spanking pics using poser and photoshop

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

a little added embarrassment.............don't you just hate it when folks sneak up on you...............LOL.
a little added embarrassment.............don't you just hate it when folks sneak up on you...............LOL.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

seems like our well spanked young lady won't be doing any sitting for a while......................our spanker has "other" problems...............LOL
seems like our well spanked young lady won't be doing any sitting for a while......................our spanker has "other" problems...............LOL
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

don't you just love a happy ending?
don't you just love a happy ending?
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Bravo, Phil! Your new poser pics, no. 18, 19 and 20 are perfect! And here I was just saying, you wouldn't/couldn't bring the off-stage people into your pictures because it would take too much work! But there they are, justly celebrating Tammy's stupendous spanking. You have produced a wonderful spank story in poser pictures, and I suspect we will be keeping most of it in our personal files for a long time to come!

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i'm glad you liked the story :D . i've started another one and hope to be ready to start posting it sometime next week. hopefully that one will be entertaining too. thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

Wow! I love your happy ending! Tammy's bitchy attitude has been taken down a notch, and now she's able to see some of Tommy's good qualities! And I'm sure he'll enjoy soothing her tender bottom with some lotion! :D :D And I like the introduction of the "audience" near the end. If I was rating it the way they rate movies, I'd give it five stars... (And that's just because most of those movie rating systems don't go to six!)
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by »

WHAT CAN I SAY!! This is one of the best romantic spanking story I have seen in a long time! Love the great over the knee action and how red Tammy bottom was during the spanking.And what better way to end this as the two of them head over to her house for some cuddle time ;) Can`t wait to see your next story. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

i love a happy ending too so you'll probably see a lot of them in my toons :lol: . i have a huch that both tommy and tammy will enjoy the application of the lotion and whatever activities follow that :D . originally i wasn't planning on having an audience for this one but comments from viewers convinced me that i should so i changed the story a bit. from the comments, you're not the only one who liked that and i'm glad i did it this way :D . thanks for the high rating on this toon. i got a big grin from your comments :D :D . if i can get enough done, i'll be starting a new one next week. thanks much, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi butch,

i'm glad you mentioned that this was romantic. i have always thought that spankings have a great potential for romance and i think you're right that this one did turn out to be romantic even though it didn't start that way :D . as i said, i'm hoping to start posting a new toon next week and you can count on more over the knee action and red bottoms :lol: i'm glad you enjoyed this one and thanks for your comments :D . phil
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Back Side Story - Conclusion

Post by web-ed »

Let's run down our checklist:
  • Well-spanked bottom - check
  • Bad attitude adjusted - check
  • Tammy now respects Tommy and therefore finds him more attractive - check
  • Has justice been served? Yes!
So nothing has been left undone, and all the viewer's desires have been satisfied. This story mixed discipline with romance, much the way many classic spanking scenes of the past have done. It's highly erotic, and we may assume that its climax having been reached, two more will soon be achieved in Tammy's house! Overall a great effort, Phil, which I think everyone is pleased with :) .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i have to admit that i did not use a check list so i was happy to see that i had included everything :lol: . thanks for your nice comments. i'm really happy that you enjoyed this toon :D . i ended the toon with only some indications of tammy's changed attitude toward tommy figuring that each viewer could supply his own scenario as to what exactly happened once they got to her house. i see you had no trouble in that area and that you ideas matched mine nicely :D . thanks for the comments. phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by jimc »

