spanking pics using poser and photoshop

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

i liked your comment that all is right with the world :lol: . i too like the onlookers and they'll have more comments as we go along. now all i have to do is figure out just how to finish this toon so that tammy finds out her spanking has been public :D . i'd appreciate it if you'd read the reply i just sent to dan. i'd be interested in knowing what your take is on his position on the chair. thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i liked your comment about feeling like one of the onlookers :D . personally i feel that i must have a certain amount of voyeur in me because i find the prospect of watching a spanking almost as exciting as being the one giving it . for one thing, you could get some views that even the spanker doesn't get to see not to mention that you can really watch closely if you're not trying to spank and restrain the spankee :D . i haven't decided yet whether i like watching unobserved or watching when the spankee can see me best. both have their own allure :lol: . i agree that things are progressing nicely and i'll try to keep that going. i'll make the same request of you that i did boom. i would appreciate it if you'd check out the reply i just made to dan and then make any comments you might have about tommys' position on the chair. thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi again dan,

thank you, thank you, thank you! i am so pleased that you noticed tammy's hands :D :D . i spend a lot of time on the position of the spankee's body including her hands. i really feel that this body language tells as much about what the spankee is feeling as her expression does. that's one of the reasons that i'm glad i finally have the computer equipment that allows me to do these pics this big. i spend a lot of time on details and i like for folks to be able to see them :D . i think that many times folks get an overall impression without actually noticing the details that go into making that impression. it's really great to know that you noticed her hands since i did spend a certain amount of time contemplating just how they should be :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

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Now thats what I call a spanking!! GREAT work OVERBARREL judging how the way you had Tommy restain Tammy legs by putting both of his legs over her"s must mean that you to have had plenty experince dealing with adult female brats :lol: The look on Tammy face showed not only pain but humiliationof having her bottom bare and expose for Tommy and whoever else to see. Now I"am a big fan of humiliation before or after a spanking and what better way than to humiliate a grown woman than to bare her bottom before a spanking.Also love the way he used his other arm to keep her down and over his lap she sure wasn"t gonna escape this punishment :lol: Hope to see you do one of a tough female bandit who bottom is bare and roasted in front of the entire town including her two shaply female cohorts that are both red faces and slyly rubbing their bottoms thanking the skys that their not the ones recieveing the spanking that they are witnessing being administer to their boss by the town sheriff. Or how about a very shaply beautiful female space alien who green large curvy rump turns a nice shade of red from a hard over the knee spanking by the hero :twisted: Anyway love your work OVERBARREL and hope to see more in the future! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel wrote:

Now, about tommy's position on the chair. in my view this is the only position possible for him since she is over his left knee and not the right one.

Well, it's true that I had not "factored in" the point about her legs now being between his knees. However, I note that she is in that same position in the previous two (2) pictures, and in those pics Tommy is seated firmly in the center of the chair.

Come to think about it, in my own spanking "career," the only time I clamped my spankee's legs between my own, I was sitting on a couch, not a chair; and that way, one can clamp the spankee's legs and position her upper body slightly to the left (or right) and have her rest her upper bod on the couch seat.

Of course, this is a position I rarely used, because all -- well, ALMOST all -- of the spankings I delivered were consensual. When you are playing with a consenting spankee, there is no need to clamp her legs between your own, because she isn't trying to get away. When I did use that method, it was simply to work a variation on an already successful play time.

Keep on keepin' on, Phil. You are in the midst of producing a MASTERPIECE!

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi butch,

i'm glad you liked her expression :D . as i said, i think the moment when the panties come down is an intense one and i was trying to capture some of that on her face. thanks too for the suggestions for future toons. i will keep them in mind and perhaps i will use all or part of one of them. you have to remember that the more people i have in a scene, the longer it takes to render them and it will get to a point where it won't do it at all after the file gets so big even though my computer is fairly new and designed with poser in mind. in the mean time, i'm glad you're enjoying the toon :D . thanks for your comments. phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

hmmmmmm, i was just checking out those 2 pics that you mentioned and he is indeed in the middle of the seat. the only thing i can think of is that it wasn't a problem when i did the renders so i didn't change it. if i remember right, when i started doing pic #13 the leg of the chair was through her left calf and that's why i moved them forward. in pic #12 it may have been through her calf too but from that angle you can't tell it so i didn't fool with it. i have learned that it is way more important what it looks like in the final pic than if the placement is exactly correct before the render. sometimes poser will make things look funny because of lighting and shadows and such and i have to change a pose that looks ok because it looks wrong once rendered.

