spanking pics using poser and photoshop

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Where the hell IS everybody?

Post by daneldorado »

As some of you already know, I am one of the cartoonists that post our work to this forum. If you remember me at all, you will know that I am VERY big on "comments."

In other words, we like it when -- after going through all the trouble of creating a good cartoon and posting it for you -- we receive some words of encouragement. In my case, I used to get PAID for my artwork. But the Internet killed paper media, so that means that now, the only way we get any sort of "appreciation" for our labors is when you guys -- the viewers of this forum -- express your thoughts right here, on the forum where the artwork is posted.

But Phil ("overbarrel") has posted a exquisite series of poser drawings, showing an arrogant young actress throwing a fit and chasing all her co-stars off the stage. Her director (at least I think he's the director) decides to spank some sense into her.

Phil has, so far, posted six panels of his "Backside Story" to this board. They are very good, professional quality pictures. But the ONLY ONES who have responded to them have been: Web-ed (the site administrator), b00m, and myself.

Where the hell is everybody ELSE?

The Board Index shows these toons have been viewed a total of 1,485 times. Yeah, I know that some of those are probably robots, but a good many others are real people who enjoy spanking cartoons and come here to get their jollies. Can't blame them for that, but WHY don't they post a message of encouragement?

Personally, I would hate it if Phil should give up, and stop posting his delightful cartoons. But I wouldn't blame him if he did.


Last edited by daneldorado on Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where the hell IS everybody?

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:Where the hell is everybody ELSE?

Personally, I would hate it if Phil should give up, and stop posting his delightful cartoons. But I wouldn't blame him if he did.
Yes, Dan, I agree. Where are all the comments? I HAVE expressed my appreciation of Phil's artwork, and wish some others who haven't yet spoke up would offer some words of encouragement for someone who puts a lot of time and effort into using this relatively new medium of "poser" art to produce these wonderful illustrated stories!

And, by the way, Phil, I enjoyed seeing the most recent addition to your current story. The raising of the soon-to-be spankee's skirt is often one of the most exciting pre-spank rituals for participants and onlookers alike.
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Re: Where the hell IS everybody?

Post by overbarrel49 »

Dan said:
In other words, we like it when -- after going through all the trouble of creating a good cartoon and posting it for you -- we receive some words of encouragement. In my case, I used to get PAID for my artwork. But the Internet killed paper media, so that means that now, the only way we get any sort of "appreciation" for our labors is when you guys -- the viewers of this forum -- express your thoughts right here, on the forum where the artwork is posted.

hi dan,

you are correct about comments from viewers being the only way we get any appreciation for our work. i also post my toons to the #5 yahoo toon group that i own. there are 466 members in that group and i got 2 replies about the current pic from there so far. i have maybe 8-10 people from there that regularly comment. i also post them to a yahoo spanking discussion group where i am a moderator and i got only one comment from there and that was from one of the other moderators. i have belonged to several groups along the way and they all had a small percentage of people who were actually participating while most folks chose to just "lurk" in the background. it's a little discouraging sometimes............especially when i think a pic is particularly well done and no one says anything. i am grateful for those who do comment though. i enjoy doing them and it's nice to know others are enjoying looking at them.

i was particularly happy about the comments you made about this toon :D . comments such as "exquisite series" and "professional quality" brought a big grin to my face :D :D . this seemed to me to be particularly high praise since you were a professional artist who did your toons for money. thanks so much for your comments. phil
Last edited by web-ed on Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed quote, which had malfunctioned on poor Phil.
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Re: Where the hell IS everybody?

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:

And, by the way, Phil, I enjoyed seeing the most recent addition to your current story. The raising of the soon-to-be spankee's skirt is often one of the most exciting pre-spank rituals for participants and onlookers alike.

hi boom,

i agree...............the raising of the spankee's skirt "is" one of the most exciting moments of a spanking and i think particularly so when the spanking is non consensual and there is no romantic involvement between the spanker and spankee :D . there's lots of talk about how spanking between adults needs to be consensual and i agree but i still think those non consensual ones make for great fantasies. glad you're enjoying the toon :D . you were already posting great o t katie toons before i even started trying to work with poser so your comments mean a lot. thanks, phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel49 wrote:

you are correct about comments from viewers being the only way we get any appreciation for our work. i also post my toons to the #5 yahoo toon group that i own. there are 466 members in that group and i got 2 replies about the current pic from there so far. i have maybe 8-10 people from there that regularly comment. i also post them to a yahoo spanking discussion group where i am a moderator

Pray tell, what are the URLs for these groups/sites of which you speak?


