Newspaper strip spankings

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
Bawdy Bard

Re: newspaper strips

Post by Bawdy Bard »

Hmmmm...a lot to respond to here. And it's hard to respond to in an organized way since I'm a very disorganized person by nature. So I'll answer in a hodgepodge manner.

First of all I can certainly appreciate any paranoia concerning what to post and what not to post. Personally I'm of the school that whan it comes to cartoons then no harm no foul. There are obviously fictional characters so in reality no one is obviously getting hurt. But as you say web-ed it's a great way for holier-then-thou and/or ambitious politicians/prosecuters
to show how they have the general public's moral interests at heart.

Personally for me the joke's the thing. I live for humour. And I especially love newspaper strips. Prepare for boring history story here. I started way back in 1995 looking for any adult comicstrip parodies. Back then it was mainly the newsgroups. Hunted for months high and low but no luck. Absolute zero. Finally came across a FBOW cartoon. DL, only it showed a badly drawn screaming Elizabeth over a roasting fire about to be guillotined. That was the straw that broke my dick's hard-on. If you want see something drawn right... At the same time I started my assocation with Kevin Karstens. Anyways I commissioned him for some cartoons. Spanking and non-spanking. Originally just newspaper strips and then later we branched off into other genres.

Actually that cartoon you mentioned Jimc, "I wish Daddy would spank me like that" is not Luann but rather Foxtrot. And it was the first spanking Foxtrot cartoon Karstens drew for me. The very first spanking cartoon was Family Circus "Mommy must have been a bad girl."

I realize Family Circus has been around a while, but I guess I threw it in with the "newer" cartoons because It's still quite commonly found. Whereas I haven't seen an updated strip of Lil' Abner or Mark Trail for years.

Incidently if anybody is planning to commission a cartoon for ANY genre and needs a joke I'd be happy to offer suggestions, whatever the situation. I have a small talent for coming up with humourous concepts. Except for jokes about non-consensual stuff. We all have our limits, and that's one of mine.

Also don't know if this counts as spam or not. If so, twas not my intention. But if you're looking for a good artist to make a ideas a cyber-reality, you could do a lot worse then Karstens. He's not a spanking fan like us, but he's certainly willing to create it. Just don't ask for any Guro.

And you thought you were long-winded web-ed. :)
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

Actually Mark Trail is one of the current ones that is still new (you can find a lot of strips at or washington post comics). Lil Abner was of course halted upon Al Capp's death but it is still run as Lil Abner classics. All comic strips though are hard to say whether they are new or being rerun. FBOW just started not at the first episodes, but after elizabeth was born and i do enjoy your commisions ( i love otk) and thanks for the correction on the captions. I have seen them often and i get them confused sometimes (old guy that i am) so thank you for starting these commisions ( I did enjoy your Family Circus caption very much and always thought that Thel was very spankable) I am a visual person and have Adult ADD so i do know about being disorganized sometimes, (i can be long-winded too). The spankings from the past i try to find again before they are lost forever and as many of the older spankophiles lose their collections the harder material is to find and share with the younger spankos. So like you say you almost have to commision them yourself to get them out there. and while i know some stories of newspaper spankings i hope that more people share whatever ones that they know about.
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by web-ed »

BB: I can attest to your ability to come up with a joke for almost any situation (and don't worry - no one will think what you said is spam). I'm still hoping to get some commissions done this year, including the Lara Croft idea of mine where she gets spanked by a mummy (and you added the bit about the mummy using a belt made of his own bandages!). Problems: insufficient funds, and I'm having a surprising amount of difficulty finding anyone to undertake them anyway. But now that you mention Kevin Karstens, I must agree that he would indeed be a good choice, so maybe I'll give him a buzz.
-- Web-Ed
Bawdy Bard

Re: newspaper strips

Post by Bawdy Bard »

Actually for the Merryman/Dumb Bunny cartoon you could've had this.

Bunny: B...C..OW!...D
Meryman:No! You're supposed to count the spanks. Not use the alphabet!

Probably not the best joke, but I've already used my better "dumb blonde" spanking jokes.

Also I can understand your frustration with some artists. Sometimes I'll suggest a joke to an artist and some will get right nasty about it. As one of the better known erotica artists (who shall remain nameless) put it, he would never demean his drawings with humour. ??? You're not creating another Mona Lisa guy. I'm under no illusions as to why people like erotic cartoons. It's for the pure pornographic quality of said cartoons. Any my jokes will have little, if any, influence in the final analysis. It's just that I think a little humour in an Archie cartoon makes it a little more memorable from the hundreds of other erotic Archie cartoons already out there.

