Family Tradition

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Hi, Phil!

Great end to a great story! I had hoped for a quiet little mother/daughter conversation on the morning following some very dramatic spankings. Wow! The two women sat down (on some soft pillows! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) and had a nice friendly chat about life with their men and the inevitable spankings they get from those men.
Hi Boom,

I'm glad you liked the ending to my toon :D . I had hoped you would like it because you mentioned that you thought such a conversation would be both interesting and appropriate in this situation 8-) . I had to bite my cheeks when you made those comments since I already had this ending under way at the time :lol: .
hugob00m wrote: I have not been privy to one of those conversations in real life either... but it's fun to see your rendition of how such a conversation might play out.
Yeah and it's unlikely that either of us will ever be privy to such a conversation. As Vicky said to Tina, " there are some things we girls never admit to". Whatever their reasons, women do tend to keep such secrets from us and I don't think we will ever be invited to such a conversation :lol: . Still, it was fun to try to figure just what might be said and from some of the comments I've already gotten from some spankees I know, I would say that at least part of it, is right on the money 8-) .
hugob00m wrote:Your final panel is hilarious! The words, "The End", on the screen like an old-time movie, and the ladies flipping up their skirts to show an appreciative audience one last look at their well-reddened, panty-clad bottoms! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm glad you liked that :D . It seemed reasonable that they might just hold those skirts up to get some cool air to their red bottoms and besides, it provided us with some visual interest in that last pic 8-) . of course, the words THE END right in the vicinity of their ends just seemed right to me :lol: .
hugob00m wrote:After such a long time seeing these women every week, it's almost as if they've become old friends! I'm looking forward to your next story, most likely with an all-new cast of characters, but I also hope we haven't seen the last of Tina and Vicky. (Oh, here's a perverse idea for a sequel: What if Vicky gets a little too meddlesome in her grown-up daughter's life and STEVE finds it necessary to apply the paddle across his Mother-in-law's behind? How would Uly respond to his wife being spanked by his Son-in-law? How would Tina respond?)
I like it that my characters seem like old friends to you now. I'm glad I was able to get you involved in their lives :D . I see you're still thinking about them and what might happen to them in the future :lol: . The new toon, which starts this coming Friday, does indeed have a whole new cast of characters but I am hoping you will get to know them too and will enjoy the new toon. I have a hunch you will since most of them are naughty girls 8-) . As far as Vicky and Tina putting in other appearances, we will just have to wait and see. Perhaps Uly and Steve will give the girls some nice Christmas presents :D . Thanks, Phil
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hair color of spankees?

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:Also... Most all of your spankee ladies seem to be red heads... or at least brownettes. But there are lots of brunettes (black hair) out there. Can we see one of them getting spanked?
Hmmm... Yeah, I've noticed myself that you put a disproportunate number of redheads in your stories... but I've never raised any objections, since I happen to like ginger-haired spankees. Next to that you seem to have a lot of women with light-to-medium brown hair. Tammy is the only one I remember with black hair, and I don't recall any blondes. Is that just based on your own preference, or is there something about the poser program that makes extremely dark or extremely light hair more difficult to do?
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by willjohn »

Does it have anything to do with the reputation redheads have for being fiery?
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Also... Most all of your spankee ladies seem to be red heads... or at least brownettes. But there are lots of brunettes (black hair) out there. Can we see one of them getting spanked?
hugob00m wrote:Hmmm... Yeah, I've noticed myself that you put a disproportunate number of redheads in your stories... but I've never raised any objections, since I happen to like ginger-haired spankees. Next to that you seem to have a lot of women with light-to-medium brown hair. Tammy is the only one I remember with black hair, and I don't recall any blondes. Is that just based on your own preference, or is there something about the poser program that makes extremely dark or extremely light hair more difficult to do?
willjohn wrote:Does it have anything to do with the reputation redheads have for being fiery?
hi everyone,

OK, after reading your comments I started wondering about this since it was always my intention to kind of rotate through all the hair colors and do some of each. I went through the toons I have posted here, checked the hair colors of all the spankees and totaled them all up. here are the results;
6 red heads, 6 brown, 2 blonde and 2 black. Now, that leaves 2 more that are less objective. one of them is kind of a reddish brown and the other is more reddish blonde. If we count those at red heads, that would make them the most numerous. i am assuming I was not counting them that way at the time I did the toons.

each of the different hair styles I use for my Poser girls, has it's own set of colors that can be used with them. they are all different and it's not always straight forward as to just what color they are. Still, it's obvious that I have used a disproportionate number with red or brown hair and very little black and blonde. I'm not sure why that is?? I am also a bit puzzled because in real life, I generally tend to be attracted to girls with brown hair......although I like red heads too. the spankee in the new toon I will be starting is blonde this time. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Family Tradition Conclusion

Post by web-ed »

Phil, this is a remarkable conclusion to this wonderful series! The last panel with "The End" will be remembered fondly by all who see it! :D

Now as to the central hypothesis that underlies this 10-panel coda, if we may borrow a musical term, that women sometimes discuss their spankings, I have no doubt that it does indeed occur, especially among young women. In women the desire to share experiences is very strong, and there is no doubt that young women sometimes discuss sexual matters. But with women, we must remember that fear and embarrassment are much stronger restraints than they are with men, so many spanko women are left feeling strange and isolated, and are intimidated from disclosing to a trusted friend that they want (and get!) spankings. No doubt they often wonder how they could bring the subject up without revealing too much - such is the female psyche. Perhaps Sunflower or one of our other female readers would like to comment further.

