The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

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The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by web-ed »

2012 was a rotten year in many ways - for example the U.S. economy is still stalled out and isn't going to get better anytime soon - but I have to say it was another good one for CSR:
  • Our Resident Artists, Dan, b00m, and Phil, continued to provide us all with a lot of great stuff here on this board. Last Transistor Hero contributed also but doesn't seem to be active at the moment. Doctor Cylon's colorings and animations continued to grace his gallery over on the main site.
  • I spruced up all the visual galleries with larger thumbnails and extensively reorganized Comics Galleries 1 & 2. Actual spankings in comic books and strips were moved to Gallery 2, while Gallery 1 retains all the independently-produced comics-related art. The Humor Gallery got re-arranged so that the Humorama material could be kept together.
  • Speaking of Humorama, the Series continued throughout the year, and despite my expectation that it would conclude by December, will now continue into its third year. I also designed and constructed a new DB to hold the Humorama spanking cartoons, and it will be unveiled at the end of the series.
  • Super-Spanking Summer II was successful in every way except I couldn't get through all my superhero material.
  • CSR now stands at approximately 844 individual web pages with 3200 images (not all of them spanking - I can only count the number of total images) not including this forum, which makes it one of the largest spanking sites around.
  • The Forum now has over 4000 posts and, as I found out recently, over 1000 attached images, plus an unknown number of linked images! That's a lot of material right there. :)
  • CSR has 250,000 unique visitors every month, with about 1.5 million hits (a less significant measure) in the same period.
O.K., so what about 2013?
  • The Golden Age & Wonder Woman searches will continue; but regardless of how they pan out I've got plenty of material for the year.
  • As mentioned above, the Humorama Series will continue into its third year and finally conclude (with possible extensions after that). I've got at least two more Humorama special features planned: Spanking Positions II and an afterword to present some of my observations and conclusions based on what I've learned during the series.
  • Super-Spanking Summer III will continue where II left off and we may hope will finally exhaust my stock of super-hero spankings.
  • In between these two series we may be able to fit in another, featuring non-Humorama spanking humor cartoons. I have enough of these now to run for a couple of months.
  • A new series beginning on Jan. 11 by Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard, which has been delayed for some time because I didn't want to detract from it by running it at the same time so many other things were going on. This will certainly help us get the New Year off to a good start.
  • I'd like to do at least two articles, on spanking in non-Humorama men's magazines and on the history of the humorous spanking cartoon.
I don't want to promise anything else, because I may not get to it, just as I've failed to get to a lot of things I wanted to the past few years. But I hope you'll stick with CSR this year because we're certainly going to see some interesting stuff :) !
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

it sounds like you've got plenty of things planned for the new year which i'll be waiting to see so let me just say FULL STEAM AHEAD FOR 2013 :D . you mentioned that there are things you want to do that you have failed to get done but it seems like you've done a hell of a lot anyway. besides, we have plenty of time and i have no doubt you'll get to them ;) . to everyone in the forum, have a HAPPY NEW YEAR :D . phil

Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by daneldorado »

Bless your heart, Web-ed, for continuing the search for the best spanking images around, and sharing them with us.

Looks like you plan to remain on the search in the new year that just began. You have laid out some mighty ambitious plans, in your New Year's message. Hopefully, the other Resident Artists and I will be able to come up with plenty of our own images for your site.

If I didn't say so before, let me emphasize that you and your site are like a Dream Come True for me. Imagine, a website where you can go and see good, clear spanking panels from comics and indy panels from years ago... it's Nirvana! and no, I'm not talking about the band. :D

As you know, I have been a fan of spanking panels since childhood, and indeed I was aware, even then, that many of the best panels were published before I was born... so I, too, have been a researcher of such items throughout life. To know that there are others in our "fraternity" who feel the same way is glorious. I hope that I will be able to contribute more drawings in the months ahead.

Happy New Year, Nick!

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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:If I didn't say so before, let me emphasize that you and your site are like a Dream Come True for me. Imagine, a website where you can go and see good, clear spanking panels from comics and indy panels from years ago... it's Nirvana! and no, I'm not talking about the band. :D
overbarrel49 wrote:It sounds like you've got plenty of things planned for the new year which i'll be waiting to see so let me just say FULL STEAM AHEAD FOR 2013 :D . you mentioned that there are things you want to do that you have failed to get done but it seems like you've done a hell of a lot anyway. besides, we have plenty of time and i have no doubt you'll get to them ;) . to everyone in the forum, have a HAPPY NEW YEAR :D . phil
Thanks very much, Dan and Phil, for your good wishes :) . And you'll be glad to know that no sooner had 2013 begun than I found the first new comic-book spanking of the year, from "years ago" - 1940 to be precise! Unfortunately, the inker blacked out the figures so the panel provides very little detail, but it's clear that a M/F spanking is taking place, and we'll see it later this year.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

