Weekly Updates

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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/21/2012

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:I have read stories of Lana Lang being spanked by Lex Luthor, but the pictures never turn up.
By coincidence, just this week I mentioned under the "Missed Opportunities" topic that Lex Luthor did once spank not Lana Lang but Lois Lane :!: It took place off-panel, however, and because Lois is only 15 at the time I declined to show either the pre-spanking panel or the after-the-spanking rubbing. It's not OTK - Luthor has a female assistant restrain Lois while he uses what appears to be a short cane. I have sent you the relevant panels via email so you can see them for yourself (and I will do the same for anyone else who wants to see them).

So alas! - the only two known spankings of Lana in the actual comics are both by her father (the one in which she's a teen-ager, which I interpret to mean 18 or 19, is of course available in Comics Gallery 2).
overbarrel49 wrote:i like Herc's rank spank. the spankee is nicely drawn and very feminine looking with a nicely rounded bottom :D . the spanker actually looks like a Colonel to me and from the shit eatin' grin on his face i'd say this is a clear case of RHIP :lol: . i remembered this military spanking pic by Invidia which she titled Shockawe and thought i would post it here with my reply just in case we don't already have it at CSR. you can move it where ever you like.
Thanks for pointing out the spanker's rank - Dan made the same observation and I have corrected my crazy copy. I don't know why I wrote "General" - maybe I was mixing it up with DeCarlo's similar cartoon where the spanker is indeed a Major General. Anyway, I changed the copy back to my original title, "Rank Spank". Thank you too for providing us with Invidia's military spanking, which is not currently in the CSR Picture Gallery, but will be in the future when I get around to it.
daneldorado wrote: You might want to change the title on your first cartoon, though. It says: "General spanks Private," yet the toon itself shows us a bird colonel spanking a PFC...Cheers and thanks again for the work you do...
You're most welcome, Dan - it's my pleasure. And thanks for correcting our military spanker's rank along with Phil - as noted, I've fixed the blurb now.
butch wrote: It also made me wonder how many female Wac Nurses and secretary was spank during the war and lets not forget some of the women in those countries like Japan Italy and Korea :twisted:
There must have been a few instances of female military personnel spanked by male superiors during WWII, although I still don't know of any documented cases (as I've mentioned before, there was a Sergeant spanks female Private incident that took place in the Marine Corp, with the Private's consent, but this was post-war). Likewise, there have been many published reports of WRENs being caned in Britain during the War, but there's no conclusive evidence that these are anything other than fantasies. Still, military spanking is a nice fantasy, and I'm a little surprised there haven't been more videos on this theme, although there have been some.

The spanking of indigenous women by American military personnel, while it might have taken place, would probably have been kept as quiet as possible to avoid inflaming local opinion against us. Indeed, it's almost surprising that enemy propagandists never thought of concocting such a story to give us a black eye. Of course if it had happened, it would probably have been a boyfriend/girlfriend type of thing that nobody would have complained about.

[After I wrote this post, I remembered this item, originally from Tan Her Hide, that Chross linked to recently:
A sailor spanks his Australian girl friend for stowing away!
A sailor spanks his Australian girl friend for stowing away!
SandraH from tanherhide.jpg (159.53 KiB) Viewed 4403 times
Luckily for us (America), Australia has always been a close ally, and no formal protest was ever lodged. We wouldn't be surprised if the Prime Minister approved of the spanking :!: ]
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Add picture of sailor spanking his Australian girlfriend.
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 09/28/2012

Post by web-ed »

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.