Anyways thanks for the kind words. You too Jimc. It's nice to know somebody out there appreciates my efforts. Actually I was thinking of having another spanking Family Circus cartoon done. Both Kevin and I agree the first one (Being his first attempt at this genre) could've been drawn a little better. I also have a gag set up for Daisy Mae and Lil' Abner. Nothing like a well built woodshed. Only I have literally dozens of spanking jokes mixed in with hundreds of non-spanking-but-still-erotic gags on a list waiting to be cyber-realities. That's my biggest problem. I see a half hour cartoon show or read a new comic and my filthy subconscious will have a dozen ideas before I'm halfway finished. Oh how I wish was an artist myself. But I'm afraid Jimc or web-ed, that I can't draw stickmen to save your lives. :)
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by Wolfie138 »

"including the Lara Croft idea of mine where she gets spanked by a mummy" ~ not Lara but same theme :-)
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Commission Ideas

Post by web-ed »

Yes, that would work for Merryman/Dumb Bunny. At least she got the alphabet right!

I was a little embarrassed to see that Mummy spanking on Delightful Discipline, Wolfie - I didn't plagiarize the idea, because I don't remember seeing it before, but I can't honestly claim I've never been to the DD website. Anyway, thanks for pointing the way to it.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by Wolfie138 »

hey, it's not like there'd be any lawsuits flying your way, go for it if you wanna, i just thought you'd appreciate the pic given your description. any pics that show Lara getting tanned is fine by me, there's just *something* about croptops, hotpants and long long legs....especially if she's been Tomb Raiding. Stealing - very naughty indeed...
The Dakota Smith character on DD is approximately a Lara equivalent, BTW. Not that you're likely to see any of HER kinda action in the next video game!
Bawdy Bard

Re: newspaper strips

Post by Bawdy Bard »

Laura Croft is spanked at that website by a "mummy" but I seriously doubt you're stealing any copyrights. When you think about it a mummy is a pretty obvious partner for her, be it spanking or bondage or just regular sex, considering the genre. Or it could be a museum curator or even one of those guardian statues. Even though I strive for some uniqueness in my jokes I'm the first to admit somebody could have beaten me to the punch. The trick is how you tweak the joke or situatuion.
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

i have always thought about a statue spanking an intruder as a big turn on another that i have enjoyed is a what the mirror saw (two for the price of one.) I thought your caption for merryman and dumb bunny was esp. insightful. Speaking of Captions why not share some of those even if the artwork isn't commisioned yet we may be able to visualize the results (and web-ed has been very good at finding images of the various strips and charactors) that may prompt a budding artist to try their hand at it. (Like you i cannot even make a stick figure look like a stick figure so that let's me out as well).
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by Wolfie138 »

jimc wrote:i have always thought about a statue spanking an intruder as a big turn on a.
ish :
Bawdy Bard

Re: newspaper strips

Post by Bawdy Bard »

Sharing my gags up front jimc? Hmmm....I had to think long and hard on this. Hence my long delayed reply. You see the problem is a few years back another artist (who shall remain nameless) requested some of my jokes, promising to be faithful to their overall concept. So I gave him a dozen of my best, and then he turned around and tweaked the jokes in such a way that the gags were just not now awful (just not my opinion), but did it in such a way that I don't even want to think of those jokes now, try as I might. On top of which he chose that moment to abandon his popular artistic style for something more...radical. Which was also very unpopular. Harking to his fans' comments he immediatly went back to his old style. But my jokes, my concepts, it's like they'd been thrown up on. And for me, my gags/concepts/jokes are very personal for me. I don't like my "art" being mistreated so. That's why I've stuck with Karstens for so long, I can trust him to be faithful to my vision.

However I realize there's no way he can do them all. Neither of us will live that long. Time to take a chance. So here's a quick twenty for people to look over and if any aspiring artists want to try, go for it. I only ask for the following. Obviously I can only ask, I'm just hoping no one else will "throw-up" on my concepts.

1 - Stick to the gag. Please don't try to tweak it yourself. Or if you want to tweak, please ask first. I feel VERY strongly about this.
2 - ONLY happy spankings! Again, this is something I feel VERY strongly about. If you like punishment spanking, fine. But these are my jokes and I want them to fall into the Happy category. So it should always be VERY clear in some way that the girl is enjoying having her bottom warmed.
3 - I greatly prefer the woman to be nude (maybe their superheroine costumes are lying in a recognizable heap in the corner), but I'm not as hung up on this as I am in 1 & 2. At the very least please make it a bare bottom spanking.
4 - Unless otherwise stated I prefer my gags to be in the form of an OTK hand only spanking. As in 3, I'm not as hung up on this, just a preference.