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Happy New Year WEB-ED CSR!!! Thanks for your hard effort to find great spanking from Comic Books Comic strips and cartoons from around the world 8-) Hoping that this be the year we see a real disciplinary spanking in a comic book or strip of a female via Super Heroine or Villianess mainstream movies and tv shows are begining to slowly put spanking in their story line so I think comics will follow!!!! Hoping it be a spoil Linsay Lohan type charater who gets a good otk spanking from a hero like Batman or Spiderman :lol: Good luck in 2013 in finding the best spanking in comic!! THANKS!!
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2014 in Review and Plans For 2015

Post by web-ed »

2014 was a great year for CSR – we had many contributions from our Resident Artists and others, the 10th Anniversary Blast with all kinds of special features, another Super-Spanking Summer, Romantic Spanking Month in which we unveiled four new spankings from romance comics, and most significantly, a 7-part series of articles on the psychology of spanking.

Allow me to digress for a moment and focus just on that: although the series didn’t garner any notice outside the CSR community, the fact is if the broader adult spanking community wants answers about this subject, it’s going to have to come here because frankly there isn’t any place else to go. I don’t think anyone had ever before even explained what spanking represents, let alone mounted a serious attack on the idea that spankos are just born that way. My hope is that over time more people when searching for information on spanking psychology will find the series and, of course, the entirety of CSR (right now the search engines don’t readily direct the inquirer to CSR). While it wasn’t a “fun” series, I believe it was the most significant thing CSR has ever published.

O.K., so where do we stand at the end of 2014? CSR has over 1300 separate web pages, two searchable spanking data bases, and a discussion forum with over 1700 attached images! And while my ongoing searches haven’t yielded a whole lot of new spanking material lately, I’ve certainly got enough in the files to get us through 2015 – so what can we expect?
  • More video, at least if I can work out the problems with the Windows Media Player. I don’t specialize in video, of course, but I think I’ve made some interesting contributions in this area, and while I’ve exhausted all my old television stuff I do have some spankings from old movies and a few recent bar paddlings.
  • Another Romantic Spanking Month in February. I only have two new romance comic spankings this year, but I also have more information on some past offerings, including the fascinating “secretary swats” episode which I tracked down at last, a romance comic spanking parody from Tim, and some other good stuff.
  • The Return of the Humorama Series! Yes, I’ve got 9 more Humorama spanking cartoons, including what may well have been the last new one ever done for them. Because it’s so difficult now to locate reasonably-priced digests from the critical 1956-60 time period, I decided it made no sense to hold off any longer in the hope that I might be sure there was nothing else to find. What else might still be out there, either from the critical period or from Humorama’s last ten years, is a subject I’ll address when the series is running.
  • Another Super-Spanking Summer!
  • Rivals of Humorama – there were a number of spankings in non-Humorama men’s humor magazines, and it’s time we had a look at them.
  • The History of the Spanking Cartoon – along with “Rivals of Humorama,” it’s not clear if I can fit this in during the year, but I’ll try.
  • Updates to existing pages – mostly Humorama cartoons and comic books. New scans and more information.
My goal is to do a couple of updates per week – say one new item and one update of an existing page – plus the occasional extra feature on the Forum.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

it looks to me like we've got a jam packed year ahead and i'll be looking forward to it :D . i didn't see anything you have planned that our CSR membership won't love..........especially the return of the Humorama series :D :D . i'll be looking forward to the new year. thanks again for all your hard work. phil
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by jimc »

hi web-ed, 2015 does indeed look promising. The Humorama data base gave me lots to look forward to. I am sent to CSR by Spanking Minnesota and Richard Windsor as well so you do have others in the spanko community that know of your dedication. I wish I could visit more often, but I am still having computer issues and I can only visit sparingly. I am excited about other men's magazines as I think we did some talks on Sex To Sexty and some others. I was disappointed that there did seem to be little interest in a new survey ( although I was not really surprised) about new comic strip beauties. But surveys do take a lot of work and there is little time to spare for them. I also would like to thank the artists that share with you and all those that contribute. As I do not get here as often as I would like and comment on how fantastic I think that their finds and sharing is I cannot begin the new year without giving a big thank you to one and all and hope everyone has a great new year esp. CSR. Oh and Nick although you did prove that we are not born with the spanking gene I still think that some of us might (only because I do not think any of us remember the TE that made us into spankos in the first place. Thanks again and have a great day.
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Comic Strip Spankings Coming in 2017

Post by daneldorado »

[Web-Ed's note: I moved this post from Hugob00m's Forum, where the subject of the Barney Google strip had come up, to here since I was about to talk about 2017 anyway.]

