods in front of the old fogies, and had the unfortunate (for them -- not for us) result of being humiliated in front of all the guys, who got a good look at the two ladies as they were being spanked over granddad's knee. Their degradation doesn't end with their spankings, either. At the end, they are forced to serve schooners of beer to each of the old goats who had watched their painful humiliations take place... and one of the ladies even has her sore fanny pinched as she goes about her serving chores. That one was brutal in its execution, but oh so satisfying to us, the viewers. It still remains your number one masterwork to me.

Dare we hope for another masterwork from Phil that shows us a double spanking? I realize that in One Good Turn the spankings were delivered separately, yet the humiliation factor was approximately the same. But I have always felt that the best spank story has two female miscreants being spanked at the same time. We have seen that from b00m, but not yet from overbarrel49. Maybe with Christmas fast approaching... :lol:

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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Wow! Your final three panels are delicious! One of the all-time great post-spanking scenerios! First you show Frances being contrite and Ed reassuring her that he stoll loves her, and now that she's been punished for her naughtiness, her slate is wiped clean.
hi Boom,

thanks for the kind words. i'm really glad you enjoyed those last 3 panels :D . i felt that the reassurance and the comments about the slate being wiped clean were part of the learning that Frances had to do during her first spanking. now she knows that being punished is a good thing for her even though she may not like it at the time ;) .
hugob00m wrote: Web-ed and Dan have allready commented on how nice Frances's legs look in the next-to-last panel, so I'll tell you that I love that look on her face as she examines her very red bottom in the bathroom mirror! I also enjoyed her thoughts while she's alone in the bathroom, thinking about what just happened, anticipating what's probably about to happen.
her bottom is obviously the center of attention in this panel but i too thought her expression was a good one and i was pleased that you noticed and mentioned it :D . i just had a hunch that, in this first spanking, she might be really surprised at just how red her bottom was afterward :lol: . as far as her thoughts go, it just seemed to me that she would have a veritable flood of different thoughts and emotions going on about this time and i see you agree ;) .
hugob00m wrote: And then in the last panel, I love the way that she's thinking about how she's boing to be a good girl for her man, how she's going to please him and take his mind off of how naughty she had been before... but she can't help but wonder what a paddling from him might feel like! Oooh! It makes me tingle! Until now, Backside Story had been my favorite of yours, but now I think I like Learning Curve even better!
i have it on good authority from some young ladies who still get spankings that these are just the kind of things they would be thinking. i can't speak to that personally but i know in my mind, i find these kinds of submissive thoughts to be very attractive in a young lady and very arousing so i was pleased that you agree with me on this point :D . we all have different scenarios we like the best and i'm really happy to know that this will be among your favorites :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:He also said that until now, your backstage tale cleverly named Backside Story was his favorite among your works. I agree that the actress/director tale of a burning tail is one of your better outings... but in my humble opinion, I still rate One Good Turn the cream of the crop.
hi Dan,

when i was reading Boom's reply, there was no doubt in my mind that you would disagree as you have stated your preference for "one good turn" on several occasions :lol:
daneldorado wrote:One Good Turn told your story about two (2) females who try to pull a fast one on the granddad's buddies by flaunting their bods in front of the old fogies, and had the unfortunate (for them -- not for us) result of being humiliated in front of all the guys, who got a good look at the two ladies as they were being spanked over granddad's knee. Their degradation doesn't end with their spankings, either. At the end, they are forced to serve schooners of beer to each of the old goats who had watched their painful humiliations take place... and one of the ladies even has her sore fanny pinched as she goes about her serving chores. That one was brutal in its execution, but oh so satisfying to us, the viewers. It still remains your number one masterwork to me.

Dare we hope for another masterwork from Phil that shows us a double spanking? I realize that in One Good Turn the spankings were delivered separately, yet the humiliation factor was approximately the same. But I have always felt that the best spank story has two female miscreants being spanked at the same time. We have seen that from b00m, but not yet from overbarrel49. Maybe with Christmas fast approaching... :lol:

let me just say that the toon i'm working on now and will start posting as soon as i can does involve 2 females................sisters in fact :D . my wife has a sister and we introduced her to a man i worked with who later became he husband. it is my opinion that there were some times when we visited them that both the girls could have used a good spanking and such a scenario has long been a favorite fantasy of mine ;) . so, based on that fantasy, i have started this new toon and we will see just how things turn out :lol: . right now i am finishing the first pic but i'll probably need 3 more to set things up before i can start posting . hopefully i'll get the time i need to work on those soon. wish me luck. thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve - Final Three Panels

Post by web-ed »

Wow Phil, what a conclusion to this great story! We see here the powerful emotions that come into play for a woman after she's been mastered with a thorough spanking, not to mention a bottom so bright and red I almost thought I was looking at a picture of a sunset :) !
I think my favorite is the last panel, where we see that brats will be brats - she's already thinking about misbehaving again and wondering what a paddling would be like as she rubs her still-sore bottom. Also, she's in the mood for love, to paraphrase the old song.

Panel 19 was very well done also, with the visual and verbal elements perfectly blended, as R. C. Harvey (old-time cartoonist and critic) would say. Frances wants to look at her bottom - I think all spanked women are curious about what they look like back there after a spanking - and at the same time she's being flooded with submissive feelings. Her posture here serves to underscore these ideas, and was probably the most difficult thing for you to pull off - but you did!

