publicity photos... real and fake.

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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks, Web-ed, and I'm sorry that you are ill again. Get well soon.

The Michael Cromer/Sybil Danning film that you have identified as "Loves of a French Pussycat" is not the movie's original title. When it was first released in Germany in the 1970s, the title was "Das Madchen mit der Heissen Masche," which translates to English as "That Girl with the Hot Personality." The title, of course, refers to Danning's character.

Cheers and get well soon,
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: Hi. Back in about 1999 or so, I was surfing the tube late one night, and I chanced to spot this scene on my TV screen. Startled at what I took to be an unknown spanking scene from some foreign film, I quickly grabbed my VCR and a blank videotape. For the next hour, I happily recorded the film, which I now know is a German film from 1976. The spanker here is Germany's Michael Cromer, and the lovely blonde over his knee is the American actress Sybil Danning. The spanking action is very real, and it looks just right.

There is a second M/F over-the-knee spanking in the film, and I may post it later, but it is not in the same league as the delightful Cromer/Danning action.

Replies, anyone?
Hi Dan,

The photo you have posted here is very interesting and I'm sorry I didn't get to see the movie. Our spankee looks as if she isn't enjoying this experience at all.......just the way I like it :lol: . Hopefully web-ed will be able to get the spanking portions of this one for us to see. In the mean time, I might check and see if I can find it online somewhere. Thanks, Phil
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by hugob00m »

I haven't seen the movie either, but the still photo is quite appealing. Could you possibly explain in a nutshell what the pretty young lady did to get herself into that predicament?
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by hugob00m »

There are a WHOLE LOT of McLintock! stills out there. Here's another one that I think is REALLY HOT!
John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara in McLintock pose 2..jpg
John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara in McLintock pose 2..jpg (174.38 KiB) Viewed 7456 times
I like the look of indignation on Ms. O'Hara's face... AND the thin fabric of the seat of her pantaloons seems to be stretched especially tight across her soon-to-be-paddled bottom!
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by hugob00m »

Dan? Huh? What happened to your question about the legality of what we're doing with these publicity photos? Did you delete it yourself, or did something else happen? I didn't have an answer, but I was hoping someone would.

I'm not any kind of expert on copyright law, but I'm pretty sure we're not violating anyone else's intellectual property by posting these pictures. (The ones I posted have been floating around the internet for ages.)

Does someone have a definitive answer? Web-ed, maybe?
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Re: McLintock, and Copyrights

Post by web-ed »

First, on the McLintock photo - another good one, B00m! This was, of course, one of the great movie spankings in history, so one never gets tired of it. :D I'm going to have to check to see when I promised to post the spanking scene from the comic-book version, and schedule it accordingly.

Second, as to the copyright issues of using movie stills - I take it Dan had posted some question about this and then deleted the post before I could find the time to get back to the board and see it. Sigh :( - playing catch-up all the time is very uncomfortable, but my circumstances don't leave me much choice these days. As far as the copyrights go, we should be in the clear because:
  1. The copyright owner would generally be the studio or whomever they later sold the film to, and they only benefit from the use of these stills because it generally increases interest in the product. Thus they have no reason to sue or even threaten legal action because they benefit from publicity (the original purpose of these stills, after all, unless they were later extracted from the films through digital means) provided that we aren't implying by our posting of a still that we own the copyright. I will come back to this point in a moment.
  2. There is such a thing as "fair use" even of copyrighted material. In such a case, that we are not presenting any substantial part of the film but instead only a few stills or a short video extract featuring a spanking, and our erudite discussions here, would be taken as evidence that our purpose was intellectual or educational and that what we did was indeed fair use and not copyright infringement.
So go ahead and freely post spanking stills from movies here. There is, however, one thing we should do to minimize CSR's potential liability over copyright issues, and that is to make it clear we are not asserting our own copyright over the material, as mentioned above. That's why so many of the superhero spanking scenes I post on the main site say things like "copyright Marvel Characters Inc." We do that by inserting a copyright notice if we know who the copyright holder is (if you don't, then don't worry about it - believe me, the studios have bigger legal problems than worrying about CSR theoretically asserting some copyright claim against them at some far distant date. Just put "Copyright (year optional) [insert studio name here]" under the picture.
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by daneldorado »

Wow, that was fast.

Early this week I posted here a question about copyright laws and how they may, or may not, affect what we do here. After my comment was posted, I re-read it and decided the question was incomplete and required additional information... which I intended to supply. So I deleted my message from this forum and set about re-writing it.

