El Payo, from south of the border

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.

El Payo, from south of the border

Post by daneldorado »

Hi... I know that most of the comic panels on this site are from American strips and magazines, but...

Have you ever heard of "El Payo?" He is/was a super-hero from Mexico. Here's the cover of one of his comic books:


This episode is from about 1970. The big man spanking the bandida lady is not "El Payo," he is a comrade of his, name of Santos Benito.


The story continues....

Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by daneldorado »

Santos Benito begins to "tame" the bandida, as her gang approaches the room.


The captions are pretty lively. The bandida, whose name is Lilia, is taking the spanking of her life. The caption reads:

After more than 50 hard swats, Lilia felt as if a red-hot branding iron had burned both her glutes. But the punishment continues.


Wait, there's more....

Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by daneldorado »

The woman in the sombrero, evidently a friend of Santos, tells the well-spanked Lilia that this is not the first time a man had "reddened her cheeks." Lilia had apparently blocked the event from her memory, but now she thinks she remembers....


As she lies on the floor, nursing her sore, aching bottom, Lilia tries to remember the man. It was the principal hero of the strip, named "El Payo." She remembers now!


Look, I hate to do this to you guys. (Really, I DO!) But a week or 10 days ago, I posted four new toons to this page and asked you to comment on them, pro or con. After 48 hours had passed, there was not one single solitary comment, so I assumed you did not like them, and they were deleted.

Maybe you like these panels from "El Payo." Maybe you don't. Let me know either way, will you? They are subject to deletion at any time.

Have a great week.

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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by Tanner »

Good stuff! Bet that was one red bottom under those pink panties!
Been even better if afterwards he had turned the woman who was sitting smugly in a chair pouring a drink ,over his knee, lifted that short skirt and given her the same treatment.
Sorry you feel you are being ignored. Your contributions are always appreciated. I may not come here every day, nor do I always comment- but know that yours are always read.
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by web-ed »

This is a fine example of comic-book spanking - I've seen it before, and in fact I have it in my files, but I never got around to posting it on the main site (I probably will later in the year). Because it's in Spanish, I'm not sure exactly what's going on between the characters, but the art shows us that a damn good spanking is taking place! The fact that it's extended over a number of panels emphasizes the spanking and lets us really enjoy it - all too often, comic-book spankings last for only one panel and don't even give us an aftermath.

Of course, Dan, you are perfectly well aware of all this because in your own comics you extend the spanking over several panels (good spanking-storytelling) AND give us an after-the-spanking panel as well! And speaking of your work, I'm sorry that no one responded to your post last week. I saw that it was out there, but I was in the middle of fighting "Spam Wars" just then and didn't have the time to think about your cartoons enough to comment on them intelligently, although I made a mental note to return next day. By then, alas, it was too late.

So why didn't anyone speak up? I've tried to figure this out before, and here are some ideas on the subject:
  • Some people probably only visit this board once per week at most, knowing the CSR main site will be updated on Friday (really by Thursday night these days). Maybe they check on Fridays, or maybe Sundays are better for them. This group would never have seen your work in the middle of the week. Honestly, I'm trying to cut down my own visits to two per week, because I'm under tremendous time pressure writing and coding all the new pages each week, plus conducting the Great Golden Age Comic Spanking Search. Even uploading the new files to my server each week can take an hour!
  • Subscribers - that is, people who subscribe to a particular topic. I don't know how many people subscribe to the Comic-Book Forum. The board doesn't provide me with that information, and while I could probably pry it out of the various tables in the Data Base, that would take more time than I have at the moment, even though I am curious. You'd think that the subscribers, however many there are, would surely take a look. But even this assumption may be untenable - I subscribe to Chross's board, but I use my "spanking email" address and I don't check that mailbox every day. Maybe some other people are doing the same thing. "joeblow@aol.com" could be a "business" type address checked daily, while at night Joe becomes "joespanko@hotmail.net" - an address that's only checked every few days. This of course would cause a delay.
  • Shyness - this is a terrible problem that afflicts a lot of people and can make their lives miserable. There are probably some people out there who see your posts but simply can't overcome their self-consciousness enough to post a reply.
  • Non-members - unfortunately, I've had to restrict the board so that only members may post as part of my spam-fighting efforts. Some people won't join, either because they're too shy, or because it's just too much trouble, and of course that means they can't post. Any time I'm on the board, the number of guest users is always greater than the number of members, usually by a ratio of three or four to one. Of course, some of these "guests" are really spambots, but the fact remains that there are a lot of people who will read the board but won't post on it.
Anyway, I'm sorry it seemed like no one was paying any attention to your efforts. I know how bad that feels - it's worse than not being paid. [For those readers who may not know, Dan's cartoons were originally produced for organizations such as spanking magazines that actually paid him for his work. At CSR, no one gets paid for anything no matter how good it is because I don't have any money! I did commission a couple of pieces in the past, when I was still working, but that was at least two years ago. We've been lucky that contributors like Dan have posted their work gratis. If I could, I'd certainly commission Dan to do some new work for us.]