i have given a couple spankings along the way where i had to leg lock the spankee and found that it is easier for me to get her controlled if i scoot forward on the seat. of course, i am only 5" 9" and someone taller with longer legs might not have to do that. i haven't tried that on a couch however. usually if we are on the couch we are there so we can both be comfortable for an erotic spanking. any time i have used a leg lock it has been on a straight back chair. thanks for the kind words. they bring a grin to my face :D . phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

overbarrel49 wrote:i'd appreciate it if you'd read the reply i just sent to dan. i'd be interested in knowing what your take is on his position on the chair.
I hadn't noticed until Dan pointed it out how close Tommy is to the edge of the chair. As long as he doesn't tip the chair over, I guess he's alright. And I think you're right that he would have to move forward the way he did to put both of Tammy's legs between his. Anyway, the two most recent pictures you posted look good to me.

A thought just occurred to me about the onlookers. Maybe you already planned to have them applaud at the end of Tommy and Tammy's "performance". If you didn't already think of it yourself, I think you shouuld consider doing that.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

thanks for replying to my query about dan's observation that tommy is sitting at the edge of the seat. i was just curious what other folks thought. you and dan especially have a lot of experience doing spanking drawings so i figure there's a good chance you may have some insight that i haven't had time to pick up on yet :) . you are now the 4th person i have had comment that applause by the spectators in the peanut gallery would be a good idea at the end of the spanking. it seems a good idea to me and since that seems to be the consensus of opinion i think that's probably just what i'll do :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

the main goal of a spanking like tammy is getting is to change her attitude and it appears like that is finally happening :D more trying to give orders or complaining about how much it hurts. now she's pleading for the spanking to stop and promising better behavior. part of being a good spanker is being able to judge when such pleas are being made just from panic and when they're genuine and fortunately it appears that tommy is practiced in this art. it looks like we may have a successful spanking before he's through :D i'll be interested to see what everyone thinks of this first one, #14, since this is the one with his hand landing on her bottom but as i mentioned earlier, i have a hunch the angle isn't what you had in mind. anyway, i hope you enjoy both of them. phil
sometimes you have to land a particularly hard swat to emphasize a word or 2 of your lecture.
sometimes you have to land a particularly hard swat to emphasize a word or 2 of your lecture.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

looks like Tammy's making a last ditch effort to save her bottom............LOL.
looks like Tammy's making a last ditch effort to save her bottom............LOL.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

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IS Tommy going to pin her arm while continuing to set fire to her bottom? This is one spanking Tammy and the on lookers will never forget can`t wait to see what happen after the spanking is over if I was Tommy I`ll keep her over my knee and give her a good talking to about her bad behavoir! Love the way you can see not only Tammy red bottom but also her private part.It reminds me of a story I read in Spank Hard some years back where this lady who was very modest was about to get a bare bottom spanking from her boyfreind and once the spanking began she squirm and kick so much that she could care less about her private parts being expose the only thing she was concern with was that her bottom was being burn. GREAT WORK OVERBARREL!!! Hope to see more spanking arts. THANKS :!:

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

This post will probably get me kicked out of the CSR, but it has to be said.

Earlier, somebody asked me why it is that in my cartoons, I almost never have the spanker lower the spankee's panties before beginning the spanking. I actually have done that a few times (cf. Sam Swatt vs. Glenda Gluteus, Frieda Fabulous), but I prefer not to.

The major reason I don't have the spanker lower the spankee's panties is the same reason I almost never lowered them myself, in my own spanking escapades: And that is, if you bare the girl's bottom, you are probably going to see her vulva. And I don't want to see that.

Now, I realize that some men want to see the girl's private parts. I'm just not one of them. Don't worry, I'm no virgin. I have a daughter and two granddaughters, and believe me I have changed diapers for all three of them more times than I can count. But we're not supposed to look at that, or to dwell on that, and so I don't.

If you've had experience with women, you know that anatomies differ; so, sometimes a woman's buttocks will be large enough to hide the vulva from casual view, while with other women, the buttocks will be smaller and will display the vulva immediately upon lowering the panties. Naturally, I prefer the first kind. If I'm going to look at a woman's bare bottom, I would rather not be looking at her sex.

So, Phil, your picture no. 15 in the Tommy & Tammy show is probably not going to wind up in my toons collection... at least, not in its present condition. As I've said before, I admire your talent and your artistry. You are dedicated to delivering a heart-pounding, sexy pictorial story, and you have done just that. But many spanking toons I have collected have been revised for my collection. In other words, I use Photoshop to re-draw that area of the girls' bottoms to erase the revealing part.

I once knew a cartoonist who ALWAYS drew his spankees this way. I asked him, WHY do you always have to show the pussy when a girl goes over the guy's lap? And he said: "'Cause they all look that way in real life, didn't you know?" And I answered, quite properly, no they do NOT all look that way. This guy was just getting his rocks off by inserting pussies into his cartoons, when the mere sight of her bare buttocks and bare legs should have been plenty.

