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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:01 pm
by jimc
hi dan; you are indeed correct i was peeved that no one had commented on my stories and your rant was a way to express my rant as well and i have to admit i am more visual so i can understand that no one might go to the fiction section. i do like art as it does seem to open up possibilities (after all, it is far easier to draw a nice otk scene rather than try to entice a beautiful woman to indulge in spanking foreplay) and as you also said a picture is worth a 1000 words so i was looking for art ( although i also have to say i like web-ed's commentary about his finds as he does tell me something i did not know.) when i found CSR. Art and pictures can illustrate a story as well and in my defense i will say a writer also would like to illustratrate his/her work and i also had to admit i would have enjoyed seeing any of my stories (John's and the others in the fiction section ) illustrated by a artist with the caliber of work of you, b00m, dave, eric (funbun), endart, Karstens, andy price or phil. See you all have the ability to write, illustrate, letter, color and create your charactors where a person with no artistic talent as myself can just imagine what a scene would look like. So i would think tthat some writer would look at your art and think how great it would look in their story or vice versa you might read a story and want to illustrate it. Have a great day
Phil, i also agree that i would think a producer is seeing this spanking in his theater and thinking about having people pay to see Tammy spanked and making the spanker a permanant director as he does know how to maintain discipline with a difficult actress. And it gets an emmy for best direction ( can you imagine a red carpet spanking) or being in the macy's parade and being the piece that everyone is talking about) Also think about a sequel and Tammy singing "i'm back over his knee again!" Thanks again Phil have a grea day

West Side Spanking: Complexion and Attitude

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:39 pm
by web-ed
I can't tell everyone how pleased I am by the lively back-and-forth that's taken place here the past few days :D ! Good discussion - I'll try to keep my own comments short.

I think you've been referring to your current series as Back Side Story on your Yahoo group, Phil, which is better than West Side Spanking, especially since the spanks are raining down on the south side, so to speak! I can suggest a believable explanation for the complexion question that's been posed, if anyone is interested: remember that in West Side Story, The Sharks and their girls are all Puerto Ricans, and since it is customary to play these roles wearing stage make-up (Dark Creole or Suntan #3), that explains the darkened complexion between white and black! Clever, no? Of course, that really only explains one set of cheeks and not the other, but it's the best I can do.

The dark-skinned bottom does color when being spanked the way Dan described. This is just what "reddening" looks like with dark skin - there is no difference between the races as to capillary dilation as far as I know. This topic came up on the board once before, but I don't have the link handy. Anyway, as I said there, I know we're all equal-opportunity spankers!

And lest I forget: I like the way your story is progressing, Phil. One thing I like to see with spankings in sequential art is the spankee's attitude being adjusted from defiance to compliance (you will see this in Dan's cartoons, for instance), and it looks like Tammy is well on her way there!

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:24 am
by overbarrel49
hi web-ed,

that sounds like as good an explanation as any to me so we'll go with that :lol: as far as the spankee's attitude goes...............that is one of the best parts of a spanking in my mind. it's almost as good as getting to see her bare bottom turning red :D i'm glad you're enjoying the toon :D . fyi, i'll be away from the computer until friday so i hope everyone will be patient. i'll be working on getting caught up on my replies as soon as i have access again.thanks, phil

Request for Zorro Spanking Female Bandit

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:32 pm
I was really turn on by a drawing of Zorro who was about to spanked a pretty spanish young lady on CSR. [Referring to Invidia's Superhero Spanking Month - Web-Ed.] And was wondering if you could do a photoshop of zorro spanking the curvy bottom of a tough female bandit dress in an outfit like his. It could be that this woman was posing as Zorro as she stole plenty of money from people all over town until finally being caught an unmask by the real Zorro who decide to teach her a lesson by turning her over his knee an spanking her large bare bottom hard right in the middle of the town square.THe spanking should be so humilating for the tough female bandit being that people are watching an cheering Zorro on that not only is her ample rear has turn a flaming red but also her beautiful cheeks on her face :lol:

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:36 am
by overbarrel49
hi everyone,

first off, thanks and a tip of the hat to web-ed for providing us with these great forums to display our toons :D . as i'm hoping to have more time to work on new pics since i've retired, i decided to post 2 pics again this week. now, everyone expects a young lady to squirm and struggle during a spanking but being "uncooperative" might just have some unwanted "consequences" :D . our girl, tammy, apparently doesn't remember that. maybe tommy was right and it really has been way too long since she's gotten a spanking. i have a hunch he's about to revive some of those memories for her :lol: .
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:38 am
by overbarrel49
if tammy can't show the proper "restraint" during the spanking tommy will just have to provide that restraint for her.
if tammy can't show the proper "restraint" during the spanking tommy will just have to provide that restraint for her.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:26 am
by hugob00m
I'm really enjoying your latest addition to the Tommy and Tammy tale. :D And now, with those voices off to the side of the main action... does that mean that they've got an audience for their "performance"? :lol: :twisted: :oops: :lol: Heh heh! Just as Tommy is getting ready to lower Tammy's panties! :lol: :twisted: :oops: :lol: Mmmm! Em-bare-ass-ing for the petulant young actress, :oops: but entertaining for the onlookers! :lol: :lol: I really like where you seem to be going with this story!