BRAVO BRAVO AUTHOR AUTHOR AUTHOR (STANDING OVATION) bRAVO. (WHISTLES; CHEERS;CLAPPING TO BRING THE HOUSE DOWN; HUZZAH'S ETC.) WELL DONE PHIL. i ENJOYED THE ROMANCE ANGLE, I ALWAYS ADMIRE THE CLOTHING THAT YOU CHOOSE FOR YOUR SPANKEES and the expressions, Tammy's demure look with her after spanking pose and the cast cheering was a nice touch as well. Thanks again have a great day.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi jim,

thanks for the kind words about the toon. it brought a smile to my old face :D . as i mentioned before, it was a viewer who thought that there should be an "audience" for this spanking. i wasn't originally planning on that but changed the story after it was mentioned to me since it did seem like a good idea. i too liked their cheers and delighted faces :lol: . tammy's demure expression and posture seemed right to me after she had been well spanked embarrassed so i'm glad you enjoyed that. i think the romantic ending of this story got more favorable comments than anything else. seems like folks like a good romantic too for that matter :D . thanks, phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »


As I've already said, I applaud your artistry for the marvelous toon you have just given us. The "Tommy and Tammy" story we have just seen from you is one that, I am sure, will be downloaded by fans everywhere, and it will be justly celebrated throughout Spankoland.

My only misgivings about it are in two panels: No. 15, which we have already discussed, and No. 21, the very last panel.

For No. 15, you drew a picture which deliberately exposed Tammy's vulva. It was not necessary, and in the context of this story, I felt it was offensive because nothing else in your story was pornographic. As I've mentioned, I re-drew that one for my own files. In my computer, No. 15 now looks like this:


You may feel I am a prude for criticizing your version of that particular pose, but I feel no animosity towards you. As I said before, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. You are an artist, and free to do your own thing. I also am an artist, and I'll do my thing.

As for the ending panel, No. 21: It has been eliminated from my own computer, for a couple of reasons. First, it is not necessary; the story essentially ended with panel no. 20. Second, it is smutty. I'm no virgin, but the thought that a spanking could end with the chastised spankee admiring the spanker's "bulge" seems indecent. I have spanked many girls in my lifetime, and only one of them indicated that she wanted sex afterwards. Of course, I then showed her my left hand and the wedding ring on the third finger, so she dropped the subject.

There was one girl, later, who got the hardest and longest spanking I have ever given out. I think we "played" for about 40 minutes, and it was intense. I'm proud to say that I brought her to orgasm. But afterwards, she simply rubbed her bottom, smiled, and said "thank you." THAT's the proper way to end a spanking. Oh, and a warm hug. THAT is the decent response.

Aside from those two cavils, Phil, I think your Tommy and Tammy story is a milestone in our shared hobby. This one will stand head and shoulders alongside the great spank stories of all time. You should be commended for the great nineteen (19) panels you were able to turn out, for the pleasure of all our members.


Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by samantha »

There was one girl, later, who got the hardest and longest spanking I have ever given out. I think we "played" for about 40 minutes, and it was intense. I'm proud to say that I brought her to orgasm. But afterwards, she simply rubbed her bottom, smiled, and said "thank you." THAT's the proper way to end a spanking. Oh, and a warm hug. THAT is the decent response.
Hi Dan, I'm Sam, nice to meet you.
I think I read this quote about a dozen times, and have been sitting here in stunned disbelief. All I can say is You all are killing me. Killing me.
I'm just going to toss and turn until its time to get up and go to work tomorrow. ;)
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by cholo »

daneldorado wrote:What's the matter, Phil? You can't get the girl's bottom any redder than that? ;)

This, I think, is a noble undertaking. Not only is the girl's bottom a raging red, the over-the-knee positioning is just about perfect. And I like that she is wearing a skirt that he can simply pull up, rather than pants that have to be unbuttoned and lowered. She looks like a thoroughly feminine girl, getting a thoroughly rigorous spanking.

What are we to make of the thumbnail in the lower right corner?

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by cholo »

I just cant stop looking At These Pics So well Done Just like her bottom Great Show[quote][/quote][quote][/quoti
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

cholo wrote:I just cant stop looking At These Pics So well Done Just like her bottom Great Show
hi Cholo,

i'm glad you found some of my older stuff and that you're enjoying it :D . thanks, phil
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