Another Level

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Another Level

Post by willjohn »

"Don't you dare!"

With her over his knee with her skirt up and her knickers down and him in a bad mood, would that be the most pointless thing to say? Ain't no stopping now!
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: Hi Phil... Your new picture, no. 009, is orgasmically delightful.

Here we see a beautiful but naughty young lady (Christine) positioned across her husband's (Kevin) knee in the most perfect OTK position possible. Her perfect legs and perfect bottom are displayed affectionately; and here, we see the first part of the spanking as a "contact" picture, Kevin's strong right hand landing squarely on its target. Yes, this is truly a delight to see.
hi Dan,

i'm glad you enjoyed it :D that first spank landing seemed to me to be an appropriate place for Christine to quickly reflect on what all this means while Kevin enjoys the view you mentioned and the feel of his hand on her bottom ;) .
daneldorado wrote:Her legs are kicking, but since she is in lowered pants rather than a raised skirt, she can kick them only so far; the denim pants restrain her kicks and hold those great gams close together. Please note that, in your masterful opus "One Good Turn," the spankees are in skirts, and in that one, in your pics nos. 9 and 10 and also in nos. 22 and 24, the legs are given free rein to kick wildly, amplifying our pleasure.
actually, i agree with you about this. as i have mentioned before, i much prefer skirts and dresses to pants. however, there are some folks who like to see the spankee struggling to kick as the jeans and panties bind her legs and i have to admit that there are certain pleasurable sensations associated with watching this too. it'll be interesting to see how well i can convey her attempts to struggle and kick while in the confines of those jeans as we go on with the toon. this isn't as easy for me so please keep those comments coming as we progress.
daneldorado wrote:I like that you are now incorporating your logo into objects within the frame rather than separate from the picture itself. In the previous panel, your logo was shown as part of a book in the bookshelf; here, it is displayed as part of the furniture. Good show.
thanks. i really appreciate your comments about this :D . when i first arrived at csr i was pretty well irritated because no one was commenting on my logo placement. i had been spending a lot of time on that with no one apparently noticing my efforts and i was thinking, "to hell with it, i'll just stick it in the corner". then i did "backside story" and the scene was pretty minimal so there wasn't really any place to put it other than in a corner. i do like hiding them around the pics though and i'll probably continue to do that. fyi, Dave Wolfe has always been one of the fans of my logo placement and his comment about the logo on the book was that Kevin was well prepared since he had a copy of the "Overbarrel spanking guide" in his library :lol:

thanks for your comments. i'm glad you enjoyed the pic :D . phil
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Re: Panel 9

Post by web-ed »

I don't have too much to say about this latest panel, except that our story seems to be proceeding in a most satisfactory manner :) . I think Christine's reaction is the focus here, as it should be - "I feel so out of control...OOOOOH!" I think she meant by this that control had been taken from her, which is the essence of the "taken in hand" moment. And now that the first spank has landed, it's fun to wonder how long it will be before that second set of cheeks matches the color of the first!

Also, I continue to enjoy the fact that her bottom is not too "short" (the dimension from top to bottom of the bottom) - a common flaw in both life and art. I've often thought that the short bottom in the female is like the short bicep in the male, a frequently-occurring flaw in bodily proportion (at least by body-building standards) which of course we can't do anything about in real life. But the artist is free to correct this problem, and you have certainly got it well in hand (so to speak) here. :D
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:"Don't you dare!"

With her over his knee with her skirt up and her knickers down and him in a bad mood, would that be the most pointless thing to say? Ain't no stopping now!
hi Willjohn,

you're probably right about that. i have noticed that a young lady about to get a spanking will say stuff like that. i once asked why ladies make comments like "what are you going to do" when they know full well what he's going to do and "don't you dare" or "You wouldn't dare" when they know full well he "WILL" dare. the replies i got from the spankees at that group indicated that they didn't know why they said dumb stuff like that :lol: . in this case it's probably just a last panicky attempt to stop the inevitable :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I don't have too much to say about this latest panel, except that our story seems to be proceeding in a most satisfactory manner :) . I think Christine's reaction is the focus here, as it should be - "I feel so out of control...OOOOOH!" I think she meant by this that control had been taken from her, which is the essence of the "taken in hand" moment. And now that the first spank has landed, it's fun to wonder how long it will be before that second set of cheeks matches the color of the first!
hi web-ed,

