Super heroes?

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
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Super heroes?

Post by daneldorado »

Hiy, Nick... You are the master collector, and your research has resulted in finding hundreds, maybe thousands, of spanking pictures which we gratefully download onto our own files. You are very thorough, too, bringing us many stories behind the panels. What I would like to learn from you now is maybe a tough question, but if anyone can answer it, that person is you.

Several times I have read this: Superman is the only comics superhero who is completely invincible. He can fly, he can read minds, he is twenty times stronger than any other creature on earth, and on and on.

Yeah, that's an attractive set of skills. So attractive, in fact, that Superman's impact on the comics led to the creation of several other so-called "super-heroes" in the funny papers. There were Captain Marvel (who, I think, has been adjudicated out of existence because of similarities to Superman), Batman, Aquaman, The Phantom, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man and a litany of new super-heroes.

My question, which I have based on the overwhelming array of superheroes in the public press, boils down to this:

Is Superman the ONLY superhero who has unlimited powers?

We know that Wonder Woman can fly in her "invisible airplane;" Spider-Man can travel through the air by using his web-making ability; Plastic Man can reshape his body into every conceivable form, thus allowing him to appear to "bad guys" as a piece of furniture or other commodity. And on and on.

But in drawing a character such as Captain Woodshed, I recognize that his very name signals his primary ability. But can he fly? Can he become invisible? Can he be another "Man of Steel?" If I'm going to stick with this character, I think his skills should be more expansive than just: Can spank naughty girls.

Any ideas on this?

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Re: Super heroes?

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:Hiy, Nick... You are the master collector, and your research has resulted in finding hundreds, maybe thousands, of spanking pictures which we gratefully download onto our own files. You are very thorough, too, bringing us many stories behind the panels. What I would like to learn from you now is maybe a tough question, but if anyone can answer it, that person is you.
Thank you kindly, Dan - let's see what I can do to help.

When he was originally conceived, Superman was quite powerful although not completely invincible. There really weren't a lot of other super-heroes around at the time (1939) so Supes was arguably already the most powerful super-hero. The 40's featured an explosion of super-heroes, but in the post-war period they really languished, with only Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and a very few others until the Silver Age began in 1956. Superman became progressively more powerful through the 50's and 60's, reaching a point where he occasionally would move whole continents or even the Earth or the Moon! There is little doubt that he was DC's most powerful super-hero during this time (see cover of Justice League of America #63 below).

Not much doubt as to who the mightiest hero was here in JLA #63 (June 1968). Not pictured is Wonder Woman - Superman didn't want to rough her up (he could at least have spanked her :lol: ), so in the story he uses his super-breath to blow her out the door of JLA headquarters!

Oh yes, I almost forgot: you're quite right about Captain Marvel, who was one of the few super-heroes who might be as powerful as Superman, and yes, Fawcett lost a copyright infringement lawsuit to DC even though CM was really a far different character. And when Fawcett shut down completely, DC actually ended up owning the character! Comics publishers have not always been the most ethical of men.

Anyway, back to our problem. The only other superhero with such an extremely great power was The Spectre, also created by Jerry Siegel (this time with Bernard Bailey as the artist). He went through a number of incarnations, literally, as he was a spirit (the most potent by far on earth) sent by God to punish murderers and other extremely wicked creatures. In the most familiar version, he is bound to Jim Corrigan, a police lieutenant slain by gangsters. Sometimes Corrigan was depicted as still being alive, but to me it always made more sense that Corrigan was basically just the Spectre himself in mortal guise. At first it would seem that The Spectre is too complicated (and too grim) to be of much use to us as a model here, since our purpose (which I nearly forgot once I got going with all this comics history!) is "What powers and abilities should Captain Woodshed have?", but we'll see about that in a moment.

