Spankings in Archie Comics

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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More Missed Opportunities in Archie Comics

Post by web-ed »

Time for Part 4 of this special series we're running during Homecoming Month (Oct. 2015).

1. A Strategic Footprint - this is the one JimC. mentioned just above, although he recalled it as a handprint, which would have been better as surely Mr. Cooper would have spanked Betty, not given her a swift kick. Perhaps it was thought that a handprint might be too suggestive of something other than a paternal spanking. Discovered by Robin.


2. Even Veronica knows she needs a spanking! The publishing details of this self-spanking panel are unknown. Discovered by Robin.

3. This one is wonderfully suggestive as it implies an actual spanking did take place: like Bill Ward's Torchy, Suzie changes jobs frequently. Applying for a job with a swami as his assistant, he offers to give her what she received on her last job. Suzie looks back at her still-stinging behind, implying that what she got on her last job was a good spanking :lol: ! Then when he offers to double her "salary," Suzie thinks "I hope he doesn't double it in the same place" which obviously refers to getting twice the spanks! This one is believed to be the work of the waggish Bill Woggon. If you look carefully at the first panel, it just might be that Suzie is rubbing her sore bottom even there.

From PEP Comics #58 (October 1946). Characters are copyright AP.

4. Ginger Snapp plays one practical joke too many: I found this while searching through Suzie comics (her own title) in issue #64 (August 1948). Ginger was the back-up feature, and the first thing that struck me is that this is the same character we've seen previously in Star Comics (or at least the same name), which is odd because Star was all-reprint after a certain point and I believed their material came from Victor Fox, not Archie, which was obviously still around and still owned its material. Yet another conundrum from the mysterious Star Comics that I hope to unravel some day.

You can see Ginger in some Star appearances here. And come to think of it, she had her own book for a while (published by Archie). More stuff to look into...

Anyway, here is the 6-page Ginger feature in its entirety. Ginger very clearly gets spanked by her dad :D !







Gotta love that last panel! :lol:
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i thought it was too bad that we didn't have any details on #2. i'd like to know what's going on and it almost looks like the talk balloons have been cut off?? i agree with you that #3 is certainly suggestive :D . there has definitely been a spanking at her last job. now i'm wondering if there is a comic depicting that. she is definitely rubbing her spanked bottom in the first panel and the way she's looking back along with the pain stars indicates that in the panel where he says he'll give her what she got a her last job :D . then there's more bottom rubbing in the silhouette and of course, he hope that he doesn't double it in the same place :lol: she's a shapely young lady and i like this one best ;) . it's also obvious that Ginger got a spanking from her father in #4 :D . thanks for the history and information on this one. no wonder figuring all this stuff out is so complicated. thanks, phil
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by hugob00m »

I liked your addition to this topic this week.

The first panel, however, looks to me like Betty got a kick instead of a spanking... Although I do remember seeing a comic panel that had a shoe sole being used as a spanking implement. Doesn't seem like one I'd want to use. I would've rather seen a handprint on the seat of Betty's britches! ;) ;) ;) ;)

The second one is intriguing. Maybe something will eventually turn up on that one. It looks like they're on a stage with instruments... Maybe Veronica just found the perfect percussion sound that they've been needing for one of their songs... and Archie is going to have to do a drum solo on her derriere! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (Not likely, but that would be the kind of story I would come up with!)

We'd all rather see an actual spanking than an implied one... but, as implied spankings go, this is a really good one! Susie is already rubbing in the first panel... (I'd like to see the beginning of this story!) And then, she says she wouldn't want to get what she got on her last job... still rubbing her backside... AND some stars! Then there's that silhouette shot of her changing clothes and hoping she doesn't get double what she got in the same place! I suppose there might've been some kind of stupid pratfall earlier in the story and that's why she's rubbing her butt and hoping she doesn't get more of the same... but I prefer to think that her previous boss would've had the sense to turn her over his knee at least once before sending her on her merry way! ;) ;) ;) ;) That clingy maroon dress she's wearing just looks too good for anyone with the slightest of spanko tendencies to pass up!

