Supergirl Spanking

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Supergirl Spanking

Post by jimc »

[moved by Web-Ed from the Legion of Super Heroes Topic since the subject turned to Supergirl]
The one that is mentioned in the Superman Family is not Superman spanking Supergirl, but Lois trying to fix her Linda Robot over her knee by whacking a exposed button that she was trying to fix by hitting it with a hairbrush. This was in the series where Lois and Clark are married and Lois knew about Supergirls existance of course and they were deciding if they wanted to adopt Linda(As Supergirl and Superman were off on a mission) they had left a Linda robot with the case worker who was investigating the Kents and when she caught Lois spanking Linda she took Linda back to the orphanange and denied their application.
Last edited by web-ed on Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Changed title since I had long ago separated this topic from LSH.
John Feer

A silver age scenario (involving Supergirl)...

Post by John Feer »

[Web-Ed's note: this post by John is actually the one that started this entire topic. When I moved over some Supergirl posts from the LSH topic, I forgot that they would appear chronologically, thus dislodging this post from its proper place at the head and changing the topic name that appears on the forum! So any resulting confusion :? is my fault, not John's or Jim's.]

back in the good old days when heroines wore miniskirts proudly....Supergirl lived with her nice upper middle class parents the Danvers'. I've always wanted to see Fred Danvers' (Supergirl's entirely human foster father) lay out some strong OTK discipline on his erring adopted daughter's backside.
Even superheroines need some stern parental guidance sometimes don'cha think?
Of course the mechanics of it would take some thinking (red solar lamps, kryptonite paddle?) but the end result would be worth it!


John Feer
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Supergirl Spanking (formerly legion of super-heroes)

Post by web-ed »

[moved by Web-Ed from the LSH Topic since the subject turned to Supergirl]
I have a reprint copy of the Lois Lane/Linda robot spanking, but I haven't posted it because I can't seem to lay my hands on it. I have another digital copy which someone (maybe the Spirit) touched up, and which I will go ahead and post - in fact I'd attach it here as well except the upload isn't working - maybe later. [Note: uploaded GIF version 11/30]. I guess the way the rumors spread, some of us thought an actual Superman/Supergirl spanking might have taken place somewhere, probably in Action comics, but of course there were many other titles where it could conceivably have been and I simply don't have all the back issues. At this point, though, I'm inclined to believe it may have well been this goofy robot spanking (or the better-known one of the Supes robot spanking Lois) which started the (inaccurate) rumor of a Superman/Supergirl spanking.

[12/12/2009 update]
- Better than the reprint, I've located an original copy of Lois Lane #20 which I forgot I had, and will be posting it as part of a "weird robot spanking" series I hope to do in January 2010.
Lois Lane tries to "fix" a Linda Lee robot by whacking it with a hairbrush!
Lois Lane tries to "fix" a Linda Lee robot by whacking it with a hairbrush!
lois_lane_no_20.gif (170.16 KiB) Viewed 10651 times
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A silver age scenario...

Post by web-ed »

No question that superheroines need strict guidance from time to time in the form of OTK spankings. Fred Danvers is an interesting possibility, though I think I'd like to see your earlier suggestion with Braniac 5 as the spanker done first. I'll suggest that this take place in Kandor, where Supergirl has no super-powers and she can feel every spank! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A silver age scenario (involving Supergirl)...

Post by jimc »

i did a spanking story one time that supergirl (Linda) was due for a spanking from her father (Fred danvers) when he got home from work so she got a piece of red kryponite that takes away super-powers and exposes herself to it just as he comes in with hairbrush in hand (in this storyline as she is getting spanked as Linda she is otk as supergirl in her mind getting spanked for a mission she had botched as supergirl thus getting two for one.) Thanks for reminding me about that story (another commision idea to add to the growing list huh?)
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Supergirl Spanking (formerly legion of super-heroes)

Post by jimc »

[moved by Web-Ed from the LSH Topic since the subject turned to Supergirl]
Yes there were some stories that Supergirl did seem to need a spanking and who else but her cousin could spank her and Kandor does seem the place to go. (Now that i think of it her parents do live in Kandor now and should call her home now and then for some otk time.)
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Re: A silver age scenario (involving Supergirl)...