Fall is here, and we must bid a fond farewell to Super-Spanking Summer II with what I hope is a suitably big finish:
  • First, our "Batman Family" entry this week once again features Harley Quinn, whose backside by now is probably a more familiar sight to CSR readers than her face as Batman Spanks Harley. This is a good, simple, OTK bare-bottomed scene - the spanking basics, well done by the artist, Reks.
  • Next, we conclude our "Spider-Man Family" series as Spidey's female counterpart Spider-Woman Gets Spanked by The Black Widow and then
  • Spidey tries to swing to the rescue but is too late to prevent his wife Mary Jane from being spanked by the Green Goblin! Last week I didn't really explain who Gorilla Grodd or The Huntress were, so this time I made sure to give you some of the history on MJ and the Goblin. This piece is in the form of a fictional Spider-Man comic book cover, and it's one we'd all have loved to see!
  • Finally, the historic third spanking of a superheroine by a superhero in an actual comic-book we've been promising as Megaton Man Spanks Megaton Girl! Perhaps it doesn't quite have the impact it would if the characters were better-known, but it's still a landmark scene because (1) It's only the third time a superhero takes a superheroine OTK in an actual comic, and (2) the superheroine is on board with her spanking and in fact deliberately provoked it! Readers may recall that neither Sue Storm nor the arrogant Moondragon were particularly pleased to be taken over Ben Grimm's big knee (that's o.k. in Moondragon's case as it was a "taken down a peg" type of spanking anyway). It's too bad the scene isn't in color, but a lot of alternative comics were B & W to save publishing costs. Purists were not supposed to mind B & W art, but it always bothered me because I really love color, and I'm not just referring to red bottoms :lol: .
Next week the Humorama Series returns with an artist and a cartoon I'm betting most of you have never seen before, plus we'll start updating the Picture Gallery again with two back-to-school pieces, which oddly enough focus on a single aspect of school life: corporal punishment! Please join us as three young mothers get an OTK surprise when they attend Parents Night and are held to account for their children's poor performance :) .
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:First, our "Batman Family" entry this week once again features Harley Quinn, whose backside by now is probably a more familiar sight to CSR readers than her face as Batman Spanks Harley. This is a good, simple, OTK bare-bottomed scene - the spanking basics, well done by the artist, Reks.
I liked that one the best this week... although I thought that Batman should've been more muscular and Harley should've been more voluptuous.
batman_spanks_harley_quinn_with improvement.jpg
batman_spanks_harley_quinn_with improvement.jpg (75.6 KiB) Viewed 4392 times
In this slightly altered picture, I added a bit more curve to Harley's backside (and some color too!), but I decided to leave Batman's scrawny arms alone.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

Thanks for all the SuperSpankings you have given us the past few weeks.
Hard to pick a favorite.
Who really wanted to see get spanked was the girl in the buttless leopard skin costume on the cover of Pterandonman. Maybe that lies in the future.
Spankings over skimpy or skintight clothing is , I have said, my favorite spanking artwork, whether a bikini-clad brat or an arrogant superheroinein her spandex.

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks, Web-ed:

Yet again, you have delivered a treasury of spank toons to our oh so grateful computers! Probably the best artistry among these new entries is Don Simpson's work on Pteranoman. I really admire his use of pen and brush, for he creates an alternate universe for us and does it well. Reading your comments, I feel sad that Megaton Man did not survive in the long haul, for in this episode Don Simpson sends a very strong signal that he is "one of us." Note that, even outside of the spanking panels, he gives us four (4) delicious views of a professor's young assistant bending over in the familiar "spank me" position. She doesn't get spanked, however. The Main Event is reserved for another female, "Megaton Girl", who takes a good spanking that she was obviously asking for.

Simpson's artwork here is magnificent. Although the story is surpassing ridiculous, his artistry gives the episode a sense of authority and encourages us to laugh along with him. He also uses Benday Dot screens, and here I am a little puzzled... because, in the relevant scenes, he uses the Benday screens on Megaton Girl's face but not her bare legs. Is she supposed to be African American? If so, why wouldn't her legs be as dark as her face? Puzzling.

The "Batman Spanks Harley" toon is good too, but I have to say that I prefer b00m's rendition of the pic to the original. He has provided more voluptuousness to the spankee, and a pair of red bottomcheeks too. Plus, in b00m's pic, the expression on Harley's face is one of distress rather than amusement. I prefer the b00m version. But thanks for delivering the basic scene.

Although I usually turn "thumbs down" on F/F scenes, I must say I enjoyed the pic of Black Widow spanking Spider Woman. This "El Manto Negro," whoever he is, has the right idea about creating erotic spanking pictures. In addition to the lovely view of the "action," he gives us a spectacular display of color in this image. You have called it "vivid coloring." You're right, and I would add that it is as bright as neon lights.

But I wonder about this fellow El Manto Negro. Does he not speak English? His speech balloons contain at least two misspellings... "persuade" (should be persuaded) and "just do wait."

I love your amusing commentary here. You say: "Spider-Woman better give in soon if she wants to do any sitting down later in the day!" It's true, Web-ed, so true!