And finally there's Ginger Snapp. (Hmmmm! That hair looks familiar... but no! I didn't copy it when I started drawing my O.T. Katie strips!) Again, an implied spanking... but it's so clearly implied that there's no likely alternative explanation for why she's rubbing her bottom and why there are stars! I'm not so much a fan of parental spankings. I would've preferred it if Mr. Jirkey had been the one to spank her... and even better than that, if he had been drawn as a handsome young man that Ginger would've felt some attraction toward! But, in spite of that... She looks so cute standing there rubbing her tender bottom! :D :D :D :D

Thanks for finding and posting these rare moments in comic book history!
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by jimc »

hi web-ed, I love the Archie finds and Ginger and Suzie. I would imagine that Suzie's last job where she got spanked would be the issue that she did get spanked that you have in the database. Using Google search I put in Betty Cooper spanked and I got the Betty one and the Veronica ones that we have been discussing. Also some place called has a lot of the things as well and you might be able to find the other issues you are looking for. I was aware that it was a footprint, but I did not like that Betty's father had kicked her although I like b00m's comment about using a slipper to spank her would be more exciting to us. Ginger's story is like a lot of other comic stories I have seen over the years with similar results I remember an Audrey one, a little dot one and the other Candi that you have in the database. I do enjoy the choices for Archie and Veronica; Karsten's Veronica has a really great bottom and the other one is how most everyone wanted to see Veronica was another great find as well. Have a great day.
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by web-ed »

b00m wrote:And finally there's Ginger Snapp. (Hmmmm! That hair looks familiar... but no! I didn't copy it when I started drawing my O.T. Katie strips!) Again, an implied spanking... but it's so clearly implied that there's no likely alternative explanation for why she's rubbing her bottom and why there are stars! I'm not so much a fan of parental spankings. I would've preferred it if Mr. Jirkey had been the one to spank her... and even better than that, if he had been drawn as a handsome young man that Ginger would've felt some attraction toward! But, in spite of that... She looks so cute standing there rubbing her tender bottom! :D :D :D :D

Thanks for finding and posting these rare moments in comic book history!
You're welcome, B00m, and I knew you'd like seeing a spankee with red hair :lol: ! Paternal spankings are generally not the best because they're purely disciplinary, but they're still a lot of fun! I still intend to locate that Suzie story from which I have only an apparent after-spanking panel. It's probably a paternal disciplinary spanking, but still, we'd all like to see it. :D
JimC wrote:Also some place called has a lot of the things as well and you might be able to find the other issues you are looking for.
Thanks, Jim - I'll check it out.
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Wilbur and Society

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O.K., I'll be honest and admit right now there's no spanking or even much of a missed opportunity here, although we do get to see Linda in a bending-over position in one panel. (Brief review: Wilbur is Archie Comics' in-house Archie-imitator, with Wilbur of course as the Archie character and Linda as Veronica, or perhaps a composite of Betty and Veronica :? .) But one of the interesting things about comics and other examples of popular culture is that they invariably reflect the broader culture more simply and directly than serious art does, and while searching the latest issue of Wilbur to become available at Digital Comics Museum (#4), I came across a scene I found rather interesting. (By the way, I'll certainly ramble on at length about the 1950s when I finally get around to charting "The History of the Spanking Cartoon" which I hope to write while we're all still here.)

Now before presenting it I want to state again that I strive to be apolitical here at CSR. I read about politics, I write about politics elsewhere (not using the name "Web-Ed" obviously), and our lives are suffused with politics these days to such a degree that what we all need is a break from them. I mean, "Papa" John recently lost control of the company he founded, Papa John's Pizza, because he said something on a training phone call that someone else unreasonably took offense at. Something is seriously wrong when people are losing their jobs because they hold the "wrong" political views. We're badly divided as a nation (in America) along political lines, and I don't want to alienate perhaps 50% of my readers by turning CSR into yet another political outlet, of which there is no shortage.

And yet...the following example tells us something about the past (1945), a past that is still within living memory, when things were quite different than today. I think it's important to learn from history, even at the risk of being just a little - I'm wearing out the word - political. I'll try to make it as little as possible.

Let's visit "The Weaker Sex" from Wilbur #4 (Spring 1945), a simple story in which Wilbur, trying to impress Linda with his masculine prowess, fails miserably as she proves to be better at pretty much everything than he is. One skill she possesses I found to be of particular interest.