Post by web-ed »

Fred Danvers ... red K ... hairbrush ... spanked as both Linda and Supergirl - got it! It's going on the list. Maybe we could have Linda, while getting the hairbrush, with a thought-balloon picture of herself as Supergirl also being spanked. That's a mess of drawing, but worth it, I think.
-- Web-Ed
John Feer

Re: A silver age scenario (involving Supergirl)...

Post by John Feer »

Why limit ourselves?
As Linda Danvers she gets her fanny warmed for "breaking curfew"....and when she visits Kandor in her glamorous guise as Supergirl (Thinking she will be better appreciated there) her birth father Zor El spanks her soundly for lagging in her experiments to enlarge the city safely.

Supergirl needs LOTS of discipline...


BTW if someone has a super heroine spanking story they ought to post it somewhere on the board or the website, just a suggestion thass all

John Feer
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Re: A silver age scenario (involving Supergirl)...

Post by web-ed »

You guys are really getting into this! O.K., I admit it, so am I! You're right - no need to limit ourselves, and I've updated my list of commission ideas accordingly. With two separate spankings, though, we'd probably need three panels - one for each spanking plus a transition panel in-between where she changes to her Supergirl guise, expecting a heroine's welcome in Kandor, only to be spanked by Zor-El when she gets there! Still, I think springing for the three panels would be worth it to bring this scenario to life. :) [Later addition - I just thought of this: Zor-El should spank her using the traditional paddle of Kru-El!]

John - appreciate your suggestion on superheroine spanking stories - I'd be very happy to post anything in that line that anyone would care to write. The format can be a text file or Microsoft Word document (if the writer wants his formatting preserved), both of which I can easily transform into a web page (HTML document) and post in the Fiction Section of the main site.

And since you're too modest to say this yourself, for the benefit of everyone else who may read this, I will - John has written a large amount of this kind of material himself. I haven't gotten around to reading all of it yet, but I vividly recall one story of his in which Supergirl (who else?) receives her comeuppance at the hands of none other than Mon-El. You can find a lot of John's stories :arrow: here.
-- Web-Ed
John Feer

Re: A silver age scenario (involving Supergirl)...

Post by John Feer »

So very kind of you to recall my fanfiction, although not all my stories feature spanking scenes, some of them don't even have any fetishy elements at all.
Feel free to cherry pick the ones you like and repost them here, I only wish I had time to write these days...

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Re: A silver age scenario (involving Supergirl)...

Post by jimc »

Yes that was the scene i had done (The thought balloon was of Supergirl (small size from one of someone watching her with telescopic vision to a spanking thought panel that i had found years ago (this was in an episode of Little lotta from Harvey) The Linda being spanked was actually the Lana being spanked(almost) by her father (i had just added pigtails) as i mentioned my collection was destroyed and i just have the memories of the story as it had been many years ago when i wrote it. Of course another episode could be supergirl getting spanked by her linda robot or vice versa.
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Supergirl Spanking (formerly Re: legion of super-heroes)

Post by jimc »

[Moved from LSH by Web-Ed since the subject turned to Supergirl]
i just remembered several of Supergirl's enemies how about a spanking between supergirl and lesla lar(who does look like supergirl) another that i just thought of was when supergirl went into the past to see superboy and what a story that would have been supergirl getting spanked by superboy or pa kent spanking linda. I also would think that there is a woodshed somewhere with a red sun projector for super powered heroines in need of discipline and guidance.
John Feer

More Super-spanking notions

Post by John Feer »

Two more Supergirl scenarios featuring the modern version of the character:

1.) Supergirl's Mom, Alura MARRIES the evil General Zod on New Krypton who of course feels his super-stepdaughter needs strong over the knee discipline to cure her of her "flighty" ways.
Again he'll stop when Kara is truly tearful and penitent.

