Threats and Missed Opportunities

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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Babe is HOT!!!! and I'm hoping she is turned over a knee or switched in a few comics! speaking of Lil Abner I always wonder why wasn`t Moonbeam Mcswine never spanked ??? of all the women in that comic she was the only one never taken over a knee and spanked :twisted: :x :x :x she certainly deserve it :x :x
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Re: Babe

Post by web-ed » wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 6:07 pm Babe is HOT!!!! and I'm hoping she is turned over a knee or switched in a few comics! speaking of Lil Abner I always wonder why wasn`t Moonbeam Mcswine never spanked ??? of all the women in that comic she was the only one never taken over a knee and spanked :twisted: :x :x :x she certainly deserve it :x :x
I believe I've gone through all of Babe's issues now, Butch, except possibly for one whose existence is in doubt, so I don't think she was ever spanked. As for Moonbeam McSwine, she should certainly have been spanked for laziness and I don't know why she wasn't. Perhaps she inherited her indolence from her father, who was himself too lazy to spank her? I think she did get booted in the behind once, and we've seen that panel posted around CSR somewhere.
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High Jinks in Hedy of Hollywood

Post by web-ed »

My search of Golden Age Timely/Marvel comics continues: Hedy Devine was a lot like Millie the Model, but where Millie was a blonde, beautiful model everyone was always gaping at, Hedy was a blonde, beautiful actress everyone was always gaping at. I'd be very surprised to see her get spanked, but because her comic books were 52 pages there was plenty of room for backup features we're already familiar with, like Millie, Tessie the Typist, and Rusty, whom we'll see shortly.

All I've found so far are a series of pratfalls for Hedy and a variation of the old "step on the rake" gag for Rusty, but let's see them now from Hedy Devine #34-35:



(To be continued)
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More High Jinks in Hedy of Hollywood

Post by web-ed »



The pratfalls are pretty standard stuff. Rusty and the rake are a little more interesting, as they reverse the old gag where the guy steps on the rake and gets hit in the face (cf. The Simpsons and Sideshow Bob). We've seen Rusty (Timely's answer to Blondie) before and not long ago here, with her idiot husband shooting their neighbor in the butt with an arrow, but the imitation of Blondie is more blatant now with a more cartoony style replacing the earlier one.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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GREAT find!!! even though Hedy wasn`t spanked her bottom certainly took a lot of pain :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: never heard of Rusty comic but man does his wife has a nice curvy figure ! wonder did her bottom split the rake`s handle when smack :twisted: also notice her legs was bound by the garden hose :shock: :twisted: :lol: :lol: would love to see her over Rusty`s lap :twisted: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

Hedy sure took a lot of pratfalls in her time. Not as good as if her boyfriend had spanked her, but at least we got to see her standing there rubbing, while the pain-stars radiated from her butt! :D :D :D :D

Too bad the lady in Rusty didn't get her husband's hand instead of a rake handle! Was "Rusty" the woman's name? Because of her hair color?
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Re: Hedy and Rusty

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote: Fri May 26, 2023 9:01 pm Hi, Web-ed.

Hedy sure took a lot of pratfalls in her time. Not as good as if her boyfriend had spanked her, but at least we got to see her standing there rubbing, while the pain-stars radiated from her butt! :D :D :D :D

Too bad the lady in Rusty didn't get her husband's hand instead of a rake handle! Was "Rusty" the woman's name? Because of her hair color?
Yes - she was Marvel's answer to Blondie. Her hair color varied but was usually auburn; in this last "rake" episode she was colored as a redhead, which should please you, B00m! She was also made more cartoon-like in what I believe was an effort to save her from cancellations, but if so it didn't work.

Her husband Johnny was such a goof that he made Dagwood Bumstead look calm and competent by comparison. He was last seen here shooting their pretty neighbor in the rear with an arrow, and managed to give their son Jr. several spankings (now catalogued in the Data Base) but never took Rusty OTK. :( Depending on how you count double-spankings (Rusty spanked both kids at the same time once), there were five spankings during the book's run, but none of Rusty herself :x . Just like Blondie.