I suspect you have more fans than you know - some people are directed to CSR by the major search engines because they were searching for your stuff. Here are some of the most recent numbers by search phrase, for January:

spanking sal - 16
spanky sal - 14
dan rivera cartoons - 2
dan rivera spanking cartoons - 16
dan rivera - 1
captain woodshed - 17
captain woodshed cartoon spanking photos - 2
site chicagospankingreview.org sam swatt spanking - 26
site chicagospankingreview.org sam swatt - 55 (wow!)
sam swatt spanking - 41

So obviously, the interest is there. Remember that at least some of these searchers would have wound up in the main site rather than on this board due to differences in the way the page metadata is coded, among other things (I've become pretty good in coding my pages so they get a high search engine ranking, but I can't control any of that on this board). They may have come to CSR searching for your work, ironically never realizing that the freshest examples were on this board.
Last edited by web-ed on Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: add stats and correct typo
-- Web-Ed
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by jimc »

yes i am one of those people i only check on the weekends and never saw the scans you were talking about. All of us appreciate your contributions and i have to say that chross is the only board that seems to have much interaction as far as responding goes. I think that there is not much intrest in thanking people for their efforts anymore as many people just look through to see new stuff then leave. i am amazed that there are only 9 people that are responding to CSR and some of those have not been heard from in awhile and i have added my two cents why people do not respond as well (repeating thanks seems repetive and unorignal) and i would also take this a step further and say people look but do not respond because they do not want their time spent on the site for more than a few brief moments that could be explained as a scanning error or something like that. I have seen a brief flurry of excitement when something new begins then quickly becomes obsolete like yesterday's news in a very short time. I think that your information about your search engine finds may include however many times that someone looks for the information. I think i checked web-eds conclusions a couple of times and so those counts in searching are actually mine and his and yours seeing how many people are looking for them and that is not an accurate view of how many people are actually looking for your work. i am afraid that there is not that much hope for increased audiences as i was recently at yahoo and thought i would look for some new spanking groups and i had trouble even finding the ones i actually belonged to and the groups that were posted had little intrest to me or some for that matter had nothing about spanking anywhere in the description of the group, so we are where we are. Thank you all who do contribute. I enjoy all of your comments, finds and that you share with the spanko community. So thank you again.
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by hugob00m »

jimc wrote:yes i am one of those people i only check on the weekends and never saw the scans you were talking about.
Yeah. I never saw them either. I did enjoy the "El Payo" comic though. Too bad I don't know Spanish as well as I should. The girl who gets spanked is pretty... that, I suppose is the most important thing. And, like Tanner, I also think that the lady in the corner pouring herself a drink should've been spanked too.

Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya b00m... You and Tanner evidently belong to that wing of the spanko community that believes ALL pretty girls should get spanked.

Tell ya the truth, I'm not one of them. While I agree that it is most desirable that the spankee is beautiful, it does not necessarily follow that EVERY beautiful girl deserves a spanking. Only those who are DESERVING should be spanked.

The lady in the blue sombrero, boots, and brief blue miniskirt is one of the "good guys." She is a friend of El Payo (who is not seen in this comic) and also a friend to Santos Benito, who is administering what some have described as "a spanking to end all spankings." It does seem to me that the artist, who is unknown to me, is a genuine spanko, for he allows the spanking to go on for several painful panels. Lilia's humiliation is seen from every angle. Even after Santos pushes her off his lap, she is still reminded that once, years before, she received an even harder spanking from El Payo, himself!

Now I'll tell you something I'm almost ashamed of. I'm sure that most of you can relate to this.

That earlier spanking of Lilia took place about two years earlier -- in publication terms -- and was seen extensively in another comic book of "El Payo." Guys, I bought that book. I had it, I treasured it, and then -- in a storm of guilt, I destroyed it. Didn't want to be "one of those guys" that collect trash such as spanking pictures. I was quite young at the time. Boy, have I learned my lesson!

These days, I collect spanking pics happily, and I am completely guilt-free. It's too bad my awakening came AFTER I had destroyed that beautiful book showing El Payo spanking Lilia, the bandita lady. Believe me, I would give plenty to anyone that could come up with a new copy of it.