Naturally I had zero expectation of anyone posting a reply to my original post before I could finish the rewrite.

So I reconstructed my original question to add information about copyright law themes such as Fair Use, the "1923 law," Public Domain, and the changes in the law occasioned by the Berne Convention as amended December 6, 2011.

But then, I learned that some of you eager beavers had jumped in here to challenge -- or at least, question -- my concerns about copyright infringement. And so, as I mention at the top of this page... Wow, that was fast.

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Re: Copyright Laws

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:Wow, that was fast.
We aim to please, Dan :lol: .

Actually, I've been so busy important things have been neglected, and I'm often not able to respond to anything until days have gone by. If it's the Web-Ed mailbox, it might be weeks, which is why it was so long before I realized you were still having trouble logging in (which I'm glad is fixed at last). I'm trying to do better, but I'm just buried.
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by daneldorado »

Getting back to those publicity photos....

Here's a still that shows a spanking that really DID happen, in the British film "The Ups and Downs of a Handyman" (1976). It's a mainstream film (just barely!) and it contains about six (6!!) scenes of pretty ladies getting spanked! Here, the old squire is played by Bob Todd, a regular on the old Benny Hill programs. The VERY willing spankee is Sue Lloyd.


Here's another scene from "The Ups and Downs of a Handyman". The squire spanks his wife, played by Olivia Syson, as they both take a shower.


Now it's your turn... again.

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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by web-ed »

These are good ones, Dan! I remember seeing the spanking scenes somewhere, probably on your old Cinema Swats series (still available, I believe - go to the Links Page of the main site to find the link). Bob Todd isn't with us any more, but he will always be remembered by Benny Hill fans, as well as by spankos for his performance as the happy-to-spank squire in this film. :D
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by daneldorado »

Speaking of publicity stills, here is an odd one. This is yet another scene from the British production "The Ups and Downs of a Handyman" (1976). We see old Bob Todd spanking the young and lovely Ava Cadell. Ava does not seem the least bit unhappy about her "ordeal." Quite the contrary, she likes it! Here's the story:

The plot of this film calls for the village squire (Bob Todd) to indulge his fetish of finding girls to spank. He even wanders into the countryside on horseback, looking for spankees the way a game hunter searches for foxes in the underbrush. The movie shows him finding, and spanking, a young schoolgirl stripped to her underwear, FOUR (4!) different times. We see the spankings but we never see the young woman's face. What's that all about? Maybe the British censors didn't want to deal with public fallout that might protest that the girl is "too young" to be seen getting spanked on screen.

Anyway, the film was released and quickly became a favorite in the spanko community. A bit later it was revealed that the spankee (supposedly a "schoolgirl") was played by Ava Cadell, 20 years of age at camera time... and here we can see her lovely face.


By the way, Web-ed, thank you for submitting a comment here. Honest to God, I was on the verge of deleting this whole post for lack of interest. This subject has come up many times, but I continue to feel offended -- even insulted -- if I go to the trouble of creating a relevant message (especially one with pictures) and nobody posts a follow-up comment within a reasonable time. Please note that Web-ed, b00m, Overbarrel and I always respond when someone has posted a new message. It's the gentlemanly thing to do.

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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:By the way, Web-ed, thank you for submitting a comment here. Honest to God, I was on the verge of deleting this whole post for lack of interest. This subject has come up many times, but I continue to feel offended -- even insulted -- if I go to the trouble of creating a relevant message (especially one with pictures) and nobody posts a follow-up comment within a reasonable time. Please note that Web-ed, b00m, Overbarrel and I always respond when someone has posted a new message. It's the gentlemanly thing to do.
I apologize for being one of the people who didn't comment "within a reasonable time". It had been so long since anyone had posted to this thread that I had stopped checking it. Sometimes I get frustrated too when one of my posts doesn't get an immediate response, but keep in mind that not everyone checks this site every day.

I've never seen The Ups and Downs of a Handyman, but the stills look interesting. Thanks for sharing these pictures.
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by web-ed »

And that brings us back to the seemingly insoluble problem of "lurkers". The fact is there are many people who will come here or to the main site to see what we have but won't comment on it. Probably nothing could convince most of them to come out of the shadows, and there is the further deterrent of having to send me an email before their membership on this board can be activated because too many spambots keep trying to register (and successfully reading the captcha, which always amazes me!).