Web-ed wrote:

Don't want to wander too far off-topic here, but you'll be glad to know that even though I've never seen any M/F spankings in Barney Google, I have been amassing a large number of M/F spankings from other comic strips, and we're going to see a new series of them probably beginning in January.

Whoopee! "A large number?" Can't wait!

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Re: Comic Strip Spankings Coming in 2017

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:
Web-ed wrote:

Don't want to wander too far off-topic here, but you'll be glad to know that even though I've never seen any M/F spankings in Barney Google, I have been amassing a large number of M/F spankings from other comic strips, and we're going to see a new series of them probably beginning in January.

Whoopee! "A large number?" Can't wait!

I'm going to get into more details in the next post, Dan, but I wanted you to know that Sweetspot remembered your interest in one particular "missing" strip spanking (one you remembered but that was not extant within the spanko community), namely a fifth spanking from Abbie An' Slats in which Slats spanks an heiress! (See Abbie An' Slats #4 where we mention Dan's recollection). Sweetspot has managed to find this fine scene along with better/more complete versions of some of our existing Abbie An' Slats posts. He also found a sixth spanking in the strip(!), but it's of a bratty child actress named Baby Betty and so cannot be presented on CSR, but I will mention it in a separate post and make it privately available to anyone who wants to see it.
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2016 in Review and Plans For 2017

Post by web-ed »

As of today, CSR stands at about 1400 web pages (I can't get an accurate count, odd as that may sound, for reasons too lengthy to go into here), or about 100 more than we had two years ago. That sounds about right, as it would mean 1 new page per week. (Everyone understands that each "web page" is a separate address your browser can access and display, right?). We also have 9000 posts on this board and 2200 picture attachments, mostly the work of Resident Artists Hugob00m and Overbarrel (the two other people who "attach" a lot of files to their posts here are Dan and myself, and we technically link the files rather than attach them, a distinction I'll get back to later). I do not have any way to count Dan's external linked images, but he's got a bunch, while I have about 370 internally-linked images (i.e., I self-host them, but not in the same place the attachments are found).

So it's a very big site, and overall I am satisfied with what all of us have accomplished for CSR this past year: More works from our Resident Artists (thanks, Dan, B00m, and Phil (Overbarrel)), one major series (Rivals of Humorama), another Super-Spanking Summer, the Return of Doctor Cylon, and a whole lot of other stuff I just can't think of at the moment :? !

Our biggest problem is me: I have very limited availability due to being extremely hard-pressed with work and family issues, and just keeping the lights on at CSR takes time. Every hour I have to spend upgrading the board or resolving technical problems with the main site is an hour not available for research, correspondence (I'm almost caught up!), writing and coding new pages, or actually giving spankings (yes, I'm most often too busy to meet and spank new clients, incredible as that probably sounds to any young male spankos reading this). You can see some of the results: no video updates in two years, fewer articles than I would like to have written, things being delayed for years (how long have I been promising to reveal the identity of "The Aces Artist"?), etc.

I promised Dan a while back to figure out a way for him to upload his drawing files directly to the site so he wouldn't have to use ImageTitan, but after some initial work on the problem I had to lay it aside to keep the updates coming. (One concern here is that I don't know what the upper limit is for attachments to this board. They're all in the same file, and if we reach some limit we would need to go to linking pictures instead of attaching them. I would like our Resident Artists to be able to upload their drawing files to CSR without having to go through me (this is part of what the board does during the attaching process), but I have to do this without compromising security - we don't want to give hackers any openings - and it takes a lot of time for me to read all the PHP references to figure out how to code such a thing). I will get back to the technical problems when I can.

I really need a young, technically-savvy "Apprentice Web-Ed" to learn the business and take some of the load off my shoulders, but as I can't pay any salaries, I doubt I could find anyone.

O.K., I've already gone on too long and we haven't even gotten to 2017 yet! :roll: One "big" series is about all I could possibly handle next year, so I decided it should be a good one: a focus on new spankings from comic strips (as opposed to books) :D ! I've found a number of these myself during my ongoing Golden Age Search the past three years or so, but I think the better ones have been located by other people, particularly new member Sweetspot (I'm going to do my best to see that proper credit is given, but sometimes my records leave someone out by accident). We'll also have some important updates to existing pages with fill-ins of missing information and better scans. We haven't had a real "Year of the Comic Strip" since 2010 when, with the help of JimC and others, I posted a whole mess of strips.

