Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Thanks again for another lovely weekly update.
daneldorado wrote:Having just announced that I approve of these updates, Web-ed, I will quickly rush past the first one, an animated version of a Julius Zimmerman toon re-configured by Doc Cylon. I rush past it because, as you well know, I am a prude; and although I love to watch pretty girls getting spanked on the panties or on the bare, I am firmly against the exposition of the woman's vulva. It's surprising to me that so many talented artists seem fixated on that part of her anatomy. We are supposed to be celebrating the spanking of her buttocks, not her private parts.
OK. I agree with Dan about this particular picture. For me, a woman's vagina feels great during intercourse and tastes great during oral sex, but just doesn't hold that much visual appeal in a spanking picture. But then, we all have our own personal preferences, and I'm not the one putting all the work into the webpage!
web-ed wrote:Humorama update: A colorized version of "A Tale of Two Secretaries". This is the one with the older secretary wondering why the boss never spanks her the way he does the young secretary. I've also got a better b & w scan posted now.
Yeah! This one is my personal favorite. :D :D :D
overbarrel49 wrote:the older secretary has a look that i would liken to a hound dog looking in a butcher's window.
Yes, she does, doesn't she? That puts the boss between a rock and a hard place, if he's been pretending all along that the spankings he gives to the young pretty secretary are purely disciplinary! He's going to have to either spank the older woman on her scrawny little backside, or admit that he has other motives for turning the young, pretty one over his knee. :oops: Sometimes equality in the workplace sucks!
web-ed wrote:Humorama Series #86 - Another of Dan DeCarlo's spanking cops explains to a young woman just what a "red light district" means, and if she didn't know before, she sure does now!
It's not my favorite Decarlo cartoon. The caption leaves something to be desired, but I suppose that was not the artist's decision, but the editor's. However, any Decarlo drawing of a pretty woman in an OTK pose can't be all bad! :D
web-ed wrote:Two slapstick paddlings from Golden Age comics, and for once they're actually M/F! Prehistoric Pete wasn't much of a series, and it unwisely passed up the opportunity to paddle the pretty Eva in order to give us what the writer must have thought was the more humorous paddling of her mother. Paddling seems to have been thought of as very humorous during the Golden Age, with no one appreciating its more exciting possibilities. Big Top provided us with a horrifying number of M/M scenes, dutifully recorded in the Comics Spanking Data Base, and this one M/F clown paddling. I have to agree with the circus owner, who remarked "I've seen funnier things at funerals." Still, it's M/F, so we should probably be grateful for small favors. Be warned that there is a F/M swat first.
I agree with you completely about these. It would've been much better if the cartoonists had drawn the young pretty women getting spanked, especially in the circus story... but... a least the spankees were women, which is some consolation.

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

hugob00m wrote:

OK. I agree with Dan about this particular picture. For me, a woman's vagina feels great during intercourse, but just doesn't hold that much visual appeal in a spanking picture. But then, we all have our own personal preferences, and I'm not the one putting all the work into the webpage!

Bless your heart, Richard. It's good to have at least one kindred spirit here on the CSR board. I always suspected that you and I were of the same vision, for I have never seen one of your OTKatie toons in which Katie's privates were exposed. There was, I believe, an early toon of OTKatie where she is spanked while nude, but your artwork never quite shows her privates or her nipples. You find ways around that, and God bless you for that.

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Exposure Redux

Post by web-ed »

Nor are the two of you (Dan and B00m) alone in your avoidance of "exposure" - as I mentioned when this subject came up before, other artists such as Congolike, Nik Zula, and El Manto Negro have implicitly (through their artistic choices) come down squarely on your side of the debate. That's a significant block of talent beyond any doubt, and if I could draw, I imagine I'd try to minimize the amount of "exposure" in my drawings (I doubt I could avoid it entirely since I'm a devotee of the "bend over with bottom bare" position). Yet there is another side, represented by artists such as Paula Meadows, Kevin Karstens, and the prolific Julius Zimmerman who has provided so much grist for Dr. Cylon's mill. They have a claim to artistic merit also.

As an editor then, I have to strive to balance conflicting issues of taste, and I have declined to disqualify a work from appearing on CSR merely because of exposure, provided the exposure was either incidental or integral to its overall design. Even a few examples of gratuitous exposure have made it past my desk, providing the offsetting merits were great enough. Conservative in my personal tastes, I haven't wanted to hold back items that readers might not be able to find elsewhere and might not find offensive. On the other hand, there have been a few pieces that I felt simply went too far, and these basically go into the "not to be posted" file.