If I just let anyone register without approval, the spambots will overwhelm me with their stupid spam posts (it takes a lot of time to track down their web host providers and file a complaint to try and cut them off at the source). But by forcing new users to take the additional step of sending me an email, I discourage those who really want to comment right away. Still no solution to this dilemma that I can see.
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by daneldorado »

Hi... Not sure if we have already covered this topic on this forum, but here are two (2) publicity stills showing the petite MGM star June Allyson being spanked over the knee of her co-star. Only one of these spankings actually made it into the films she was appearing in, but I have long had the feeling that little June enjoyed getting spanked for real. Just something about her perceived attitude. Or, in my case, maybe the wish is father to the thought.

In this first shot, June is spanked by Van Johnson in a publicity still for their film "Too Young to Kiss" (1951). She is actually seen getting spanked in the movie itself, though in a different background.


And here, June gets what looks like a disciplinary spanking from her co-star David Niven, in their film "My Man Godfrey" (1957). No actual spanking in the film, but again... I think she liked it. :D


The Chicago Spanking Review does not claim copyright ownership of these photos, and they are being used here purely under the "Fair Use" provisions of the law.

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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by web-ed »

Thanks for posting these, Dan, and for the copyright notice. I can't remember if we've seen them or not. I really should catalog all the movie spanking stills that everyone has posted, but I simply haven't time for another project like that right now. I also need to check if anyone has posted the spanking still from She Wrote the Book, because that one was actually printed in two Humorama publications! (And yes, we'll be seeing them whenever I finally get around to doing a series on Humorama's non-cartoon spankings - there were several, and I believe I have them all. :)
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed... Thanks for your commentary. Thanks also for mentioning my favorite movie spanking of all time, the walloping of Joan Davis, by Kirby Grant, in Universal's "She Wrote the Book" (1946). This one is my favorite, partly because the over-the-knee positioning is pretty much perfect, and Joan Davis (who almost definitely enjoyed being spanked) elevates her fanny while she is over Grant's knee. This is an open-palm handspanking, and I've got to believe that Joan told Kirby to really "lay it on..." and he DID!

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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: In this first shot, June is spanked by Van Johnson in a publicity still for their film "Too Young to Kiss" (1951). She is actually seen getting spanked in the movie itself, though in a different background.
Hi Dan,

Thanks for posting these. I find them very enjoyable to look at :D . I guess I haven't seen this one although I don't know how I missed it. I'm going to try to find this somewhere so I can see it. I especially like this one because of the school girl type socks and shoes that she's wearing, which seem to go nicely with the title of the movie :D . I don't know if June liked getting spanked or not but I always like to allow myself to think so 8-) . It seems we think Alike in these matters ;) . Your knowledge of these mainstream movie spankings seems to be quite superior and I'm glad you've made a study of them. Thanks for sharing these with us. Phil
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by daneldorado »

Back in 1948, this publicity shot probably gave tons of spankos a near heart attack. It is a photo of a spanking that did NOT happen in the movie, but the pose is so perfect, you kind of sort of got the impression that it should have happened. All you students of OTK spankings, feast your eyes on this pic. Kirk Douglas pretends to spank his co-star Laraine Day over his knee... and a prettier spank photo we'll never see. Whoever put these stars in position for the shoot, must be a great fan of our favorite pastime.

The film is called "My Dear Secretary" (1948).


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My Dear Secretary

Post by web-ed »

An oldie but a goodie, Dan :D . Laraine Day is gorgeous and her expression is just perfect. What a pity there was no spanking in the movie.

Here's a wild idea: does anyone think this still might have been the inspiration for all the secretary spanking cartoons that began appearing in 1955 in men's humor magazines? The first Humorama OTK "spanker" involved a secretary, and in a few weeks when we resume Rivals of Humorama, we're going to be seeing two more secretary spankings. One of these Dan posted several years ago on this board, and I have positively identified its source, while the other one has never been seen on the internet as far as I know and is now the earliest known secretary spanking cartoon.
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Re: publicity photos... real and fake.

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi Dan,

That is indeed a great pose and I thought the fact that she still has her pad and pencil in note taking position was hilarious :lol: . I like web-ed's idea that this might have been the inspiration for the humorama spankers :D . We'll probably never know but it's an interesting idea. It could be that spanking your secretary is such a natural idea that this pic encouraged artists who were already thinking along these lines. Phil
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