The "Green Goblin spanks Mary Jane" toon is fine in principle, but in my humble opinion the panel is "too busy." Zuleta shows us a fine spanking scene, but the panel is crowded with all sorts of superfluous detail: Spider-Man in the distance, swinging to the rescue, too late to save Mary Jane's hide; not one, but TWO logos in the corners; and a lot of unnecessary paraphernalia in the background. I much prefer spanking scenes where the main focus is on the spanking, undistracted by external details. Oh, and although it is a nice touch to show Green Goblin's handprints on M.J.'s butt... the handprints shown here are much too small for hands the size of this spanker's.

However, I gotta say: Web-ed, you came through for us, yet again.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:Yet again, you have delivered a treasury of spank toons to our oh so grateful computers! Probably the best artistry among these new entries is Don Simpson's work on Pteranoman. I really admire his use of pen and brush, for he creates an alternate universe for us and does it well. Reading your comments, I feel sad that Megaton Man did not survive in the long haul, for in this episode Don Simpson sends a very strong signal that he is "one of us." Note that, even outside of the spanking panels, he gives us four (4) delicious views of a professor's young assistant bending over in the familiar "spank me" position. She doesn't get spanked, however. The Main Event is reserved for another female, "Megaton Girl", who takes a good spanking that she was obviously asking for.

Simpson's artwork here is magnificent. Although the story is surpassing ridiculous, his artistry gives the episode a sense of authority and encourages us to laugh along with him. He also uses Benday Dot screens, and here I am a little puzzled... because, in the relevant scenes, he uses the Benday screens on Megaton Girl's face but not her bare legs. Is she supposed to be African American? If so, why wouldn't her legs be as dark as her face? Puzzling.
I neglected to mention how much I enjoyed the Megaton Man/Megaton Girl spanking... along with enough of the story to get an idea of why he spanked her. I get the impression that Megaton Man was not too bright... but at least he had more sense than some of the supposedly "smart" superheroes, such as Superman.

About the Benday screen... I found that a bit puzzling too. The shading of her face and the way her facial features were drawn would seem to suggest that Megaton Girl was African American, so then why the white legs? The only thing I can think of is that her costume included white tights... but if that's the case... why does her bikini bottom fit as though she isn't wearing tights underneath? Strange! But thanks so much for posting this one! I've seen comic price guide listings that mention a "gratuitous spanking", and I've always been curious.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Holy Hairbrushes WEB-ED !! What a great set of super heroines drawing you have this week started with a otk spanking in a real comic book :o Even though Don Simpson Magaton Man Spanks Magaton Girl was light and comical it still a spanking :lol: To be it should have been a disciplinary spanking for during something dangerous that would have Magaton Girl pleading never to do again! :lol: Love the build up on this spanking with Maga catching her and turning her over his knees only problem she is enjoying it ! Good spanking fron Mr. Simpson and giving us hope that there maybe plenty of comic books spanking out there :D Reks Batman spanks Harley Quinn drawing is nice don`t like Harley smiling during her spanking :x This Batman kinda look like Adam West from tv Batman Outfit and all :lol: Great over the knee position with Harley`s plump bottom bared . Also Batman is using the right hand to spank with! only wish he would have been giving her a real spanking :lol: The best spanking on this week drawing has to be Zuleta`s Green Goblin spanking of Mary Jane :lol: This spanking drawing seem so much real! LOve how he is holding her bottom up while spanking her in mid flight! :lol: this would have been great in a real comic sand the skimpy panty she wearing and red hand prints on her bottom :lol: But I really love this drawing :twisted: Speaking of the skimpy panty she wearing great! seem the Goblin must have taken her out of bed and due to her struggling decided to give her bottom a few good spanks either that or punishing her for not dating his son Harry :twisted: :lol: REALLY GREAT DRAWING!! love to see Mary Jane spanked! Turn around is fair play and it`s about time Spider Woman got her tush warm :) Even though it should have been a male doing it! Anyway last week drawing of her spanking the Spider Girl was good her spanking is much much better ! something about seeing a grown woman spanked is a real turnon :D Love how her buttocks are plump up high on Black Widow`s lap!Also her facial expression plus protesting her punishment make this drawing more enjoyable! like when the spankee hate her comeuppance add to the humiliation :lol: Juding by her skin tight outfit it no need to bare her bottom :D only wish Captain America or Iron Man was the spanker :lol: Black Widow`s tush could use a good spanking also!! Great drawing by El Manto Negro ! 8-)
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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/28/2012