While we can't always agree, I feel the give and take on this issue, and on this board generally, has been thoughtful and constructive, and I appreciate everyone taking the time to express his or her opinions.
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 05/04/2012

Post by web-ed »

For links to this week's updates please visit the Home Page (click on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page to get there).

Really busy time here at CSR throughout April!

First, I hope no one has looked at Comics Galleries 1 and 2 lately because they're a mess! I'm right in the middle of a huge reorganization, with dozens of pages moving back and forth. The purpose is to get all the actual comics examples into Gallery 2 while the "fan art" and special features remain in Gallery 1. Unfortunately, this is such a massive undertaking that it will be many weeks until it's finished. Meanwhile, the rows of thumbnails are torn up like a highway construction zone, and some links may not work until it's all finished (including those in the Comics Spanking DB). This won't benefit long-time readers as much as newcomers when it's done (and we've been around so long now I feel it's time to get CSR ready for the next generation of spankos). The idea is to make it easier to know in which Gallery you're likely to find what you're looking for.

Second, while all this was going on, I also managed to complete the design and construction of the new Humorama Spanking Cartoon Data Base :) ! The web pages which will allow readers to access it are also done. What I haven't been able to finish is assembling all the data for insertion into the DB; therefore, there's nothing you can look at yet and it probably won't be unveiled until after the conclusion of the Humorama Series.

Both the Humorama and Golden Age Comics searches have continued as well. In addition, I've obtained some more of the early Marston-era Wonder Woman and have been picking up a few non-Humorama cartoon humor books in an attempt to better understand the origins of the modern spanking cartoon. I found a non-Humorama spanking cartoon from early 1955, which seems to be a pivotal year, that may in fact be the earliest one to use the OTK position. Here are the April search results:

April comic pages: 4028
Total: 366651

Comic Spankings: 4 (unfortunately, these were all M/M). None of these are going to be posted with the possible exception of Star Spangled Comics #44, but as usual interested readers may find the details in the Comics Spanking DB.
  1. Nemo from Punch Comics #23 (JVJ, scanned by Rangerhouse). King Morpheus spanks visiting Prince Nappy.
  2. Yankee Comics #7 – two M/M with Little Joe spanked by his father. You'd think one would have been enough for a single issue!
  3. Guardian/Crook in Star Spangled Comics #44 - This one will put DC back in the lead among all publishers for the all-time number of spankings. Remarkably, a wooden paddle is being used in the OTK position ON THE COVER, for Pete's sake! I don't know how I never spotted this one before! Also, the Newsboy Legion is trying to get the crook to sign a confession while he's getting spanked! Don't tell the Supreme Court about this one :lol: .
Now for the updates:
  • Doctor Cylon sees to it that Red Monika lives up to her moniker!
  • Humorama update: A puzzled Miss Kringle gets a birthday spanking even though it isn't her birthday.
  • Humorama Series #87 - Bill Ward spanked many a maid; now Dan DeCarlo shows he knows how to do that kind of cartoon also in "Stern Requirements".
  • A hand spanking in a forest as we begin a short series of modern comics spankings.
  • More fiction from MD as he takes us into the world of a high-powered law firm. This partnership goes out of its way to recruit women, but in return for obtaining a desirable position, these women must submit to "the policy of the firm" - good hard spankings - when they deserve them. And a junior partner with a bad attitude discovers the policy applies to her as well! We haven't had any new fiction for a while, and it's about time we did.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

wow! it sound like you've been really busy and will continue to be for a while. i have to admire your dedication to not only collecting all this information but also to presenting it in the best possible manner :D . no doubt this work will be greatly appreciated not only by the next generation of spankos but also for generations to come after that. Red Monika certainly does have the appearance of a well spanked bottom courtesy of Doc Cylon :D . Doc seems to have hit on the perfect formula for making his bottom coloring look realistic :D . you have a good point that we feel it's all right to smile when we see the DeCarlo birthday spanking :D . i know i'm smiling whether it's all right or not :lol: . the surprised young lady is very shapely and spankable and as always the panties and hose add to the overall reason for such a smile. i like the bare bottom version too and i like the fact that it's been reversed so the spanker is right handed. interesting comment about the signature in the reversed version. i hadn't considered that. most of the comments i just made apply to the maid spanking as well. Boom's comment about DeCarlo drawing the spankee first may well be true. what i have noticed is that he has a tendency to draw the spanker with his legs spread too much. if his knees were closer together it would be possible for to settle the spankee comfortably over them. her basic position is pretty good actually but instead of her bottom perched over his leg, it's her thigh that is on his leg. i think this supports Boom's idea that the spankee was drawn first................with her position about right. it makes me wonder if DeCarlo wasn't working from a photo or existing drawing when putting the spanker in afterward?? anyone else have any thoughts on this? i think the expression on the spankee in the altered version is supposed to be one of pain rather than orgasmic with a tear running down her face............this would go with the angry expression on the spanker indicating that this is a punishment spanking. the picture on the wall being replaced by a clock and the onlooker with the somewhat evil smile make me wonder if this drawing wasn't altered and used as an illustration for a spanking story perhaps?? i see no other reason to replace the picture with a clock and the onlooker makes me wonder what the rest of the story is and why she is watching and smiling. that's the best i can do. i think the hand spanking in the forest is a nice drawing and it makes me wonder what the rest of the story is :D . i don't see any pants or panties lying around and it appears she may have wondered into the forest without any. perhaps that's why she is getting a spanking :lol: . i thought "the policy of the firm " was a nice fantasy :D as a matter of fact, i think it's a pretty standard kind of fantasy which is no doubt popular because it is so unlikely. in any case, it was pleasing to read :D more great updates. thanks for all the hard work. phil