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Re: El Payo, Beautiful Spankees, and Guilty Pleasures

Post by web-ed »


Wow, I wonder if you realize that you put enough material in this one post for probably three more topics! (And that's apart from the additional info on El Payo that you provided). Maybe I'll start them as separate topics later this week. This would be my brief summary of the questions you raised:

1a) Spanking and Beauty - Do most male Tops want to spank any pretty girls, or only the ones who are also deserving? What does this tell us?
Without giving this the thought it deserves, I think a strong moral case could be made in support of Dan's point of view. But I would be less than honest if I did not admit that any time I see an attractive woman, I think about spanking her! That's probably less true than it was when I was a young man, but it's still true to a large degree.

1b) Spanking and Beauty - Are we being incredibly shallow by placing so much emphasis on the spankee's appearance?
It must be admitted (at least by me) that most spanking fantasies involve attractive spankees (of course, this is also true on the other side of the coin - many female spankees fantasize about being spanked by extremely handsome men).
In my defense, I can say that I have never refused to spank anyone because of appearance. I would also say, and here I would probably run into some strong disagreement, that I have never found it made any difference one way or the other. In fantasy, yes, but in reality, no. This is actually a rather difficult topic to pursue further, involving some rather advanced psychological notions, so I'll say no more for the present.

2) Spanking materials and guilt - yes, I can relate to your experience, and I imagine a lot of other guys can as well. Years ago, I got rid of a ton of spanking materials, including videos, magazines, and even copies of Humorama spanking cartoons, because I was afraid someone would find them and I'd be "outed" as a spanko. (I did, however, fortunately hang onto all the comic-book spankings I had. I was perhaps more attached to them, and also I could hide them easily among the 2500+ "vanilla" comic-books I had lying around!). And this was long after I was a kid - I was maybe 35 years old! I hope this doesn't sound morbid, but these days I worry that if I die, someone will go through my things and discover my crate full of spanking treasures, my suitcase full of paddles and other implements, or my hundreds (probably thousands) of spanking-related digital files (which of course includes a complete copy of the CSR website). I know it doesn't sound normal to be less afraid of dying than exposure, but that's how I feel. I'm only middle-aged, though, so I probably shouldn't worry just yet. Maybe as we spankos get up in years, we should name each other as executors or something.
-- Web-Ed

Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed, I'll be your executor if you like.

The incident I described in my last message -- concerning my guilt at possessing spanking materials at a young age -- passed long ago, and I am now an old man who openly discusses his spanking fetish. No, no, that doesn't mean I go around proclaiming it loudly; but it does mean that if the subject comes up, I will discuss it with relish. In fact, one of my correspondents on Facebook is peeved at me for "outing" him as a spanker. I swear to you that it never occurred to me that his friends wouldn't want to know.

My wife knows about my fetish, my children all know, and I still proudly display on my den wall the scene in Kiss Me Kate where Lilli is being spanked by Fred. These things are all in the mainstream now, and I am pleased with them.

I have an older brother who lives about 100 miles north of here, in Santa Maria. He apparently never knew about my preferences, but during the 2008 primary campaign, I drew the cartoon of Obama spanking Hillary Clinton. He laughed like hell.

As to your statement:

"In my defense, I can say that I have never refused to spank anyone because of appearance. I would also say, and here I would probably run into some strong disagreement, that I have never found it made any difference one way or the other."

I'll have to admit to prejudice here. In the 1980s and 1990s, I made a habit of patronizing the spanking parlors around L.A. Got a lot of "action" there. Most of the proprietors seemed to have enough sense to hire only the prettiest girls; but here and there, I found that sometimes, they would hire anyone who walked in off the street. Thus, one time I found myself staring at the swollen, cellulite-riddled ass of some fatty who agreed to get spanked by me. I know I should have been a "gentleman" and gone through with the session, but I was so disgusted that when I saw that bloated butt over my lap, I simply lowered her skirt and told her, as gently as possible, that I had changed my mind. I left, and did not have to pay.

I mean, a guy has to have standards.

