Here's one for Jim

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Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

i was reading jim's post in dan's gallery and i thought he had a lot of good comments there. i agree with dan in that such comments are helpful to me and i would like to see more comments that state what was liked and disliked by the viewers. anyway, jim mentioned that i usually do punishment spankings and he's exactly right. i do like to see a good, bare bottom blistering and so i have a tendency to do stories that depict that. i do, however, do some that show the couple enjoying their spanking and since jim mentioned that he likes to see both the spanker and spankee enjoying themselves i decided to post one of them for him. this is one i did for new years a couple years ago. this couple in this pic has their own "special" way of counting down to midnight and even though they have friends over for a party they intend to continue their tradition :D . the pic is called "Count Down". i hope you enjoy it. phil
wouldn't you love to go to a new years party like this one?
wouldn't you love to go to a new years party like this one?
Count Down.jpg (251.79 KiB) Viewed 12476 times

Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Phil:

Is that YOU, in the photo hanging on the wall? Lookin' good...!

This, dear friend, is probably the most perfect OTK positioning ever. Here, the happy girl over the man's knee is all smiles as she absorbs her "Count Down" swats. And she is well-balanced over his lap. Her back is arched, as it should be, and her bottom is elevated precisely over his right knee. None of that "over the whole lap" stuff here. Whenever I spank a girl, I make sure to position her darling target over my right knee, for better access to my right (punishing) hand. Of course, if I were left-handed, she would have to be positioned over my LEFT knee.

By the way, it should also be said that you draw the best-looking female legs I've ever seen. In this one especially, her gams are picture perfect, shaped and rounded in the best tradition of pin-up photos. And although her thighs and her knees are held close together in lady-like fashion, her lower legs are slightly separated so that we get a better view. Excellent job, Phil.

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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i can not tell a lie, that is indeed me looking on cheerfully from the t v screen :lol: i like to put in a cameo appearance once in a while just for grins ;) . i'm glad you noticed the otk positioning as that is something that i can control :D . it's funny how the camera angle of the pic sometimes affects it though. i use a separate camera to get the posing just the way i want it.....................bottom elevated over the right knee etc. but sometimes it doesn't look quite right from the actual angle i intend to shoot the pic and i have to make minor changes to get it to look right. that was not necessary on this one though. i can only take partial credit for her nicely shaped legs though. the person who created the texture for this character started the process although i did manipulate the bottom and legs some to get the final character i wanted :D . thanks for noticing the pose of her legs too. i thought this was entirely appropriate for this type of spanking, especially considering that there are onlookers. i'm glad you enjoyed it :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by jimc »

Hi, Phil, THANK YOU! That did indeed have everything i look for in a spanking (positioning- Great otk balance and the legs were just right; expressions- i loved all of these i love the wry smile on the blonde, the worried look on the brunette, the smile of the spankee (the upper smile on your program is excellent, it is the bottom one that always seems to draw my attention as it looks like it does not belong there and looks like she is going to lose her jaw (at least it seems that way to me) and the tv person had a great smile as well like he could see and enjoy the party going on like it was on closed circuit tv.) I enjoy the clothing, the textures, the colors and the full bottom (one of my comments was about more proportioned (not too large bottom.) and you delivered. Thank you so much for sharing this it does indeed look like it was drawn esp for me. I had never seen this one before and i think it covers all the aspects and nuances that i myself find enjoyable. I would like to see a party like this for sure. I like the drape of the party dress and the position of the panties and the blush on the bottom and the other cheeks as well. The effort that you took for this one was really appreciated. Can i add WOW, DOUBLE WOW and TOTALLY AWESOME to my comments. I do hope that you have some more of these every once in awhile. have a great day
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi jim,