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Wow, a nice set of new updates this week, Web-ed.

You've posted two of my favorite Dan DeCarlo toons, the "It's not my birthday!" pic plus the gentleman spanking the maid. The latter, as you said, is my favorite of all the DeCarlos. Probably it's because the positioning is so damn perfect. The man is seated straight up, in an armless straight-back chair; the girl is posed provocatively across his lap, ready to be spanked, with her bottom in a perfect position for him to whale away.

By the way, someone on this board, maybe you, maybe someone else, complained that DeCarlo's spankers always have their legs spread too far apart. I demur from that view. Here, the gent has his two legs at an ideal distance from each other. The girl's boobs lie easily over his left leg, while her exquisite fanny rests directly over his right leg, in a perfect position to receive the "loving" spanks she will be receiving. I agree that the first caption,

"Gee, Mister Woodrod, I hope I pass your stern requirements"

is superior to the alternate, which reads

"I'm going to have a hard time explaining this to your son!" (What does that even MEAN?)

That first caption -- which I believe is the original intended by Dan DeCarlo and his publisher -- makes a lot of tingly sense, as the girl is openly stating that she hopes she passes the test the man is putting her to, and makes a pun out of it... "stern" means both serious and backside... but her expression displays some dismay, as if to tell us she is not enjoying her ordeal, but is putting up with it to land this job of being his maid. If she does pass his stern requirements, no doubt she will be cleaning and tidying up his house and occasionally receiving further spankings. The possibilities are endless, and fun to contemplate.

In the "It's not my birthday!" toon, the naïve little dear seems to truly believe Mr. Kringle has mixed up his dates and thinks he is giving her a routine birthday spanking. We know better, of course. In fact, "we" -- meaning me -- have frequently pretended the girl we are spanking is getting a birthday spanking. If she complains that "I'm not that old!!!" we just tell her: "Well, I'm including all your past birthdays that I missed!" :D

The French cartoon depicting a spanking in the forest is awfully good, too. Very well drawn, with bold shading to impart a sense of realism. Prude that I am, I have copied this toon and pasted it into one of my folders, but not before I covered up the lady's breasts. I'm not a big fan of nude spanking, and this drawing comes pretty close to that. For example, WHERE are her panties? Best way to enjoy a picture like this is to make her non-nude and check out the swats to her very yummy rear end.