Okay, enough ramblings,conditions and requests. Here be the gags. The first few are very general and can be used for any characters. The rest are situation/character specific. Not all of them are gold, in fact some of them you may not like at all, or even stink. But than, we all have different ideas of what is funny.

1 - Girl is begging for harder/more spanking.
Guy:(thought balloon) When she said liked it rough, I didn't know she liked it this rough.
2 - Girl: Yes! OW! You're even better then (some guy) or (some other guy).
Present spanker: It's all in the wrist.
3 A Super heroine or villaness with limited invulnerability and normally a tough-girl attitude getting spanked.
Girl: OW!It hurts! OW! More please!
Guy: (thought ballon) So much for her being such a hard ass.
4 - A guy is useing a fancy new paddle on a young lady. Nearby is an opened Christmas/birthday box. The tag reads "To guy From Girl." She's begging to be paddled harder.
Caption Box:The gift that keeps on giving.
5 - Dressed up as D&D characters, a girl is getting a good OTK bare-assed spanking.
Girl: Faster! OW! Please Master!
Caption Box: Mixing D&D with some B&D.
6 - Old Hercules cartoons - Helena is being spanked by Hercules, her bare ass is very red.
Caption Box: A Maschoist's maschoist.
Hercules: Ready for some Greek sex?
Helena: Yes! OW! But no ointment this time please!
7 - Plasticman is spanking his wife Roxanne. Only his hand is shaped liked a cane.
Roxanne: OW! Now please! Ow! Make it a paddle next!
8 - Batman is spanking a bare bottomed Catwoman. Or Spidey spanking Black Cat. Or somebody spanking Tigra.
Woman: I'm sorry! OW! Harder! OW! I need to be punished!
Caption Box: Taming a wildcat!
9- 2 paneler - First panel - Flintstones - Fred is is giving Wilma an OTK spanking
Wilma: Yes! OW! More please!
Caption Box: The more things change...
Second panel - Jetsons - George is giving Jane an old-fashioned OTK spanking
Jane Yes! OW! Don't ever stop!
Caption Box: The more they stay the same.
10 - Disney Pocohontas - Nakoma is being spanked by John Smith. Nearby is an impatient looking Pocohontas. Pocohontas is rubbing her clearly already spanked (and reddened) behind.
Nakoma: Please! Ow! More!
Pocohontas: I want another turn!
John Smith : (thought balloon) I'm going to have to build a woodshed!
11 - Disney's Bonkers is spanking Miranda. Bonkers has a facial expression of realizing just how exciting this is.
Mirada: Harder!OW Don't stop! OW!
Caption Box: The day Bonkers found out he was really an S&M cartoon.
12 - X-Men - Naked Jean Grey is chained to a wall, or tied over a spanking bench. There are other dungeon instruments nearby. She is being strapped/caned by Scott, and begging him to punish her harder!
Caption Box : The other Danger Room.
13 - X-Men - BoomBoom is lying over Kurt's or Scott's or Wolverine's lap and being spanked!
BoomBoom: Harder please! OW! I've been so bad!
Caption Box: Lowering the boom on BoomBoom.
14 - X-men- Naked Rogue is lying over fully costumed Qucksilver's lap and he's giving her a hard, and obviously rapid, hand spanking. Meaning no gloves.
Caption Box: Rogue is finally able to experience the joy of a bare hand on her bare bottom.
Rogue:Yes! OW! Faster! OW! That way Ah ...OW! can't absorb your powers! OW!
15 - X-Men - Rogue's bare bottom is being swatted a wooden strap or paddle.
Rogue; Harder! OW! Ah love the feel of ole' hickory!
16 - Mission Hill - Green Haired Vicki is being spanked by one of the guys.
Vicki: Ow! More! OW! Punish me more! OW! Please!
Top caption box:Vicki desperately needed her karma realigned.
Bottom Caption Box: Or so she claims.
17 - Archie comics. Betty or Veronica or both are holding their naked butts up high in the air eagerly waiting the feel of Mr.Weatherbee's strap.
Top Caption Box:The school strap has been deemed illegal for school punishment.
Girl: More please! OW! Harder!
Bottom Caption Box: Unless specifically requested for by the student.
18 - Captain Planet. Gia is being spanked by Captain Planet.
Gia: Harder! OW! Spank harder!
Caption Box: Taming Mother Nature.
19- Blondie - 2 paneler. First panel - Blondie is lying over Dagwood's as he gives her a good bare-assed OTK spanking with a big hairbrush.
Second panel - Spanking is over though Blondie is in no hurry to ger off her husband's lap. We now Fullerbrush man see standing nearby is a pleased looking Fullerbrushman (we can read it on his sample suitcase).
Blondie: We'll buy the entire set!
20 - Daredevil- Daredevil is spanking BlackWidow or Electra on the bare bottom.
Daredevil: You shouldn't have dared me!
Girl: (thought balloon) Why do you think...OW!...I did!