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB ED CSR!! Want to Thankyou on THE SUPER SUMMER SPECIAL II !! Having problem with my E-Mail but got your Letter!!! Many THANKS AGAIN!! 8-) 8-)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i like the Reks Batman spanks Harley although i agree that they would have been better if they weren't so thin. the prefer her bottom on Boom's version better both for shape and color :D . i also like the her expression better too. the El Manto Negro toon is more cartoony than most of the other works i've seen by him. even at that , Spider Woman does have a nicely rounded bottom though. the dialog is great and you have to admit that Black Widow does have some interesting ideas about convincing her :lol: . thanks for the history about Green Goblin, Steve Ditko and Stan Lee.........very interesting. i thought Zuleta did a great job of drawing this. i especially like the position GG has mary Jane in and the startled expression on her face :D . her legs and bottom are nicely drawn too. i can see why Pteranoman didn't last too long but i'm happy for this one issue. it must have been an interesting task to find this one since it was so well buried. it sounds like you had to overcome a bit of misdirection to turn this one up. good effort on your part :D . i enjoyed the bending over views of the professor's assistant and thought they were nicely done. i liked the story line where Megaton Man spanks Megaton Girl. i just love it when a girl who's been bratting gets a good spanking...........even if she does enjoy it :lol: . nice shot of her bending over the stool, teasing him and also the spanking panels although again, i would have preferred it if her bottom was a bit meatier ;) . i really like the expression on her face in the last panel too. seems to me she's got some pain and pleasure going on there :D . as for the difference in coloring between her face and legs goes, i assumed that she was wearing a leotard with panties or tights over them.........something similar to what Superman wore. since the drawing is black and white, it's hard to tell. a great end to super spanking summer :D . thanks for all the work in bringing it to us. phil
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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/28/2012

Post by web-ed »

On Batman Spanks Harley:
hugob00m wrote:I liked that one the best this week... although I thought that Batman should've been more muscular and Harley should've been more voluptuous. In this slightly altered picture, I added a bit more curve to Harley's backside (and some color too!), but I decided to leave Batman's scrawny arms alone.
daneldorado wrote:The "Batman Spanks Harley" toon is good too, but I have to say that I prefer b00m's rendition of the pic to the original. He has provided more voluptuousness to the spankee, and a pair of red bottomcheeks too. Plus, in b00m's pic, the expression on Harley's face is one of distress rather than amusement. I prefer the b00m version.
Thanks for doing all that work on the altered version, b00m! I'll add your version to the page as soon as I can get around to it. In keeping with the later point in the spanking which your reddening of her bottom suggests, I see you also wiped that grin off her face - or Batman did, depending on how you look at it :!: Good job :lol:

On Black Widow spanks Spider-Woman:
daneldorado wrote:Although I usually turn "thumbs down" on F/F scenes, I must say I enjoyed the pic of Black Widow spanking Spider Woman. This "El Manto Negro," whoever he is, has the right idea about creating erotic spanking pictures. In addition to the lovely view of the "action," he gives us a spectacular display of color in this image. You have called it "vivid coloring." You're right, and I would add that it is as bright as neon lights. ... I love your amusing commentary here. You say: "Spider-Woman better give in soon if she wants to do any sitting down later in the day!" It's true, Web-ed, so true!

But I wonder about this fellow El Manto Negro. Does he not speak English? His speech balloons contain at least two misspellings... "persuade" (should be persuaded) and "just do wait."
I believe that El Manto Negro is a Mexican, and like our sometime contributor Pablo uses Google translator or some similar product to translate his word balloons into English. And I'm glad you liked my commentary.

On the Megaton Man / Megaton Girl spanking:
butch wrote:Holy Hairbrushes WEB-ED !! What a great set of super heroines drawing you have this week started with a otk spanking in a real comic book :o Even though Don Simpson Magaton Man Spanks Magaton Girl was light and comical it still a spanking :lol:
daneldorado wrote: Probably the best artistry among these new entries is Don Simpson's work on Pteranoman. I really admire his use of pen and brush, for he creates an alternate universe for us and does it well. Reading your comments, I feel sad that Megaton Man did not survive in the long haul, for in this episode Don Simpson sends a very strong signal that he is "one of us." Note that, even outside of the spanking panels, he gives us four (4) delicious views of a professor's young assistant bending over in the familiar "spank me" position. She doesn't get spanked, however. The Main Event is reserved for another female, "Megaton Girl", who takes a good spanking that she was obviously asking for.