Here's some of what we'll be seeing in 2017:
  • The long-missing 5th spanking from Abbie An' Slats- wow!
  • A F/F scene from The Captain and the Kids
  • A very unusual M/F scene from Barney Google, a strip that was discussed over on Hugob00m's forum earlier this year!
  • Some so-so butt-whackings from the now-forgotten Lena Pry strip
  • A M/F spanking from one strip wrongly labeled by the newspaper (or the syndicate) as coming from another!
  • Olive Oyl spanked by her dad
  • Some spankings and missed opportunities from the 1920's strip Out Our Way
  • Ella Cinders - yes, we have one spanking from this strip already, but this is a different one
  • Polly and Her Pals
  • From a strip whose name I'll keep secret for now but which is known to all good CSR readers, an entire storyline devoted to spanking(!) as the lead character gets drugged and goes on a spanking rampage! This storyline, which ran several weeks, will probably put this strip ahead of even Smilin' Jack for total number of spankings over its history. And there are some after-spanking panels where the spankees have a pillow strapped to their sore behinds! Plus another, unrelated spanking from that same strip - unbelievable, and double-wow! :o
  • Too much more strip stuff to list!
  • Four new spankings from romance comics for February, Romantic Spanking Month
  • Yet another Super-Spanking Summer with superheroines and super-villainesses getting their fannies tanned
  • A special on birthday spankings
  • And when I can catch a breath, some of the new stuff Doctor Cylon just sent me!
All this will begin in January, so stay tuned! :)
Last edited by web-ed on Wed Dec 28, 2016 3:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

While I don't totally understand the workings of CSR, I had a hunch that it was a big site with a lot of pics and information being posted on a routine basis. I was also pretty sure that you were stressed for time, although I doubt that I understand the extent of that either. Also, it's hard for even and old spanko like me to realize that you had to pass on giving real spankings to young ladies :o . There are times when just keeping a toon going comes down to the wire for me so I can only imagine how much time it takes to keep this place running. I didn't know until earlier in the day today that I was going to have a new pic to post tomorrow morning as I was slowed down by doing Santa spankings and a recent bout with the flu..........or the plague :shock: :lol: .

I had also wondered about any limits that might exist on how much we can post here. If it comes down to that, I would be willing to learn how to link them if necessary to save space here. All of my current pics are also being posted at my blog if that would be of any help. As far as an apprentice goes, I have no advice to offer you. I really know very few young people who are into spanking, let alone have the skills that would be required.

Anyway, thanks for the heads up about 2017. You've gotten my curiosity stirred up now and I'll be looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us. Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Phil
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Re: Board Limitations

Post by web-ed »

Overbarrel wrote:I had also wondered about any limits that might exist on how much we can post here. If it comes down to that, I would be willing to learn how to link them if necessary to save space here. All of my current pics are also being posted at my blog if that would be of any help. As far as an apprentice goes, I have no advice to offer you. I really know very few young people who are into spanking, let alone have the skills that would be required.
Thanks, Phil. As to the limitations of the board, I don't know exactly what they are, but I'm not worried about the posts themselves, because we're doing maybe 1000 per year so a 100,000 post limit would still give us another 90 years :D and I imagine the limit is higher than that. (Space isn't a problem because with all our gabbing :lol: our 9000 posts so far have only required 22 MB of storage!)

The post attachments are another matter, since they are all in one directory and we have to worry not only about the total space they occupy (which is probably o.k.) but about addressability, which means a large enough space to keep track of the location of each picture file. You can think of computer address space by imagining a book and its table of contents: you may have enough blank pages to write 1 million chapters on, but do you have enough space for the corresponding table of contents to keep track of where each chapter begins?

Anyway, we won't worry about it for now as we are probably o.k. If we run into some limit, we'll get around it somehow, and I appreciate your offer to link elsewhere (it would really be just another directory on CSR if I can lick the technical problems). :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by willjohn »

Happy New Year to the Chicago Spanking Review and all who spank in it. 8-)
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:Happy New Year to the Chicago Spanking Review and all who spank in it. 8-)
Thanks, Willjohn! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by Tanner »

I am really curious about the strip with all the spankings that is forthcoming,the one that you say should be familiar to all CSR readers. Thought I was fairly knowledgeable about comics spankings but this one have no idea about.
Especially look forward to the pillows tied to sore bottoms panels. Have seen those before in comics featuring spankings(or other "butt injuries"), but don't think have seen one one where it was a female who was wearing the pillow.
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by web-ed »