Well, that's it for now. Please let me know your over all thoughts, which are your favourites as well as which ones you hated. Later.

Bawdy Bard
Bawdy Bard

Re: newspaper strips

Post by Bawdy Bard »

Oh one more thing. Sort of a 5th condition. Only Mf spankings. NO Ff spankings. A condition I feel strongly about. Why? I really dislike Ff spankings because it leaves me wondering what the dominant female would be looking like with her bottom warmed.
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

Great ones i too always think how the dominant woman would look with a red bottom as well in f/f. I think your fullerbrush man joke could of course be used with any domestic family series (Blondie,Jetsons, Plastic Man, Flintstones, Archie etc.) I too prefer m/f otk hand spankings, but i like any otk except m/m and i'm not that thrilled with f/m either. I am like you in that i only want to see happy spankings thats why i enjoyed DSD and Homer so much as the females for the most part were smiling at being otk and having their bottoms spanked. I differ from you on the B/d and s/m parts as i feel spanking is not really a part of that scene (Not my intrest) and that spanking is something that is more shared (i do like the harder,faster themes though) than staged like b/d (whips,dungeons, etc.) So thanks for sharing your vision i liked most of them, but all of us do have different tastes in how the perfect spanking should be depicted and all of them would be tweaked for our intrest (again i do not think that your ideas are exclusive as much as they are ideas about how you would like to see them portrayed and not cast in stone.)
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BB's Gags

Post by web-ed »

For once, I'll try to be brief. First, thanks for sharing these with us, BB. These ideas are at the least thought-provoking - we can only hope they're also art-provoking as well! For what little it's worth, here are my 5 favorites:

#3 (tough girl gets spanked) - no comment necessary.
#8 (taming a wildcat) - I think the appeal is similar to that of #3. I like to see that even the strongest women must submit to spanking.
#10 (Disney Pocohontas) - nice historical joke (how did the woodshed come to be used for spanking?).
#12 (X-men, preferably with Jean over the spanking horse and the cane being used) - The other Danger Room indeed!
#20 (Daredevil/Black Widow) - that's what she gets for daring Daredevil! By the way, there was a DD/BW "spanking" in DD's mag way back when (really it was just a silly slap on the butt). I've worked up a long page featuring this, and it will be posted as soon as the current Wonder Woman series is concluded. [Here is the added link to the page.]
-- Web-Ed
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by Tanner »

BB, some good ideas. I too am big on #3 and #8. There is just something intriguing about the image of someone as great and powerful as Wonder Woman or Xena getting spanked.
My favorite type of spanking scenario could be called "the getting her just desserts" or getting her "comeuppance." Indeed this is the theme of much great spanking material.
It is the spoiled brat who as always gotten her way, the scheming, conniving femme fatale, the overbearing,shrewish wife who is accustomed to "wearing the pants" in her family(until she gets hers pulled down), the haughty woman of high social standing, maybe even royalty. Thats whats appealing, that even if a woman is a queen she can still end up with a sore bottom. What a great picture it would make- a queen sitting on her throne on a pillow which she has to use because she has gotten her bottom soundly spanked.
I do disagree about F/F. If its a matter of being taken down a few notches, a female spanker could do the job just as well.
In fact there are some scenarios where F/F is really the only choice- the boyfriend stealer,or the woman who makes a play for another's husband.
Indeed there is something to said for the argument that a heterosexual woman would dread being spanked by another straight woman more so than by a man. She would not be able to use her femine wiles to lessen the intensity of the punishment.
Bawdy Bard

Re: newspaper strips

Post by Bawdy Bard »

Thanks all for the kind comments. You're quite right jimc, the "fullerbrush" gag could pretty well work with any married couple. I guess "Blondie" first leaped to my mind because the character appears, or did appear, do often in that comic strip. Slow or fast spankings though, all the same to me as I am a Top. As long as they're always, and here we do agree, happy spankings.

