The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by Sweetspot »

Jerry Robinson [creator of The Joker!] in his Illustrated History of Comic Book Art said this about Wash Tubbs/Captain Easy/Buzz Sawyer creator Roy Crane, "Crane exerted a great influence on his contemporaries, many of whom consider him one of the finest artists and storytellers the medium has produced." Evidently Lauretta wasn't the only one who turned to Crane for "inspiration". Sadly, as you said, he should have followed Crane's example more closely on how to portray a spanking scene!

Yes, you and I and just about anyone using this board may see spankings where none exist. Let me give one example - when one of "us" looks at the illustration below we immediately jump to the conclusion that the woman has received a spanking and the self-satisfied spanker is now walking away. Is she a witch? Is this Halloween? You pointed out to me the possibility of the political origins of this illustration. So I decided to take a closer look. In fact, this could very-well be a superbly drawn after-spanking scene. But is it?
James Montgomery Flagg.jpg
James Montgomery Flagg.jpg (458.2 KiB) Viewed 8839 times
The artist is James Montgomery Flagg an immensely popular illustrator of the first-half of the 20th century. He is best known for his "I Want You!" military recruiting posters featuring Uncle Sam that he successfully provided during both world wars. The illustration above, in fact, shows a member of the U.S. congress retreating back to the U.S. Capitol. The woman is variously known as Lady Columbia, Miss Columbia or just Columbia. She is a patriotic national symbol that at one point, before Miss Liberty of Statue of Liberty fame supplanted her, was widely regarded as the female Uncle Sam. That is not a witches hat she wears but the liberty cap.

The illustration was part of a yearbook type publication - for distribution to members - of the Dutch Treat Club of New York City - a social club whose membership includes illustrators, artists, editors, authors among other graphic and performing art professionals. They meet for lunch on many Tuesdays to network, hear a guest speaker and promote their big cause - combating censorship. I would think this illustration appeared in a club annual dating to, I would think, somewhere around '33 to '36. One, in fact, can pick up a copy or two of these yearbooks on eBay [Limited editions - 500 to 900 copies]. The club is still going strong to this date.

Flagg had strong political opinions. He was no fan of the growing welfare state that was a result of 1930s depression relief. In the only critique of this picture that I could find on-line the critic said that it symbolizes the U.S. government sodomizing the American taxpayer [represented by Columbia]. Parts of her rear in pain but not from spanking, Senator Phil O. Buster fastening up his pants. O.K. I can see it. Particularly given what we know about Flagg's politics and the bent of the Dutch Treat Club towards government. But I would just as soon continue to live in naïve bliss and think of it as a very nice after-spanking scene.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi Phil,

Just as you would figure, I was thinking that the young lady had gotten a spanking all the way :lol: . I guess that's not a big surprise. You presented some interesting information here but I think, like you, I'll probably just continue to think of this as an after spanking scene. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Flagg Drawing

Post by web-ed »

Wow, Phil - this is incredibly raw stuff now that we know the true story. It could never have been published at the time, but one imagines that when artists and editors had their little get-togethers like the one you describe here some rather explicit drawings were circulated.

It's just human nature, I suppose. Brief footage of naked women along with some raunchy dialogue was sometimes shot on the set of a TV show and sent to the network boys for their private viewing pleasure (I know this happened on Batman because Burt Ward told the story in his book) and I actually saw such footage from an old show whose name escapes me now - it might have been Soupy Sales. And there is a credible report that artist Jim Mooney used to draw Supergirl naked in his pencilling because editor Mort Weisinger liked it that way, although of course this was fixed up in the inking stage. Not a very nice story, if true, considering how young Supergirl was supposed to be back then.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by Sweetspot »

There was a day when folks could get away with behavior that would never pass mustard - or escape the long "arm" of social media today. I remember Soupy Sales getting into trouble over raunchy behavior - I believe his show was cancelled over the issue. I'm sure that most people, now a days, realize that even the prank or so-called locker room talk or supposedly private conversation/email, tweet etc. can lead to very public trouble. Reminds me of the Chuckles Bites The Dust episode of the Mary Tylor Moore Show's sixth season when Chuckle's riotous mock obituary made it on the air thanks to Ted's usual incompetence. In private, I'm sure the members of the Dutch Treat Club no doubt thought they could act with impunity and it looks like they were right.
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2017 in Review, and Plans For 2018