P.S. Still looking forward to the completion of "Backside Story!"

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i opened up the first yahoo group just to have a place to store my toons where folks could have access to them online. i always post in the "files" section because the photos section reduces the size of the pics. at the time i opened the first one the files section only had 20 mb of storage so when i filled that up i opened a second group then a third. right after i opened the fourth group they started allowing 100mb of storage in the files section but i just continued on with group #4 rather than go back to fill the earlier ones. i am now posting in group #5 but the others are still open. all you have to have is a yahoo profile to join any of them and membership is automatic. the groups are open to all adults and you should have immediate access to the pics once you are a member. here is the link to the #5 toon group where i am currently posting: ... ingtoons5/

if you want to check out the earlier goups you can just check out the "links" section at this group or email me and i'll be happy to send you an invitation.
if you look at these older groups please remember that as the number of the group goes down you are going farther back in time. the early ones aren't very well done as i had to learn to use the poser program. in the earliest ones i didn't even have photoshop to work with so they are pretty primitive...............LOL. i have improved a lot since those early pics and hopefully i will continue to do so. you'll also notice that i have increased the size of the pics as i've gone along and gotten better computers.

since i've never had time to actually moderate these groups i have them set up so that only i can post a message to the message boards.that way it keeps out spam and porn. if you have comments about any of the pics you can just send them to my email. since i am retired now i have been thinking about opening up the message board on the #5 toon group and i may do that in the near future. i hope you enjoy the toons. thanks, phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

For anyone who cares:

I have readied a new Captain Woodshed cartoon, but there is NO WAY it is getting posted to these forums, unless and until we hear from more readers.

I'll repeat that I do appreciate the comments frequently offered by Web-ed, b00m, and overbarrel. But that's not enough. With more than 1,400 users here (I know, some are robots, but others are NOT), we should be getting a sizable number of "attaboys" for each new comic strip.

I notice that b00m and overbarrel have also stopped posting. A trend?

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by Dave Wolfe »

Hiya, Dan!

I had answered this over in bOOm's new Katie thread, but seeing this, I'll repeat:

I understand your frustration; all of us creative types want recognition for our efforts, but it's important not to get oversenitive. I never hear from any of the "Discipline and Desire" members each week, and only get a relative few comments on the "Wolfieblog," although the stat counter shows anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand or more views a day from all over.

But that doesn't indicate any deliberate snub or lack of character. Some people are very shy of leaving remarks, thinking someone else has said something better, or that they really have nothing to contribute worth the effort of signing in. And one can't always get to everything, anyway! After all, as an example, you're pulled in a lot of different web-directions yourself and hadn't been able to comment here on the Phil birthday post.

But be assured your efforts are enjoyed; the post on the Wolfietoons blog about Arild's, featuring your early art, and bOOm's, Endart's and Darth's, is THE number one entry all of time, with a staggering number of individual page views and growing. ... -more.html

Later, gators!
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

you know, it's funny how subtle changes will creep into the spankee's attitude as the spanking progresses. i guess it's like we always say, a good spanking will bring a lot of different emotions to the surface. in honor of my retirement which was one week ago today, i am posting 2 pics this week. i hope you enjoy them. phil
it appears that tammy is pretty irritated about getting a spanking. it also appears that it's been way too long since she's had one.
it appears that tammy is pretty irritated about getting a spanking. it also appears that it's been way too long since she's had one.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hmmmmm, now she seems less irritated and more interested in finding a way to get tommy to stop.............even if she has to be nicer about it..............LOL
hmmmmm, now she seems less irritated and more interested in finding a way to get tommy to stop.............even if she has to be nicer about it..............LOL
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Phil... Thanks a lot, thanks VERY much, for the new poser comic you are in the process of posting for us. I'm enjoying it... A LOT.

But I have one little question, and it may or may not be applicable.

To these old eyes, it looks to me as if the spankee ("Tammy") is a black girl -- that is, a member of what we used to call the Negroid race. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, especially these days when blacks and whites mingle with and marry each other, often.