the focus has been on Christine's thoughts and emotions which was my intention but now that the first spank has landed i have a hunch her focus may quickly shift from those to "other" sensations as Kevin applies his hand to the "business" end :lol: . she has indeed being taken in hand :D . we will start coloring those naughty cheeks on Friday ;) .
web-ed wrote: Also, I continue to enjoy the fact that her bottom is not too "short" (the dimension from top to bottom of the bottom) - a common flaw in both life and art. I've often thought that the short bottom in the female is like the short bicep in the male, a frequently-occurring flaw in bodily proportion (at least by body-building standards) which of course we can't do anything about in real life. But the artist is free to correct this problem, and you have certainly got it well in hand (so to speak) here. :D
with poser the dimensions of the people are set so if it appears that the biceps are to long or the bottom is to short it always has to do with the camera angle. i'm glad you mentioned that though. now i'll try to be vigilant when i'm doing the renders. after all, i want to keep the situation in hand :lol: thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by hugob00m »

Mmmm! I'm REALLY enjoying your latest story. Christine's nicely-rounded backside is once more shown centerstage, this time with Kevin's firm hand making contact! WOW! We still don't know what she did to earn a trip over her husband's knee, but, as I said before, a bottom like hers needs to be spanked whether she's done anything to deserve it or not! In the future, I suspect that Christine is going to be on her best behavior, but at the same time, Kevin is going to be watching closely for any excuse he can use to spank her again!

You have a real knack for creating characters that the readers get to know and care about!

Re: Another Level

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Phil... So sorry to drop in with another constructive criticism, after all the joy you have given us with your artwork.

A couple of stories back -- maybe in your "Backside Story" collection -- there was some talk that your characters were beginning to look like vampires because of the way you drew their TEETH.

Here again, you show us Kevin baring his fangs, in your two latest pictures. Of course they are not really fangs; they just look that way because you have not shaded his back molars the way they are shaded in real life. They are all evenly WHITE. People's teeth do not look that way. The teeth in the interior of the mouth are invariably in shadow, therefore they should be reproduced that way in art.

In the last panel, even Christine's teeth look as if you are trying to show them all 32 of them in the same light.

But none of this should detract from the excellent job you are doing, with the positioning and the shading of their external parts. You have really got a handle on that!

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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Mmmm! I'm REALLY enjoying your latest story
hi Boom,

i'm always happy to hear that someone is enjoying one of my stories and appreciate knowing that :D
hugob00m wrote:Christine's nicely-rounded backside is once more shown centerstage, this time with Kevin's firm hand making contact! WOW! We still don't know what she did to earn a trip over her husband's knee, but, as I said before, a bottom like hers needs to be spanked whether she's done anything to deserve it or not!
you can count on that shapley bottom being the center of attention for some "will" be getting spanked too :lol:
hugob00m wrote:You have a real knack for creating characters that the readers get to know and care about!
i'm glad to hear that. for a long time i never even gave them names but decided it might help everyone to identify with them and their situation if they did have names. it's nice to know that it has :D . thanks for your comments, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Here again, you show us Kevin baring his fangs, in your two latest pictures. Of course they are not really fangs; they just look that way because you have not shaded his back molars the way they are shaded in real life. They are all evenly WHITE. People's teeth do not look that way. The teeth in the interior of the mouth are invariably in shadow, therefore they should be reproduced that way in art.
hi Dan,

rats! i completely missed that in the latest pic. i am trying to watch for it and while i usually remember to do the spankee who usually has her mouth open, i do have a tendency to forget the other players. i'll try to be more vigilant on that.
daneldorado wrote:In the last panel, even Christine's teeth look as if you are trying to show them all 32 of them in the same light.
i looked at this last pic again and what i see is that none of Christine's front teeth are showing. i shaded the inside of her mouth as i am trying to remember to do but there were no front teeth showing in the pic. anyway, i did it that way deliberately. do you think i should have done it differently? thanks for the comments. later, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by willjohn »

I thought it was getting a bit late for halloween vampires.

Re: Another Level

Post by daneldorado »

Overbarrel wrote:

i did it that way deliberately. do you think i should have done it differently?

I dunno. Maybe something like this.

