a third O.T. Katie thread

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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And after he's done spanking her, it's time for Katie to perform the "Ouchie Dance"!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

And now... the concluding panel of this little "love story".
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Let me know what you think! I have two other stories in mind for the loving couple... and then? Keep them together? Break them up? Leave him out of later stories and act like he never existed in her life? Who knows?
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Re: O.T. Katie In Love

Post by web-ed »

Overall, b00m, I'd have to say that Katie's romance with Bullmoose is working out fine from the spanko's point of view. In this story, we got the "let justice be done" type spanking of Clorene, plus (of course) one of Katie herself. You were able to preserve the basic Katie plot, where the humor is derived from Katie being the last person on earth to realize she's going to get spanked. Including a reference to Phil's Back Side Story was a nice touch, as was having Bullmoose pretend he was going to let Katie off just before really letting her have it with the hairbrush. Katie's after-spanking dance and red bottom were cute also.

We had a nice variety of camera angles during the hairbrush spanking, and the only thing I would have done differently would have been to include a "moment of impact" shot from the side (i.e., behind Katie) or the front. Actually, I think we did get a "moment of impact" shot, but it was earlier during the non-hairbrush portion of the spanking (#16) and we didn't have a clear view of the target just then. I also liked Katie's bending-over position (#14) as she lowers her shorts, with her head up and back well-arched. :)

Where to go from here? Well, Katie's going to have to work somewhere. If she goes back to her old firm, it's safe to say the spankings will resume. But what if she goes some place else? Could it be a staid, respectable company (or a loosey-goosey "progressive" company) that would never spank its employees? Or perhaps she accepts the position thinking that's the kind of company it is, only to find out they have formal, ritualized corporal disciplinary procedures clearly spelled out in writing. I'm sure you'll think of something!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

i couldn't help noticing that in 002 clorene has lost that smug look she had in 001 :lol: . nice touch. nice kicking and crying in 003 also. i really liked that the girls were discussing clorene's spanking in 004. it always seem reasonable to me that if girls got spanked and knew about each other getting spanked, that it would be the topic of conversation over coffee or in this case in the park :D . thanks for the plug for my "backside story" toon :D . actually, i have done that too. in a toon i did called "anticipating changes" our spanker is watching another of my toons, "prenuptial agreement" on tv while she waits for him to spank her. of course, i think it was an inspirational idea on your part :D . i've also used wolfietoons on tv or computer screens in my toons. i also did a toon called "more than one way" where the girl deliberately gets in the way while he's watching a ball game on tv to get a spanking. of course, she gets more than she bargained for. in any case, i think these are great ideas.................great minds you know :lol: . back to your toon. nice bouncing bottom as katie's running :D . i also like the happy, doesn't have a clue expression even after she goes over bullmooses lap. the best part is in 011 when he really starts spanking. it appears as if katie is so surprised she is frozen in position not even kicking while he spanks away. then the kicking starts in earnest as the pain and the panic set it :lol: . then in 012 her expression is much more apprehensive than the first time she is marched to a spanking. all good stuff! i love pic 014 where katie is taking her shorts down.............absolutely great :D . katie's face is great in 016.............her expression of pain as tears stain her red face. nice series of angles in this spanking including the hairbrush but i particularly liked both pics in 017. first that is a great shot showing a full view of katie's cute, red bottom. the side pic is very enticing too showing the outline of katie's shiny hiney :D . i had to laugh at katie saying , "go ahead i deserve it" for ruining backside story for him :lol: . nice dancing afterward too. great pic of her well spanked bottom as bullmoose is holding her at the end too. nice romantic ending. just the way i like it. great story :D . thanks, phil

Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by daneldorado »

Who's the star, b00m?

I would be remiss not to comment on your newest OTKatie toon. It looks as if you put a lot of work into it, came up with a total of 20 panels, and of course it will satisfy -- no, MORE than satisfy -- the majority of this board's denizens.