Linda easily outshoots Wilbur in Wilbur #4 (Spring 1945).

Now Wilbur is such a bumbling fool he makes Archie Andrews look cool and competent by comparison :lol: , and I have seen enough competitive women shooters to know that basically women can shoot as well as men (although there's no female equivalent to someone like Jerry Miculek), so the point here is not that women can be excellent shooters. The point is how Linda obtained her skill - as captain of the Girls' Rifle Team. Yes, boys and girls, shooting (with real, live ammunition) was until comparatively recently a common competitive sport at the high school level.

That's right: boys and girls carried rifles (unloaded, of course) to high school with them. It was a common practice in suburban America. And no one shot up the classroom of a teacher he disliked, much less went on a horrifying killing spree. Was this in pioneer days of the one-room schoolhouse 180 years ago? No, this was in early (and even later) post-World War II America. (I think the situation in Britain and Australia was similar, but can't speak with authority about it).

There is only one conclusion: the "easy availability of guns" in no way causes school killings or any other kind of violence. Something else has gone wrong with our society. What that something is, I won't go into here or any other place on CSR because it's just too far afield from spanking, but it's time to stop blaming inanimate objects for what is in fact a rise in untreated mental illness or more often, unrestrained evil.
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Unintentional Innuendo in Katy Keene

Post by web-ed »

Katy Keene, just to refresh everyone's memory, was an Archie Comics strip of the "Single Girl" type, something in the mold of Dixie Dugan or Fritzi Ritz. It was known for encouraging readers to send in fashions for Katy to model which the artists would then draw in the strip, and we'll see an example of that here. I can't say that it was the first strip to do this since I've never been interested enough in the depiction of fashion in comics to research it, and it certainly wasn't the only one to do it (in the superhero genre Supergirl and the female Legionnaires followed suit years later), but it may well have been the best known. There were several spankings in Katy, but unfortunately s far as I know they were all of "Sis" (as Katy's little sister was known) by Katy, much like the numerous Fritzi Ritz / Nancy spankings in that strip. (I have documented two of them in the DB and have one more in the files but haven't presented them since Sis appears to be about 10 years old).

What we have here - Katy rubbing her sore rear end after apparently going through a "behind in jeopardy" type of situation - was labeled "Butt Sex" by Mitch O'Connell, from whose blog it was extracted by Alan. We prefer a spanking interpretation, of course, and like to imagine that Katy's boyfriend had taken her OTK. :)

Thanks to Alan for sending this one in. © Archie Publications
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by willjohn »

I do not think the cartoonist is familiar of the reaction of sensitive skin to liniment. I remember a football game where the first aid man slapped some liniment on the hip of an injured player. From lying on the ground the footballer jumped three feet into the air.
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Re: Katy Keene's Sore Rear

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:I do not think the cartoonist is familiar of the reaction of sensitive skin to liniment. I remember a football game where the first aid man slapped some liniment on the hip of an injured player. From lying on the ground the footballer jumped three feet into the air.
That's an interesting point, Willjohn, and I do believe you're right. It's been many years since I used liniment myself - as I remember I overdid the preacher's bench curls and my biceps were killing me the the next day - but this raises the question of what should the freshly-spanked spankee do if she's really sore? (This is most often called "aftercare" in the spanko community, in case anyone didn't know and wants to do some research on the subject). Arnica has often been recommended, but honestly I didn't keep any on hand for spanking parties or private spanking sessions when I was doing those things so I don't have a personal opinion on the subject. I think that medical science regards claims that arnica reduces swelling to be unproven. (I haven't given up on spanking sessions, by the way, but I don't have time for them right now, and as for spanking parties I will have more to say about that subject soon).
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Bending Over Gag in Archie

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I don't know exactly how old this gag is but it's been around for awhile. I also don't know where I came across this, although it may have been sent to me by Robin. The gag revolves around recognizing someone by a part of her anatomy other than her face. ;)

Jughead is puzzled as Archie declares, "It's Veronica!" The artist is unknown. © Archie Comic Publications
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by willjohn »

Is the insinuation that Archie is more familiar with Veronica's bum than Jughead is?
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Re: Bending Over Gag in Archie

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:Is the insinuation that Archie is more familiar with Veronica's bum than Jughead is?
Since we don't have the context for the panel, Willjohn, we can't be sure. The gag proper is simply that Archie recognizes Veronica's rear end when she bends over, but we don't know exactly how Jughead's puzzled expression fits into the joke. Is it, as you theorize, that Jughead has spent less time becoming familiar with the shape of Veronica's backside than Archie has, or is it simply that he's too thick to understand just how much time Archie must have spent studying her rear to become that familiar with it? For that matter, even if we had the context, the writer might not have made that clear.

