Dave Wolfe's blog

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Dave Wolfe's blog

Post by hugob00m »

I noticed that Dave Wolfe has recently been reminiscing about an old Yahoo group that included himself, me, and several other spank-toon artists. His most recent post includes a collaborative work by four different artists!

The idea was first suggested by "Cynthia". It was in 2002, about Oscar time, and she thought there should be a "Spankademy Awards" progam, with awards presented to the artists of Arild's group. When I saw her suggestion, it occurred to me that if such a thing was to be done, it should include as many of the artists as possible. I e-mailed each of the artists, telling them about my plan.

Some of the artists were unable to participate, for various reasons, but the three who expressed a willingness to take part were Dave Wolfe, Angus Old, and Darth. Angus supplied the stage, the microphones, and the M.C. Dave contributed his "Wolfie" character, and Darth drew some of his characters for a second story that followed my "Katie" segment. (which featured Wolfie in a "Howard Keel" pose, with Katie in the "Kathryn Grayson" position!)

After all the individual drawings were finished, the artists sent them to me and I did the final "assembly" and posted the finished work. Collaborative works done by more than one spank-toon artist are rare, and I think this may have been the only one done by four of us!

I no longer have the file, and until this week, I didn't think anyone had saved it. If any of you aren't already regular visitors to Dave's blog, I suggest you check it out.
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Re: Dave Wolfe's blog

Post by hugob00m »

In the post I just did, I didn't have the url for Dave Wolfe's blog, so I went and found it afterwards. Here it is.

Dave Wolfe
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Re: Dave Wolfe's blog

Post by Dave Wolfe »


I was delighted to find you here, and glad my registration kicked in to make a reply! I was going to put it on the O.T. Katie post, but maybe you'll see it quicker here!

Springrose, Phil, and Yank, with whom I have constant contact, are equally delighted to know there are new bOOm cartoons! I just sent them the link!

In fact, it was Phil, bless him, who had saved all the Arild files, and shared them!

If you-- or anyone here, for that matter-- want to drop a note for things not really all that interesting to the group at large here, my e-mail (taking out the spaces I insert to ward off ever-present spam spiders) is dwolfeman 2002 @ yahoo . com !


Or, actually, I'll sign

"D Wolfeman"

here, to avoid confusion with the other member of the pack I've seen here! And I'd very much like to see HIS art, too! The link wasn't working before; I'll try again!

[Web-Ed's BB "How To" technical note: to send a private email to Dave or any other member of this board, you can click on that person's name at the right side of his post (or click on "Members" at the top r.h. side of this page to search the members). You will be taken to another page where you will have the option of sending either a PM through this board or a private email using your default email client ("mail to" script will automatically compose an email with the recipient's address, unless blocked by his privacy settings). To check your privacy settings, go to your User Control Panel (UCP)].
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Re: Dave Wolfe's blog

Post by web-ed »

I just got back from Dave Wolfe's, and I must say that was one heckuva jam session you guys had! Everyone should go over there to take a look at it.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Dave Wolfe's blog

Post by willjohn »

The "McWintock" animation with Elmer Fudd and Betty Boop gave me a laugh.
Dave Wolfe
Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:37 pm

Re: Dave Wolfe's blog

Post by Dave Wolfe »

bOOm did a great job with that, didn't he, willjohn? I think it's fall-down funny AND sexy as heck!!
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Re: Dave Wolfe's blog

Post by willjohn »

Dave Wolfe wrote:bOOm did a great job with that, didn't he, willjohn? I think it's fall-down funny AND sexy as heck!!
Duke and Maureen would have appreciated it.
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