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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by Tanner »

This has turned into an interesting discussion going far beyond the topic of the comic.
Like a lot of other spankos, I am sure, when I see women who look a certain way I often imagine them getting spanked. It may be the way they are dressed , tight-fitting or skimpy clothes(tight jeans, spandex, shorts, swimsuits.etc), or because they simply have a nice bottom, or one that is quite ample! Or maybe body language or a facial expression that indicates they need an "attitude adjustment", so to speak.
The comment about big, cellulite-filled bottoms is interesting.Yes, a bottom might not be attractive by whatever beauty standards one has- does not necessarily mean it shouldnt be spanked. One comes across pictures online of women like that on the beach with fat and cellulite exposed by too-little swimwear. Thought has occurred that a paddling might be the way to get them to cover up what no one really wants to see!
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by hugob00m »

I think that, regarding cartoons and real life, two sets of standards can be used. In real life, it would be difficult enough to get away with spanking to a girl who really does deserve it, much less, just for having an attractive backside. (Unless she agrees to such a thing and is wiling to role-play being "naughty") However, in a cartoon, the artist can make sure that his spankee is both pretty and deserving! Or, as I have done with Katie, and Dan has done with Sal, the young lady is simply an innocent bystander, punished for something that is not her fault... at least partly due to the fact that she has such a tempting target for getting spanked on.

Regarding cellulite, I've noticed that some of those women who don't look all that great with their bottoms completely bared, can be quite attractive (and tempting for those of us who like to spank) wearing jeans, or something else that is tight, but covers the skin.
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by jimc »

I think we all fear having our passions discovered. When my collection was destroyed in a house flood several years ago i did have a fright when i thought a vanilla friend who was helping me clean up after the flood was starting to lift up one of the water soaked boxes and some of the contents were exposed fortunately they had merged together and while you could tell they were adult magizines you could not tell the subject as there were several playboys and hustler and penthouse in there and those were acceptable to him. another thing i think all of us have a particular frame (persons body) in mind when we think of spanking partners and i also have to admit that i am more of a spankable/ not spankable judge of women and i am more a spanker because i enjoy it rather than she deserves it type of person. i have also got to admit that i have spanked a few that were not my ideal partner, but did allow me the honor of spanking them and i am grateful to them as well. So great comments everyone and i think you would make an excellant excutor Dan, but i fear that as you say you are an old man (your words not mine) you may go before web-ed and where would he be then. Have a great day everyone.
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Discovery and Flood

Post by web-ed »

I forgot to say "thank you" for your offer to act as my executor - thanks! I hope to be around for a while yet, but of course one never knows. I was half-joking when I brought the subject up, but many of us are concerned about being discovered and that really is one way it could happen. Anyway, I hope no one found the topic too grim, as I want people to have fun here (while occasionally doing some serious thinking) and didn't want to bring anybody down.

Of course I already knew that your collection had been destroyed in that basement flood but every time I think about it I want to cry! I think it's bad enough that some of threw out our own stuff out because of fear; to have an accident rob us of our treasured spanking materials is just too cruel. The only thing you were lucky about is that the other vanilla material (Playboy) acted as camouflage so your friend never suspected. But much of what you had collected has been or will be reprinted here at CSR, so you can always reconstruct your collection with fresh print-outs. Better put it in a waterproof plastic box this time, like I do! ;)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by jimc »

daneldorado wrote:Hiya b00m... You and Tanner evidently belong to that wing of the spanko community that believes ALL pretty girls should get spanked.

Tell ya the truth, I'm not one of them. While I agree that it is most desirable that the spankee is beautiful, it does not necessarily follow that EVERY beautiful girl deserves a spanking. Only those who are DESERVING should be spanked.
Hi Dan i think deserving is kind of subjective after all the only one who can decide she is deserving is the one who is responible for her discipline and while you might not think she was deserving somebody else might have and i think that is the whole context of deserving after all.
The lady in the blue sombrero, boots, and brief blue miniskirt is one of the "good guys." She is a friend of El Payo (who is not seen in this comic) and also a friend to Santos Benito, who is administering what some have described as "a spanking to end all spankings." It does seem to me that the artist, who is unknown to me, is a genuine spanko, for he allows the spanking to go on for several painful panels. Lilia's humiliation is seen from every angle. Even after Santos pushes her off his lap, she is still reminded that once, years before, she received an even harder spanking from El Payo, himself!

Now I'll tell you something I'm almost ashamed of. I'm sure that most of you can relate to this.

That earlier spanking of Lilia took place about two years earlier -- in publication terms -- and was seen extensively in another comic book of "El Payo." Guys, I bought that book. I had it, I treasured it, and then -- in a storm of guilt, I destroyed it. Didn't want to be "one of those guys" that collect trash such as spanking pictures. I was quite young at the time. Boy, have I learned my lesson!