you're welcome. i'm glad you mentioned the expressions of the 2 female onlookers :D . personally, i think that such reactions can be almost as much fun as looking at the spanking couple. the blonde seems to be hoping that her man will give her such a spanking and possibly wondering how she can get that to happen. the other girl seems to be worried that it might happen to her too............she'd probably be even more worried if she was noticing the look on her man's face :lol: . i wish i could figure out why there appears to be something wrong with the mouths of the spankees in my pics :?: they look just fine to me on my computer. i do have one other viewer who comments about the mouths once in a while but his comments are always about white patches which i assume are the spankee's teeth showing. apparently he can't see them well enough to tell what they are. as far as my smile on the tv goes, poser doesn't do that. that is just a photograph of me that i placed on the tv screen using photoshop. anyway, i'm really glad you enjoyed this one :D . i seem to be having plenty of time to work on pics now so i'll plan on doing more of these kind of pics and posting them. thanks for your comments. phil
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Re: mouths

Post by hugob00m »

overbarrel49 wrote:i wish i could figure out why there appears to be something wrong with the mouths of the spankees in my pics :?: they look just fine to me on my computer. i do have one other viewer who comments about the mouths once in a while but his comments are always about white patches which i assume are the spankee's teeth showing. apparently he can't see them well enough to tell what they are.
I think I know what the problem is with the mouths and what to do about it.

I was looking at your wonderful Backside Story series and thinking that there was something slightly wrong. Then I realized that the inside of Tammy's mouth is not dark enough. The upper front teeth look alright if they're pure white, or close to it, but the lower teeth, especially the molars that show when she opens up really wide are in the shadows and shouldn't show up as bright as the upper front ones.

To illustrate what I mean, here's Tammy's face from the first panel...
tammy 9.jpg
tammy 9.jpg (4.48 KiB) Viewed 12433 times
...and this is what I'd change.
tammy 10.jpg
tammy 10.jpg (4.43 KiB) Viewed 12433 times
What I did was use the selction tool to outline the inside of her mouth and then I used the floodfill tool to darken the whole area using a dark reddish brown at 40% opacity, and then darken the left side a little more using a gradient fill.
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Re: mouths

Post by hugob00m »

To continue with what I was saying about the mouths, I have another example from later in the story.In this picture, the row of lower teeth look almost like an extension of the upper teeth, giving her an almost vampiric appearance.
tammy 5.jpg
tammy 5.jpg (5.6 KiB) Viewed 12433 times
And here's what I would do.
tammy 6.jpg
tammy 6.jpg (5.58 KiB) Viewed 12433 times
I hope this suggestion will be of some use to you as you continue your wonderful series.
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

this is very interesting information..................especially when you consider that i usually use a spotlight on the faces of the spanker and spankee in these pics which is no doubt why those back teeth look so white :o . i started doing that some time back because i like folks to be able to see the faces of the players and i was having to put the regular lights in positions that would make the rest of the pic look too light in order to get the faces so you could see them. the pics you modified looked much better after you worked on them and i know just how you did it . i have the next 5 pics already done and i'm gonna look all of them over and make any changes that seem necessary. i hope jim reads your post. i'll be really interested to see if this solves the problem he mentioned. thanks for the tip :D . phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by web-ed »

This was a fun one, Phil! Let's talk about the expressions:
  1. The Spanker - he's having a good time, and I can't say I blame him!
  2. The Spankee - she's having a good time, too. How wicked, and how like Homer Provence (Jim's favorite Humorama cartoonist)! Great OTK positioning, and she's got a great body, too. I want to spank her myself!
  3. Male guest #1 - a little embarrassed, but he likes what he sees.
  4. Female guest #1 - very embarrassed, and more than a little scared.
  5. Male guest #2 - As was the case with #1, he likes what he sees, and he's not at all embarrassed!.
  6. Female guest #2 - a little embarrassed, but she finds the idea of getting spanked exciting. Judging from male guest #2's expression, as soon as they get home they're going to try out this spanking thing for themselves.
  7. Voyeuristic onlooker #1, a.k.a. Phil himself - hey, if Alfred Hitchcock could do it, why not Phil?
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i enjoyed your comments. first off, you had all the expressions just about right which makes me smile since that means those expressions were conveying just what i wanted them to :D i did think that female guest #2 was already plotting how she could get a spanking too just in case her man didn't make a move in it :lol: . as far as my pic is concerned................there's something to be said for voyeurism :D . i'm betting hitchcock would have been proud of me. glad you enjoyed the pic :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by jimc »