Post by web-ed »

I'll try to keep this short. I have no idea how many pages CSR has now, and that's a subject for our April anniversary anyway. Although 2017 was another very tough year, it was obviously a rewarding one due mainly to Phil S.'s :ugeek: immense contributions to our knowledge of comic strip spankings. In fact, even though we started running the series a year ago, we're still not finished! So a big "Thank you!" from me to Phil S. as well as to our Resident Artists Dan, Phil O., and Hugob00m and the others who contributed to making 2017 the exciting year it was.

As I remember our first big push with comic strips back in 2010, it overflowed into the following year and the same is true this time, although I think we're going to eclipse whatever the 2010-2011 total was before we're done. We're going to start the New Year with a two-part look at Li'l Abner. Originally I had planned it for one week, but there's enough material for "Li'l Abnerpalooza" that I need to extend it to two. Then we get back to more of Phil S.'s discoveries and a few of my own as well: it looks like we'll be going on for another 30 weeks or so with the Comic Strip Series, and some of it will be brand-new, never-before-seen spankings. A few items have already been seen here on the forum, but need to be posted on the main site as well. I think I can promise that no one is going to be disappointed by the remaining strip material :D .

That means we'll still be running it in the summer. I plan to start the annual Super-Spanking Summer in June, so there will be some overlap, and how I'm going to pull that off I don't know.

Come fall we'll most likely start a series of spankings that appeared in newspapers. Phil S. has found a ton of these in his searches, and I've been compiling material myself for years also. There may not be time or material enough for an "Archie" Homecoming Week special, as much as I like to do them - we'll see.

Another Romantic Spanking Month cannot be done in February because we've got to concentrate on the strip material and because I simply don't have anything new. I do have at least two hundred romance comics waiting for me to go over, so there's hope for the future.

We also need to feature regular Doctor Cylon updates. In fact we're starting this week, and I'll do my best to regularly feature items the massive amount of material I have on file.

And that's about it. Whew - I'm tired out just describing it, let alone writing and coding it all :lol: ! But stick with us, faithful readers - we're going to have lots of great stuff this year! :)
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2020 in Review and Plans For 2021

Post by web-ed »

The fact that I haven't even written one of these in three years shows just how rough it's been around here during that time. Somehow we've muddled through and I intend to keep doing so unless the country experiences a complete collapse, which is now conceivable but something we're not going to go into here as it's too political. Assuming that doesn't happen, the lockdowns are finally lifted, and America continues on as a semi-free society, I plan to continue doing CSR but with perhaps fewer updates than I'd like. Under extreme circumstances, I may be forced to miss a week here and there.

I'm under so much pressure right now I can't even remember what my plans were for the period between now and the next Super-Spanking Summer, so let me go check my notes (lucky I'm pretty well organized)...

O.K. - I plan to continue the Bawdy Bard Series, resume the Humorama Series in February (with one entry per month thereafter), and post as much of Doctor Cylon's vast output as I possibly can. (First up: Lara Croft's rear end as it's thoroughly and repeatedly reddened by the Good Doctor in a five-part series :) !)

I've got no shortage of new material at this point - just a shortage of time to post it - so I must abandon most of my search activities except for the Golden Age comics scans that become periodically available. It's too bad in the case of Humorama because there are only about three digests from the "classic" period of 1955-60 that I've never been able to get ahold of, but that's how it is. And I do have a lot of Humorama non-spanking stuff in the files to go along with the remaining half-dozen or so new spanking cartoons. I've got some good comics material, too.

And I think that's enough detail. Anyone who's curious can look up some of my posts on this topic from 2018 (which I had hilariously mis-titled "2014 Self-Evaluation," thus getting the year wrong - something I didn't notice until last week :oops: ) where I discuss searches, future plans, special projects, etc.

