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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 8:40 pm
by web-ed
First, Phil, I realize now you did post that Ella Cinders strip where Pop threatens a spanking, but it was over on the Weekly Updates thread. So it's double-posted, but no harm done.

The new examples were interesting. The Mandrake one reminds me of those scenes in which the hero spanks the girl for disciplinary reasons, and that makes him suddenly more attractive in her eyes. Psychologically this is correct, and men must beware of trying to dissuade pursuing females by adopting the "cave man" approach, as sexual attraction is a primitive and terribly powerful thing. (And lots of fun in a spanking scene! :) )

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:38 pm
by willjohn wrote:Like how Polly`s Paw knows that a bratty woman needs a good spanking :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but first I hope he remove her big fur coat :lol: :lol: :lol: the lash is kind of harsh on a pretty young woman`s rear maybe a hand or hairbrush would help her change her mind :lol: :lol: and spanking is the only cure for a wife tantrum :twisted: :lol: :lol: Nice find 8-) 8-)
The lady in the fur coat was Fritzi Ritz, later known as Aunt Fritzi in the Nancy comic strip. Considering the number of times Fritzi spanked Nancy I think Nancy would have liked to know if her aunt ever got spanked.

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 3:41 pm
by web-ed
willjohn wrote:
The lady in the fur coat was Fritzi Ritz, later known as Aunt Fritzi in the Nancy comic strip. Considering the number of times Fritzi spanked Nancy I think Nancy would have liked to know if her aunt ever got spanked.
And I think most CSR readers are with Nancy on that, Willjohn - we'd all like to know if Fritzi Ritz ever got spanked :lol: ! Alas, so far neither CSR Chief Researcher Phil S. :ugeek: nor Andre nor myself has ever found an example of Fritzi OTK. Which doesn't mean there isn't one, and of course should one turn up you know we'll blab the big news right here :lol: !

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 6:50 pm
by Sweetspot
Bozo Long Beach CA Independent April 29, 1953. I always think of Bozo as being the clown 'host' of a kid's TV show back in the '60s. I don't know anything about this strip. I just happened upon it - it has no dialogue that would have brought me to it intentionally.
Bozo Long Beach Independent April 29, 1953.jpg
Bozo Long Beach Independent April 29, 1953.jpg (243.82 KiB) Viewed 2868 times
Dixie Dugan June 25, 1941 DETAIL I think I accidentally omitted this one when CSR was featuring Dixie Dugan a few weeks ago. I could be wrong.
dixieDuganJune25,1941DETAIL.jpg (86.32 KiB) Viewed 2868 times
Looy September 20, 1938. Another obscure to me comic strip. This looks like a Harold Teen - Archie kind of teenager strip with the title character, in this situation, trying to hook-up/make-time with a blonde beach bunny in a 1930s style two-piece. Unfortunately it appears that Boris Bolgoff a Bulgarian Baron has a prior claim to the young lady's attention.
LooySeptember20,1938.jpg (38.2 KiB) Viewed 2868 times

Re: Dixie, Bozo, and Looy

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:21 am
by web-ed
I think I remember the Dixie Dugan panel, Phil, but it won't hurt to see it again.

I can't make any sense of the dialogue in the last panel of Looy - Looy had already taken exception to Boris' bullying, so I don't know why he says "That's different" when Boris threatens to spank the dish, unless he means that's all right with him ;) .

Bozo is probably the most interesting of the three. For one thing, it looks like our hero managed to smack the irate girl's fanny with his carpet beater, so this is an actual spanking, sort of. Alas, the layout is not very well done. We've seen this gag done before, with Lena Pry and Out Our Way (see The Comics Spanking Data Base for details), but they did it better: we really need to see the spankee bending over on one side of the rug, blissfully unaware that she's about to get a stinging swat.

Then there's the title: by 1953, Bozo the Clown had made sporadic appearances on TV and Dell was running a Bozo comic book, the character having been created in 1946 as a combination book/record. But the character here is completely different, and I can find no entry for him in Maurice Horn's Encyclopedia of Comics. Nor is he Bozo Blimp, a very obscure strip that I believe dated from the late 1920's. Of course you can't copyright titles, so anyone even today could name a strip "Bozo" (although you'd have to be careful about trademark infringement). That's probably what this unknown cartoonist did here.

Did he get sued for trademark infringement? Somehow I doubt it. Perhaps his strip, with less-than-exhilarating layouts if this one was typical, simply never caught on at a time when a lot of new things were being tried in comics. :|

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:13 pm
by willjohn
Boris & Looy looks like the old Charles Atlas Dynamic Tension ads that used to turn up in comics and newspapers many years ago.

Will Boris kick sand in Looy's face?