Glad you liked my concepts Tanner, though they're not totally your cup of aphrodisiac. Obviously you more into punishment cartoons, which is cool. To each his own. I don't mind a spanking that starts out as punishment, as long as it ends up with her wanting more. Maybe that queen could have a royal spanker, like a royal jester or royal taster, on hand for whenever she starts to feel the royal bitch itch. ;)

I was looking at your latest "office spanking " web-ed and I was thinking about your concern that this just another one of those many old cartoons without as caption. Why not hold caption contests. Every week put up an uncaptioned cartoon and get people to send in their shortened version of "a thousand words" that best conveys the visual message of the cartoon. Since these cartoons are basically from old sex cartoon mags, I don't think anybody's going to protest. Just a thought.
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Re: newspaper spanking

Post by jimc »

here is the url for the wendy winkle dream sequence When i first saw this in 1968 it was one of the first spankings that i had found in mainstream newspapers ( i had seen others of course(Little Iodine/Katzenjammer kids/buster brown etc) and although it was a childlike wendy getting spanked the idea was that she was a teenager wishing she could get spanked. This led me to start looking for other spanking strips and have found several, but this was one of my favorites because it was in color and at the time i was a teenager myself and wished that i could spank the very lovely wendy as well. there is one on ebay that has been there quite awhile ( i don't think the seller is ever going to get his asking price for it) from Steve Canyon. anybody remember their 1st strip that led them on the road to being a spanko. Thanks for your time.
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Re: newspaper strips

Post by jimc »

i thought your ideas were great, but i do wonder about what you consider tweaking as each one i read i did think about different charactors or storylines and like you every one them started another spanking series ( i think your Flintstones to the Jetsons idea was also great). And while we are on the subject of cartoon heroines anybody remember the first Ariel (not the mermaid) on Thundar the barbarian.(he was always throwing her over his shoulder and i thought he was going to whack her a few times.) I always remember the great Jade on Jonny Quest and all the spankables in all of the hanna/barbara cartoons.
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More on BB's ideas

Post by web-ed »

I'm afraid I missed Thundarr the Barbarian, although I seem to remember that the late Steve Gerber, who wrote that Howard the Duck where Beverly gets spanked, did some writing for the show - too bad he didn't write another spanking! After he created The Spanker, I always wondered if he might be one of us.

I remember Jade a little. When Jonny Quest was first released on DVD, I passed it up as too expensive, but it must be available somewhere now at bargain prices. If I pick it up and see a spankable-Jade pose, I'll post it here. As for the other Hanna-Barbera cartoons, there were certainly some possibilities. As a matter of fact, I've got three spankings involving the Scooby-Doo gang in the hamper (one by the Karstens/Bard team), and they'll be posted eventually.
-- Web-Ed
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Newspaper strip spankings and 1st exposure

Post by web-ed »

Jim - thanks for the URL to the Wendy Winkle spanking. It is exceptional! I'll have to post it early in my next series of strip spankings (thanks to you, I've got quite a few, although of course I haven't coded their web pages yet). To have her feeling guilty and wishing she could be punished by being spanked is truly remarkable. The only situation I can remember that seems even remotely similar was a Wendy the Good Little Witch comic (interesting coincidence with the names) in which Wendy feels so guilty about some minor misbehavior that she spends several pages trying to find someone to spank her for it! That one I've never posted because that Wendy is only a child.

On that e-bay Steve Canyon spanking, I agree the seller is going to have a hard time getting his price for this excellent item. The recession has caused the prices of many collectibles, including original comic art, to decline. I actually had the notion a few months ago to try to make money by commissioning spanking art and then selling it for a profit (after posting it on CSR of course!), but when I realized what the market situation was, I gave it up. I had run across both this and another Steve Canyon spanking earlier, and if we can't afford to buy them, we can at least see them after I get them posted in the CSR comics gallery. By the way, I've located the Debbie spanking, and it will be posted in due course.

I hope we get some responses to your question about first strip experiences on the road to becoming a spanko. I really can't remember anything from the strips affecting me much - for me, it was comic books rather than strips. Even there, it was mostly fantasizing about spanking superheroines rather than seeing them actually getting spanked. I didn't see that one of Batman spanking Marcia Monroe (perhaps DC's best M/F spanking) until I was 15 or so, by which time I had already spent years thinking about spanking and paddling Batgirl, Dumb Bunny, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, and most of all, Supergirl! (The Marvel heroines and the LSH heroines I didn't think about as much until later). I guess I had a very active, if deviant, imagination. :)
-- Web-Ed
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