As to the execution, I think you did a good job. You are running up here against one of the central problems with the comics medium, really in my view its greatest limitation: it does not support extended monologue or dialogue very well. Extended dialogue works better in every other narrative medium: prose, drama, and film, although even there you have to watch it and break the dialogue up somewhat. To keep a good balance between words and pictures, you need a whole lot of pictures! Very hard on the artist, while easier on the writer (prose) or actors (drama) or cameraman (film).

Here's an example of the difficulty you would face adapting something like Hamlet to comic form. The artwork and commentary are by Will Eisner in his Comics and Sequential Art:


You can see how many panels it would take to do the complete soliloquy that way. And so no one can really fault you for having somewhat word-heavy panels here, because that's just the medium: you either keep the speeches very short or else use a different medium. And no one could reasonably expect your to present this as a TV movie, although it would have worked pretty well :lol: !

I'm sorry to see this one end, but I know as soon as you're rested and refreshed you'll be cooking up some new surprises for us here in your gallery! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Phil, this is a remarkable conclusion to this wonderful series! The last panel with "The End" will be remembered fondly by all who see it! :D
hi web-ed,

I'm glad you enjoyed it :D . I thought it was something that hadn't been done before, as well as one of my favorite fantasies 8-) . I didn't know if the girls would actually want to raise their dresses to cool their bottoms off or not but I did figure that everyone would want so see it and I thought we needed some visual interest :lol: .
web-ed wrote:Now as to the central hypothesis that underlies this 10-panel coda, if we may borrow a musical term, that women sometimes discuss their spankings, I have no doubt that it does indeed occur, especially among young women. In women the desire to share experiences is very strong, and there is no doubt that young women sometimes discuss sexual matters. But with women, we must remember that fear and embarrassment are much stronger restraints than they are with men, so many spanko women are left feeling strange and isolated, and are intimidated from disclosing to a trusted friend that they want (and get!) spankings. No doubt they often wonder how they could bring the subject up without revealing too much - such is the female psyche. Perhaps Sunflower or one of our other female readers would like to comment further.
OK, I know of one case personally where a young woman I spanked did indeed talk about it afterwards with a friend so it does happen. However, considering that spanking is not a routine part of most relationships, I have to figure it doesn't happen all that often, just for the reasons you mentioned. In this case, It seemed to me since Tina watched her mother's spankings, Vicky wouldn't have any of that hesitation discussing them with her daughter. Tina, in turn would then not have had so much hesitation to talk to Vicky about hers, especially since Steve had already mentioned that he spanks Tina. I had one spankee friend tell me that she found it plausible but thought it would be more likely that a woman would be more comfortable discussing a spanking with a close friend than with her mom. That actually seems reasonable to me but again, in this situation, the mother/daughter discussion seemed like it could happen to me.Of course, all this takes place in my idea spanking fantasy world in this case :lol: .
web-ed wrote: As to the execution, I think you did a good job. You are running up here against one of the central problems with the comics medium, really in my view its greatest limitation: it does not support extended monologue or dialogue very well. Extended dialogue works better in every other narrative medium: prose, drama, and film, although even there you have to watch it and break the dialogue up somewhat. To keep a good balance between words and pictures, you need a whole lot of pictures! Very hard on the artist, while easier on the writer (prose) or actors (drama) or cameraman (film).
I'm glad you thought I did well on this :D . This format at the end of the toon was the only way I could think of to depict this discussion at the time. I agree with your comments and the problems with a lot of dialog are exactly what has kept me from doing some things in other toons that I might have done otherwise. I was originally going to do just 2-3 pics but that proved to be impossible. Since I needed so many pic, I chose just 2 locations and changed the pics very little from one to another for the most part. Where the girls are sitting on the couch, I mostly just changed the positions of their upper bodies and left the lower bodies the same from pic to pic just to cut down the work. It is more visually boring that way but my emphasis was on the dialog. of course, I did include some panty peeks as they were sitting and the raised dresses for the end 8-) .
web-ed wrote:You can see how many panels it would take to do the complete soliloquy that way. And so no one can really fault you for having somewhat word-heavy panels here, because that's just the medium: you either keep the speeches very short or else use a different medium. And no one could reasonably expect your to present this as a TV movie, although it would have worked pretty well :lol: !
I thought the Hamlet example by will Eisner made your point well. It would indeed take a long time to do the whole play in a comic strip :lol: . I had a lot of positive comments about this ending and a number of folks have asked me to do more of this kind of thing. Since I did these 10 panels, I have given the matter some thought and I think I've come up with a different way to do this sort of thing that might work without adding a lot of extra panels to the toon. I don't really know it it will work until I try it, which I may do in the toon I'll be starting Friday.
web-ed wrote:I'm sorry to see this one end, but I know as soon as you're rested and refreshed you'll be cooking up some new surprises for us here in your gallery! :)
The new toon is already in the works and I am planning on posting the first 4 pics, to get us started off , this Friday :D . Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed "Family Tradition" :D . thanks, Phil
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