2.) General Lane captures Supergirl and imprisons her in his special "Red Solar Gulag"...He decides to demonstrate that Kryptonians aren't so tough by administering a thorough paddling on Kara's exposed and vulnerable backside...Only til she cries of course.


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Re: Supergirl Spanking (formerly Re: legion of super-heroes)

Post by web-ed »

Thanks John - I'll surely reprint at least some of your spanking fiction in the Fiction section when I can get around to it.

Jim - yes, Lesla Lar probably is the most likely female spanker for Supergirl now that you mention it. That's really quite a good idea, and will be added to the commission list behind Fred Danvers and Zor-El (and the paddle of Kru-El!). Now if I could only find some artists to bring these ideas to life, and some money to fund them!

And by the way, apologies to everyone if I've muddied the waters by moving the Supergirl-related posts from LSH to here - I was trying to keep all these wonderful Supergirl spanking suggestions together, but I forgot that the board would automatically regroup everything by posting date, making it a little hard to follow.
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Make clearer what is being responded to since I confused the chronology by merging posts over here from LSH.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: More Super-spanking notions

Post by web-ed »

"only 'til she cries, of course." Of course! Like the ideas, and they are now duly added to the commission list.
-- Web-Ed
John Feer

Re: More Super-spanking notions

Post by John Feer »

Well...Cousin Superman has always had a parental relationship with Supergirl, she ought to go over his knee as well AND be made to stand in the corner of the Fortress of Solitude to Think About What She has Done.

BTW Just a word of thanks to our Web Editor for the kind words regarding my story "A Typical Friday Night in the 30th Century", normally I never get such enthusiastic feedback. I only wish I had time to write something for this site...

Again thanks

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Re: More Super-spanking notions

Post by jimc »

yes it was a great story the visuals of the charactors was a great forward.
John Feer

Re: More Super-spanking notions

Post by John Feer »

Back in the Silver Age, Supergirl actually had a Super Horse for a pet called Comet. He got his powers via magic and could communicate with the heroine telepathically. As is so often the case, he had a thing for Supergirl although she regarded him as a pet first and foremost. Sometimes he would take on human form and would try to woo Supergirl before reverting to his super equine state.
Maybe Comet would get sick of having this comely college coed bouncing up and down on his back all day long as they go flying around together, maybe Comet (the next time he assumed human form) would take it on himself to teach Supergirl a lesson about taking her pets for granted.
And yes this involves a paddle and her sturdy blue panties down around her dimpled knees....
Bawdy Bardd

Re: More Super-spanking notions

Post by Bawdy Bardd »

He could have stayed in equine form and just given her a few flicks of the old horse tail. ;)
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Supergirl Spanked by Super-Horse

Post by web-ed »

While your horse-tail tale idea is clever, BB, I'm still going to have to go with John's paddle because that's what I always dreamed of applying to Supergirl myself when I was a lad.

And what a wonderfully weird place the Silver Age DC was! :) Not only did Supergirl ride on the back of a stallion who had once been a centaur, he had his own secret identity as the human Bronco Bill Starr, in which he actually romanced Supergirl without telling her who he was! For the benefit of those who have never read these old comics, here are a couple of panels taken from Action Comics #301 (June 1963), "The Secret Identity of Super-Horse":
Supergirl riding Comet the Super-Horse
Supergirl riding Comet the Super-Horse
action_301_comet1.jpg (94.51 KiB) Viewed 6338 times
Supergirl kisses "Bronco" Bill Starr.  Art by Jim Mooney.
Supergirl kisses "Bronco" Bill Starr. Art by Jim Mooney.
action_301_comet2.jpg (167.96 KiB) Viewed 6338 times
Actually, Comet only became human when a comet passed near earth. Whether that, and the fact that he chose to conceal his identity from her, makes the whole romance thing between him and Supergirl more or less weird, I leave to you to decide.

And speaking of Supergirl, John, I've located your story, "Supergirl versus the Kryptonite Kid," which features her getting spanked again (what a surprise). I'll be posting it in the Fiction section in a few weeks as soon as I dig up a picture of the K Kid and have time to re-code the page.
-- Web-Ed
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