Thanks for the warnings re X/M spanks

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Thanks for the warnings re X/M spanks

Post by daneldorado »

Many thanks, Web-Ed, for giving us advance notice on your "Halloween Horror" and "Spooky Spankings" posts, that they are all either F/M or M/M. I never opened any of them. To each his own and all that, but I have never seen the humor in a guy getting spanked; and of course there is no erotic thrill in it either.

I'm pretty sure that the majority of spankos -- I'm talking worldwide, here -- prefer M/F over any other configuration. There are a lot who like F/F as well, and that's okay, but it isn't the taste of the majority.

In sum, I just wanna say: If God did not want females to get spanked, then WHY did He give them such large, lovely, INVITING targets?

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Re: Thanks for the warnings re X/M spanks

Post by web-ed »

Glad the warning notices did their job and kept you from possibly losing your lunch, Dan! But you'll be happy to hear that I used up all my X/M material, and next week we're back to our usual orientation of X/F. I have 4 M/F items and one very fine F/F one (which I'll bet you've already seen, since it's from the Mr. Rumbles strip) all set to go.

I'm really hoping that my comics searches reveal no more M/M or F/M spankings of the type that make me feel compelled to post them. They would probably have to be truly bizarre (M/M) or involve a super-heroine (F/M) to qualify.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: CSR and the X/M Types

Post by web-ed »

Perhaps I should just let this alone, but if there's any confusion about CSR policy it is my responsibility to lay it to rest.

When it comes to orientations, my great interest is M/F. Most regular CSR readers probably feel the same way. F/F is certainly passable, but in general it lacks the erotic "punch" of M/F (if you're heterosexual). However, it seems the great favorite of many male fans and artists for some reason, resulting in a large quantity of F/F independent spanking art being available. Consequently, M/F and F/F are the two most commonly-presented types of spankings I present on CSR.

F/M only reaches me when it's humorous role-reversal, as for example Aunt Bossy spanking the Ghostly Trio in Casper the Friendly Ghost (no, it's not on CSR but you can probably find it somewhere else or I will dig it out of my files upon request). If that were the only factor (let's call it "curb appeal"), F/M spankings would be even rarer than they are on CSR. But as one of the foremost comics spanking researchers around, if I say so myself (I've looked through over half a million comics pages just trying to find spankings), and as CSR editor, I feel I have a certain responsibility to present some F/M material, particularly my own discoveries where a comic-book super-heroine is involved, because there is no other source for at least some of that material, and my own personal dislike is not enough of a reason not to print it.

That doesn't mean I lie awake at night worrying about what I've done for F/M fans lately - far from it. I've taken some criticism from this group, mainly because I insist on pointing out that F/M is far less natural than M/F given normal human psychology. And when I'm under tremendous time pressure, as I am now, F/M material is going to be the first thing sacrificed to time constraints. Franco has kindly sent me some more of his work, but I won't be posting it any time soon because I simply don't have the time.

Finally, Hugob00m raised an important point. I think he is quite correct about how a F/M scene can lay the groundwork for normalcy to be restored, and the female properly humbled, when the positions are reversed and she finds herself getting spanked. :) In fact I have a very nice example from a 1950's comic magazine of that type, and I'll present it some day.

That brings us to M/M. I don't think I've ever seen an example of this type that I could honestly say I liked, and the M/M stuff I've posted was largely years ago, and I suppose I did it mainly to make DC look ridiculous. (Why I enjoy ridiculing DC is a question for another day). I don't have any M/M material in the "Vault" (that is, waiting to be posted) and I may never post anything of this type again.

However: none of this means that F/M or even (shudder) M/M is banned at CSR. Others are free to post it provided it meets the other guidelines regarding juveniles, copyrights, sexual acts, etc. I really don't think we're going to be deluged by people posting X/F on this board, but if it gets to be some kind of problem I'll deal with it.
-- Web-Ed
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