Good stuff, Web-ed.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Thanks again for a typically wonderful weekly update!
web-ed wrote:Humorama update: A puzzled Miss Kringle gets a birthday spanking even though it isn't her birthday.
Humorama Series #87 - Bill Ward spanked many a maid; now Dan DeCarlo shows he knows how to do that kind of cartoon also in "Stern Requirements".
These two are my favorites this week. I really enjoy seeing a good, high-resolution scan of a Dan Decarlo spanking cartoon, and this week you've given us two of 'em! :D I wonder... did Mr. Kringle really forget what day it was and assume it must be the pretty young lady's birthday, or was that the only excuse he could come up with for turning her over his knee?
I've mentioned before that Decarlo is one of my inspirations for the O.T. Katie series. I really enjoy the naive, puzzled expressions he draws on his ladies' faces, and the lace-trimmed panties on their shapely backsides. I have a new O.T. Katie that I'm almost finished with and maybe some of you will see the Decarlo influence in my drawing.
web-ed wrote:A hand spanking in a forest as we begin a short series of modern comics spankings.
That is a nice find. I hope someday that someone can find the story that the picture came from.
web-ed wrote:More fiction from MD as he takes us into the world of a high-powered law firm. This partnership goes out of its way to recruit women, but in return for obtaining a desirable position, these women must submit to "the policy of the firm" - good hard spankings - when they deserve them. And a junior partner with a bad attitude discovers the policy applies to her as well! We haven't had any new fiction for a while, and it's about time we did.
That was a fun story. I'm usually more interested in the more visual type of art, but I enjoyed reading about a high-powered, ambitious female lawyer getting spanked for her hard-headedness.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB- ED CSR!! Glad to read a new spanking story and The policy of The Firm was great!! Love that the herione was a mature woman of thirty five who have to suffer the shame :lol: and pain of having her bare bottom spanked like a bad girl :lol: Hope to read more spanking stories soon :D the French drawing of a young woman being spanked in the forest kinda reminds me of the spanking in the tv The Saint only this was bare bottom :lol: like the clap clap sounds her buttocks made when smack bet that the sound carryed far being it was out doors! :lol: good otk position of the spankee by the spanker who was using the right hand to spank with :D Like the humor in Dan Decarlo`s drawings meaning a spanko would use any trick in a book just to spank a pretty woman even if it`s a Birthday spanking :lol: Like how the spankee is balance just right over her Boss`s lap and her facial express also like her hair style :D only problem is her panties kinda look like something a school girl would wear :x lace is much much better :lol: the second of his drawing seem like the same thing only different jokes :? Did the joke about a stern Requirement came first before The one about not letting his son know about this or was this first :? :lol: Any way nice drawings! wish I knew who the artish was that made his own drawing about the maid being spanked love the witness hiding behind the curtains watching the spanking look like Betty from Archie :lol: And last Doctor Cylon done it again redding the bottom of another tough female warroir this time Red Monika love seeing a strong woman knock down a peg with a good spanking :lol: Only wish this was done in a comic!!!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 05/04/2012

Post by web-ed »

To everything who expressed their thanks for this week's updates: you're all very welcome. I'm glad everyone liked them. :)
overbarrel49 wrote:i thought "the policy of the firm " was a nice fantasy
Butch wrote:Glad to read a new spanking story and The policy of The Firm was great!! Love that the heroine was a mature woman of thirty five who have to suffer the shame :lol: and pain of having her bare bottom spanked like a bad girl :lol: Hope to read more spanking stories soon
I do have some more of MD's spanking fiction, and I will present it as soon as I can. Unfortunately, it may be a while before I can get around to it (where have we heard that before?). Here's why: Mike's fiction is in printed, not digital, format - all I have are hard copies. Because I'm not going to retype it all, I have to scan the individual pages, then use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to create plain text or rich text file versions. After that, I copy and paste the text into a prepared HTML document, and then I manually add the paragraphing codes one paragraph at a time! So you can see it's a somewhat involved process, and I don't have any new OCR software yet for my new computer (maybe I'll try installing the old application).

But we will definitely be seeing more of MD's fiction in the future.

On Dan DeCarlo:
overbarrel49 wrote:Boom's comment about DeCarlo drawing the spankee first may well be true. what i have noticed is that he has a tendency to draw the spanker with his legs spread too much. if his knees were closer together it would be possible for to settle the spankee comfortably over them. her basic position is pretty good actually but instead of her bottom perched over his leg, it's her thigh that is on his leg. i think this supports Boom's idea that the spankee was drawn first................with her position about right. it makes me wonder if DeCarlo wasn't working from a photo or existing drawing when putting the spanker in afterward?? anyone else have any thoughts on this?
I don't know if DeCarlo was working from a photo or existing drawing, but I kind of doubt it. He probably didn't have any spanking reference photos around the way Walter Johnson did for Frontier Romances #1 since he wasn't a spanko himself. He could conceivably have used one of Bill Wenzel's drawings, but it seems unlikely since his positioning is usually better than Wenzel's.
My guess is that DeCarlo positioned the spankee first as B00m suggests, and that he simply used his own imagination to ensure that she was in a pleasing position with bottom nicely turned up. Of course, he could have used a reference of a man in a seated position (with no spankee) - perhaps that's what you meant? In a way, this raises a question for the spanking artist: is it better to draw the spanker or spankee first? I've no idea myself.

