Shadow Lane videos

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Shadow Lane videos

Post by daneldorado »

I apologize in advance, if Web-ed has a policy AGAINST "promoting" independently-sold spanking videos. I've never seen anything like that on this site, so maybe you don't like to mention them here. And if that's so, feel free to delete this post.

The thing is: I just stumbled across a snippet of a video from Shadow Lane that features Amelia Rutherford getting spanked by a guy named Keith. We've seen stuff like that before, right? But maybe not like this.

In this video, the statuesque Amelia (she is said to be 6 feet tall) goes over Keith's lap and he then proceeds to give her at least ONE HUNDRED visible smacks on her ass, and though she protests verbally, we don't buy it; she seems to be "getting off" on the spanking. As for Keith, I've never been a big fan of his work, but in this video he comports himself admirably, giving Amelia a sound spanking with his bare hand, alternating buttocks randomly, landing rhythmically on each.

What is really rich, in addition to the excellent action, is the "plot." Supposedly, Amelia is a music teacher, and one of her students is Keith's daughter (unseen). The daughter has just failed her music class, and Daddy is annoyed by this, believing that his little girl is an excellent pupil. So, Keith seeks out the teacher and spanks her for failing the daughter. I have never seen a video with that scenario as its premise but as I say, Amelia and Keith perform it to perfection.

All I have is a snippet, but we do see over ONE HUNDRED swats land. And the action is excellent. I don't know the title of the video, and I can not find it on Shadow Lane's website. Maybe this one was a separate commission? But anyway, if you chance to see mention of a video with Keith and Amelia Rutherford, know that it is a gem. At least the part I got to see.

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Re: Shadow Lane videos

Post by web-ed »

Don't worry Dan - it's absolutely no problem here on the board for someone to alert everyone else to a spanking in a book, play, or movie, or a spanking video, that they've enjoyed. I don't do commercials on the main site is all - for one thing I don't want to slow down the pages loading - although I do of course provide links when I use someone's copyrighted spanking photo. And we've always liked Shadow Lane here at CSR (although we could do without the explicit sexual acts that sometimes turn up in a few of their videos). I personally used to buy some of them back when I had money.

I think the video you're referring to is here: As Tears Go By 2. Keith Jones has apparently always been well-liked by the SL models, and when you're asking a girl to get her bare bottom spanked on-camera, you naturally want to keep her as happy as possible. Amelia Jane Rutherford is one of the better-known spanking models around, and unlike some of the flakier ones who only last about a year and then drop out of the scene, she's stuck with it for at least the last 10 years or so I'd guess (without checking).

Amelia is genuinely into the scene and has an extremely shapely backside. One of my very favorite spanking scenes is a 12-stroke caning she took on her bare behind while bending over a table with her back well arched, although this was for Firm Hand and not Shadow Lane.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Shadow Lane videos

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks, Web-ed, for chasing down that Shadow Lane video I was inquiring about. (Hey, did you know that I was in a couple of Shadow Lane videos myself, back in the day? :) )

But, as charming as Amelia Rutherford can be, while across a man's knee getting a hand spanking, I cannot endorse the use of the cane on a person's backside. I know, I know, a lot of you guys are probably "into" that, but I see it as sadism. The dominant cannot possibly be sexually aroused by striking the submissive's flesh with a thin rod with the ability to cut into the skin -- something that, I am positive, actually HAS happened in these videos. I much prefer to spank with the palm of my hand, for that way the spanker can FEEL the experience along with the spankee; now THAT's a turn-on! Yeah, a shared tactile event... something you cannot get when you use a weapon!

You mentioned that Amelia has stuck with being the sub in spanking videos for about ten years, and I think that's about right. Did you know that this nubile charmer is turning 40 this year? She still looks as great and as spankable as ever, so I'm thinking she works hard to keep her body in excellent shape.

BTW: Apropos of nothing at all, have you ever noticed that, whenever she appears in a Shadow Lane video, she is billed as "Amelia Rutherford," but when she appears in a Firm Hand Spanking film they call her "Amelia Jane Rutherford?" Maybe it's a contractual matter, I don't know.

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Re: Shadow Lane videos

Post by web-ed »

I knew that you had been in some SL videos, Dan, but I've never seen them - maybe some day. The fact is I was always pretty broke when SL was getting started, and by the time I had any money the internet was getting developed enough to find spanking stuff there, plus I became even more pressed for time once I started CSR in 2004.

As for the cane - it's like any other implement in that it must be used with care. I wouldn't want to see poor Amelia or any other model getting caned really hard (those Romanian caning videos some CSR readers may be familiar with were certainly too harsh - at least I believe they were filmed in Romania), but proper implements properly used are not the least bit dangerous. I'm happy to report that Amelia had nothing worse than 12 lovely red lines to show for that caning. It's just like paddling - use an implement that's not too heavy with not too much force and it can be tremendous fun. (And the cane has a disciplinary feel to it that works well for disciplinary scenes). Amelia has, of course, taken a lot of hand spankings as well.

I'm not sure about the "Amelia" vs. "Amelia Jane" - it was probably a marketing question. Anyway, she's been a top spanking model for a long time, and we're lucky to have her. :)
-- Web-Ed
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