Let's see Rusty take a couple of pratfalls, both from Rusty #14 (in fact they were on successive pages!):



If the writer was out of comic ideas so that he had two pratfalls within two pages, why couldn't he have made one of them a spanking? Especially since Rusty threw a lamp at Johnny but hit the kid they were babysitting instead?
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Two More Pratfalls in Rusty

Post by web-ed »

Let's go forward to Rusty #18 to see two more pratfalls, the first taken by Rusty and the second by some female in a backup feature whose name I forget now:



All these pratfalls and five kid spankings but none for Rusty! What a waste. I've searched all the issues of Rusty now, but she often appeared as a backup feature so it's possible I'll find another pratfall, but a spanking is highly doubtful. :(
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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Throwing and hitting that kid with a lamp should have earn her a spanking :twisted: :lol: :lol: Great finds 8-) 8-)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

I had not heard of Rusty until you posted the rake story last week. Too bad she never got spanked by her doofus husband! Tha lamp-throwing incident would have given him the perfect chance!

Missed opportuniry indeed!
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The Return of Millie the Model

Post by web-ed »

Although I intended to stop posting here for the summer in favor of more bikini models in Humorama, I discovered some more Millie strips in Marvel's Golden Age titles and Millie is wearing a swimsuit in this one. Her behind is also in jeopardy, as we will see.

The plot here is simple: Millie goes to the beach to get a suntan (she says "sunburn" for some reason), and while she's there a woman asks her to mind her son, little Ghastly:


Some definite "pain indicators" around Millie's behind, but it's not until the next page we find out it was little Ghastly focusing his magnifying glass:

From Comedy Comics #10 (Jan. 1950)

I'm not too fond of semi-literal "burning butts" (figurative ones after a spanking are fine). Of course I'm also not too fond of child spankings and have censored this one, but Millie did indeed spank Ghastly and I will record it in the Data Base shortly. But the story wasn't yet over as we'll see in the next post:
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The Return of Millie the Model, Part 2

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Little Ghastly persuades Millie to play leap frog with him, thus tricking her into bending over. (Some of you may remember a "Rivals of Humorama" cartoon that ran along those lines. It's in the Humor Gallery but I can't provide a link here since I only have two and need them both. You can find it quickly by going to the Humor Gallery and searching for "Leap-Frog Spanking". Everyone knows the shortcut with most Windows browsers is CNTRL-F, I hope.)

From Comedy Comics #10 (Jan. 1950). Ghastly tricks Millie into bending over...


Being a kid, he had no paddle handy (Missed Opportunity #1), but he did shoot her in the butt with his slingshot, producing an "EEEP!" from Millie and some delightful pain stars. You've got to hand it to the kid for his carpe diem (seize the day) philosophy - it would be unreasonable to expect him to resist the target Millie was offering him by bending over that way.

Then comes a more serious Missed Opportunity #2 when the lifeguard stops Millie for running on the beach. It would have been very funny (and interesting to us spankos for a different reason ;) ) if the lifeguard had spanked Millie (on her bikini panties :) ) for running just as she had spanked Ghastly.

This was taken from Comedy Comics, one of two Marvel titles whose name was also used in the Humorama division (the other being Joker). The creative personnel are unknown, but the script could have been by Stan Lee.
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The Return of Millie the Model, Part 2

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Webb-ed.
web-ed wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 8:56 pm I'm not too fond of semi-literal "burning butts" (figurative ones after a spanking are fine).
I agree. However, the panel showing her reaction, taken out of context, almost looks like she's being spanked by a ghost.
web-ed wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 9:38 pm Being a kid, he had no paddle handy (Missed Opportunity #1), but he did shoot her in the butt with his slingshot, producing an "EEEP!" from Millie and some delightful pain stars. You've got to hand it to the kid for his carpe diem (seize the day) philosophy - it would be unreasonable to expect him to resist the target Millie was offering him by bending over that way.
Again, not as good as a spanking, bu-u-u-ut the obnoxious kid causes the pretty, bikini-clad woman to feel discomfort in her derriere area. Were both things premeditated? Why else would a little boy bring his magnifying glass and his slingshot to the beach with him.
web-ed wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 9:38 pm Then comes a more serious Missed Opportunity #2 when the lifeguard stops Millie for running on the beach. It would have been very funny (and interesting to us spankos for a different reason ) if the lifeguard had spanked Millie (on her bikini panties ) for running just as she had spanked Ghastly.
Yes! It would make sense plot-wise AND it would be fun for guys like us if the lifeguard had turned Millie over his knee!
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Two More Bad Girls Who Should Have Been Spanked