The problem remains lack of time to prepare new updates. I'm seriously thinking of advertising for a female assistant, but I doubt there will be a stampede of applicants for a job that doesn't pay anything and involves getting paddled when you screw up. :lol:
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Plans For 2022

Post by web-ed »

Considering the state the world is in today - and I have never, in my entire lifetime, seen it as bad as this - it may seem silly to even bring up the subject of the direction an adult spanking website is taking, but there it is. I don't have the power on my own to correct the multiple miseries being inflicted upon us by that plague known as government; all I can do right now is run CSR. It's true that the first goal of any us should be to get through this year in one piece (while praying that a lot of the people in charge get their just desserts before too long!), but since that's a depressing subject let me briefly outline what to expect in the remaining 11 months of 2022.

First, I'm planning to keep the lights on :D . I mention that because I've had such a miserable time in my personal life that I could certainly be forgiven for chucking it all as Richard Windsor has thought about doing, and I know some of you have expected me to hang it up based on what I've been saying for the past several years. It's very hard in many ways for me to put forth the effort to keep CSR going, and it may be that one of these years I'll be forced out by by a combination of cruel circumstances, but right now I don't think 2022 is going to be the year. In fact, I'd really like to see CSR go on for decades, but for that I'm going to need a disciple to carry on for me, which is another subject.

My searches for new material will be severely constrained, but I've got so much in the files now that won't be an immediate problem. For example, I've had to pretty much shut down the Humorama Search because I haven't the time any more to resell the magazines and I can't afford to buy them and hang on to them (the only exception is that I'm still actively hunting for those last few mags from the 1955-60 period), and yet I've got tons of Humorama material left in the files. Most of it is non-spanking (but still interesting, I hope, with spanking positions, spankable models, etc.) but I do have all the actual live-model spankings they ever did as far as I know.

On the comics side, I will continue the Golden Age search but that's all, and again, there is enough material there to get us through the next few months (I finally got around to something specific for 2022 - hooray! :lol: ). Possibly before I run out of comics for the current Comics Spankings Series it will be time for Super-Spanking Summer, and in the fall we'll either return to the comics or go on to something for the Humor Section like the return of the Rivals of Humorama Series. And of course Doctor Cylon will be here every week since I have about 2300 files - no exaggeration - in his folder.

And although strictly speaking not part of my plans, I think it's fair to say that Resident Artist Hugob00m has some plans of his own for his O. T. Katie strip, giving us something to look forward to in the coming year. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.
web-ed wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:51 pm Considering the state the world is in today - and I have never, in my entire lifetime, seen it as bad as this - it may seem silly to even bring up the subject of the direction an adult spanking website is taking, but there it is. I don't have the power on my own to correct the multiple miseries being inflicted upon us by that plague known as government; all I can do right now is run CSR. It's true that the first goal of any us should be to get through this year in one piece (while praying that a lot of the people in charge get their just desserts before too long!), but since that's a depressing subject let me briefly outline what to expect in the remaining 11 months of 2022.
Yeah. Unfortunately, I think our country is on the decline. It makes me glad to be old. Maybe I won't live to see the worst of it.
web-ed wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:51 pm First, I'm planning to keep the lights on . I mention that because I've had such a miserable time in my personal life that I could certainly be forgiven for chucking it all as Richard Windsor has thought about doing, and I know some of you have expected me to hang it up based on what I've been saying for the past several years. It's very hard in many ways for me to put forth the effort to keep CSR going, and it may be that one of these years I'll be forced out by by a combination of cruel circumstances, but right now I don't think 2022 is going to be the year. In fact, I'd really like to see CSR go on for decades, but for that I'm going to need a disciple to carry on for me, which is another subject.
Sorry to read that things are going bad for you... but I'm glad you're going to keep C.S.R. going... at least for a while longer.
web-ed wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:51 pm And although strictly speaking not part of my plans, I think it's fair to say that Resident Artist Hugob00m has some plans of his own for his O. T. Katie strip, giving us something to look forward to in the coming year.
I'm grateful that your forum gives me a place to post my O.T, Katie cartoons for an appreciative audience. As long as I can draw, and as long as this forum is still open to me, Katie will be there. I've got several weeks' worth stockpiled, and I'm doing one more now.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:15 am I'm grateful that your forum gives me a place to post my O.T, Katie cartoons for an appreciative audience. As long as I can draw, and as long as this forum is still open to me, Katie will be there. I've got several weeks' worth stockpiled, and I'm doing one more now.
I'm glad to hear that, B00m! With me keeping CSR alive and you doing more O. T. Katie strips, perhaps there's some hope for this world after all. :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by solsunbeach »