Sorry, Phil. I still think you are a terrific artist, but on this particular point we will have to agree to disagree.

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi butch,

it does indeed look as if tommy's reaching for her'll have to wait till next week to find out for sure though :lol: . i'm glad that you liked the camera angle on this one :D . i thought it was a good angle to not only show her rapidly reddening bottom but also her struggles and attempts to cover her bottom with her hand. i have belonged to some spanking discussion groups along the way and some of the spankees have told me that once the spanking gets going their attention shifts from modesty to what is happening to their bottom ends which sounds a lot like the story you were talking about. makes sense to me which is why tammy, who didn't want tommy to even pull her skirt up, is now concentrating on getting the spanking to stop and really doesn't care what is exposed as she struggles. anyway, i'm glad you enjoyed them :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i can certainly understand why you draw your pics according to your preferences. i do exactly the same thing. as i have mentioned before, the reason i started doing pics at all was because i had trouble finding the kind of drawings i like. web-ed mentioned in this weeks updates that he doesn't like whips and neither do i but some folks do and i would think that most folks would do the kinds of pics that they find most pleasing. as you mentioned , there are some men who want to see the ladies private parts during a spanking and i have one or 2 who actually write and ask me to include such pics in my toons. actually, it appears to me that there are some women who like such pics too. although none of them have ever actually mentioned that to me, i have noticed that there are a couple in my toon groups who regularly comment on such pics. since there are very few people who comment on every pic..............or even most of them, i assume that everyone comments on the pics that they find most appealing or that they make a connection with. just what it is that they find appealing about these pics i couldn't say with any certainty but i've often fantasized that they are imagining that "they" are the one struggling and showing off their body parts in such a fashion.

as far as my personal preferences go, i like spanking pics either with or without showing any female private parts. i do many pics with the spanking starting on the seat of the panties and i like to see a lot of different camera angles so most of my pics won't show between the spankee's legs. i am not at all adverse to showing them though, especially in a case like this one where i thought this camera angle really showed off her bottom and her struggles to avoid any more spanking. this one view seems to have really ruined not only this pic but also pic #14 for you. personally i was well pleased with both of these pics and thought they both have many good features and it's too bad your enjoyment of them was ruined. as far as agreeing to disagree goes.................that's no problem. as i have mentioned before, there is no one size fits all when it comes to spanking tastes. thanks, phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Pic 14 is fine. No idea why you think that one doesn't appeal to me.

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

I guess I'd have to agree with Dan on the subject of "private parts". A woman's vulva feels great during intercourse and tastes great during oral sex, but, for me, I don't find it very visually stimulating in a spanking picture. In spite of that, I still think it's a great series! Keep up the good work!
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Pic 14 is fine. No idea why you think that one doesn't appeal to me.

hi dan,

this isn't exactly what i said. what i said is, " this one view seems to have really ruined not only this pic but also pic #14 for you." it just seemed to me that that one aspect of pic #15 upset you to the point that you couldn't enjoy either one of them which i thought was a shame since i really thought both pics had some good features. i hope that clears up any misunderstanding. later, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

as i mentioned to dan, even though we are all into spanking everyone has their own tastes and preferences which is as it should be. i'm glad you're enjoying the series :D . thanks, phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »


Okay, now I'm getting confused. (Not an unusual condition for me.)

As I've said, I reject your vulva-revealing picture no. 15; and, as you know, I have already reconfigured it for my own personal files, for it is otherwise a very fine pose. But the PREVIOUS picture, no. 14, is -- if I'm not mistaken -- the one where Tommy is seen actually LANDING a swat on Tammy's fine fanny. And it's a shame that we got caught up in this other disagreement, because I think picture 14 is the BEST ONE of the entire strip! At least, so far.

For Picture 14, you have eschewed the usual forthright angle that shows a swat landing. Instead of showing the BACK of Tommy's hand landing on Tammy's posterior, you have used a different angle, one that displays Tammy in full, fine form as she takes the swat and we see that swat from the side, rather than from the back, as per usual. This angle shows your versatility and your mastery of the Poser medium. It also shows Tammy in her most agitated stage of the entire story. This woman is ON FIRE, and she doesn't like it! (Well, maybe just a little bit.)

Oh, and with this picture I think you should revisit the question of Tammy's race. She is an African American woman, or a South Sea Islander. Really, Phil, you cannot seriously contend that she is just a white woman with a dark tan. This is a beautiful African American woman. The fact that she deserves and is receiving a good spanking is incidental. I applaud your diversity.

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