We have three more DeCarlo cartoons to enjoy, by the way: this week's "Spanked Jaywalker," "WAC Whacked" in two weeks, (both of which are probably at least somewhat familiar to CSR's readers) and next week, one none of you may ever have seen, "Spanking Sugar Daddy". I'm convinced that's all the DeCarlo "spankers" there are, but it's always possible another may still be lurking out there.
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 05/11/2012

Post by web-ed »

I've been hoping to do one "special" per month this year, the 4-part piece on the Comics Code and a couple of Humorama specials being previous examples. I don't know whether I can keep it up going forward, but at least for May we've got Humorama Spanking Positions this week, a look at cartoons and photographs in which we can easily imagine a spanking about to take place. To be honest, I've included a few simple "cheesecake" girlie pictures from Humorama of models who later became famous or who were just extremely good-looking, but for the most part they are indeed in spankable positions. Only one is OTK, which is unsurprising as an OTK position where a spanking is NOT taking place is bound to be rare. As for the rest ... well, let's just say that including this week's Comics feature Yenny Lopez, there's a whole lot of bending over going on, even for CSR! :lol:

For links to this week's updates please visit the Home Page (click on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page to get there).
  • Doctor Cylon adds some color to an otherwise drab-looking BDSM club.
  • Humorama update: Dan DeCarlo brings us a speeder spanked by a traffic cop. New scan of this old classic!
  • Humorama Series #87 - More unconventional law enforcement as a different traffic cop spanks a jaywalker. Dan DeCarlo drew this officer so he resembled Reggie Mantle of the Archie gang!
  • A quick one-slapper from the strip Yenny as modern comics spankings continue. We added a bending-over shot of Yenny in her cut-offs in keeping with this week's theme, not to mention our own personal tastes.
  • Humorama Special: Spanking Positions in cartoons and pin-ups, with some surprising models from the days before they became famous. We'll see cartoon girls bending over for gag purposes and live models bending over for no good reason at all! :D Not as heavy on analysis as our recent five articles on comics, this one stimulates a completely different area of the brain with its thirty-five pictures!
-- Web-Ed

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Nice new set of updates, Web-ed.

Thanks for re-running that great 1950s' DeCarlo toon about the cop spanking the pretty speeder because he "ran out of tickets." Not bloody likely. Yes, I'm the one who supplied you with the improved scan, and it was my great pleasure to do so. Not least because I think this toon makes us tingle. The horny cop is obviously lying through his teeth about having run out of tickets; but he saw the opportunity to spank a pretty girl who was breaking the law, and I personally think justice was done in this case :lol:

The second DeCarlo toon with a cop spanking a pretty scofflaw is very different. In most of his spanking toons, DeCarlo would show the spankee with a look of dismay on her pretty face. In this one, she may well be "dismayed," but there is another sensation present. This girl is pissed off that she is getting spanked, and she does not seem as submissive as DSD's other spankees. A change of pace for DeCarlo, I believe.

I enjoyed your segment on the "bend over the files" toons, showing secretaries bending low to retrieve files from the bottom drawer, with their skirts being elevated as a result.

This reminded me of a very funny British TV show that ran for ages, back in the 1970s and 1980s, called Are You Being Served? Here in the colonies we got to see the show in reruns, and there was a segment that centered on a dirty old man called "Young Mr. Grace." He was called "young" although he was in his 80s, because his brother was still older than he. Anyway, YMG always hires only the prettiest girls to serve as his assistants, and the old goat ogles them constantly.

In one episode, he is in his office behind his desk, being tended to by his pretty nurse, who is trying to fit him with new eyeglasses. In walks his young secretary in a miniskirt, and she goes to the file cabinet and bends over to fetch a file from, natch, the bottom drawer. Young Mister Grace's nurse is giving him an eye test, and for that reason she has hung an eye chart on the opposite wall. To YMG she says, "Now, what does it say on the smallest line you can read?" The old goat peers at his secretary bending over the file drawer and reads the label on the waistband of her now exposed panties. He replies: "Wash by hand in warm water."

Trust me, the scene looks much funnier than it reads. Anyway, your "bending over" segment in today's Updates reminded me of that very funny scene from yesteryear.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Ahh! A great set of updates this week!
web-ed wrote:Humorama update: Dan DeCarlo brings us a speeder spanked by a traffic cop. New scan of this old classic!
Humorama Series #87 - More unconventional law enforcement as a different traffic cop spanks a jaywalker. Dan DeCarlo drew this officer so he resembled Reggie Mantle of the Archie gang!
These are my favorites. I used to have both of the Decarlo cartoons in a much lower resolution. The scans you've added give much better detail of Decarlo's brush technique, making the ladies look more three-dimensional and therefore more appealing in that position.
web-ed wrote:A quick one-slapper from the strip Yenny as modern comics spankings continue. We added a bending-over shot of Yenny in her cut-offs in keeping with this week's theme, not to mention our own personal tastes.
I've never heard of that comic before, but I certainly like what you've found. An attractive female character lying on her belly and getting a single swat on her upturned backside is (fof me anyway) the next best thing to seeing her turned over a male character's knee for a real spanking.
web-ed wrote:Humorama Special: Spanking Positions in cartoons and pin-ups, with some surprising models from the days before they became famous. We'll see cartoon girls bending over for gag purposes and live models bending over for no good reason at all! Not as heavy on analysis as our recent five articles on comics, this one stimulates a completely different area of the brain with its thirty-five pictures!
Oh... well... maybe seeing pretty women bending over is the next best thing to seeing them turned over a man's knee. And Wow! You found some Julie Newar pictures! :D :D Thanks especially for posting them! :D :D