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:26 pm
by daneldorado
Hiya Phil... This just keeps getting better and better!

Tammy is being put through all the humiliating paces involved with getting a good, sound, soon-to-be bare bottom spanking, and it is delicious to look at.

I'm feeling a slight tumescence with each new panel.

In retrospect, maybe that's the way I should have posted my Captain Woodshed cartoons: One panel at a time. This way, you are being assured of comments and compliments following every panel.

Keep up the good work, Phil... P L E A S E ! !

Dan Rivera

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:20 pm
by overbarrel49
hi dan,

i appreciate your nice comments and i'm glad you're enjoying the toon :D . i used to post my toons after i had finished the whole story but found that it takes me too long to do them and also they just kept getting longer and longer....................LOL. besides, i spend a lot of time on the details of each pic and posting them one or 2 at a time gives folks a chance to check them out rather than hurrying to get to the end of the story. i am indeed putting her through all the humiliating paces as you said. i personally find this to be an integral and highly important part of the spanking and the story...............i also find these details to be pretty arousing :D . as far as keeping up the good work goes................that is my intention. as i get settled into the new routine of retirement i am hoping to have more time for my toons so i can post even more. thanks, phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:32 pm
by overbarrel49
hi boom,

i'm glad to see that you're enjoying the toon :D . as far as the voices does seem that some of the other actors may have cooled off and decided to return and just in time to witness her panties coming down as you observed :lol: . as you also noted, it will be entertaining for the onlookers especially considering they way they were evidently treated by her ;) . i don't think our girl is aware of anyone least not yet :D . as i was trying to explain to some viewers, it was a comment about an earlier pic in this toon from one of them that got me to thinking about onlookers. i'll try to keep it headed in the right direction ;) . thanks for your nice comments.............they are greatly appreciated :D . phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:30 pm
by daneldorado
Your "Tommy and Tammy" segment has already been assured a high place in the spanking firmament, it is that good.

Now... Can you accept a little constructive criticism? When you are drawing a spanking that lasts over several panels, it is a good idea to have at least one of those panels show the hand actually LANDING on its dear target. Otherwise, it will look as if Tommy is just waving his hand around.

Please accept this suggestion in the spirit in which it was intended. Just trying to help.


Re: Back Side Story Progress

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:44 pm
by web-ed
I think Dan's suggestion is a good one, and best of all, it's timely - that is, still in time to be of some help because you haven't finished the story yet. Everyone seems to be in agreement that the story is progressing well, and we have now arrived at that delicious moment when the panties come down! This is the most embarrassing moment for the spankee, especially when it's her first time, but for the woman into spanking, it's also the most thrilling moment.

For Tammy, I'd say it's more embarrassment than thrill, though, which is how it will always be for someone who deserves a spanking but doesn't want one. This is a classic example of what I've called the "Let Justice Be Done" spanking, and it has very broad appeal as we see here. I look forward to the continuation.

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:20 am
by overbarrel49
hi dan and web-ed,

i agree that it's a good suggestion and as web-ed noted, it's still in time for me to work it in to the story :D i like web-ed's description of the panties being pulled down as delicious . it most certainly is delicious for us as spankers and viewers :D the embarrassment, or the thrill, of it for the spankee is one of the best moments of the spanking. personally, i think that depictions of any of these emotional moments whether they are before, during or after the spanking are just as important as the physical act of spanking. such moments add to the overall enjoyment of the story. for me these are really arousing too :twisted: :D . glad you're enjoying the toon and we will be continuing soon. thanks, phil

pic #12

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:05 pm
by overbarrel49
hi everyone,

being a spanker, one of my favorite moments in a spanking is the one where the spankee's panties get pulled down to bare her bottom for the spanking. i think it's a moment that will bring lots of different sensations and feelings to the surfaces no matter which side of the lap you're on in just about any circumstances. in a situation like this one, however, i have a feeling that it's a moment that's gonna be "especially" intense. in this case i don't think it's gonna last all that long though cause once spanks start landing on bare bottom skin i have a hunch it will be forgotten about in favor of other "concerns". i hope you enjoy them, phil
don't you just love disbelief.................LOL.
don't you just love disbelief.................LOL.
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pic #13

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:08 pm
by overbarrel49
see what i mean? she seems a lot more worried about what's happening to her bottom than who is looking at it.
see what i mean? she seems a lot more worried about what's happening to her bottom than who is looking at it.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:12 am
by daneldorado
Oh dear Lord, how much more happiness can we stand?

