Newspaper strip spankings

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Newspaper strip spankings

Post by jimc »

Although i think the wendy winkle strip is excellant i do wish people could have seen the larger size and colored one as that made the strip as much as the black and white is kinda lost in the article itself. ( I actually did not see that wendy the good witch spanking until years later and until you mentioned it and did not connect them) I say that the strips led me to spanking, but i still believe that a spanko is hard-wired to be one and while the sights offer a trigger i think that we are born with the spanko gene and not everyone shares its influence. i reconized that i was a spanko at an early age and so any spanking (nursery rhyme, comic book, comic strip,movie, tv show, etc) just made me look at all those things closer. I think i remember one of Popeye spanking the Sea Hag one time (although Popeye has been around for so long it is hard to say when the spanking took place in a early strip or a later strip) and it made me look closer at Popeye and he did have many spankings in the series to all sorts of different charactors (Olive Oyl (was spanked many times), his nephews, Alice the goon, jeep the magical dog, Poopdeck Pappy, Sweetpea, Bluto, Sea Hag, there was this waitress as well and even Popeye himself). I thought about the heroines getting spanked as well as the main charactor (Lois Lane,Katy keene, Fritzi Ritz, etc) (i consider myself an equal oppurtunity spanker! as long as they are female).
Bawdy Bard

Re: Newspaper strip spankings

Post by Bawdy Bard »

What do I consider inappropiate tweaking jimc? Well fiddling with the basic joke itself is a big no-no obviously. As for switching characters I wouldn't mind PROVIDED the new characters fit within the parameters of the old characters.

For example, in joke 11 we have Bonkers spanking Miranda, with the joke that Bonkers now realizes he's an S&M cartoon character. Not the greatest joke I admit, but still the punchline is kind of obvious. And it works because Bonkers realizes he's a cartoon character to begin with. Sbsequently the joke would not work so well with Batman spanking Catwoman. Batman is not aware of his being a cartoon character, so the joke would fall flat. This should be obvious I know, but for some people it's no big deal to substitute inappropiate characters. Which has pissed me off in the past. However, the joke would still work, and be acceptable, if it was Roger Rabit spanking his wife Jessica.

Basically if you want to use different characters, think about characters that fit the joke, and just don't substitute any characters just for the sake of substituting.

Re: Newspaper strip spankings

Post by daneldorado »

Someone here asked, "who was the most prolific spanking artist in comics history?" or words to that effect.

Although Lee Falk's "The Phantom" strip was -- deservedly -- mentioned, along with his "Mandrake the Magician," I still think the all-time most prolific spanko comics artist is Zack Mosley.

Mosley, who created and drew "The Adventures of Smilin' Jack" about an intrepid aviator, was himself an aviator. He logged over 3,000 miles of flying time, and flew Civilian Air Patrol missions during World War II.

His popular strip, "Smilin' Jack," ran in hundreds of newspapers from 1933 to 1973. Forty years (or was it forty-one?) is a lengthy career for any comic strip.

And our hero, "Jack," had occasion to spank many naughty maidens during the run of the strip. So far, I've collected seven (7), and have posted all of them either here or on the board.

So... does the honor belong to Mosley? to Falk? Or to the illustrators who drew the various Superman spanking panels?

Whoever it turns out to be, I''m still searching for more "Smilin' Jack" panels. A comic strip that runs for Forty years and contains SEVEN spankings, must contain at least a few more!

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Who is the Most Prolific Spanking Artist?

Post by web-ed »


You could be right about Zack Mosley, and I wish you luck in finding some more spankings in Smilin' Jack - we'd all love to see them.

For anyone who hasn't seen all seven that Dan mentioned, take heart - I had 6 of them, two already posted and 4 in my files, and I'll post those remaining 4 plus the 7th that Dan had in the weeks to come as I continue the Newspaper Strips series.

[01/18/2011 update: 8 spankings from Smilin' Jack are now in Comics Gallery 2.]
-- Web-Ed
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Steve Canyon Spanks Poteet Off-Camera

Post by web-ed »

Tanner remembered this one, which was just sent to me by TipTopper. Because the spanking isn't actually shown, I won't make a page in the main site or an entry in the Comics Spanking Data Base. It's a pretty good scene, though, and the WAF's expression in the last panel when Steve tells her that Poteet went to get an air cushion to sit on makes me wonder just what she might have been thinking... Anyway, here is a link (it's too big to fit comfortably in a forum page), with my thanks to TipTopper for sending this high-quality scan:
Link here

09/23/2011 Update: An individual page does now exist for this one - see Comics Gallery 2.
-- Web-Ed
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