The Spectre in his early days (1940's), exact source unknown.
But in drawing a character such as Captain Woodshed, I recognize that his very name signals his primary ability. But can he fly? Can he become invisible? Can he be another "Man of Steel?" If I'm going to stick with this character, I think his skills should be more expansive than just: Can spank naughty girls. Any ideas on this?
I don't think the most common superheroic skills (super-strength, flying ability, etc.) would really help CW. Nor can I picture him climbing up walls like Spider-Man, although SM had a Spider-Sense which warned him of danger, and this is suggestive. Getting back to The Spectre for a moment, one of his abilities was to sense evil, to be able to home in on it. This saved a lot of time roaming around just looking for someone bad enough to be deserving of The Spectre's full wrath, which was pretty terrible. And a modified version of this could be just what CW needs.

What I have in mind is giving CW the power to home in on bad-girl naughtiness, wherever it might be found, and ranging all the way from simple brattiness to more serious wrongdoing (not too serious, of course). This power would be very selective, ignoring male transgressors and focusing solely on females for obvious reasons ;) . One advantage of this power is that it spares you having to find ways to make it seem probable that CW would just happen to be standing around when some bad-girl misdeed is committed. Perhaps he might also have the power to teleport to wherever the bad girl is, the better to spank her without a lot of time going by why he tries to locate her.

Anyway, that's the best I can do at 3:00 in the morning. If I think of anything else, I'll add it here. I keep thinking I should move this topic, but I'm too tired to figure out where right now!
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Re: Super heroes?

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that would be a great Super power also maybe the city he lives in should be full of tough Super villainess and crime bosses that could use some old fashion discipline that was some how never given to them when they was young :lol: the badder the female is the bigger her bottom should be making it more enjoyable to see it get spanked :D
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Re: Super heroes?

Post by jimc »

In a way I think the Captain may take his oath like the old Shadow's motto. 'WHO KNOWS WHAT MISCHIEF LURKS IN THE HEARTS OF BRATS! THE CAPTAIN KNOWS AND HE SHALL METE JUSTICE OVER HIS KNEE TO DESERVING MISCREANTS!" followed by the hearty laugh. Or Green Lantern's mantra "IN BRIGHTEST DAY;IN DARKEST NIGHT NO MISCHIEF SHALL ESCAPE MY SIGHT. BEWARE OF MY STURDY LAP AND HARDENED PALM MISCHEIF MAKERS BECAUSE I WILL FIND YOU!" Or one of theme music playing "I WILL SPANK YOU...I WILL SPANK YOU...I WILL SPANK YOU...!" as the woman is over his lap. Or like Batman's and Robin's HOLY PERIOD ( Holy Smokes I had better add some fire to that evildoers bottom because she sure needs a spanking!") And speaking of Batman he always had some bat-gadget or like Space Ghost some ray that the Captain may use to find his evildoers although he does seem to have a way of turning a phrase when he encounters someone with ulterior motives. ( I esp. enjoyed the ending of Captain Woodshed and the spy "He gave me a warming!") I did not expect it and almost fell off my chair when I read it. Have a great day.
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Re: Super heroes?

Post by daneldorado »

jimc wrote:

I esp. enjoyed the ending of Captain Woodshed and the spy "He gave me a warming!") I did not expect it and almost fell off my chair when I read it. Have a great day.

Thanks for all your kind comments, Jim. But I should tell you that the episode where Spanky Sal says "He let me off with a warming" is in the Spanky Sal series, with nothing to do with Captain Woodshed or with Olga the spy.

Again, Jim... thanks a lot, thanks very much, for reading my cartoons and for posting your thoughts on the subject.

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Re: Super heroes?

Post by jimc »

I seem to have mixed my strips together. For a very long time I did put that strip together with Olga the spy and I would have sworn that I saw it there. Thanks for setting the record straight. I do sometimes remember things, but in the wrong order. I have adult ADD and sometimes I do merge things that I saw somewhere and think it was somewhere else. I still enjoy the phrase and wanted to comment on it no matter where I saw it and say how great a wordsmith you are as I really did enjoy the phrase and the series that I read it in. Have a great day.
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