Better copy?

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Better copy?

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Web-ed... When I saw the new toons you posted on your Humorama Updates section on Thursday, I thought I recognized the one where you say the woman over a guy's lap is saying he is treating her like her "Daddy," I thought sure I had seen it before. So, I dusted off my files and found THIS version.


The caption is different, but it's the same toon, right? And maybe a clearer copy?

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Re: Better copy?

Post by web-ed »

Yes, it's a much better copy - thanks, Dan! I liked it so much I immediately updated the page with it, so those who haven't visited this week's updates yet will see it when they do. Here is the link --> More Like Daddy.
-- Web-Ed

Re: Better copy?

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya, Web-ed:

Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but I noticed that in one of your posts from July of this year you introduce a cartoon like so:

Another "spanker" from an unknown men's humor magazine, unsigned but obviously the work of Kirk Stiles.

I think I may have found the title of that mag. Here is the post. Of course I don't know if it was a reprint or if it was the original, but this version is apparently from "Gee-Whiz!" magazine published in October 1966.


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Re: Better copy?

Post by web-ed »

Yes indeed, you've found it all right. The only thing I wonder about is whether this was the cartoon's first or second appearance. In any case, I'll add it to the page as well when I get a chance. Thanks for sending it along - I have five issues of Gee-Whiz, but not this one. Still, between us we're making some significant inroads in dispelling some of the mysteries regarding exactly where these old Humorama cartoons came from.
-- Web-Ed
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