I think it is safe to say that we have all had better times in our lives, but I believe we should always look forward as there is little point in regrets about things out of our powers. I would like to thank you for your time in editing this excellent blog, and also to Boom for his wonderful stories of OTKatie. Many good wishes for the holidays and the new year.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by web-ed »

solsunbeach wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:10 pm I think it is safe to say that we have all had better times in our lives, but I believe we should always look forward as there is little point in regrets about things out of our powers. I would like to thank you for your time in editing this excellent blog, and also to Boom for his wonderful stories of OTKatie. Many good wishes for the holidays and the new year.
Why, thank you very kindly, Solsunbeach! I appreciate the sentiment and hope CSR continues to live up to your expectations. :D
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by hugob00m »

solsunbeach wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:10 pm I think it is safe to say that we have all had better times in our lives, but I believe we should always look forward as there is little point in regrets about things out of our powers. I would like to thank you for your time in editing this excellent blog
I agree with Solsunbeach on that.

solsunbeach wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:10 pm and also to Boom for his wonderful stories of OTKatie.
Thanks for including me.

I hope things go better at the close of the year and in the future.
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Plans For 2023

Post by web-ed »

I'll try to keep it short.

Basically, for now I'm going to keep going with Marvel Golden Age stuff for a while and then get back to anything that comes to my mind as having been sitting around for a long time, especially material other people have discovered and kindly sent in (e.g. Alan, Robin, Michael - and I don't mean to leave anyone out here). I don't know whether this will take us all the way to Super-Spanking Summer or not.

In Doctor Cylon's Gallery, we'll continue with Jessica Rabbit for a while longer. I don't know if I should try to exhaust the material in this category or give it a rest for a while and then come back to it perhaps next year. I think I favor the latter approach. So far I have coded another four entries after this week's, which means we'll be seeing Jessica - we might say "seeing double"! - until at least Feb. 10.

HugoB00m certainly doesn't seem to be running out steam, but I'll leave it to him to describe his plans in his own gallery.

On the technical side, we have three issues:

1. No way for our Resident Artists to update anything on the main site. That's not a big problem as long as some sort of board limit, if one exist, as to the number of attachments isn't reached. My idea was to head off any problem by allowing artwork to be linked rather than attached (the difference is mainly where the picture files are stored) but I've had no time to code it as I've never done anything like that and I believe it's fairly involved.

2. There is some weird bug in the code for the Humorama Data Base that only affects the cartoons of one artist, George Morrice, displaying incorrect "Total Number of Cartoons". (Try it by searching on "Morrice" on the DB page when you've got some time to kill). This is a fairly minor matter but I find it annoying, and so far I simply haven't had the time to crack the problem.

3. Our Bulletin Board, phpBB, is out of date. The basic problem is with our web host, so there's nothing I can do about it until they get around to installing a more recent version of PHP. I actually dread the update as I had a very rough time with the last one and there's a hundred things that can go wrong during the update process. I always end up having to manually upload all kinds of crazy files in an attempt to get the thing working. In the mean time, we should be o.k. as there's no reason our current board won't continue to work without whatever improvements and bug fixes phpBB has done the past few years.

Now more generally, I will try to keep up this pace if it's at all possible. As always, I'm badly overworked and am planning an absolutely horrendous move during this year so it's always possible that the week will arrive when the only update will come from B00m, but the reason I've worked four weeks ahead is to try to prevent any "interruption in service" if at all possible. If not possible, I'll at least put up a notice to that effect.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

I didn't have a lot to say about this post, except: thanks for keeping us informed.

