spanking pics using poser and photoshop

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

pic #14 is indeed the one where the swat is landing.............also the one where she starts to lose her composure. apparently i was confused about all this but i'm glad you enjoyed the pic :D . i used this angle because i thought it showed off her face and her body position the best at a time when she was really starting to lose it. as far as her race goes..............i'm not sure what the intention of the person who did this texture was so i don't really know. i have a hunch that the reason she looks this dark sometimes is because of shadows cast in this particular scene. she may well look different in a different setting with different lighting. no matter though as she's a good looking girl in any case :D . thanks, phil
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Lots of Comments

Post by web-ed »

We're getting lots of comments on these last two installments, which is great! With the "exposure" question, we have arrived at a matter of some delicacy, but that's o.k. too - nothing related to spanking is off-limits here. My own view is that the exposing of the intimate region during a spanking is like any other question of nudity in art - it can be done tastefully or not, or avoided altogether. Done tastefully, as Phil has here, it isn't a problem (for me); done rather crudely, as in Ward's later work, it detracts from any erotic effect that might otherwise have been achieved. It's like the nude photography in Playboy vs. that of Hustler in the 70's. But leaving the panties on, as Dan prefers to do, is certainly a legitimate artistic choice (and nobody is going to get thrown out of CSR for expressing a minority point of view, by the way - as an editor, I may be opinionated, but I'm not intolerant. We don't enforce an artistic or political orthodoxy here).

As far as real-life spanking goes, my feeling is that bare is best - it maximizes the spankee's humiliation and gives you an extra safety factor because you can see when it's time to stop. Revealing anything other than the bare bottom is not my purpose, but of course it does occur as a necessary consequence. I frequently utilize the paddle and even the cane, but I don't require an extremely revealing position - say holding ankles with feet wide apart - and generally settle for bending over half way with feet reasonably close together. Most women are o.k. with this.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i liked your comparison using playboy and hustler. my intention here was not to show any private parts but to get the best angle to convey the message that i wanted for this pic. just as pic #14 is shown from the side to show not only her expression and tears forming but also the state of heightened tension in her body as a particularly hard swat landed..............pic #15 is shown from the rear angle because i thought it best showed her panic as she vainly tried to get her hand back to protect her reddening rear. i like to do a variety of angles for various reasons and since few of them give an opportunity to show those private parts i took this opportunity to include that too. as i mentioned to dan, i have a few people who write and ask for such shots and also i think it's a natural part of a bare bottom spanking. with her panties down and struggling as the pain escalates, she's gonna expose more than she would like.

i agree that it's best to spank bare bottom for the reasons you mentioned although i still like to start on the seat of the panties and then lower them later to finish the spanking. that's a big tun on for me and probably has to do with my advanced age :lol: . guess i'm just a horny old man :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

well, it looks like tammy has finally broken down and is genuinely sorry about her behavior :D . this part of tommy's job is now almost finished and it's time for him to let her up.............and perhaps acknowledge some recently developed problems of his own :lol: .i hope you enjoy them. phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

looks like tammy's so happy to get off his lap that she's dancing...............the bare bottom bop no less:P
looks like tammy's so happy to get off his lap that she's dancing...............the bare bottom bop no less:P
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Phil, this is one of the most "arousing" spank stories I have ever seen. I recognize the amount of work it must have taken you to put it all together. The real genius of it is your story behind the spanking, very plausible. But your artistry is majorly on display here, and I'd have to say it is the best cartoon strip I have... EVER... SEEN!

For anyone who may gripe that you didn't have the off-stage onlookers come into the scene at the end, let's remind them that drawing extra people means extra work. And I think you did an amazing job with just TWO characters, Tommy and Tammy.

The little dance at the end is the cherry on top of the whipped cream. Some folks here were complaining they weren't seeing many pics that show an "aftermath." Well, this is an aftermath to top them all!

Great job, Phil. Congratulations.

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

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GREAT WORK OVERBARREL!!''' AS much as I love the ending with Tammy dancing around trying to put out that three alarm fire I was hoping to see a little more spirit and fight from her like attempting to slaps his face or the old HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!! before storming off the stage in a huff.I`am hoping this isn`t over between these two and that another spanking is install for this headstrong woman. THANKS for a story well done!!
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

thanks a lot for all the glowing words . it sure makes all the work worthwhile, and especially so since you are a professional artist :D . i have to say that i have been well pleased with this toon and it's nice to know i'm not the only one who thinks so. i got a chuckle from your assumption, and butch's, that the toon is over because this happens all the time :lol: . it's "almost" over but not quite. i have 4 more pics to post before we get to the end which i will post next week. of course, the actual spanking is over but i though these pics were needed to wrap the toon up. i too liked the aftermath and i got a reply from a viewer in my toon group who called it the "bare bottom bop" :lol: . thanks for your comments, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi butch,

as i was telling dan, the toon isn't quite over yet. i have 4 more pics that i will post next week to wrap it up. i'm glad you like her little dance in pic #17 :D . i thought it came out well too. i'm glad you liked the pics :D . thanks, phil
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Tommy and Tammy - the Awesome Aftermath