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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i have been studying your modifications and comparing it to the original. yours does look pretty natural. i always save the psd files when i do a pic and i intend to open it back up and play with it to see what i can do. maybe i'll get this down yet :lol: . thanks for the suggestion. phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

looks like a good start
looks like a good start
010.jpg (292.25 KiB) Viewed 9692 times
hi everyone,

it looks like our spanking is starting to "warm up" :D . if i had to guess, i'd say that she isn't enjoying this process nearly as much as he least not yet ;) . i hope you enjoy it. phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by hugob00m »

Yummy! Christine's backside is turning a lovely shade of red, and Kevin seems to be enjoying the view! (Along with us in the "audience" :D :D :D :D )
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Yummy! Christine's backside is turning a lovely shade of red, and Kevin seems to be enjoying the view! (Along with us in the "audience" :D :D :D :D )
hi Boom,

it is a lovely shade of red and i personally thought it went nicely with her expression :D . i'm glad you're enjoying the view. i think our boy Kevin is enjoying not only the view but also the entire process :D . thanks, phil

Re: Another Level

Post by daneldorado »


No one is a bigger fan than I, of your over-the-knee technique. Oh, I may once in a while throw in some "constructive criticism" about other things... but when it comes to OTK, you are the KING!

I greatly admire your masterful "One Good Turn." There are sixteen (16!) OTK panels in that one, and there's not a clunker among them! I can see you are a devotee of Web-ed's philosophy: When the spanker is a right-hander (which is 99 per cent of the time), the girl's crotch should be firmly positioned over his right knee. There are other positions that might be called "OTK" -- and I'll admit that I have sometimes used them in my cartoons -- but there is no position better than this one. And you respect that formula, every time!

Some folks will say: Hey, if you stick to just one formula, it becomes BORING! Not so. You, Phil, are a master at contriving NEW ways of making OTK a versatile pose. Your latest panel in "Kevin and Chris" is a perfect example.

In this panel the repentant spankee, Chris, is arching her back in a way that elevates her adorable glutes to meet Kevin's right hand, and of course he is taking full advantage of it! Also, her knees are now separated, and we can see the inside of her left thigh more clearly. This is an enticing departure from the classic "submissive" position in which the spankee holds her thighs and her knees close together. Both positions are legitimate, of course, but your latest "Chris" panel happily varies that position to provide us with a better view of her lovely thighs.

The gritting of her teeth, the slant of her eyebrows, all convey that Chris greatly regrets having done whatever the hell it was, that landed her in this position. I also like that you show her right hand almost as large as her head... because it is being held closer to the viewer, therefore it should look larger. You would be amazed how many successful cartoonists don't follow this simple rule.

Giving you an A-plus on this one, Phil. Not quite the A-double plus that is your magnificent "One Good Turn," but impressive just the same.

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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: No one is a bigger fan than I, of your over-the-knee technique. Oh, I may once in a while throw in some "constructive criticism" about other things... but when it comes to OTK, you are the KING!
hi Dan,

thank you. as i have mentioned before, comments like this one bring a grin to my face not only because of the compliment but also because i get a lot of satisfaction from knowing that someone else has really enjoyed the pic i did which i take as the biggest compliment of all :D
daneldorado wrote:I greatly admire your masterful "One Good Turn." There are sixteen (16!) OTK panels in that one, and there's not a clunker among them! I can see you are a devotee of Web-ed's philosophy: When the spanker is a right-hander (which is 99 per cent of the time), the girl's crotch should be firmly positioned over his right knee. There are other positions that might be called "OTK" -- and I'll admit that I have sometimes used them in my cartoons -- but there is no position better than this one. And you respect that formula, every time!
i use these otk positions because i like them. when i first discovered spanking artwork on the internet it seemed to me that there were actually very few spankings depicted in otk positions as opposed to other spanking positions and that's why i decided to start doing my own i would have the kind of pics i like. i have to admit that i get complaints, or at least requests, from viewers to use other positions more..............over the arm of the couch or on the bed, over the back of a chair with legs spread etc. i have done some of these positions in the past but i just really don't like them as well for several reasons. for one thing, folks say that it is more embarrassing for the spankee to be over the back of a chair with her legs spread but i don't agree with that. it seems to me that being put over someones knee like a child being punished would be at least as embarrassing, if not more so. secondly, having the spankee otk gives the spanker more control of the spankee and therefore takes more of that control away from the spankee. in my opinion this power transfer is a major factor in any spanking..................especially so between the partners of a loving couple. thirdly, the added physical contact afforded by the otk position really increases the intimacy, emotional impact and loving aspects of the spanking. this is especially true when the spanking couple already cares for each other whether it is Harley spanking his daughter and grand daughter or whether it is a married couple such as Kevin and Christine. anyway, i'll probably continue doing mostly otk stuff because that seems the most natural and the most exciting to me.
daneldorado wrote:Some folks will say: Hey, if you stick to just one formula, it becomes BORING! Not so. You, Phil, are a master at contriving NEW ways of making OTK a versatile pose. Your latest panel in "Kevin and Chris" is a perfect example.
again, thank you. i am well aware that using that one formula, as you put it, runs the risk of becoming boring and is something that is on my mind every time i do a pic. how to make them fresh and entertaining is a problem that i struggle with each new scene so it's particularly pleasing to know that i am succeeding in this area :D least up to this point :lol:
daneldorado wrote:In this panel the repentant spankee, Chris, is arching her back in a way that elevates her adorable glutes to meet Kevin's right hand, and of course he is taking full advantage of it! Also, her knees are now separated, and we can see the inside of her left thigh more clearly. This is an enticing departure from the classic "submissive" position in which the spankee holds her thighs and her knees close together. Both positions are legitimate, of course, but your latest "Chris" panel happily varies that position to provide us with a better view of her lovely thighs.
it's been my experience that a spankee will be struggling and kicking when that sting starts to build in her bottom and i never found any particular pattern to it. those legs might go any direction as that hand is landing repeatedly :lol: and you never know what she might be showing in this process.........the inside of her thighs included :D . this variation of her leg and body positions is part of that process of trying to keep "fresh" looks of the otk spanking so i'm glad you enjoyed this one :D .
daneldorado wrote:The gritting of her teeth, the slant of her eyebrows, all convey that Chris greatly regrets having done whatever the hell it was, that landed her in this position. I also like that you show her right hand almost as large as her head... because it is being held closer to the viewer, therefore it should look larger. You would be amazed how many successful cartoonists don't follow this simple rule.