So congratulation on a successful conclusion to "The Learning Curve" which has only added to the lustre of this gallery. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Wow Phil, what a conclusion to this great story! We see here the powerful emotions that come into play for a woman after she's been mastered with a thorough spanking, not to mention a bottom so bright and red I almost thought I was looking at a picture of a sunset :) !
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you enjoyed the conclusion and i really appreciate your comments here especially since you mention her post spanking emotions which is exactly what i wanted the viewers to take from these pics :D . of course, the red, shiny bottom goes without saying :lol: .
web-ed wrote:I think my favorite is the last panel, where we see that brats will be brats - she's already thinking about misbehaving again and wondering what a paddling would be like as she rubs her still-sore bottom. Also, she's in the mood for love, to paraphrase the old song.
i just couldn't resist this panel. it just seemed to me from women i have known that this was entirely plausible and i have it on good authority from some female viewers that it's right on the money :D . one female viewer even went so far as to say that this toon was a "girls spanking toon" :lol: .
web-ed wrote: Panel 19 was very well done also, with the visual and verbal elements perfectly blended, as R. C. Harvey (old-time cartoonist and critic) would say. Frances wants to look at her bottom - I think all spanked women are curious about what they look like back there after a spanking - and at the same time she's being flooded with submissive feelings. Her posture here serves to underscore these ideas, and was probably the most difficult thing for you to pull off - but you did!
i do always try to get the action or body language to match what i have in the dialog so it's nice that you think i did a good job in this pic :D . i think you're right about spanked women wanting to check out their bottoms..........probably as soon as they get a little privacy. i also think that looking at that red bottom that is still smarting just serves to intensify those submissive feelings ;) . in some cases i get a general idea of what i want the pic to say and then figure out the words after i get the render done. in this case, however, i made sure that i had all the dialog already drawn up before i posed the pic. as a matter of fact, i had the dialog for all 3 pics done before i started any of the actual pics and i think it worked well.
web-ed wrote:So congratulation on a successful conclusion to "The Learning Curve" which has only added to the lustre of this gallery. :)
thanks for the kind words. i'm glad you enjoyed the toon :D .

i thought i would let everyone know that my aunt who had fallen passed away. it's funny but we were working so hard to get her all recovered and back home and we didn't find out until almost the end that we never had a chance. from what the doctor told us, her immune system was in the process of shutting down which is why her body couldn't fight off the infections that ultimately caused her death. phil
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: change quoted text to match change I made in the original
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by web-ed »

I'm sure I speak for everyone here, Phil, when I offer our condolences on the passing of your aunt.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by jimc »

I really enjoyed this story for how you used the word spanking. I always get the mental image of a girl being otk when I read or hear those words. I enjoyed how the story began and then it was decided that she needed a spanking. In many ways while you did say their ages I did get the feeling it was not a spanking by recent high school graduates as much as a continuing story from the other story because in many ways I am a visual person mostly and tend to look for the images first and read the story later and get my feeling from that. So my 1st impression was that they had recently finished college and this was as newlyweds. I do think though she had to have some experience with spanking as to suggest it although her later comments seemed to suggest it was her first. I enjoy her positioning and her thought on getting spanked. Thanks for the great story.
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

jimc wrote:I really enjoyed this story for how you used the word spanking. I always get the mental image of a girl being otk when I read or hear those words. I enjoyed how the story began and then it was decided that she needed a spanking. In many ways while you did say their ages I did get the feeling it was not a spanking by recent high school graduates as much as a continuing story from the other story because in many ways I am a visual person mostly and tend to look for the images first and read the story later and get my feeling from that. So my 1st impression was that they had recently finished college and this was as newlyweds. I do think though she had to have some experience with spanking as to suggest it although her later comments seemed to suggest it was her first. I enjoy her positioning and her thought on getting spanked. Thanks for the great story.
hi Jim,

i thought your alternate take on this toon was interesting and i think it could just as easily have been a newly wed couple ;) . i've always found it interesting that each different viewer has a little different take on these toons. that's one reason i do the plain version of the pics.......because i had viewers request them. even though they read the story and liked it, when they just looked at the pics and didn't think about the words, they found themselves fantasizing about a different scenario 8-) . anyway, i do the plain pics so those folks can create their own stories. i have one friend who actually puts his own words on them for his personal use. i'm glad you enjoyed this one :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by jimc »

It is hard to believe that you wrote this story 3 years ago. I still think it is as fresh as the current story. Sometimes spankings are timeless memories. I have started to go back and bring some of your older work to the forefront as maybe people will rediscover them. In a way it is like seeing them for the 1st time as I was reading an old book the other day and then suddenly realized that I had read it and commented on it several years ago and did not even recognize it until almost at the end and I suddenly knew where the story was going. In many ways going back I now find I sometimes have more time to just reread them and just sit and enjoy them. I do have to admit I think I did read it several years ago, but had forgotten how great it was. So I hope you do not mind going back and seeing some from several years ago brought to be shared in the future. Thanks again and have a great day.
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

jimc wrote:It is hard to believe that you wrote this story 3 years ago. I still think it is as fresh as the current story. Sometimes spankings are timeless memories.
hi Jim,

i think you are right. clothing, hairstyles and such may change but the idea of spankings does seem like a timeless one to me :D . just look at the story Dan is colorizing and posting now. it was done many years ago but still seems just as valid today as it did then. the naughty girl is going to get her bottom blistered.........just as it should be :lol: .
jimc wrote:I have started to go back and bring some of your older work to the forefront as maybe people will rediscover them. In a way it is like seeing them for the 1st time as I was reading an old book the other day and then suddenly realized that I had read it and commented on it several years ago and did not even recognize it until almost at the end and I suddenly knew where the story was going. In many ways going back I now find I sometimes have more time to just reread them and just sit and enjoy them. I do have to admit I think I did read it several years ago, but had forgotten how great it was. So I hope you do not mind going back and seeing some from several years ago brought to be shared in the future. Thanks again and have a great day.
i don't mind a bit and i hope anyone that sees these for the first time, enjoys them :D . thanks, phil
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