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:50 am
by Sweetspot
Somebody's Stenog October 22, 1928 Cam is spanked both at the office and at home during the run of her long-lasting strip - but not this time. The sub-title "The Boomerang" will give you a good clue as to how this situation actually plays out but of course that's something some of you don't want to see and I don't care to share.
Somebody'sStenogOctober 22,1928.jpg
Somebody'sStenogOctober 22,1928.jpg (42.04 KiB) Viewed 2811 times
Homer Hoopee December 5, 1933
HomerHoopeeDecember5,1933DETAIL.jpg (55.31 KiB) Viewed 2811 times

September 8, 1938 This strip from the Bell Syndicate was written by Sol Hess and drawn by W.A.Carlson first appeared on May 22, 1923. The Nebbs operated a resort hotel. The man pictured here is probably Max Guggenheim the Nebbs' 'rambunctious' friend and advisor.
NebbsSeptember8,1938.jpg (38.67 KiB) Viewed 2811 times

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:18 pm
by web-ed
Interesting as always, Phil. I especially liked the father's attitude in Homer Hoopee - he's still "man enough" to give a spanking when needed! We could use a bit more of that nowadays with some female celebrities who come to mind that I won't name here. ;)

And I'm sure everyone is curious as to whether Cam ever got a third spanking in Somebody's Stenog. Looks like a good opportunity was indeed missed here.

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:59 pm
by Sweetspot
Terry And The Pirates August 31, 1952 I didn't realize until I looked at this again today but this strip is a precursor to the events we posted about back in March. If I had realized that I would have posted this strip back then. So we know that Pilgrim's progress :P does indeed find her ending up where Lhassa broadcasts. viewtopic.php?f=8&t=148&start=240
TerryAugust31,1952.jpg (102.7 KiB) Viewed 2738 times
Moon Mullens February 10, 1951. I think in this case Kayo can be thankful that his Rube Goldberg paddle scheme backfired. If that goat had plunged into the contorted Emmy he probably would have broken her back. :o
MoonMullensFebruary101951.jpg (30.58 KiB) Viewed 2738 times
Polly and Her Pals a DETAIL from April 24, 1930. Here too is a situation where some of the details of this storyline have already been published on CSR :arrow: ... ank_2.html This time we have Elmer's follow-up attempt to spank Carrie again. Unfortunately the effects of the hypnosis wears off at just the wrong moment.
PollyandHerPalsApril24,1930DETAIL#1 The Sandusky Register [Ohio].jpg
PollyandHerPalsApril24,1930DETAIL#1 The Sandusky Register [Ohio].jpg (90.8 KiB) Viewed 2738 times

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:05 pm
by Sweetspot
Polly and Her Pals April 24, 1930 DETAIL
PollyandHerPalsApril24,1930DETAIL.jpg (96.02 KiB) Viewed 2739 times

Polly and Her Pals
PollyandHerPalsApril24,1930LASTDETAIL.jpg (92.21 KiB) Viewed 2739 times
Polly and Her Pals April 25, 1930 First panel.
PollyandHerPalsApril25,1930DETAIL.jpg (73.68 KiB) Viewed 2739 times

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:31 pm
by web-ed
Polly and Her Pals - too bad the hypnotism wore off before Elmer could administer that second spanking - Carrie certainly had it coming :lol: !

Moon Mullins - Kayo fell victim to over-complication here. All he had to do was apply that paddle directly to Emmy's behind and we'd have had a fine scene :lol: !

The Terry strip was interesting, but in the end (so to speak) it can't compare with this example of a fighting man provoked by a female correspondent in wartime:

This one's a true classic: Torchy's rear end gets lit up by Combat Casey in CC #7. © Marvel Characters Inc.

Missed Opportunity in Moon Mullins

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:50 pm
by web-ed
We're doing Moon Mullins this week over on the main site, so let's take a look at a missed opportunity of sorts (at least it's a spanking mention) also discovered by CSR Chief Strip Researcher Phil Sweetspot :ugeek: :

In this scene, Lord Plushbottom (one of Moon's fellow tenants at Emmy's boarding house and recently married to her) having been aggravated by interrupted naps, yells at who he thinks is Kayo: "Stop ringing that doorbell and go somewhere else and play or I'll spank you so hard you won't be able to sit down for a week!"