As good as it is, though, I do regret this: Looking at this story, it seems as if Bullmoose Armstrong has become a CO-STAR in the Katie saga. It means that now, Bullmoose will always do the spanking. I liked it better before, when Katie was getting spanked by a large variety of colorful characters. Notice that, except for her logo, Katie does not appear AT ALL, in the first three panels. Thus, Bullmoose shows up here more than Katie does. Who's the star, again?

Earlier, I had written here -- that, since OTKatie is a comic strip character, she never ages. You and I are 20 years older than when we first met on Arild's spanking site, yet everything about Katie is the same. No gray hair, no wrinkles, no flab. So, if she is going to be this perpetually young woman we first fell in love with in the 1990s, WHY put her in a relationship? She doesn't need one. Why not let her continue to "play the field" and get in trouble with a large variety of guys? It's all in fun anyway.

That said, I agree with the others who have posted here, that your latest story is excellent as far as spanking goes. And it's great that you have decided to let the spankings LINGER over two or more panels, just as they do in real life.

And it was refreshing to see that one panel where Katie is over BA's lap and he announces he is about to give her a good spanking with her own grandmother's hairbrush. Katie actually summoned the courage to say: "Go ahead! I deserve it!"

That's what I would call: Taking it like a good girl.

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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by willjohn »

I think Katie really loves having Bullmoose tan her bum. His getting revenge for her on Chlorene would have made both Katie and Bullmoose happy.

I think Fitrz will be keeping his distance from Katie now, which will have Chlorene getting Katie's share of wallopings as well as her own.
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by hugob00m »

I see I've already gotten some responses from Web-ed, Overbarrel, Dan, and Willjohn... mostly positive, I'm glad to see!

Thanks to the four of you for some very detailed comments about what worked for you and what could use some improvement.

Most of you, and especially Dan, seemed concerned about whether having a relationship with Bullmoose will possibly tie her down to just one spanker in her life. The answer to that is: Not necessarily. I can still have her get a spanking from the boss... (whoever that might be when she gets another job, now that she's left Mr. Fitz's company) Any strong male authority figure in Katie's life could be a potential spanker... (except her father, who only believes in time-outs for his daughter)

And specifically to you, Dan: about your concern over "who's the star?" I'll admit that Bullmoose did seem to be the star of this particular story. And I have two other ideas that I'm going to draw soon featuring Bullmoose prominently. You may have noticed the difference in the title page this time around. O.T. Katie In Love! >Sigh!< What I'm thinking I might do, for as long as her relationship with Mr. Armstrong lasts... is to put that title on stories that center around Katie and Bullmoose as a couple, and then use my other title page if it's a story about her that has little or nothing to do with him.

At this point in time, I see a relationship between Katie and Bullmoose as an opportunity to have Katie receive spankings that only make sense in the context of a girlfriend and her boyfriend. That doesn't eliminate the possibility of a work-related spanking... and it certainly won't stop the Leprechaun from spanking her if he thinks she's after his gold again!
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by solsunbeach »

I think if Katie does split up with Bullmoose, she should do some travelling, meet new people - and get spanked, of course! :D
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by willjohn »

I think that it is a given that Katie will be spanked soundly and regularly whatever happens in her life. An arse like hers would be going to wast otherwise. 8-)
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Katie: a broad abroad?

Post by hugob00m »

solsunbeach wrote:I think if Katie does split up with Bullmoose, she should do some travelling, meet new people - and get spanked, of course! :D
What a great idea! I've never had Katie visit a foreign country, but maybe I should! Is there anyone in this forum who lives outside of the U.S. and has an "ugly American" story to tell me? (Some breech of local custom that might earn a very pretty "ugly American" a spanking?)
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by solsunbeach »