If she isn't black, maybe her people are from the Near East, meaning Indian or Bangladeshian; or maybe from the South Sea islands.

Anyway, my point is this: I have been told, on strong authority, that black people do not blush. I don't know if that is a literal fact, but I don't recall ever seeing a black person blush. Yet you have little Tammy's face cheeks blushing full red as she is being spanked.

In my color toons, I always show my spankees blushing while the "action" is going on... but they are usually white girls, and as you know, white girls blush quite readily, especially during an interlude such as little Tammy is experiencing.

Well, that's my question. Do you have an answer that would settle this matter?

Cheers (and keep up the good work),
Last edited by daneldorado on Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i was surprised at your question. both spanker and spankee in this toon are white although she is nicely tanned. on my computer they look white to me so i'm not sure just why it looks different to you :?: the way it works is this; for the most part, all the characters i use are based on michael and victoria version 3 from daz 3d. with the exception of the short toon i did for dave wolfe's birthday which used version 2 of these characters, all the pics i have posted here have used the same version 3 characters. by giving them different faces, different body textures, different hair styles, different hair colors and by making other modifications i make them look like different characters. in this case tammy was created by using a package of body textures and facial features that i got online. then i added the hair and chose black for her hair color. since i have no experience with black spankees i am uncomfortable doing pics using a character with black textures. you mentioned the blush and i don't actually know what effect a spanking would have on either set of cheeks so i shy away from featuring black spankees in my toons. as i said, i don't have any idea why it looks that way to you..............perhaps it's the lighting or something. sorry for any confusion about that. i hope this answers your question. i am glad that you're enjoying the toon though :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:Anyway, my point is this: I have been told, on the strongest authority, that black people do not blush. I don't know if that is a literal fact, but I don't recall ever seeing a black person blush. Yet you have little Tammy's face cheeks blushing full red as she is being spanked.
Really? I wasn't aware of that. Is it that they don't have the rush of blood in their facial capillaries like Caucasian people do, or is it just that, with their darker pigmentation, it doesn't show up? I've seen that most natural redheads seem to blush much brighter than everyone else, but that's because of the contrast with their extremely fair complexion. :oops:

I hadn't really given much thought to Tammy's race before... but now that it's been brought up... she looks to me like either a Causian woman with a very dark tan, or a Black/White mixed-race, like Tamara Taylor, one of the stars of Bones.

So then, Phil, since she's your character, what race, if any, did you intend for her to be? (No matter what race she is, I think she's cute, and I'm enjoying your story a lot!) :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

Well... it looks like you were typing your answer to Dan while I was typing too. So now, both of our questions have been answered. (By the way... I enjoy seeing women blush on both ends like Tammy is doing!) :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol: :lol:

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

There is an old Shadow Lane video, Spanking Tutorial (SLV-051d), in which a white guy takes lessons in how to give his girlfriend the good spanking she craves. He engages the services of the redoubtable Bobbie Tawse, who is black. She trains the guy in how to hold her over his lap, how to spank with the hand and with the hairbrush, all the time of course using these techniques on Bobbie.

At one point he mentions that her skin color is changing, is getting darker, in the spanked area. She answers, quite matter-of-factly, that on his own (white) girlfriend the bottomcheeks will turn red during the spanking.

I have spanked several women, but only one of them was black. The white girls' bottomcheeks did turn red, but I noticed that the black girl's buns got noticeably darker -- not red, just darker -- during the spanking.

Now, I am NOT suggesting that Phil should backtrack and change his spankee's bottomcheek color to dark brown, or anything like that. I was simply pointing out "a fun fact." Actually, Phil's coloring in this comic has been superb. I hope he keeps up with what he has been doing, for it is a truly enjoyable picture play.