Unfortunately, it's Emmy's female friends who are ringing the doorbell, and when they hear the spanking threat they vamoose:

© Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate

It would have been funny if one of them had remained and continued to ring the bell... ;)

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:17 pm
by Sweetspot
Somebody's Stenog April 20, 1944 It's 1944 and there's a war going on and with it a critical need for the nuts and bolts this company manufactures. I can't hardly blame the boss for wanting his staff to get to work and using any means possible to ensure there won't be any slacker behavior from these flighty females. :)
Somebody'sStenogApril20,1944.jpg (44.9 KiB) Viewed 2591 times

Smilin Jack
April 16, 1939
SmilinJackApril16,1939.jpg (47.02 KiB) Viewed 2591 times
Smilin Jack April 23, 1939 "Smilin' Jack. The pilot! You shouldn't have come!" because her big bruiser of a father hates pilots.
SmilinJackApril23,1939.jpg (46.67 KiB) Viewed 2591 times

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 5:05 pm
by web-ed
Both of these latest are excellent, Phil. :D With Somebody's Stenog the girls look genuinely frightened when the boss shows up with a hairbrush, meaning they expect he'd use it! Even better is Smilin' Jack (which we'll be returning to on the main site shortly) with a very credible spanking threat from Jack - credible because he's delivered so many vigorous spankings over the years! Reading it, you really expect Mary Smith to wind up over his knee. :)

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:21 am
by Sweetspot
I don't consider any of these scans to be particularly interesting but for the sake of organization and keeping these things somewhat straight in my head I am posting clips more or less in the order that I discovered them through searching a newspaper archive. I am now posting threats, hints and missed opportunities that I found last February. The postings over the next several weeks should be of more interest to the general spanko population.

Tillie The Toiler January 25, 1943 Tillie Jones was spanked by her co-worker, sometimes boyfriend and eventual husband Mac on April 2, 1938. In Gallery 2 the first panel is indeed altered with not original dialogue. ... nking.html In this mild threat scene we have Tillie Jones wearing her WAC ;) uniform as she would for some of the war years. In spite of being in the military Tillie is still seen at home and seeking her mother's approval for her latest relationship.
TillieTheToilerJanuary25,1943.jpg (44.95 KiB) Viewed 2542 times
Mary Worth's Family February 18, 1944 As we know the use of the word "spank" in a newspaper doesn't always mean a literal spanking is being threatened - even in Mary Worth - so it's hard to say if this young lady is actually in fear that a PDA would lead to her being paddled by her friend's mother.
MaryWorth'sFamilyFebruary18,1944.jpg (45.69 KiB) Viewed 2542 times
Winnie Winkle March 18, 1944 Daisy isn't home free when it comes to getting a spanking [as we'll see in an upcoming post] but as far as I know she is never shown being spanked in a panel.
WinniewinkleMarch18,1944.jpg (39.01 KiB) Viewed 2542 times

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:58 am
Love the Winne Winkle spanking threat :D like to see something like that play out in todays world where women in the work place and on tv dress in very skimpy clothing :twisted: :lol: :lol:

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 4:45 pm
by web-ed
Always of some interest, Phil. And Butch, it looks like you're able to log in again, so that's one more problem out of the way.

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:45 am
THANKS WEB-ED for all your help 8-) :D :D :D thought I was going to miss out on all the fun this Summer!! BIG THUMBS UP 8-) 8-)

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:55 pm
by Sweetspot
Smilin' Jack July 15, 1934. Meet Lone Williams a WWI ace pilot and a predecessor to Lone Jones. Mary Miller is Jack's current girl friend and is in a pouty mood as she wanders across the runway with her head in the clouds because Jack is more interested in building an experimental plane than he is in her. Lone Williams - a real hero - is in and out of the strip quickly but not until he has fallen in love with Mary. He gives her up thinking Jack and Mary are destined for the altar.
SmilinJackJuly15,1934DETAIL.jpg (33.96 KiB) Viewed 2473 times
Smilin' Jack May 4, 1940 The first woman Jack Martin is actually destined to marry [in 1940] is Joy Beaverduck. Joy will give birth to Jolly before a series of misadventures finds her on a pacific island in 1944. Joy is drugged and kidnapped by 'savages' with the intention of making her a sacrifice to their gods. She is saved from being tossed in a volcano but dies from the effects of the drug on January 16, 1945. She is buried on the island. Evidently comic-syndicate editor Joe Patterson of the New York Daily News told Zack Mosley to, "Get him married and then kill her - that'll shock 'em." So Joy, the beautiful red-headed brat was doomed from the start. :?
SmilinJackMay4,1940DETAIL.jpg (65.21 KiB) Viewed 2473 times
Smilin' Jack October 14, 1942 Cindy the 'incendiary blonde' and one in a long line of women who used another man in an attempt to make Jack jealous. Cindy ends up marrying Jack's brother Rex.
SmilinjackOctober14,1942.png (42.63 KiB) Viewed 2473 times

Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:24 pm
by Sweetspot
Smilin' Jack October 14, 1942 DETAIL of Atlas Maiden-Swoon ;) threatens Cindy.
smilinJackOctober14,1942DETAIL.jpg (64.33 KiB) Viewed 2471 times
Smilin' Jack August 9, 1946. A look at Ember whom Jack Martin volunteers to spank [see next]
SmilinJackAugust9,1946.jpg (45.28 KiB) Viewed 2471 times
Smilin' Jack August 12, 1946
SmilinJackAugust12,1946.jpg (41.33 KiB) Viewed 2471 times