Tanner wrote:I am really curious about the strip with all the spankings that is forthcoming,the one that you say should be familiar to all CSR readers. Thought I was fairly knowledgeable about comics spankings but this one have no idea about.
Especially look forward to the pillows tied to sore bottoms panels. Have seen those before in comics featuring spankings(or other "butt injuries"), but don't think have seen one one where it was a female who was wearing the pillow.
We're only four weeks away from revealing the name of that strip, Tanner, and with it the first five installments - the spanking storyline is so long, I've decided to present it over the 4 updates in April with 5, 5, 5, and 6 days of the strip respectively to get through it all. And you do know this strip, but the spanking storyline goes way back and may never have reprinted. No spanko ever remembered it or talked about it as far as I know, not even Dan, whose memory probably goes further back than anyone else's here at CSR. I myself have uncovered many reprinted episodes of this strip and had never seen it. And I knew you'd love the pillows strapped to all those female behinds (I think there's at least five of them, including one woman seen from across the street!). :lol:

But I have another surprise for you! 8-)

Sweetspot looked at the board to see what strips had spankings that CSR readers remembered but that I had not yet been able to find. One of them was yours, and I guess I should stop being so coy and reveal that it was the Lancelot strip - and he went out and found it :o ! So that's another one you should really enjoy. I haven't decided when to schedule it yet, however - I'm only up through April in my planning, and haven't even begun coding those updates yet. I've got some strip material of my own that needs to get posted so I don't have to end the series with it because most of it isn't that great, although here at CSR we'll never turn up our noses at any scene where a deserving female gets her bottom whacked. :)
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by Sweetspot »

An interesting side-benefit of using the data-base for research was stumbling upon the occasional oddity during the process of looking for answers to data-base mysteries. Eventually you will see one involving Tarzan just to give an example (assist to Andre for pointing me in a certain direction). But here's another, notice the similarities between the Lieutenant Lump story found in Amazing Mystery Funnies #24 published in 1940 and the Wash Tubbs strip of October 31, 1932. The dialogue just before the spanking in both stories is obviously too similar to be coincidental. Paul J. Lauretta's 1940 story even includes the rather unusual, for a spanking, sound of PLOP as did Roy Crane's Wash Tubbs story. My conjecture on the similarity would be that Lauretta went back to the 1932 strip to use the art work as a model for his Lt. Lump spanking (perhaps his spanking in silhouette is the WT spanking in reverse??). While there he found some satisfying dialogue that he, shall we say, borrowed from Crane. But perhaps Web-Ed and his other readers have their own ideas and further information.
Changing subjects, more or less, note that in the Lt. Lump story as the queen is still prostate over Lump's lap she cries for help she needs "ASSistance because she is being confronted by an "ASS.ASSin", or is my imagination getting the best of me?
Phil S
amazing_mystery_funnies_no_24_lank_p5.jpg (1.03 MiB) Viewed 7097 times
captain_easy_spanking_4_oct_1932_windsor.jpg (352.32 KiB) Viewed 7097 times
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

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love how the Queen is screaming Assassin!! Assassin!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Year in Review, and Plans For Next Year

Post by web-ed »

I forgot to respond to this one earlier, Phil, but you have indeed uncovered a very suspicious similarity between these two strips. If only Lauretta had realized as Crane certainly did that the one panel you never want to blackout (usually done to save drawing time) is the one with the spanking in it! Drat! :x

Were "assistance" and "assassin" code words with the behind in mind? (By the way, notice that arrow directing the eye right to the second "ass" in "assassin"? Maybe it was the letterer who was the spanko :lol: ). That's very hard to say. On the one hand, as spankos we are likely to see references to spanking everywhere - I remember an ad for something or other that was set in a dorm room, and there was a cricket bat leaning against the wall and a pretty cheerleader leaning over a dresser to fix her makeup in the mirror, and of course I immediately thought they were suggesting a good paddling! :lol: This was in the early 80's I think, and in retrospect it was highly unlikely.

On the other hand, comics artists were always trying to sneak hidden codes into their work. How many times did Al Capp get the sexual graffito "69" into Li'l Abner? Some other artist, I forget who, managed to letter an identification number onto an airplane fuselage that read out as "SHIT" if you looked at it carefully - juvenile stuff, obviously.

But if Laurette was a spanko, wouldn't he have rendered the spanking itself lovingly instead of consigning it to the darkness? We'll probably never know for sure. :|
-- Web-Ed
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