These days, I collect spanking pics happily, and I am completely guilt-free. It's too bad my awakening came AFTER I had destroyed that beautiful book showing El Payo spanking Lilia, the bandita lady. Believe me, I would give plenty to anyone that could come up with a new copy of it.

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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by jimc »

i think my comment got lost in Dan's text and i wonder what some of you think about his take on deserving a spanking. I am one of those that just thinks a pretty woman is spankable and does not need a reason to be spanked. i sometimes wish it was a legimate hobby and you could just ask some beauty for a few minutes of her time to have her otk and she would have to say yes. That would be Utopia my friends.
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

i have to say that i think web-ed is right when he says that dan's post has enough material in it for multiple topics. that being the case,i think i'll do multiple posts to throw in my 2 cents worth of some of them. first i sure know what dan is talking about concerning the disappointment that goes with posting a pic and getting no one responding to it. i post my stuff at a yahoo group that i own and also at a spanking discussion group where i am a moderator. i do many types of pics. some are single pics either with or without captions or dialog but mostly i tell stories using multiple pics. could be as few as 10-12 or as many as 50. some are intended to be humorous and others more serious. some are total fantasies bearing little resemblance to reality and others are intended to be more realistic. of course, different folks respond to different pics and different situations but there are lots of pics to which i get few if any replies. i'm not including my friends dave wolfe, springrose and yank who are refugees from arild's moviespanking group. they always make comments but then i have been emailing with them for years now so i'm not really talking about friends.

i'll tell you what's even more disheartening is that folks all have different spanking tastes and triggers and the pics that i think are the very best ones i've done, the ones i can't wait to post and see what kinds of replies i get, are often the ones where i get the fewest comments..............sigh. the most recent pic that i posted in the "spanking in media (except comics)" forum here is a great example of that. i thought it was an absolutely great pic. as a matter of fact i posted the plain version here, with no dialog, because i thought the pic really conveyed her emotions while she was putting the paddle on the chair where her spanker was gonna sit. couldn't wait for replies....................didn't get single reply from the yahoo groups.................sigh.

there are many reasons why folks don't reply so i'm afraid i don't have any wisdom for dan about this. sometimes you just have to remember that those people are enjoying them even if they don't reply. one more thing..................one of the things i like about csr is that you get actual comments about what the viewers liked and disliked about the pics....................things that will be useful in improving future pics :D so many times i get stuff like "great pic" from my yahoo groups. nice to know they enjoyed it but hardly useful...............LOL. phil
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi again,

ok, dan was talking about spanking and guilt. i've make the usual rounds of spanking groups and they are all different but i think that one constant among all the groups is people talking about having spent years hiding their spanking interests for fear of being labeled a "perv" by their friends and acquaintances. they always comment that it was such a relief to come to the internet and find like minded people that they could talk openly with about their spanking interests. i have to say that i am included in this group. i spent years cautiously testing the waters with people i knew and it didn't take long to find out that most people i knew either had no interest in spanking or just plain thought it was weird. the difference between dan and i is that i never felt guilty about my spanking interest. somehow it always seemed perfectly natural to me that a man would spank his wife/girlfriend if she had misbehaved and he thought she deserved it. perhaps it was the times i grew up in. there were still spankings in mainstream books and movies etc. almost all of which were non consensual, unlike today, and in which the young lady truly deserved what she got. anyway, i never felt that guilt. true, i hid it from those i knew but it still always seemed right to me. thanks, phil
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by overbarrel49 »

ok, one more,

as far as all pretty girls getting spanked...............do i think they all need a spanking.....no. would i like to see them getting spanked anyway..............sure :D . i am a bottom man all the way and the thought of a pretty girl getting a spanking is very arousing to me. i might even have a nice fantasy about spanking a good looking lady i don't even know ;) . to be honest though, the spankings that arouse me the most are the ones where the spankee gets a good, sound spanking for punishment...........and the more she deserves the spanking the more arousing it is for me. public spankings add an extra dimension to the excitement too :D to take it a step further, it seems the best it can be if the spanking couple are married or dating..................adding a dimension of love to the whole experience. we are all different and have different tastes but this is the way i see things. thanks, phil

Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by daneldorado »

jim c wrote:

I am one of those that just thinks a pretty woman is spankable and does not need a reason to be spanked. i sometimes wish it was a legimate hobby and you could just ask some beauty for a few minutes of her time to have her otk and she would have to say yes.

All opinions are welcome, of course. But I can't get my head around the notion that a woman needs to be spanked just because she is beautiful. If she is beautiful AND naughty, then of course a good OTK session is called for. But just because she's pretty? Sorry. I guess that's one where we will have to agree to disagree.

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