Threats and Missed Opportunities

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

A pratfall isn't as much fun as a spanking... but it involves the same part of the anatomy, and usually some pain stars.
willjohn wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:08 pm Millie being dropped looked like Betty being dropped by Archie.
WillJohn noticed the strong resemblance between Clicker and Archie. So did I. Someone early on decided Millie's boyfriend should have red hair and wear bowties... and then in this story the artist was Dan Decarlo. And, it has been pointed out before that when Decarlo draws a pretty girl, she often resembles either Betty or Veronica from the Archie comics. None of these Archie-oid comics ever went out of their way to differentiate themselves. And, in this case, they even had Archie's best-know artist drawing their characters.

As for the Kick... I think that in an F/F situation, A kick is better than a spanking.
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Sherry and Sexual Innuendo

Post by web-ed »

While researching Millie the Model (still ongoing), Nellie the Nurse, and Tessie the Typist, I realized yesterday I had forgotten about Sherry the Showgirl (even though I had posted the cover of issue #3 in my 2012 article "A Comparison of the Humorama Big Five" - no link here but see the Articles Page to find it). Well, today I finally got around to going through the title - there were only seven issues - and something interesting turned up in that same issue #3. It's not a spanking, but let's take a look at it anyway:

From Sherry the Showgirl #3 (December 1956). Script by Stan Lee; art by Dan DeCarlo. © Marvel Characters Inc.

"The only scout who'd be interested in you would be from the beaver patrol" says Sherry's rival Hazel - oh, boy! At first I wondered what the heck Stan Lee could have been thinking - he was no Manny Stallmann trying to push the envelope - but I finally remembered that back in the Boy Scouts of America our troops were organized into patrols that usually bore the names of animals. (Thinking back some more, I believe mine was the Gator Patrol - what a relief! :lol: ). Thus the "scout" is a boy scout belonging to his "beaver patrol". If that sounds far-fetched, I found a picture of an actual beaver patrol emblem:


I think ours were red and were worn on the left shoulder, but after all these years I can't be certain. I suppose the patrol was the scouting equivalent of the army's "squad" designation.

The Boy Scouts were quite popular here in the States until the cultural Left ruined them, so back in 1956 most people could have been expected to recognize the reference to "beaver patrol" as it was intended to be understood.
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Re: Sherry and Sexual Innuendo

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

Hmmmm... I wonder if the other meaning of the word "beaver" would be understood by kids today? I haven't heard it used that way since I was in high school. (That would've been in the early '70s)

I looked up "beaver shot" on Google, and found this:
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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Beaver Hustler`s Magazine favorite word for a females V!!! :D :D feel it not used much today because women are not hairy down there like in the old day! :twisted: :lol: :lol:
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Fighting Leathernecks and Eh!

Post by web-ed »

Very close to a recent scene we saw with Hedy Wolfe requesting a good swift kick is this one from the "Gwendolyn" strip:

From Fighting Leathernecks #2. Art by Vic Herman, who contributed to men's cartoon mags and may have drawn the sorority paddling of Winnie the Waitress (see it in Comics Gallery 2) but who did no spanking humor cartoons as far as we know.

Two girls touch the floor but no spanking paddle handy in a MAD imitator named Eh!:

From Eh! #2.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

We have some cute ladies bent over! Too bad someone like you wasn't nearby with a paddle on the ready!
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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Both Rita and Veronica have great bottoms and those high heels shoes they are wearing jutting it up just right for the paddle :twisted: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by willjohn » wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:23 pm Beaver Hustler`s Magazine favorite word for a females V!!! :D :D feel it not used much today because women are not hairy down there like in the old day! :twisted: :lol: :lol:
A very old Limerick:
" There was a young lady named Eva
Who filled up ger bath to receive 'er.
Then she took off her clothes
From her head to her toes
And a voice from the keyhole called "beaver!"
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Corliss Archer Threat and a Missed Opportunity

Post by web-ed »

Meet Corliss Archer was a radio show as well as a Golden Age comic book. It was definitely part of the teen-humor genre, and as we have seen, fathers sometimes gave spankings in these comics. None are known for Corliss, but her father did at least threaten her in the very first issue of the comic:

From Meet Corliss Archer #1.

We've seen bad secretaries get spanked more times than any of us can remember - not that we're tired of seeing them ;) - and the heroine of this filler strip, Dizzy Daisy, looks very worried in panel #3 that she's headed for a trip over the boss's knee, but alas it didn't happen:

From Mary Marvel #25.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

A couple of nice ones, alright. I really would've liked to see "Dizzy Daisy" get spanked... not that she actually deserved a spanking, but she would've looked so cute turned over Mr. Billing's knee!
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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like most comics and movies great build up only to be let down without seeing the woman or teen girl getting her bottom warm :( :(
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Melody is Going to be Spanked! (Off-panel - drat!)

Post by web-ed »

This week's missed opportunity comes from a strange source: True Movie and Television #2 (September 1950). This magazine, aimed at teen-age girls, featured "Back to school fashions, Beauty, Reviews, Comics" according to its cover. I don't remember how many pages were devoted to comics, but some time ago I filed away a little five-pager starring a girl named "Melody" and we'll see four pages of it now, which is enough to follow the simple plot.

Basically, Melody wants to get a set of barbells for her underdeveloped boyfriend Rupert, and knowing she's on her way to the store her father asks her to pick up a present (she chooses perfume) for her mother.