Last edited by daneldorado on Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by jimc »

sorry i have been away for a couple of weeks and just now saw the latest story. I love the coloring and as always i think your otk is really great. The artists as always are the ones that can come up with commentary about your work. I did belong to several of the groups you mentioned, but i left because of last posts seemed like that there had been little activity and so i thought it was one of those auto-groups and saw no reason to go to a group with no activity (but i was leaving groups that had become spam and porn groups so i was just leaving many at one time and i also lost some groups one time and i do not know if they were closed by yahoo or i was deleted because i had not contributed in a while ( i do try to contribute even just by commenting, but i am a computer newbie on most things and my own collection was lost in a house flood several years ago so i do not contribute as much as i would like.) i never consider much of the comments made by dan, b00m and dave as they do seem to be techie questions and i just enjoy the art and the stories. I appreciate all who contribute and i wish i could offer more on their content (personal preferences m/f otk or even some f/f otk only) so anything else is not what i am comfortable commenting on as i also have preferences about the shape of the bottom, the position and expressions that are not part of the artists concept, but i do appreciate the work that artists do and share with us. On a side note* "dan" you are also guilty of not commenting {web-ed has posted many stories in the fiction section and i have not seen you comment on any of them or on some of the other things that web-ed has spent a great deal of time and effort on, so don't cast stones} I always feel that while i do not comment on every artwork i do try to thank you for your time, talent and the fact that you shared and did not just keep it to yourself. Have a great day
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

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Looking at the way Tammy is build she could be Latina along with her firey attitude :evil: Maybe Phil they"re next performance should be done in front of a live cheering audience!!

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Hi, JimC... Earlier, you wrote a long message which included the following (copied and pasted):

On a side note* "dan" you are also guilty of not commenting {web-ed has posted many stories in the fiction section and i have not seen you comment on any of them

Until you mentioned it just now, I had NO IDEA there was a "Fiction" section on Web-ed's board. Now that you have, I just went there and, sure enough, according to the index, there are several stories posted there, and most of them seem to be authored by YOU. So I can understand why you are peeved at me for not commenting on them. The truth is, I have NEVER BEEN to that site before.

My interest in spanking is limited to what is visual. Pictures and photos of pretty girls getting spanked are great. Movies of that activity are great. Having said girl over my own knee is greatest of all... but READING about it? Not so great.

I am co-administrator of the Chross website. Chross put me on there so I could help in clearing out the porn that inevitably gets posted to these things. I've kept it fairly clean, I think; but when called upon to check on spanking stories, I must admit I just skim them. They don't move me, because they are just words. Somebody once said a picture is worth a thousand words. Must be true.

And so, Jim C., please forgive my lack of comments on your stories in the Fiction section. I never read them. I never even go to that area of the Chicago Spanking Review.

But of course I am vitally interested in PICTURES, including pics by Phil, b00m, Dave, and any others I may have forgotten to mention. Didn't the fact that I am a cartoonist tip you off that I'm into pictures?

I hope the fact that I am not interested in your stories -- or ANY stories -- doesn't sour you on coming here to see what pictures get posted. I used to post my cartoons to this site, and I may again... but first we will have to get more readers interested in commenting on what they see.

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

dan and boom,

after reading your replies i went back and looked at all the pics in the series so far. tammy still doesn't look black to me but she probably is somewhat dark complected or at least has a dark tan. i did some playing with it in poser and the lighting and scene seem to have something to do with it. i have been keeping the lighting indirect in this one for a couple of reasons but the main one is that he is wearing a white shirt. harsh, direct lighting makes his shirt shine or washes it out so you can't see any details. i have been thinking that perhaps using some different colors of light rather than harsh, white light might be a help and if i get a chance i'll play with that some. i checked the pic i was working on when your comment were posted and it was darker than the rest so i made some changes and managed to lighten it up without any viewers being blinded by his shirt :lol: . that was pic #12 though and i have only posted up to #9 so it will be a couple weeks before i post that one. anyway, she is supposed to be white although she may be dark complected.

btw boom, i too like the spankee to be blushing at both ends and will do my best to continue that :D .


no problem about being gone. everyone has real life things come up. i have been dealing with my mom's estate since her death in december so i'm well aware how life can get in the way. as far as comments about your personal preferences go, you just keep right on posting them. there have been many times when i've had such comments from viewers and have actually changed my plans for the toon to reflect those comments or if they weren't right for the current toon, i keep them in mind when planning future toons. i'm glad you're enjoying the story :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

ok, i missed some stuff so i'll reply to that now :lol: .

butch, you're not the only one to mention that perhaps they could give a live performance. i guess great minds really do run along the same lines ;) . anyway, i already have some thought about that and i'm giving some thought to just how i want to proceed. thanks for the suggestion. i'm glad you're enjoying the toon :D


i wanted to say thanks for the info you posted about the effects of spanking on different skin types.i wasn't aware of that. glad you're enjoying the toon :D . thanks, phil
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