And congratulations for adding another residrnt artist to your group.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

nicely selected drawing for appropriate coloring by Doc Cylon again this week and it's even a spanking pic to start with :D i like the DeCarlo traffic cop spanking. our pretty speeder seems suitably surprised to find herself upended with her panties exposed. perhaps part of that innocence you mentioned. the cop has no such problem however and i would characterize his expression as gleeful with a hint of evil :lol: . thanks to Dan for pointing out the badge number :D . some of the characters do indeed look like some of the Archie gang as you indicated. the very shapely spankee in this one looks pissed to me. of course, she might be even more so if the cop had followed Funbun's suggestion :lol: . i thought the Yenny spanking was a strange one. i'm glad you mentioned that she was showing off her big feet in the last pic.................i hadn't noticed any feet in the pic :lol: . i got a big kick from the pic of the girl selling brushes and the tailor is definitely enjoying his work :lol: . the photos of the ladies were a real trip down memory lane for me..............and a pleasant one at that :D . another great updated. thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB- ED! Love this week spanking drawings staring off with Doctor Cylon Adding some color to a Drab BDSM CLUB. Glad to see that the artist for this drawing drew a pretty female being spanked over the knees by a man who seem to be enjoying himself instead of drawing her tied up and being whip like you see in many S&M CLUBS :shock: Love the facial expression of both the spankee and the young woman standing in the background fearing she will be next :lol: I Bet many of us male Spankos would glady join the Police Force if they pass a Law letting us spank female lawbreakers 8-) Love both Dan Decarlo spanking of Female speeder and Jaywalker drawings But iam kinda favoring the female being spanked by traffic cop for jaywalking drawing much better being the spankee this time doesn`t look like Betty or Veronica although the spanker do look like Reggie :lol: also her facial expressing and the humor shows that this woman don`t like the spanking she is getting :lol: what also great is her full panty cover bottom along with stockings and garter belts didn`t care to much about Decarlo`s drawings of female underwear but this time it passes :D The spanking of the Speeder is nice love the humor of the cop with the same badge number of tv Dragnet`s Joe Friday :lol: do anyone think Joe Friday would give a spanking to a bad female being how by the book he was as a cop :lol: It would have been a great shock to see it though :lol: 8-) Love the FunBun Version very much!!Yenny Lopez kinda reminds me of another Lopez woman with a big bottom :lol: Don`t think Jenny have big feets :lol: This one smacker is nice only wish to have seen her bottom smack. havn`t seen this comic strip before and hoping to see more of Yenny having her bottom slap maybe even spanked! What better way to end this week drawings by showing drawings of women bending over in the spanking position 8-) With three drawings that stands out to me one the woman bending over pulling out hairbrushes to sell the women over the Tailor knees as he sews her tore panty remember seeing this in some of those old movie with the kid over his mother lap having his tore jeans sew up but seeing a woman like this is great :lol: and last the husband standing behind his wife with a rollup newspaper listening to her tell to her friend what he would do to her if she stratch up his car! there got to be a spanking for her coming :lol:
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Re: Weekly Updates for 05/11/2012