Post by web-ed »

The title of this one says it all: "Spoiled Darling" from Love Diary #9:

How much more obvious could it be that this girl needs a spanking? She even throws a hairbrush at the guy in the blue suit! I think she was subconsciously or maybe even consciously asking for it.

Next, an actual spanking threat was made, but no follow-through which was really needed. This one is from Meet the Misses (exact date unknown but it sure looks like the flapper era, and flappers need spankings!).

Here's another one who knows she deserves to be spanked: "Then hit hard!" So why no OTK attitude adjustment? :roll:

Thanks to Robin for sending this one in.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.
web-ed wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:26 pm he title of this one says it all: "Spoiled Darling" from Love Diary #9:
It does.
web-ed wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:26 pm How much more obvious could it be that this girl needs a spanking? She even throws a hairbrush at the guy in the blue suit! I think she was subconsciously or maybe even consciously asking for it.
What? The sap didn't pick it up and use it? Tsk tsk!
web-ed wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:26 pm Here's another one who knows she deserves to be spanked: "Then hit hard!" So why no OTK attitude adjustment?
A pity he didn't take her up on it.
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Black Terror and Captain Midnight

Post by web-ed »

Two more jejune examples now of the "Behind in Jeopardy". The first is from The Black Terror, who was Standard's No. 1 super-hero although you wouldn't know it from this silly scene in which Hermann Goering boots poor Jean in the behind to kick her off an airplane without a parachute. Fortunately for her, at this time The Black Terror could fly (I'm not sure he always had that power) and he rescues her:

From The Black Terror #1 (Feb. 1943).

Our second example comes from a filler strip called "Didja Ever?" in Captain Midnight #49 (March 1947). It's a dim gag ("Did you ever see a peanut butt her?") but at least the girl is wearing shorts and bending over:

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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

Not great finds, but mildly amusing.

Hermann Goering? Really? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I think the most ridiculous use of a former Nazi leader as a villain in a fictitous story was a movie that had Hitler's head preserved (alive and shouting orders!) in a big pickle jar. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Wonder Woman and Katy Keene - Behinds in Jeopardy!

Post by web-ed »

I believe it was Sir1238 who sent me this first example - I'm not sure because my records are incomplete, but a tip of the cap to him. I have not been able to identify what comic this scene came from, but it was probably either Justice League of America or Wonder Woman (whose sagging sales resulted in frequent guest appearances by her fellow Leaguers during the 70s). In a ludicrous attempt at "characterization," the Elongated Man shoots Wonder Woman in the butt(!) with a toy missile (launched from a toy plane) while the supposedly staid Hawkman seems to be enjoying the scene. And who wouldn't enjoy seeing Diana getting a mild sting back there?
Good shooting, Ralph! :D © DC Comics, Inc.

We've seen Katy Keene before, and while she has spanked "Sis" several times (we didn't see them since "Sis" is a child) and given another girl a stroke with a fencing foil (that one I posted - see the Data Base for a link), this time it's her own behind in jeopardy from an irate turkey. My sympathies are entirely with the bird, and good for him giving Katy a painful peck where she has needed it for a long time! Good humor from Bill Woggon, who also put Suzie's behind in jeopardy from time to time as we have seen in the past.

© Archie Comics
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by »

Being this was a older version of Wonder Woman I see she felt that toy missile hitting her bottom :twisted: :lol: :lol: Katy thought she was going to chop off that Turkey`s head only her tail was pluck :lol: :lol: Good finds
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

A couple of nice "missed opportunities" here. Seeing Wonder Woman shot with a toy missle and Katy Keene attacked by an angry turkey aren't as good as seeing them get spanked... but I love their reactions! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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