Simpson's artwork here is magnificent. Although the story is surpassing ridiculous, his artistry gives the episode a sense of authority and encourages us to laugh along with him. He also uses Benday Dot screens, and here I am a little puzzled... because, in the relevant scenes, he uses the Benday screens on Megaton Girl's face but not her bare legs. Is she supposed to be African American? If so, why wouldn't her legs be as dark as her face? Puzzling.
overbarrel49 wrote: i liked the story line where Megaton Man spanks Megaton Girl. i just love it when a girl who's been bratting gets a good spanking...........even if she does enjoy it :lol: . nice shot of her bending over the stool, teasing him and also the spanking panels although again, i would have preferred it if her bottom was a bit meatier ;)
Obviously this scene was well-received by all of you. I don't have too much to add except that I believe Megaton Girl was supposed to be African American, as Dan surmised.

On the Green Goblin / Mary Jane scene:
butch wrote:REALLY GREAT DRAWING!! love to see Mary Jane spanked!
daneldorado wrote: Zuleta shows us a fine spanking scene, but the panel is crowded with all sorts of superfluous detail: Spider-Man in the distance, swinging to the rescue, too late to save Mary Jane's hide; not one, but TWO logos in the corners; and a lot of unnecessary paraphernalia in the background. I much prefer spanking scenes where the main focus is on the spanking, undistracted by external details. Oh, and although it is a nice touch to show Green Goblin's handprints on M.J.'s butt... the handprints shown here are much too small for hands the size of this spanker's.
I agree with Dan's observations, but it's important to remember that Zuleta was doing not a "pure" spanking drawing but a mock-up of what this spanking might look like if it took place on an actual comic-book cover, which used to be crowded with all sorts of details to make sure the reader was hooked. Of course, a spanking on the cover by itself would have been enough to hook any one of us! :lol:
butch wrote: Want to Thank you on THE SUPER SUMMER SPECIAL II !! Having problem with my E-Mail but got your Letter!!! Many THANKS AGAIN!! 8-) 8-)
overbarrel49 wrote: a great end to super spanking summer :D . thanks for all the work in bringing it to us. phil
Tanner wrote:Thanks for all the SuperSpankings you have given us the past few weeks.
daneldorado wrote:I gotta say: Web-ed, you came through for us, yet again.
You're all most welcome. I've got even more super-hero spanking that I couldn't get to which in some cases has been languishing in my files for over a year! I don't know whether to start doing them in a "one here, one there" fashion or wait until next June and post them as Super Spanking Summer III. I'll have to think about it. Meanwhile, the Humorama Series rolls on ...
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Weekly Updates for 10/05/2012

Post by web-ed »

Although I have a surfeit of material at the moment, I've still got a couple of active searches going, for Golden Age comics and for more Humorama spanking cartoons. October has gotten off to a good start, and here are the September results:

Sept comic pages: 6223
Total: 387244
Comic Spankings: 2
1. Dixie Dugan; Mr. Dugan/Imogene (M/F)
2. Four Favorites #11; Mulvaney (cop) / Artie one swat with nightstick (M/M)
Neither of these will be posted since both Imogene and Artie are juveniles and since the second is M/M anyway, but they will of course make it into the DB in due time.

The Humorama search produced 6 new "spankers" of which one is unusable (the only father/son scene we have run across in Humorama) - this is an amazing result at such a late stage of the search! One of them is the Herc Secretary Spanking that by coincidence Dan recently posted over in the "Spankings in Media" forum, but the others are completely unknown. They are all M/F except for a Stiles F/F spanking in the wrestling ring, and I believe none of them have ever been posted on the 'net before.

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.