End of Part 1 - see below for the remaining two pages.
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Melody is Going to be Spanked! (Part 2)

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Rupert doesn't think too much of the perfume, while Mother, who's apparently a lot stronger than Rupert because she wraps the barbell around father's neck, is none too pleased with the gift. Father decides that it's time for Melody to get a spanking - and who are we to disagree? ;)


I think it's a safe bet that Melody did get spanked but unfortunately we weren't allowed to see it. The prospect alone seems to have been deemed humorous enough by the writer, whom I suspect was Gill Fox and who definitely did the art because he signed his name! Fox was really quite a good artist and Melody was better-drawn than a lot of similar teen humor strips, for example Harry Sahle's Candy. Still, in Sahle's defense we must admit he did at least give us two on-panel spankings for Candy.

Among his other talents, Fox could imitate Bill Ward's Torchy so well that Ward stated even he couldn't tell the difference! It's too bad Fox didn't emulate Ward's ability to draw spanking cartoons, but then this is six years before Ward started drawing those for Humorama.

As the audience for this magazine was overwhelmingly female, I wonder what they thought about Melody getting spanked? :)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

When I saw the name, "Melody", at first I was thinking about Josie and the Pussycats. Different Melody.

In spite of being called "Melody", it would appear that she can soon expect a percussion solo played on her rear end! :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol: :lol:
web-ed wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:07 pm I think it's a safe bet that Melody did get spanked but unfortunately we weren't allowed to see it.
It's alright with me if paternal spankings are implied and not shown.

It doesn't look like poor Rupert got to turn his ditzy girlfriend over his knee. :( :( :( :(
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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sad the writers decided to not show Melody up ended over her father`s lap get a spanking :x
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Cindy's Behind in Jeopardy

Post by web-ed »

I've taken a break from Millie the Model for a while because I'm well into the Silver Age with her and don't really expect to find any more spankings in her various titles. I'll go back to her eventually, but first I want to pursue other Marvel titles from the Golden Age where spankings are more likely.

Golden Age comics were usually 52 pages, giving Marvel's teen characters plenty of room for guest stars. That's why we find Cindy Smith in Margie #42, in a rather mild example of the "Behind in Jeopardy":


The fish hook bit is rather silly, and more slapstick follows as Cindy's brother runs his bike into her behind, perhaps to better help her mount the handlebars. We do get some pain stars at least:

From Margie #42 (August 1948) © Marvel Characters Inc.

Interesting butt-up pose for Cindy in the next-to-last panel - someone should have helped her aboard with a good swat to the rear! :lol:

There are no known spankings of Cindy yet, which is a pity because she'd make a good spankee, but because of the above-mentioned guest appearances it's always possible she'll show up in a book I haven't seen yet. I do have a spanking listed in Cindy #35 in the Comics Spanking Data Base, but it's Cindy's mother spanking some kid so it's never been posted.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed. Good find. Too bad it's a missed opportunity. I think Cindy would've looked REALLY GOOD being spanked!

Hmmm... Maybe some other artist will draw someone who resembles her, and she'll get spanked! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I' didn't know about Cindy before, but somehow... she reminds me of someone else I might've seen somewhere. :o :o :o :o
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Re: Cindy, Plus a Swat I Forgot!

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:59 pm Hi, Web-ed. Good find. Too bad it's a missed opportunity. I think Cindy would've looked REALLY GOOD being spanked!

Hmmm... Maybe some other artist will draw someone who resembles her, and she'll get spanked! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I' didn't know about Cindy before, but somehow... she reminds me of someone else I might've seen somewhere. :o :o :o :o
Yeah, I figured Cindy Smith, with her good looks and flaming red hair, was a character who'd appeal to you, B00m! ;) Although she seems to have been around for a while, it's my theory she simply couldn't survive the tremendous popularity of her fellow red head Patsy Walker.

Now for "The Swat I Forgot" although what really happened is that I didn't have time to make a second post here yesterday - drat that two-link limit! (Or two-attachment limit, in this case). This is from Blazing West #5 (May, 1949):


"Blazing" West, indeed :P ! This is a textbook example of how not to swat the female fanny - the panel is awkwardly composed, the pseudo-swat is accidental, the broom, which isn't much of an implement, looks like it's whacking Buffalo Belle on the side of her thigh instead of her ass, there are no "pain stars," and Belle says that it didn't hurt! :roll: This is so lame that even though it meets the standard for inclusion in the Data Base (hand/implement-to-butt contact) - or it would if broom actually met butt - I'm not going to bother with it.

And Belle had red hair, too! What a missed opportunity.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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Agree the broom was lame should have been a carpet Beater :x
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Jeanie Part 1 - Behind in Jeopardy

Post by web-ed »

Probably most of you have seen the cover of Jeanie #17 somewhere - it's the one where Jeanie is sliding down a bannister butt-first, directly toward the end of a medieval spear held by some party-goer wearing a suit of armor for a costume. (I actually obtained a copy forty-some years ago when the only way to search for comic book spankings was to look through catalogues. I sold it a while back.) Therefore, I'm not going to reproduce it here. But I've been researching Jeanie lately, and it seems that wasn't the only time her behind was in jeopardy. Let's see the other instances now, along with one off-panel spanking :shock: .

First up is Jeanie #13. First, Jeanie takes a pratfall, then sits down on a hot stove. Silly slapstick, but worth a brief look:

From Jeanie #13 (April 1947).

Only one issue later, Jeanie goes horseback riding, but takes a pratfall and then finds that riding on a sore butt doesn't make it feel any better:
From Jeanie #14 (July 1947). © Marvel Characters, Inc.
-- Web-Ed
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