Giving you an A-plus on this one, Phil. Not quite the A-double plus that is your magnificent "One Good Turn," but impressive just the same.
that large hand in the foreground is one of the things i personally like most about this pic. after all, it's that hand that is controlling the other things shown in the pic. it's that hand that is gonna be landing on her bottom, which is next in line, and causing that expression of pain and regret on her face. in this case, i felt that the positioning of all these elements, with the hand first, her bottom second and her face last, is what really conveyed both the physical and emotional action in the pic. thanks for the high marks on this one. i'm really happy you enjoyed it :D . phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by willjohn »

Chris has a hot arse in more ways than one, but if she did not like it she would not stick around.
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Chris has a hot arse in more ways than one, but if she did not like it she would not stick around.
hi Willjohn,

interesting observation. i agree ;) . the way she stood submissively during the preparations and the way she went over his lap when told to proves that. even if she doesn't like the actual physical spanking, there are many other aspects of a spanking that she probably does like. good comment. thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level Panel #10

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote:if i had to guess, i'd say that she isn't enjoying this process nearly as much as he is.
Or as much as the rest of us are, either! Gotta love the view in this panel, and I'm sure it won't be the last we see of Christine's bottom :lol: !

Dan went into a great amount of detail in discussing the OTK position, as you did in your reply.
daneldorado wrote:In this panel the repentant spankee, Chris, is arching her back in a way that elevates her adorable glutes to meet Kevin's right hand, and of course he is taking full advantage of it! Also, her knees are now separated, and we can see the inside of her left thigh more clearly. This is an enticing departure from the classic "submissive" position in which the spankee holds her thighs and her knees close together. Both positions are legitimate, of course, but your latest "Chris" panel happily varies that position to provide us with a better view of her lovely thighs.
overbarrel49 wrote:it seems to me that being put over someones knee like a child being punished would be at least as embarrassing, if not more so. secondly, having the spankee otk gives the spanker more control of the spankee and therefore takes more of that control away from the spankee. in my opinion this power transfer is a major factor in any spanking..................especially so between the partners of a loving couple. thirdly, the added physical contact afforded by the otk position really increases the intimacy, emotional impact and loving aspects of the spanking. this is especially true when the spanking couple already cares for each other whether it is Harley spanking his daughter and grand daughter or whether it is a married couple such as Kevin and Christine. anyway, i'll probably continue doing mostly otk stuff because that seems the most natural and the most exciting to me.
I agree with both of you completely even though my own personal favorite position for the spankee is bending over, probably due to some weird paddling experiences during my youth in school and elsewhere. The OTK position does have the advantages you cite and is the #1 favorite of spankees everywhere for just those reasons. Also, the artist must be true to himself to produce his best work, and since OTK seems most natural and most exciting to you, that's what you should use (just as Dan and B00m do).
-- Web-Ed
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