Hi b00m and hi Phil. Thank you for noticing the teeth as they were what i found most critical of the great works of art other than that. Although i think the shading did help there was a problem with the vampire one ( although that might be an intresting story for the future (Van overbarrell Vampire spanker!) it did look like Tammy had something in her mouth (a stick, an abcess, an another tongue, or even a stick of gum) and i was drawn to that as well. The work that you have to do after reading b00m's solution really wants to make me give you a standing ovation Phil as i had no idea it was that involved a process. I had not paid that much attention to the hands until someone brought them to my attention. I have always enjoyed your otk (positions, drape of the clothes, hairstyles, background, expressions and of course the bottoms) and while i did notice the hands i did not know that you had to work on everything to make them as real as they look. So i will try to make more of an effort to be amazed by your work ( i already am, but i see some other things now that i had not before) and comment accordingly. I always like the 1st part of a spanking story where the girl is positioned otk (put over the knee), although i am more of a mutual consent type of spanker and having the spankee get over the knee willingly is the type of story that i really enjoy. I do have to ademit there are elements of of forced spanking that are appealing as well. have a great day and have a happy 4th of July ( although i am sure where you are it is not celebrated Phil and i think every holiday has spanking possibilities i hope every one enjoys it) Be well
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi jim,

i'm still not sure exactly what you are seeing with the mouths. i don't see it and i have questioned some of my regular viewers and only one had a problem with it and then only occasionally. as far as the shading inside the mouth goes, i thought it was a great idea and the modifications that boom made had a big impact on the overall look of it so i will be continuing to do that. i am always interested in comments that might help me improve my toons. if you go back to the original overbarrel toon group; ... oonsgroup/ , you will see that my earliest stuff is really primative and not at all well done. i knew that then but just didn't know how to fix it so i have been trying to make improvements ever since i started so any comments that might help are always welcome :) . i guess i need to do a playful or erotic spanking toon for you. i have other viewers who like those too. not sure just why you thought we don't celebrate the 4th but i live in indiana and i can assure you we do :lol: . in fact we are going to our son's house tomorrow for a 4th of july cook out :D . i guess i need to do more toons with holiday themes but i keep forgetting about them. i usually do christmas toons and new years. i can never think of anything for thanksgiving. i'll try to remember to do more holiday ones though...............LOL. thanks, phil

Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel wrote:

i usually do christmas toons and new years. i can never think of anything for thanksgiving. i'll try to remember to do more holiday ones though...............LOL. thanks, phil

Don't know what to draw for Spanksgiving Day? I remember one, from about 20 years ago, that showed an American colonial settler and an Indian chief celebrating together. The American was spanking a pretty young squaw, and the Indian dude was spanking the settler's lovely wife. It was an outdoor scene, with log cabins and wigwams in the background.

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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by jimc »

Sorry Phil, i thought you were in England. I am in Virginia myself. I am sorry my comments about the mouth are so vexing. I do really appreciate that you are trying to fix something that you can not see in your computer ( to my eyes it is quite obvious, but different monitors have different brightness levels and maybe mouths are one thing i look at as well as the spanking.) and since i am the only one that complains about it or sees it i think you can probally forget them and make it as you would draw it as you are indeed the final judge if it is good or not.I can think of any number of stories involving any holiday (even some songs pop in my head) and i do really appreciate that you did show one esp. for me i may be alone in what appeals to me and i always say an artist creates what he sees and he wants to portray and critics are just that... critics... and the artist is the only one that knows what was being portrayed anyway. I like your otk and all the other things , so i do like almost all of your stories, charactors, situations and of course your expressions so i hope you do not go out of your way to create a special one because i like all that you do just some more than others. have a great day.
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i do indeed remember that one where they are spanking each others women and in fact, i have it in my personal files :D . somehow i just never can think of anything new to do..................sigh. maybe i can start asking for suggestions and see if anything comes up that way. thanks, phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi jim,