Fall is here, and with it comes school and an unexpected education for three young parents:
  • First, a daughter is surprised to see her teacher take the hick'ry stick to her mother during Back To School night. Sizzling all-female action from Rebecca!
  • Second, a very similar work as not one but two young mothers learn they should have done a better job raising their kids when they attend a different Back To School night (or maybe it's the same one at a very kinky school) and get their bare bottoms reddened by a very strict teacher.
Then Doctor Cylon returns with another version of a Boris Vallejo painting.
  • Humorama Cover Gallery - we've added another fifty or so covers if you're interested in what these publications looked like in their heyday. This is now probably the most extensive gallery of Humorama covers available on the web even though it's not anything close to being complete.
  • Humorama update: New scan of Bill Wenzel's A True Redskin.
  • The Humorama Series returns with #108 as a young lady gets spanked to keep her in the pink of condition. The only known "spanker" from Paul Hamilton, this one's a little strange, but we'll take it.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i have to agree with you that there's a lot going on in Rebecca's back to school spanking. first off, i would assume that Rebecca is no stranger to spanking judging by the great OTK position :D . i also have to wonder just which side of the lap that experience is from and i wouldn't be at all surprised if it was "both" sides ;) . her spankee is very nicely drawn and well proportioned with a round, spankable bottom which makes me wonder if the isn't used to looking at girls over her lap during a spanking. then on the other hand, the spankee is submissively taking her spanking even though tears are streaming and the ruler has been broken on her tender bottom which makes me think Rebecca also understands quite well what it is to have her own bottom spanked. i've often had similar wonderings about Paula and her drawings because she draws the female form so well and seems to have a deep understanding of spanking. anyway, i agree with your comment that it is "mostly female" artists who can make such F/F scenes appealing to us ;) . of course, in this particular case, there is more than just spanking going on here. the "teacher" is intent on giving a very thorough and humiliating spanking what with the spankee's hands being bound, her breasts bared and the broken ruler so that makes me wonder if she's just really thorough or if this is more than just a teacher spanking a parent. then there's the daughter coming around the corner and being witness to the whole scene. did she just stumble onto this or was she called here to be next? perhaps this teacher is determined to make sure there's no further trouble from this student :lol: . then there's the enigmatic smile on the teacher's face and the fact that she appears to be looking at someone straight ahead. perhaps there is a group of ladies watching and she's letting someone know they're next :o . i sure would like to know just what Rebecca had in mind when she drew this............or perhaps she just wanted to let the reader's fantasies take over when viewing this drawing. if so, it worked with me :lol: .

i like the back to school double spanking too. do we have any idea who drew this? i agree with your comment about the perfect expressions but i particularly like the teacher's expression. she is calmly going about the business at hand, self assured that she is taking the proper course of action to solve the problems she's been having. kind of makes me wonder if more moms need to be spanked by the teacher as well as the kids :lol: . i love the red, well stripped bottoms indicating a good paddling here :D i like Doc Cylon's additions to the Boris Ballejo drawing. i particularly like the way her bottom is bouncing in the second one :D . as you mentioned, Vallejo obviously has an incredible knowledge of the female body and great skill at drawing it. thanks a bunch for all the humorama covers. i really appreciate all the time you've devoted to providing these for us :D now all i have to do is find time to check the new ones out :lol: . i like Wenzel's redskin spanking and thanks for providing us with the new date on this. i had the same reaction about her expression but looking at the rather evil look on his face i agree that it will change soon...............as will her static position :lol: . i agree with you that the Hamilton drawing is weird. my first reaction was something like, "what the hell is going on". it took me a while to figure out why it looks odd :lol: i would say that he's definitely not a spanker and it would seem that trying to get a spanking scene right just added to already existing problems. great updates this week :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Hi WEB - CSR OVERBARREL!! Even though you are a month late for back to school drawings :lol: The two drawing of mothers being spank by teachers be it female\female is nice :D The over the knees is great in both drawing also love the look on the Daughter`s face in the first one :lol: In the second drawing the teacher should have made one mother watch as she spank the other then have both write on the chalk board red bottom on display :lol: Welcome back Doctor Cylon and what a very shaply bottom you had to punish today :lol: Don`t know much about Boris Vallego but the woman he drew is fantastic!!!!! What a well sculpt body she has perfect ! but no matter how well built she is her bottom when spank will still bounce like any other woman! :lol: Hear this joke in a spanking magazine talking about female body builders getting spanked! :lol: Like the Animation on the right Doctor Cylon is really swinging that paddle! :lol: Speaking of very shaply woman the humoramma covers are full of them good to see the female form more femmene Big breasts round hips and a spankable backside! :D Man the guys back in the 50`s 60`s really love women :D This is a much better scan of Bill Wenzel True Redskin :lol: And the spanking of the Native woman is great! Like how the shape of her plump rear is showing through her tight dress :) Also good over the knees action! Saving the best for last Humoramma# 108 In the Pink of condition is excellence !! This should have been call in the red :lol: Good position of the spankee ! nice form fitting panty she wearing ! and the spanker is using the right hand! Wife spanking is the best!! Wish this was drawn in color want to see her pink bottom :lol: 8-)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

@#$%! I had a really nice commentary on your latest update, but I got timed out!

