Spankophiles - born or made?

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Re: Spankophiles - born or made?

Post by sunflower309 »

i guess i'll put my 2 cents into this thread. for as long as i can remember spanking has always been a "thing" with me. especially reading spanking stories. but i do not like extremes either. no bruising, bleeding etc. i enjoy a good spanking (hopefully bare bottom) with hand or small paddle. it stings, but is not painful in a bad way. i would not let anyone use a whip etc on me. or severely beat me. i have bruised on a couple of occasions but it was mild and at the start of my adult spankings. i guess my bottom is tougher now! no one else in my family has this attraction and my sisters and i were all raised the same. so i would say i was born with it. but not to the extreme.

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Re: Spankophiles - born or made?

Post by web-ed »

Your 2 cents are welcome, Sunflower. However, I believe the case I have amassed against spanking being "inborn" or genetic is overwhelming. For some reason, I forgot to update this thread last year when I finished my magnum opus on spanking psychology The Whys of Spanking. I took up the issue once again in Chapter 2, Born or Made?. Here is the summary I made there for the case against spankos being "born that way":
  1. Such a mutation would be unfavorable, tending to reduce the relative spanko population over time, yet this has never been observed, nor has it been seen with the population of any other paraphilia.
  2. For paraphilias to arise as a result of a recurring mutation in generation after generation (i.e. if the proportion of such individuals in the general population has already reached its minimum), we would expect to need a mutation rate far higher than the estimated value of 103 mutations per person (and even this estimate may be too high).
  3. Laws of inheritance require that some of the spanko's offspring would inherit the spanking desire. While there are certainly known cases where a son or daughter has followed in the spanko parent's footsteps, so to speak, the pattern seems random and uncertain, and does not follow the Mendelian laws of inheritance.
  4. No physical feature of the brain has ever been shown to be altered in any kind of paraphilia. Such alteration would seem to be a necessary consequence of a genetic cause, since genetic alterations must produce observable changes in the individual's morphology or biochemistry to manifest themselves as actual disorders.
  5. Specific preferences within spanking, such as for the use of particular implements or positions, can often be traced back to early experiences, suggesting that the desire to give or receive a spanking itself must have a similar origin.
  6. In animals, some abnormal courtship behavior can be explained through early experiences (e.g. the drake who displays at the wrong species of female, mentioned earlier) and are known not to have a genetic cause.
  7. Certain specific paraphilias (other than spanking) are believed to be caused by early experiences, e.g. voyeurism which is believed to result when a child unexpectedly sees someone naked or observes a couple engaged in sexual intercourse (see The Encyclopedia of mental disorders). And if some are caused this way, then it is likely that most or all arise in similar fashion, including spanking.
What would be finally dispositive is a case study involving identical twins, such as was done with homosexuality. My belief is that cases would be found in which one twin is a spanko and the other is not, but of course no psychological researcher has been interested enough in the question to perform such a study, which would be difficult and expensive.
-- Web-Ed
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