on the one hand, even though we are all into spanking, there is no "normal". we all have different tastes within the spanking scene. on the other hand i think you are far from alone in what appeals to you. i like the punishment spankings best so that's what i do the most of but i do other kinds sometimes. what i have noticed is that who replies to my toons seems to depend on what kind of story it is. i have a feeling that there are many folks who share your tastes in this matter. that's the main reason i started doing spanking pics. i like otk, hand spankings best although i do enjoy a little paddling now and then. i was having trouble finding the kinds of spanking drawings that turn me on the most so doing them myself seemed the obvious answer. once i started posting them online i found that i wasn't alone in my preferences and i have no doubt that you aren't either. later, phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by hugob00m »

overbarrel49 wrote:I like otk, hand spankings best although i do enjoy a little paddling now and then.l
That's what I like too. And I'm really enjoying your story on the other thread, the one with Tommy and Tammy. I can hardly wait to see the "end result". Will Tammy be contrite and cooperative by the time Tommy finishes with her? :oops: (at least for a while) ;) I guess I'll have to wait and see! :D
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by sunflower309 »

hey Phil!

punishment spankings are the best! OTK is my favorite, but paddlings are close behind (good pun but not intended!) s much as I like to be spanked or paddled I would not like either to take place in front of other people. you watching from the tv is very interesting! kind of like being a fly on the wall! spankers like to watch but I think most spankees would not liked to be watched. but as a spankee I would not be adverse to watching someone else get spanked, but then I would be jealous and want my own spanking. just in private.

I liked this one though! thanks phil!

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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by overbarrel49 »

sunflower309 wrote:hey Phil!

punishment spankings are the best! OTK is my favorite, but paddlings are close behind (good pun but not intended!) s much as I like to be spanked or paddled I would not like either to take place in front of other people. you watching from the tv is very interesting! kind of like being a fly on the wall! spankers like to watch but I think most spankees would not liked to be watched. but as a spankee I would not be adverse to watching someone else get spanked, but then I would be jealous and want my own spanking. just in private.

I liked this one though! thanks phil!

hi Sunflower,

i think not wanting to get a public spanking is a common theme among spankees although many of them like to fantasize about it, there are few who actually want to experience it. i thought watching from the tv was a nice touch since i would indeed like to be a "fly on the wall" when a spanking is going on 8-) . you said you would like to watch a spanking. there are some spankees who say they would be horrified at seeing another girl get a spanking but i always wondered..............what if it was a friend you knew well or perhaps a sister and you always thought she deserved a spanking. do you think you might giggle a little at her predicament? i'm glad you enjoyed it :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Here's one for Jim

Post by sunflower309 »

overbarrel49 wrote:i think not wanting to get a public spanking is a common theme among spankees although many of them like to fantasize about it, there are few who actually want to experience it. i thought watching from the tv was a nice touch since i would indeed like to be a "fly on the wall" when a spanking is going on . you said you would like to watch a spanking. there are some spankees who say they would be horrified at seeing another girl get a spanking but i always wondered..............what if it was a friend you knew well or perhaps a sister and you always thought she deserved a spanking. do you think you might giggle a little at her predicament? i'm glad you enjoyed it . thanks, phil
I have fantasized about a public spanking or other people watching . even a friend telling me that watching me get spanked would be great fun! I would not be horrified to watch a spanking, I would get some kind of idea on what I looked like. and it would be a nice change of pace to see one from a spankers perspective, instead of looking at the floor! I would probably giggle and enjoy the sight no matter who it was. but be glad it wasn't me that people were watching!

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