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote: In one episode, he is in his office behind his desk, being tended to by his pretty nurse, who is trying to fit him with new eyeglasses. In walks his young secretary in a miniskirt, and she goes to the file cabinet and bends over to fetch a file from, natch, the bottom drawer. Young Mister Grace's nurse is giving him an eye test, and for that reason she has hung an eye chart on the opposite wall. To YMG she says, "Now, what does it say on the smallest line you can read?" The old goat peers at his secretary bending over the file drawer and reads the label on the waistband of her now exposed panties. He replies: "Wash by hand in warm water."
I've usually avoided watching British sit-coms when they play on American stations, but it seems I missed a bet with Are You Being Served? Thanks for bringing this one to our attention. A quick check of YouTube did not show that anyone has yet uploaded the scene you described.
overbarrel49 wrote:i thought the Yenny spanking was a strange one. i'm glad you mentioned that she was showing off her big feet in the last pic.................i hadn't noticed any feet in the pic :lol: . i got a big kick from the pic of the girl selling brushes and the tailor is definitely enjoying his work :lol:
hugob00m wrote:Oh... well... maybe seeing pretty women bending over is the next best thing to seeing them turned over a man's knee. And Wow! You found some Julie Newar pictures! :D :D Thanks especially for posting them! :D
butch wrote:What better way to end this week drawings by showing drawings of women bending over in the spanking position 8-) With three drawings that stands out to me one the woman bending over pulling out hairbrushes to sell the women over the Tailor knees as he sews her tore panty remember seeing this in some of those old movie with the kid over his mother lap having his tore jeans sew up but seeing a woman like this is great :lol: and last the husband standing behind his wife with a rollup newspaper listening to her tell to her friend what he would do to her if she scratch up his car! there got to be a spanking for her coming :lol:
Once again I'm pleased by the favorable responses to this week's updates. We're going to be seeing some rather odd stuff in the next few weeks with Modern Comics Spankings and then The Paddler #2 as I try to segue into Super-Spanking Summer II, so I'll quite understand if anyone has reservations - I've got a few myself.

But this week, the big story was probably Humorama Spanking Positions. It took a long time to compile the material and code the page (with all those images), so I'm glad everyone liked it. Of course, it's hard to go far wrong when your base material consists of pretty girls bending over! :D It was interesting to see that each of you for the most part singled out different favorites from among the various items posted, which just goes to show the wisdom of including as many as I did. For myself, I was very surprised (and pleased) to find Kim Novak and Julie Newmar within the pages of Humorama, and of course models in the bending-over position always merit my attention.

I'm still going to be searching through a few more Humorama digests before the series concludes late this year, so if we're lucky we may yet see one or two more spanking positions, or even a new "spanker" none of us has previously run across.
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 05/18/2012

Post by web-ed »

I completed the renovations to Comics Galleries 1 & 2 this week ahead of schedule :) . As I mentioned before, they will primarily benefit newcomers to CSR - The Next Generation, as it were - because they were designed the make browsing the galleries and finding what you're looking for easier, and I'd guess most of our current readers have already seen everything there and now mainly follow the new stuff. A quick summary:
  • Larger thumbnails with some completely redone
  • All original comics materials are now in Gallery 2; independently produced original spanking art and special features will be in Gallery 1. There are a couple of unimportant minor exceptions to this rule, but I'm going to follow it in the future.
  • Reorganization - the Phantom and Smilin' Jack thumbnails, for example, are now all together instead of being spread out all over the place. Also, I moved the F/M and M/M junk as far down the pages as I could, so it's easier to avoid.
  • Individual page facelifts - some pages have been spiffied up a bit in terms of layout or in other ways. These will not be especially noted in the updates section unless I have added some new and improved scans.
The effort was enormous, because not only did the gallery index pages require extensive re-coding, hundreds of files had to be carefully moved from one server directory to another, causing many hyperlinks to be effectively "broken" in the process, all of which had to be fixed by further code changes. So why do it? A passion for neatness and order is part of the answer, but really, it goes to the heart of one thing that makes CSR different in my view from blogs and bulletin boards with extensive visual content: I can arrange the visual materials in thumbnail galleries for easy review and access, which is not really possible for blogs and BBs. Since I have that capability, I figure I might as well use it for all it's worth.

I know some people have found CSR hard to navigate, but in the past year I've done all I could to make it easier, by adding a Navigation Page and Search Box and now this. CSR is big and getting bigger, and I think this change will help us going forward.

For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • Doctor Cylon teaches a young lady (who started out as She-Hulk!) how to be submissive in "Thank you, sir."
  • Humorama update: The Chairman of the Board spanks his secretary! New scan of this Dan DeCarlo classic cartoon.
  • Humorama Series #89 - A young lady of the theatre learns that sugar daddies spank just like real daddies! We don't think this one by Dan DeCarlo has ever been seen on the 'net before - another CSR exclusive!
  • Two more modern comics spankings: To get a new nose, a young woman must be spanked (definitely a modern idea); and
  • Dougie Doufis is ill-equipped to deal with a woman who hands him a hairbrush and wants him to spank her.
P.S. I forgot last week to extend a welcome here to our newest resident artist, Last Transistor Hero :) ! Be sure to take a look at his new subforum, and while you're at it, please don't forget about our other R.A.s Dan, B00m, and Phil.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

