Here's one for Jim

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

sunflower309 wrote:I have fantasized about a public spanking or other people watching . even a friend telling me that watching me get spanked would be great fun! I would not be horrified to watch a spanking, I would get some kind of idea on what I looked like. and it would be a nice change of pace to see one from a spankers perspective, instead of looking at the floor! I would probably giggle and enjoy the sight no matter who it was. but be glad it wasn't me that people were watching!

i think that fantasies about public spanking are very common ones with both spankers and spankees alike.............although the ladies almost always say they don't actually want it to happen :lol: . i was interested in your comment about a friend watching you. kinda makes you wonder just what kind of reaction they would have if they actually did get to see you getting a spanking. perhaps they would just figure that you needed a good spanking. if so, they might be laughing and egging your spanker on to blister your bottom good 8-) . that was very analytical of you to want to watch another girl getting a spanking so you could see what you looked like :lol: . i also thought it was interesting that you thought you would giggle at your friend's predicament and enjoy it if you were watching her getting a spanking. i've often thought that girls would enjoy seeing a friend get a spanking...............especially if you know them well and know they deserved a spanking. there again, most spankees i have talked to say they would not enjoy watching a friend getting a spanking and deny that they would be giggling. i always found that suspicious :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by sunflower309 »

overbarrel49 wrote: i also thought it was interesting that you thought you would giggle at your friend's predicament and enjoy it if you were watching her getting a spanking. i've often thought that girls would enjoy seeing a friend get a spanking...............especially if you know them well and know they deserved a spanking. there again, most spankees i have talked to say they would not enjoy watching a friend getting a spanking and deny that they would be giggling. i always found that suspicious . thanks, phil

hi phil!

don't all woman deserve a spanking now and then? I think I just pushed the womans movement back about 50 years with that comment! but I truly think if there were more men who were willing to take charge and yes, spank their girlfriends/wives relationships would last longer. I wonder if someone spanked Gloria Steinam if her life would have been different? and any spankee who denies she would enjoy watching a spanking should be spanked herself because she is lying. and they would indeed giggle. a nervous giggle, but a giggle none the less! I think my giggles would be nervous as I would be afraid I would be next and then my friend could giggle at me!

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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

sunflower309 wrote: hi phil!

don't all woman deserve a spanking now and then? I think I just pushed the womans movement back about 50 years with that comment! but I truly think if there were more men who were willing to take charge and yes, spank their girlfriends/wives relationships would last longer. I wonder if someone spanked Gloria Steinam if her life would have been different?
hi Sunflower,

i couldn't agree more :D . i have thought the same thing for years now ;) .
sunflower309 wrote:and any spankee who denies she would enjoy watching a spanking should be spanked herself because she is lying. and they would indeed giggle. a nervous giggle, but a giggle none the less! I think my giggles would be nervous as I would be afraid I would be next and then my friend could giggle at me!

this is a very interesting comment because i have wondered for a long time now if girls wouldn't like to see other girls..............especially ones they know................getting a good spanking :D . i have done some toons depicting this also. so, tell me, would you have a different reaction when watching a friend get a spanking if you were sure you were safe than you would have if you knew you were next? just curious :lol: . phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by sunflower309 »

overbarrel49 wrote:this is a very interesting comment because i have wondered for a long time now if girls wouldn't like to see other girls..............especially ones they know................getting a good spanking . i have done some toons depicting this also. so, tell me, would you have a different reaction when watching a friend get a spanking if you were sure you were safe than you would have if you knew you were next? just curious . phil
I do indeed know my reaction would be different. if I was safe I would just enjoy watching my friend get what's coming to her. :P instead of giggling I might just laugh. I would not cheer on the spanker though because I feel that karma is a bitch! I think I would feel sorry for her while it is happening because not only is her bottom turning red but she has an audience. I would just be glad it wasn't me! and again I would have an idea of what I look like in that situation. which could add to my embarrassment when I did get spanked. :oops:

if I thought I could be next I would be more low key. I would still find it amusing but my mind would be on me being next! I would just giggle and it would be a nervous giggle. I couldn't concentrate on what was happeing to her 100%. would still feel sorry for her but I would already jave started feeling sorry for myself.

but we would both be getting what we deserve i'm sure!

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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by jimc »

Hi Phil as I was going back over your old toons I found the one that you made for me , but I could not find the picture the rest of the thread seemed to be up but not the picture itself. Do you have the same problem? Have a great day.
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

jimc wrote:Hi Phil as I was going back over your old toons I found the one that you made for me , but I could not find the picture the rest of the thread seemed to be up but not the picture itself. Do you have the same problem? Have a great day.
hi Jim,

i checked and the pic is on the first post on page one. i have no idea why you couldn't see it. maybe if you reload the page???? phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by jimc »

Yes it is back up . So it must have been something from my end, but it was strange as that was the only picture that was missing in the thread and other threads did not seem to be affected, so that is why I thought it might have been some maintenance issue. Thanks for the reply. Have a great day.
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by web-ed »

jimc wrote:Yes it is back up . So it must have been something from my end, but it was strange as that was the only picture that was missing in the thread and other threads did not seem to be affected, so that is why I thought it might have been some maintenance issue. Thanks for the reply. Have a great day.
It might indeed be an issue, Jim - something is wrong with the dates on the attachments to this board. I back them up by date - there are over 1300 so of course I only back up the most recent (since the last backup). Somehow, almost all the file dates were changed to 9/24/2015. I don't know how it happened and of course I can't change them back to what they were.

In theory, we should still be o.k. as long as the names haven't changed, because this board finds the attachment files by their encrypted names, but I've been worried about any files that might be missing. I'm in a bind because I can't safely download all the files without knowing that no names have been changed, and if I upload all the files in my backup folder I'm not sure they will replace the ones used by the board. I'll wait a little longer before taking any action, but if anyone notices any missing attachments, please bring it to my attention.
-- Web-Ed
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