it looked good

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Posts: 371
Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:10 am

it looked good

Post by jimc »

I enjoy the topics that are posted here, but it looks like it was not that popular as there were only 5 contributors pity It loooked like it would be a popular site. Thanks for all you do web.ed. We do enjoy your time and your findshope the bulletin board does find its identity.
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Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:30 pm
Location: Chicago, Illinois USA

Re: it looked good

Post by web-ed »

Thanks - I would like to see more traffic too. It may be that usage will pick up somewhat as we go along. Some regular visitors may not have seen the board yet as we've only been up since Nov. 20. Then again, it's holiday season, and potential viewers may be too busy right now to get involved. The site had been getting 8000 - 10,000 unique visitors per month, but so far in Dec. we've only had 1200 instead of 3000 as we might reasonably expect at this point in the month, which supports that theory. Finally, the major search robots should have had time by now to find the board, so future searches on things like "comic strip spankings" may bring the users here directly, without going through the main site.
-- Web-Ed
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