you bring up a good point about Doc Cylon taking "Particular pains" with the shading.........i love the double meaning there :lol: . he does indeed show the coloring that is characteristic of a good paddling. personally, i think that realistic looking coloring of well spanked female bottoms is characteristic of most of his work. his hand spanked bottoms look really realistic too :D . this DeCarlo secretary spanking is one of my favorites. i just love the way she is presented in this one with her dress and slip hanging nicely and exposing her hose, garter belts and panties :D . thanks for the discussion of the captions too. it seems to me to be totally reasonable that DeCarlo might have complained about having to do the captions considering the low pay rate. from what you're saying it seems that Goodman probably dealt with each artist individually instead of trying to make everyone fit the same mold as is the prevalent with today's "managers". Smart idea by Goodman if you ask me. i like the "sugar daddy" spanking even if it isn't otk. her legs and bottom along with the appropriate accoutrements are still nicely displayed :D . i find myself hoping that this was just a warning swat and that he's gonna turn her over and show her just how much alike sugar daddies and real daddies are when he gets her home :D . thanks for giving us the time line on DeCarlo. i have to admit that a new nose is a strange reason for a spanking :lol: this appears to be a comic strip. does the strip have a name that you know of? i got a chuckle from Dougie Doufis knocking the spankee off the bed..............he seems well named :lol: .

thanks again for all the hard work renovating the comic galleries and putting together another good update :D . thanks, phil

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed:

Thanks for today's updates. The two DeCarlo toons you've added were already known to most of us... but here, you have supplied us with the best and clearest scans I've ever seen. The "sugar daddies" toon is so sharp and clear, it almost seems lifelike! (Well, I did say almost.)

Your scan of the Brandon Graham toon is cute, but WHY do you say that in the OTK position you provided, the lady's "hips are raised to an improbable height"...? I'm pretty sure I've spanked some girls who held their tails up pretty high.

Great job as always, Web-ed.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB - ED CSR THANKS FOR THIS WEEK`S DRAWINGS! 8-) Think both of the moderm comic spanking drawing is nice love the humor :lol: the Dougie Doufis spanking could have been done better like having the spankee over the knees instead of kneeling on the bed ! Also didn`t see much spanking action from Dougie only the hairbrush and the spankee falling off the bed after wanting to be spanked harder :lol: But what makes this drawing good is the joke about a guy`s first time spanking a woman and don`t know how :lol: clumsy! The other drawing of a Woman who must be spanked to get a new nose is like I said nice and I love the otk position with the spankee bare bottom up high ! wonder did the guy order her to lift up her hips :D also notice the guy who is blue has his non spanking hand under her ribs maybe is he trying to grab her breasts :lol: Now what i don`t like is the spanker`s hand mainly his fingers kinda short and twisted ! otherwise a ok drawing for humor sake! Love the nice shade of pink Doctor cylon painted what seem like she- Hulk`s big bottom! hey her eyes are green could she be ready to change :lol: Not much into a submissive woman love to see them force to bend over or take them over the knees myself :lol: Also should have made her count the spanks with the rulers along with saying Thank You Sir! :lol: Love the animated version on Dan Decarlo`s Drawing Chairman Of The Board Spanks Secretary nice legs action! Also like both scan and both different jokes especially the secretary`s name Miss Shapely :lol: Was Mr. DeCarlo`s drawing of Sugar Daddies Spanks Like Real Daddies was suppose to be a skit on stage judging be the stage door and background :? So this wasn`t a real spanking only a play :? Any way I really like this drawing because of the woman`s very shapely body mainly her large round panty`s tush :D Also think that she is made to turn around and bend over for her punishment by her Sugar Daddy! Love this joke and believe it should have been played out in plenty of stories with Golddigging women and there men :lol:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

A great update this week!
web-ed wrote:Humorama update: The Chairman of the Board spanks his secretary! New scan of this Dan DeCarlo classic cartoon.
Humorama Series #89 - A young lady of the theatre learns that sugar daddies spank just like real daddies! We don't think this one by Dan DeCarlo has ever been seen on the 'net before - another CSR exclusive!
These are my favorites. I had seen both of them before, but never such a good scan. The shading, especially on the "sugar daddy" cartoon is wonderful... something you lose in the low resolution scans.

And the animation of the boss and secretary cartoon was mine. I'm glad you liked the kicking legs. It's something I don't see anyone else do when they animate spanking cartoons, but I think it adds something. Unfortunately, though, I never quite got the boss's hand right. It almost looks as if he's karate chopping her instead of spanking her! Oh well! It was an early attempt at animating someone else's art.
web-ed wrote:Two more modern comics spankings: To get a new nose, a young woman must be spanked (definitely a modern idea); and
Dougie Doufis is ill-equipped to deal with a woman who hands him a hairbrush and wants him to spank her.
I had never seen these two at all before. Thanks for posting them.
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