Post by web-ed »


Let my add my accolades as well! I don't see how anyone could complain about these last two installments, which have given us the "her attitude has now been adjusted" phase and the "bare-bottom bop" phase of this spanking. I think this is your best work to date, even though I really liked that one paddling also.

I'm not surprised to hear you say there are four more panels to go, because I happened to notice one little thing: the spectators seem to have been waiting in the wings, behind Tammy and to her left where she couldn't see them during her spanking. (Actually, the chair seems to have shifted position during the scene, but I didn't even notice that until I went through the whole sequence again, so we'll call that artistic license and let it go.) I also noticed that their word balloons and speech type were smaller than Tommy's and Tammy's, indicating they were keeping their voices low, so maybe Tammy couldn't have heard them either. That means that you just might be planning to have Tammy suddenly realize that there were spectators, and they saw everything, including her bright red bottom - what an embarrassing revelation! :D
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by solsunbeach »

Great work as usual Phil- You bring her spankings to life with your talent. If I had one suggestion, it would be that the spankee was spanked by a number of different people within the cartoon- This adds to the storyline and surprizes the reader. :)

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Phil... As I am unfamiliar with the "poser" medium, I don't know if you are allowed to go back to your artwork and amend any of it.

That said, I was noticing that your pic no. 14, the one where Tommy is seen actually LANDING a swat on Tammy's backside, could use some more work.

Her right boob is seen hanging, like an extra piece of membrane dangling from her skin. Looks like it's going to fall off. In actual fact, her breasts should be fully rounded and luxuriant at this stage of her spanking. If you agree that it needs fixing, please do that. If you don't, I'll amend the pic for my own files.

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

first off, thanks for your kind words. they brought a grin to my face :D . as far as the chair goes, it has indeed shifted positions. i found long ago that it was often easier to do this than to try to reposition the camera and work around the obstacles that often get in the way of the view that i was looking for. in this case i had added incentive because i wanted to keep the edge of the curtain in the pic so it would be clear that the folks whispering and giggling about the spanking were back stage. most folks don't look at the pics closely enough to even noticed that the chair, as well as the spanker and spankee, have rotated and are facing a different direction :lol: . as you said, artistic license...........good eye on your part ;) . i was glad to hear that you went back and looked at the whole toon :D . i usually do this several times while i am doing the toon to get a better idea of the overall effect of the toon. i also do it once the toon is done for the same reason. in most toons, if i read the whole thing and it makes me horny, i consider the toon a success :lol: . as for the rest of your comments, i repeat, good well as good figuring. it's nice to know that folks are actually looking at the pics and the toon. i love it :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi solsunbeach,

i think it's too late for multiple spankers in this toon however i have some things in the works for upcoming toons that might fit the bill so stay tooned :lol: . i'm glad that you're enjoying this toon and i really appreciated your great comments :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i went back and looked at pic #14 again and i don't see what you are talking about :?: . all i see is her boobs confined by her dress except where they are visible at the top because it is low cut. to me it looks as if they "are" fully rounded which is why they are more visible at the top. anyone else have any thoughts about this? thanks, phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Phil...

I could be wrong on this, but HERE is what I was talking about. This is your original pic no. 14:


It looks to me as if Tammy's right boob is just a loose, dangling, tiny bit of flesh.

In my own personal files, I have amended it to look like this:


See? It isn't that I have given Tammy a huge right boob, only that I've made it look more round, more solid, more realistic. To me, anyway.

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

Heh heh! I really enjoy the "ouchie dance" Tammy does when Tommy lets her up! I don't see that very often (and it occurs to me that I don't do enough of it in my own stories). Zack Mosely used to have some of his ladies doing a little dance after being soundly spanked, but other than that I can't think of any other examples. Keep up the good work! I have never seen a better story than this one portrayed in poser art!
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i see that in your pic her breast does look fuller. i will keep this in mind for future reference. thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

i'm glad you like the dance...............i liked it myself :lol: . i have always admired your o t katie strips so i take your last sentence as high praise :D . thanks much, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

it's funny how a good spanking can change the spankee's attitude about her behavior..................and sometimes other things :D . these are the last 4 pics in the toon and i'll be starting a new one next week. i hope you've enjoyed this one. phil
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