a third O.T. Katie thread

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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by daneldorado »

Katie is addictive.

It's been one week since I last commented on your latest "O.T.Katie" story... but the more I think about her, the more I enjoy her independence, and don't believe she should be "tied down" romantically.

Lemme 'splain:

In real life, we all get older. As we navigate through our teen years then into our twenties and thirties, we feel pressure from society to get married because, after all, we are getting older. Got to start a family of our own, you know. Even those of us who are lucky in love and manage to find a truly loving spouse (as I did) feel that kind of pressure.

But... and here is my main point: Katie, Bullmoose, Clorene et al. are NOT "getting older!" Katie is still the slim, sexy girl she was back in the Arild's days, some twenty (20) years ago. The same is true of most comic strip characters, even in vanilla comics. And, since they are spared the pains of old age, why not compensate by giving Katie and the rest of the girls a different kind of pain... to wit, spankings on their darling tushies, and do it OFTEN!

That said, I dunno why you have to mess with her social life. She is already such an interesting character. Katie works for a couple of sadistic executives who love to put her over their knees, seemingly at will. She has a "boyfriend" (sort of) in Bullmoose, who will spank Katie at the drop of a hat. She even has a friendly leprechaun who -- despite his tiny size -- finds no difficulty in putting the taller Katie over HIS lap and spanking her.

I like the status quo.

And that's my two cents.

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Katie and Bullmoose... a couple or not?

Post by hugob00m »

On the question of whether to have Bullmoose and Katie in a relationship, I appreciate the well-thought-out answers you gave me. And I've made my decision. For my next story, the two of them will be a dating couple. That way, there is sort of a commitment between them, but not as much as there would be if they were married or even engaged. But it makes more sense for him to at least be her boyfriend, since she's not related to him and she doesn't work for him, and yet, he spends a lot of his time bossing her around. If I can come up with some ideas for why he'd spank her as her boyfriend that wouldn't really work outside of a relationship, then they will continue to be a couple... and when I can't think of any more, then... I might do a big break-up story. Heh heh!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

So then, here's my latest story. It begins with Mr. Fitz and Clorene at Katie's former place of employment...
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...And you can see by the title page, that I've decided to go ahead and try to explore the possibilites of a relationship between Katie and Bullmoose.
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Thanks, Willjohn for suggesting that Bullmoose should give Clorene a spanking for getting Katie in trouble with the Government Revenue Enhancement Enforcement Division!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And the suggestion that Bullmoose should punch Mr. Fitz, too!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And after that...
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By the way, does anyone recognize the dialog in the TV show Bullmoose is trying to watch?
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Now, here's something that really works much better with them as a couple! The woman wants to know, "Is she prettier than me?" And, in the best of moments, it's hard for the man to give the woman the right answer... and to make it worse, she's interrupting a show he really wants to see!
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Again... does anyone recognize the dialog in the TV show that's running in the background?
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Now she's done it! Standing right in front of the TV demanding an answer!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

;) i just had to indulge in a little chase!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And the chase continues...
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...With some running commentary from Katie herself!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...Now he's caught her! Is this part going to go any differently with the two of them as a couple? Katie seems to think so!
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Let's see what happens next...
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Bullmoose doesn't think so.
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Well now! This part seems to be going just like it did before they were a couple!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Now here's a little twist in the story that works better with him being her boyfriend...
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Yeah! If she can get jealous that he spanked her cute friend, then he can get jealous about her wearing something that makes other men drool!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

The only difference is that, when she gets jealous, he spanks her for it, but when she makes him jealous... he spanks her for that too!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And... while he's already got her over his knee, she did give him a couple of other reasons to spank her!
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by hugob00m »

...And, of course, we can't forget that she ran from him!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

So now she gets paddled on the bare bottom with her Grandma's antique wooden hairbrush!
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That hairbrush came from one of my other stories... the one about Dizzie Lizzie and the TV repairman.

And... now you know that the dialog on the TV show that Bullmoose was trying to watch was from Phil Overbarrel's Backside Story. In Katie's World, it's a long-running Broadway play that's recently been made into a movie.
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Now that's cold! :D
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...As opposed to Katie's backside, :oops: which must be getting very very hot by now!
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