I'll make this one a but shorter.

I was glad to see a high resolution scan of Wenzel's "Redskin" gag.

I've never seen Paul Hamilton's work before (at least not that I recognized) but I agree with your analysis of his style. He's really good at his shading, not so good with perspective (unless the woman who was his model was deformed) Nevertheless, it was a fun cartoon.

I'm not a fan of F/F spankings, but I liked your back-to-school feature anyway. (Of course I would've preferred to see a male principal, or some other male authority figure spank the mothers for their daughters' misbehavior!)

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by samantha »

There are many parents who need to be disciplined over their lack of participation in their child's education! I laughed when I saw the back to school cartoons, mostly because of my own consternation with parents of my students who just don't get it. But, I agree with the PP who said that they'd prefer to see a male teacher or principal do the spanking. F/F just isn't meaningful to me personally. The school where I teach has a very authoritarian male assistant principal and every once in a while I get a sideways glance at him and wonder....
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Re: Weekly Updates for 10/05/2012

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote:i like the back to school double spanking too. do we have any idea who drew this?...thanks a bunch for all the humorama covers. i really appreciate all the time you've devoted to providing these for us :D now all i have to do is find time to check the new ones out :lol: .
Shortly after posting this one, I discovered it was drawn by LoloASD, who also did that "Spider-Ladies Spanking" a couple of weeks ago. I've updated the page now with a link to his work on AnimeOTK (which is back up, by the way).

I'm glad you liked the Humorama Cover Gallery. I'm hoping that over time, Humorama fans who aren't necessarily spankos will eventually discover it. The only thing that bothers me is that I believe interest in Humorama isn't as great as many of us think it should be - maybe it's just too long ago for many younger people. It should be of interest to spankos of all ages who appreciate spanking art, though, because there never has been a comparable body of work from a commercial publishing house.
Butch wrote:Hear this joke in a spanking magazine talking about female body builders getting spanked!... Saving the best for last Humorama #108 In the Pink of condition is excellence !! This should have been call in the red :lol: Good position of the spankee ! nice form fitting panty she wearing ! and the spanker is using the right hand! Wife spanking is the best!! Wish this was drawn in color want to see her pink bottom :lol:
I don't know about female body builders getting spanked, but if they go into pro wrestling it's a distinct possibility :) . About twenty years ago I did see a female bent over a desk and given a couple of swats at a health club (I was in-between sets and had a ringside seat). I'm not sure what she did to deserve the swats, but she had a smile on her face as a reasonably good-looking guy administered them. Wish I could have joined in the fun :) .

Abe Goodman seemed to like "in the pink" gags for Humorama's spanking cartoons and prose. Unfortunately, neither pink nor red could appear in the digests (except that a one-color tint could be used for the front and back cover) because it would have raised the costs too much to have a colorist color the drawings and then have them printed the way four-color comics were. Interestingly, there were a few color humor digests from publishers other than Humorama, but I don't have many of them (no spankings yet) and I don't think they were too popular, probably because they cost more.
hugoboom wrote:@#$%! I had a really nice commentary on your latest update, but I got timed out!
Sorry about that, b00m. Whenever I'm writing a long post, here or on a political site for instance, I copy the post into my clipboard before posting it to guard against this happening. The shortcut is to right-click, "Select All", right-click, "Copy" so four mouse clicks and you're insured :) .
hugoboom wrote:I'm not a fan of F/F spankings, but I liked your back-to-school feature anyway. (Of course I would've preferred to see a male principal, or some other male authority figure spank the mothers for their daughters' misbehavior!)
samantha wrote: I agree with the PP who said that they'd prefer to see a male teacher or principal do the spanking. F/F just isn't meaningful to me personally. The school where I teach has a very authoritarian male assistant principal and every once in a while I get a sideways glance at him and wonder....
As we know from prior experience, there is a strong preference for the M/F orientation among both most men (b00m) and most women (Samantha). As I've mentioned before, the large amount of F/F work out there means that we'll continue to see it here on CSR. And with examples as good as the ones we've had lately, we hardly mind :) .

By the way, I'm glad you've joined the discussion here, Samantha. And a school-style paddling of the kind assistant principals still administer to female students in some parts of the country can certainly be arranged for you ... :lol: !
-- Web-Ed

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by samantha »

And a school-style paddling of the kind assistant principals still administer to female students in some parts of the country can certainly be arranged for you ...
Haha! When you put it that way, how can a girl resist? I could use some of that stress relief right now....its 4:30 am and I can't sleep to save my life.
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Weekly Updates for 10/12/2012

Post by web-ed »

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.