I see there was one specific mention of me...
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:27 pm HugoB00m certainly doesn't seem to be running out steam, but I'll leave it to him to describe his plans in his own gallery.
It's true that I've been on a roll lately. I have some ideas of my own... and Solsunbeach has suggested some situations that he thinks Katie should find herself in. I have something ready for Romantic Spanking Month. Keep an eye out in my "Resident Artist gallery.
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Spanking Search Status as of January 2024

Post by web-ed »

With an enormous backlog of material in my files (especially from Doctor Cylon but in most other categories as well), HugoB00m still going strong with O. T. Katie, and D. M. Sherwood still planning some surprises (I'm sure), in a way it doesn't matter how my ongoing searches are going - there's going to be enough stuff to get us through 2024 if I can scrape together a few hours per week to get it coded and uploaded. Still, I thought everyone might be a little interested in whether I'm even still looking for new stuff, given how little time I have available.

The short answer is yes - I'm still looking for material, but in a very limited way compared to the past. Let's break it down by category:

Comics - I estimate I searched only 11,300 pages of comics this year. I no longer have definite numbers because to save time I no longer download everything I'm going to examine (I only did 1334 pages that way in 2023) and with the passing of JVJ only a few new comics now become available at Digital Comics Museum. I've been concentrating on Golden Age Timely (Marvel) comics in the limited time I've had, and the results have been unspectacular so far, with most of the romance titles still remaining to be searched.

Humorama - only three known spanking cartoons remain, all from one magazine (later reprinted in another) and all by an unknown imitator of Bill Wenzel. (We saw his only known non-Humorama "spanker" this year.) I'd like to get that one issue and post those cartoons, but otherwise I'm no longer trying to obtain physical Humorama magazines because it's simply too much time and effort. If I can get any more digital copies of course I will (I got a few of these in the past).

Humorama Rivals - fortunately, some of these are becoming available at DCM because once again, I've stopped purchasing physical copies. One title I'd like to examine more closely is Sex to Sexty, which I now realize had more spanking cartoons than I expected or believed (and some of which we'll be seeing shortly). With time and resources critically short, I don't know how much I can do there.

The Wolf Books in particular are something I'd like to see more of, but they're rare. Harvey's stuff is better than I realized, and it's mostly what I was referring to as becoming more available in digital form.

Art and Stage, Screen, and TV - not doing a lot there but I still snag occasional items. I've got lots in the files, for example a lot of Kim Possible stuff and more with The Incredibles.

Video- Again, not a lot of active searches but I do have a considerable inventory including a lot more public paddlings!

So that's where we stand, search-wise. It's certainly not the biggest problem we've got, and if I do find anything really unusual in 2024 I'll try not to make everyone wait for years before I post it. :roll:
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2023 in Review and Plans for 2024

Post by web-ed »

2023 wasn't a bad year. I suppose the highlight of my own contributions was probably "Who Was the ACES Artist?" a monumental undertaking that took up all my CSR time in March and April with some of the preparatory work going back ten years earlier, although it didn't create quite the splash I'd hoped for. This was probably because the artist's identity wasn't as shocking as it would have been if the general population was older and more into comics than it is - a sad reminder, if we needed another, that not everyone is as old or as into Silver/Bronze Age comics as we core CSR people are. Not to be bitter, but I guess you can't expect today's under-40 spankos to stop texting or wasting their time on social media long enough to attend spanking parties or pay attention to some pretty impressive spanking-themed work done by us old fogies at CSR :roll: .