Hi Boom

Europeans in general have a bad record for customer service - The french are probably the worst. Americans expect and are entitled to better service particularly as tourists, so this offers Katie some opportunities! -Trespassing on somebodies property - bad driving(wrong side of the road). Public officials expect deference to be offered to them at all times.
Queing is also expected to be rigorously observed - I hope I have offered you some ideas :D
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by jimc »

hi boom i have been away and have missed much of your recent stories. So Bullmoose and Katy finallay admitted that they like each other and Katy does not mind Bullmoose spanking her as it makes her tingly sometimes (great idea to let them enjoy their after spanking time in private by the way)I enjoy your coloring and esp. your otk I know that Dan wants us to say more about the artwork, but i really just only want to thank you for all you do with Katy and as Phil and Dan do with their creations and not be a critic or for that matter can think of ways you can improve it there are stories i just enjoy reading and i will look at them over and over again. Thank you again have a great day
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by willjohn »

There is a history of American girls taunting guardsmen on sentry duty outside Buckingham Palace, the guards not being allowed to move while on duty.

I wonder if Katie could behave like this and then meet the guardsman after he comes off duty?
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

I was in the middle of doing a longer story, and I came up with an idea for a short little seasonal thing.
Katie and Bullmoose are getting ready for a costume party...
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And here's the end of the story!
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(I told you it was a short one!) :D :D
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by jimc »

great b00m i enjoy how Katie's hair falls and her otk position and somehow with Katie no matter the outfit i think she will be otk soon enough. The colors and expressions always are a big hit. You do use very eye-catching colors. I think that Katie did expect Bullmoose to spank her for her costume choice and he did not disappoint. I also think you may even want to bring your phantom spanker back for Halloween. Although now that i think about the Phantom and spankings Katie would be great for the part of Kayla in the Phantom and the Sky Pirates or as Queen Pera (Bullmoose would of course play the Phantom) and with such a wealth of strips that web-ed has supplied us with the possibilities are endless (Mera and Aquaman; Cheryl Blossom and Jughead; Batgirl and Robin; Batman and Vickie Vale. Brenda Starr and Basil St. John, Medusa and human torch, and of course MJ and Spiderman are just a few of the fab redheads that katie and bullmoose could be. A red-headed league a la sherlock holmes if you will. thanks again
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Boom,

short indeed..............short and sweet :D . nice outfit for katie this time too. i gotta love the surprised look on Katie's face too..............she really should have known that was coming :lol: . i noticed that there was a supergirl and a wonder woman at that party too. goes right along with the discussion of spanking the super ladies in their costumes :D . thanks, phil

Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by daneldorado »

Wow! A shortie but a goodie, Boom!

As to the trenchcoat Katie is wearing to that party... not only is it "hot," but it obscures all the Katie anatomy we have grown to know and love! Otherwise, this is a very nice toon, though several panels short of the lengthy stories you usually provide. (Of course, I do like them better when you get to the point quickly.)

As Phil mentioned, we all noticed that at the Halloween party there are a couple of superheroines there... probably Wonder Woman and Supergirl. Any chance one or both will be spanked on All Hallows E'en?

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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Thanks to those of you who commented so quickly after I posted my latest O.T. Katie story. About the trenchcoat she wears at the end... well, the point was that she had just gotten spanked for wearing an outfit that would make all the men drool, and so, she changed to an outfit that would make them yawn. (unless they're imagining what, if anything she might be wearing underneath!) ;) Has she learned her lesson? Will she completely purge her wardrobe of anything that might be considered droolworthy? Well... we'll see about that later!

All of you were wondering whether I'd do some more spankings at the party, since some of the other ladies came as very spankable super-heroines. Not yet. I may have to come back to the Halloween party and do a sequel, but for now, I have another completely different story that I interrupted in order to do this little Halloween costume story. It's one of my long-winded things, with more than one spanking, and a long lead-in to the first one... but not quite as long as the lead-in I had in my last St.Patrick's Day story!

Having Bullmoose and Katie act out the roles of other comic characters is an intriguing idea. Maybe, a little closer to home, so to speak... I might have Bullmoose, or Fitz, or some other male character become the new successor for the retiring Captain Woodshed! (if Dan would agree to such an idea)
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by solsunbeach »

Great as usual Boom, but what happened at the party? :D
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