I don't like to rush the Halloween season (some people are putting up decorations in late September!), but incredible as it seems, it's mid-October already and I must admit it caught me a little by surprise this week as I looked at the calendar while planning CSR's future updates. The site decorations are now up and we'll have some special material suitable to the season beginning today with Doc Savage/Buffy and ending in two weeks with a couple of very unlikely spankers.

Also this week, the Humorama Series reaches another milestone with #109 because it's the 160th Humorama spanking cartoon posted on CSR (I had 51 of them already up when I began the series).

Finally, let us not neglect to mention that Hugob00m completed his series, Kate Tanda: Secret Spy, so don't forget to check it out!
  • Once more, Doctor Cylon takes Tram Pararam's Helen Parr and reddens her bottom. This time, it's an after-the-spanking shot we added to Doc Cylon #83.
  • Fresh from Vintage Sleaze comes this Stanton-like drawing of a girl who must touch her toes for the cane!
  • We begin a three-week celebration of Halloween with Doc Savage spanking Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  • Humorama update: New scan of Jack O'Brien's Birthday Spanking New.
  • Humorama Series #109: Tired of being called a pain in the ass, a long-suffering boyfriend decides to live up to his billing and takes his girlfriend over his knee.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

the Doc Cylon after spanking pic is a nice addition to the others. Helen's bottom is looking very well spanked, very red and no doubt very sore :D . i see what you mean about the perspective on the "touch your toes" spanking. there's something about the position of the spanker that doesn't look quite right to me too. too bad you can't see the expression on the spankee's face. i like the otk Buffy. nicely outlined bottom with some color showing :D . from her expression i'd say she doesn't like this whole process much :lol: . interesting info about Doc Savage. there is a big difference in the drawing style between 1933 and now. the young lady in getting the birthday spanking doesn't seem to be paying any attention to the spanker at all..............he, on the other hand, certainly is paying attention to the cute bottom over his knee, as his rather evil grin shows :lol: the spankee seems to be over only his left leg which makes me wonder how she's managing to support the weight of her upper body on just her finger tips. i guess it goes with the necklace box which is apparently levitating. i like the spankee's reactions to the spanking her pain in the ass boyfriend is giving her :D . i love her dismayed expression and kicking legs and looking at the enthusiasm the spanker is putting into this spanking it's no wonder :lol: you're right about the angular style and i would have preferred to see a more rounded bottom but i do like the panties, garters and hose so all in all i think it's a good one :D . more good updates. thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!! The Vintage Sleaze Girl bent over touching her toes caning drawing is ok even though she is bent over touching her toes something I like seeing her bottom is flat ! Next the spanker seem to be caning the upper part of her buttocks close to her back!Also notice she more woman than girl :lol: Her facial express is ok pained meaning this is a punishment caning this could be a Stanton drawing not one of his best! but ok!! Really like how Doctor Cylon take it to the female Disney charaters only wish to see Susan from Mosters vs Aliens get it otk something about seeing a 50 foot woman getting a spanking is a turnon :D Anyway nice shade of red Helen Parr bottom is from a heavy dose of paddle palm and ruler from Doctor Cylon. Mrs. Parr wish she had wore panty this time Nice drawing 8-) The lady in Spanking new Birthday mush really be happy with her gift that she doesn`t mind the spanking she getting from her husband :lol: Great over the knee posistion nice raise tush of the spankee Never seen work from this Artist before Jack O` Brien but this is a good drawing :D The other drawing of the Guy punishing his wife for telling people he a pain in the hiney is not only good but well deserve :lol: Love the stun look on his wife`s face as she is being spanked! Also like the line coming from her bottom making this a hard spanking :twisted: only wish to have seen flames and stars :lol: 8-) Great otk position showing a full lace panty covered rear and finally a large enouch couch giving the spankee room to kick :lol: Think wifey learn her lesson! Have seen this drawing of Doc Savage spanking Buffy The Vimpire Slayer before and as great as Buffy looks bent over one knee with her big round buns sticking up bare being spanked Doc Savage hand is just to small! :lol: I believe he should have been sitting on a rock with her bottom up on his lap! anyway great facial expression from Buffy and nice drawing!
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