So the world may never know the answer to this one (unless we someday find the comic - I've still got lots of Archie stuff that Robin sent me to go through). :)
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by jimc »

The joke was Archie could tell any female even by their shadow or bending over or their head in a towel because Archie did know all females he could even tell a girl by her kisses blindfolded and Jughead was supposed to be a woman hater so he never looked at women the way Archie did although there were some girls that could be identified by their bathing suit(melody,Cheryl Blossom and I am sure Veronica fit that mold as well) just as there are people all of us know from their profile. The second part of the joke was that Archie deduced that he was just observant but later in the story he could not identify Jughead even though they had been best buddies for years. I would like to think I could tell a woman by her bottom and some maybe I could as watched it for a while and really enjoyed the view.Have a great day.
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recognizing female backsides

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:Since we don't have the context for the panel, Willjohn, we can't be sure. The gag proper is simply that Archie recognizes Veronica's rear end when she bends over,
I have seen the whole story somewhere, but unfortunately I don't have it to post here. Archie is able to identify several of his attractive female friends at the beach by the contours of their bikini-clad bottoms. Jughead is puzzled by this ability.

I think most of us would be more like Archie than Jughead. I know I would recognize a woman I know if I saw her from behind.
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Katy Keene Bends Over - Part 1

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I posted some Katy Keene stuff for last year's Homecoming Week earlier on this thread, so lets see some more of her this year (2021). These examples are all of Katy exercising and somewhat gratuitously bending over.

From Suzie #73 (Feb. 1950)

From Suzie #82 (Aug. 1951)
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Katy Keene Bends Over - Part 2

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(Continued from Part 1 due to two-link limit)

From Wilbur #11 (Winter 1946), art by Bill Woggon

Why Katy appeared in Wilbur of all places I don't know. Archie Comics had so many back-up features that they seem to have used them as filler just about anywhere, which holds out a small hope that there still could be undiscovered spankings for some of these characters.

As far as I know, Katy was never spanked in the comics although she spanked her kid sister several times, so for now we'll have to be satisfied with these bending-over poses and using our imaginations to take it from there. Bill Woggon, the artist in the third example, also gave us several examples of Suzie that focused on her behind in one way or another - a good guy! ;) He drew rather loose-fitting shorts on Katy here, unless they are supposed to be a skirt, but I think if shorts they'd have been stretched tight in Panel 4 where Katy touches her toes.
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Katy Keene Bends Over

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:09 pm Bill Woggon, the artist in the third example, also gave us several examples of Suzie that focused on her behind in one way or another - a good guy!
He didn't seem to focus quite so much on Katy's derriere, and I don't know why. These panels of her exercising seem to be the best view we've had of Ms. Keene's shapely posterior.
web-ed wrote: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:09 pm As far as I know, Katy was never spanked in the comics although she spanked her kid sister several times
Why was she taking care of her sister anyway? What happened to their parents?

What would've been fun would be for her little sister to complain to some authority figure who would take her side and say to Katy, "Oh yeah? How would you like it if someone was always spanking you for every bite of candy you ate? ...LIKE THIS?"

Oh well.
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by willjohn »

Their parents probably figured it was easier to abandon the girls than to feed them.
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

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Remember Suzie being spanked but never Katy
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Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Post by hugob00m »

This isn't really a panel from an Archie Comics story, but it has two prominent characters from Archie Comics, drawn by one of the artists that worked for Archie Comics. And it doesn't have a spanking, but I re-captioned it.
betty and veronica.jpg
betty and veronica.jpg (129.47 KiB) Viewed 5294 times
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