I don't know what's happened with Dan. I think we all miss Phil Overbarrel, but Hugob00m has done everything humanly possible to take up the slack, while Doctor Cylon, though pretty much retired these days, sent me so much material during 2019-2021 that I'll be posting it for years if we all live that long, and D. M. Sherwood has single-handedly kept our Fiction Section alive. I did a quick count and the main site is now at 1934 web pages, which means we'll hit 2000 some time this year, our 20th anniversary. And that doesn't include this board with its 6100 attachments (mostly pictures). :o

The biggest problem again this year is going to be myself, the permanent bottleneck through whom everything except B00m's work (and a little of David's) has to pass through, while I simultaneously have to keep the lights on (which fortunately doesn't require that much effort most weeks). And I'm still worn-out, overworked, and seriously under-slept without enough time to devote to CSR. Nonetheless, I plan to keep going as best I can.

So what lies ahead the next five months (after which it'll be time for another Super-Spanking Summer)? I think we'll have more Rivals of Humorama using the cartoons discovered by Andre at SPK, more Video (which takes more time to code because of course a video player has to be inserted into each page), and certainly more from David, B00m and Doctor Cylon. I really should do another special this year, but I'm not sure whether it should be The History of the Spanking Cartoon or Spanking in Men's Magazines, or for that matter how I'd find the time to do either one. We'll have to wait and see - and repairing/upgrading this board should come first.

I hope everyone will hang in there with me for 2024. Now it's time to get this week's updates done...
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:01 pm 2023 wasn't a bad year.
It's been pretty good for me. I'm old enough to collect Social Securuty, and healthy enough to work.
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:01 pm I suppose the highlight of my own contributions was probably "Who Was the ACES Artist?" a monumental undertaking that took up all my CSR time in March and April with some of the preparatory work going back ten years earlier, although it didn't create quite the splash I'd hoped for. This was probably because the artist's identity wasn't as shocking as it would have been if the general population was older and more into comics than it is - a sad reminder, if we needed another, that not everyone is as old or as into Silver/Bronze Age comics as we core CSR people are. Not to be bitter, but I guess you can't expect today's under-40 spankos to stop texting or wasting their time on social media long enough to attend spanking parties or pay attention to some pretty impressive spanking-themed work done by us old fogies at CSR .
It was a really good article. I suppose the reasons you mention were why there wasn't a bigger reaction. Some of us enjoyed it.
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:01 pm I don't know what's happened with Dan.
I don'r know either. He seemed more upset than either of us about the limited responses to our posts. Also, I heard he was having trouble with his computer. I hope his health is alright... but I haven't heard anything.
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:01 pm I think we all miss Phil Overbarrel,
I sure do. Given the limitations of Poser art that you've mentioned, It's even more important to have good stories to go with your pictures. Phil always did.
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:01 pm but Hugob00m has done everything humanly possible to take up the slack,
I've tried.
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:01 pm while Doctor Cylon, though pretty much retired these days, sent me so much material during 2019-2021 that I'll be posting it for years if we all live that long,
His stuff is fun. I'm gad there's more.
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:01 pm D. M. Sherwood has single-handedly kept our Fiction Section alive.
His writing has an interesting viewpoint. He also has an alternative ending for a comicbook story that I had been illustrating. Maybe soon I'll have my part done.
web-ed wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:01 pm The biggest problem again this year is going to be myself, the permanent bottleneck through whom everything except B00m's work (and a little of David's) has to pass through, while I simultaneously have to keep the lights on (which fortunately doesn't require that much effort most weeks). And I'm still worn-out, overworked, and seriously under-slept without enough time to devote to CSR. Nonetheless, I plan to keep going as best I can.

So what lies ahead the next five months (after which it'll be time for another Super-Spanking Summer)? I think we'll have more Rivals of Humorama using the cartoons discovered by Andre at SPK, more Video (which takes more time to code because of course a video player has to be inserted into each page), and certainly more from David, B00m and Doctor Cylon. I really should do another special this year, but I'm not sure whether it should be The History of the Spanking Cartoon or Spanking in Men's Magazines, or for that matter how I'd find the time to do either one. We'll have to wait and see - and repairing/upgrading this board should come first.

I hope everyone will hang in there with me for 2024. Now it's time to get this week's updates done...
I look forward to what's coming up
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Re: 2023 and 2024

Post by web-ed »

Thanks for your comments, B00m.
-- Web-Ed
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