These new pics of Tommy and Tammy are so thrilling in their audacity, and the adrenaline sparks such an intense reaction in us, I cannot imagine how we're going to get through the next two weeks before we see Tommy's hand actually LAND on its adorable target.

I'm glad you took b00m's suggestion about darkening the bottom row of molars in Tammy's wide-open mouth. THIS way looks much more realistic, and the pleasure gained by your viewers is enhanced accordingly.

But I'm a little worried about Tommy. In your last pic, number 13, it looks as if Tommy is sitting on the very edge of his seat. With another 120 or so pounds (of Tammy) to weigh him down, could you try to keep him anchored to that chair, before he falls off?

I know, I shouldn't worry. Phil is in charge, and this man KNOWS how to draw a good spanking!


Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:14 am
by hugob00m
Wow! Your latest two pictures are great! The two onlookers off to the side are enjoying the view :lol: :lol: as Tommy pulls down Tammy's panties. ;) :oops: And what a view it is! Her bottom is nicely rounded and already blushing from the first few spanks she got. The brat is getting her comeuppance, and all is right in the world.

Tammy's Bottom is Now Completely Bared

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:54 am
by web-ed
This is unbelievable! I feel just like one of the onlookers (and they're having a great time, too) as Tammy's bottom is bared for all to see and begins to turn a lovely shade of red. MWA-HA-HA-HA! :twisted:

Things are progressing very nicely indeed. The only remaining question is how long it will be until Tammy learns her lesson and repents her bratty ways.

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:11 pm
by daneldorado
I knew there was a reason I particularly liked this new pic, this Number 13.

Aside from the fact that we are seeing a beautiful but bratty girl being turned over a man's knee and having her panties lowered for a good, bare-bottom spanking, you and I both know that that is not enough.

In this pic, even more than the others, we can see a dimension of overbarrel's talent that we may not have noticed before: Her HANDS!

Take a moment to study the positioning of Tammy's fingers. They are perfectly rendered here, but in a way I don't believe I've seen before. One hand shows her fingers splayed out, in a sign of extreme dismay. The other hand shows her fingers curled, but without closing her fist: a sign of her humiliation that she, the prima donna of this theater company, is being treated like a naughty child!

Back in the day, my father used to publish a weekly magazine and of course, he would often commission artworks from professional artists. There was one artist who was obviously a master at drawing faces, bodies, arms, legs, backgrounds etc... but as good as he was with everything else, he Could... Not... Draw... Hands! Usually he would draw a picture and have the person in the pic HIDING his or her hands, like under a sofa pillow or something. One time, he drew a picture where he had to show the hands, and they looked awful!

So, when I grew up and began to draw pictures, I made it my first priority to draw the human hand realistically. But now, overbarrel has gone the extra mile: He draws hands that are as realistic as ever, even in uncharacteristic poses. I give you Pic #13 of his current series, and I have never seen a cartoon-type drawing with such perfect hands, even in an atypical position. Dude knows what he's doing.

Now, I hope that we will see Tommy's hand actually making CONTACT with Tammy's derriere. I don't think I've ever seen that from overbarrel... but I have not doubt that he will deliver. He hasn't let us down yet, has he?

Keep on stroking, Phil!


Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:49 pm
by overbarrel49
hi dan,

first off i'm really happy that you're finding my toon "stimulating" :D i personally practice consensual spanking but i still think that the non consensual ones make some of the best fantasies! as far as the pic with his hand landing goes, you may yet be disappointed with it. it occurs in pic #14 which is the next one. my focus in this pic was tammy's reaction to this particularly hard swat so the pic is shot from a forward angle where i could get a good shot of her face. you can actually only see her bottom from the side and only part of his hand which has landed on her sore bottom. i agree with you that boom's suggestion about the inside of her mouth is a good one whether it solves the problem jim was having or not, although i sure hope it does. what i have noticed over the years is that many of the best ideas i ever had i got from someone else ;) . now, about tommy's position on the chair. in my view this is the only position possible for him since she is over his left knee and not the right one. i can tell you from personal experience that if you remain sitting at the back of the chair when you go to leg lock her, she will be on your lap at an angle and far out toward your knees. you will only be able to throw your right leg over her legs part way and down on her calves. in this position it is relatively easy for her to wiggle out of it. not only have i had this problem but also i have seen it many times in spanking clips where the spanker just can't seem to quite get control of his struggling spankee because the seat of the chair is in the way of him getting her thighs between his. if you'll notice that is not the case here. tommy has his right leg completely over her thighs with his right leg bent at the knee and his foot firmly planted on the floor. from this position her kicking is more limited and she would have to struggle much harder to get out from under his leg giving him much more control. to do this he must get her thighs between his and to do that he has to move forward on the chair so it is not in the way. with this position she is moved farther back toward his body with her thighs firmly between his and is not angled away from him. he still has enough of his butt on the chair to remain there :D anyway, that's my logic on this and it was done deliberately. i'll be interested so see what further comments you have about this or anyone else who would like to chime in :D . thanks, phil