Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

[Moved by Web-Ed from CSR Feedback forum]
HI WEB- ED CSR!!! Do anyone here feel that comic books wriiters and artists should not have stop using spankings in their works when dealing with a female villian! I for one think not!!! Now I have blog about this over on the Spanking Panel Web site asking what other choice do a big strong male super hero have when dealing with a tough female villianess and would it be degrading or consider sexual to the readers!! To me and maybe I`am wrong non spankos would find seeing a woman spank more humorous than sexual meaning how many time has any of us seen a movie like Mclintock with freinds or family members who are not into spanking and watched their reaction during the spanking scenes. I remember seeing my father and brother laughing along with my mother as I look on in shock when the movie was over i still could not forget the image of Mrs. Mclintock`s being spank with that shovel out of my mind So this movie was more of a turn on to me even though I was young at the time I also saw Batmasterson`s brunette bombshell with my family and got the same reaction :lol: So do you think that if a super hero like Spider Man giving a villianess like The Big Boss a otk spanking in front of her web up hence men ina local newspaper comic strip degrading or sexual to it readers :?: No this would be more comical to a non spanko than to us that are into spanking. Comic books writters of the past used spankings on it females charaters as a form of punishment to correct wrong doing or in some cases to humble a headstrong woman be it a Queen or female warriors. And for those who thinks it degrades women I have read plenty todays novels written be women that features spanking of them by male charaters. Super heros should have the right to use spankings when dealing with villianess not to degrade them but to teach them that crime don`t pays :lol: Beside It wouldn`t seem right for Superman Batman Spiderman or any other male hero to punch or wail on a lady with his fist as though she was a male villian.So do anyone still thinks that comic books strip and movies should have stop using spanking to deal with a female bad girl via a tough femme fatale or female super villianess or maybe a headstrong rebellious teens like in those romances comic of the past I think not spanking when use correctly and not like in some movies or tv shows of today that used it as a way to spice up their works for rating or to look cool then nooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaay :evil: But to punish a naughty female villian I say go for it turn that lady over your knee an spank away like those heros of the past :lol: Maybe then comics sales would spike especially from us spankos 8-)
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by web-ed »

Butch - hope you don't mind that I moved this topic over here from CSR Feedback, leaving a link over there. As usual, Dan's got the cinema side covered pretty well, so I'll confine myself to the comics.
Butch wrote:Comic books writers of the past used spankings of females characters as a form of punishment to correct wrongdoing or in some cases to humble a headstrong woman be it a Queen or female warrior.
Indeed they did, much to our delight, and I agree with you that they should still be doing so. Far preferable, as you note, for the superhero to spank a villainess than to punch her in the jaw, which would not be the action of a gentleman. Humbling the headstrong or arrogant female would probably be more controversial since it could be seen as non-consensual (in some cases there is what I've termed retroactive consent when the woman is later glad she got spanked) and as undeserved, although I personally am extremely fond of those kinds of scenes among other reasons because of their undeniable erotic overtones. :)

You also raise the point that most non-spanko women would probably be o.k. with both kinds of spankings, reacting with laughter rather than anger. I agree with this also - most women not into spanking have no problem with seeing a deserving woman spanked, and yes, the spankings in contemporary romance (non-spanking) fiction are evidence of this. I have to imagine that most of the teen-age girls and young adult women who read romance comics during their heyday were absolutely o.k. with the spanking scenes we have seen reproduced here at CSR. And the Lois Lane spanking letters I posted earlier this year demonstrated conclusively that both male and female readers supported the idea of Superman spanking Lois back in the early 60's.

Who is NOT o.k. with such spanking scenes is the progressive (sometimes called "liberal" although a misuse of the word) establishment, unfortunately still in control of our mainstream media and universities, and in those places the reactionary darkness of Feminism does still prevail. These folks are loud and intimidating, and very few business executives in popular media such as movies and comics have had the you-know-what to stand up to them. In fact, I am currently reading a new article about the Comics Code in which it is suggested the Code was responsible for diluting the Thing/Sue Storm spanking scene in Fantastic Four (and by inference caused other comic-book spankings to be removed, or never written in the first place).

There have been recent inroads that give some hope in cinema as Dan noted, and we may see some progress in comics as well if we're lucky. At this moment, though, things are not all that great (for more on this, see my essay in this forum "Wonder Woman: Still Spankin' After All These Years").
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by hugob00m »

Interesting topic!

I wholeheartedly agree with Butch and Dan that a male superhero should not strike a woman... even one who is a supervillainess... with his fist. But there are times when physical confrontation becomes inevitable. I know that the liberals like to say that violence is never the answer, but just to show how hypocritical that idea is, just ask one of then what they would like to do to former president Bush! I've heard talk of lynch mobs coming from the mouths of these so-called "peace-loving" liars.

So then, if punching a woman is "ungentlemanly", but some kind of physical confrontation becomes necessary, what is our hero to do?

For those of us in this forum, the answer is obvious! A naughty girl needs to be turned over a good man's knee and soundly spanked, for justice's sake, and... well... for a little spanko entertainment! The actual pain would probably be minimal for a supervillainess's super-tough backside, but the humiliation of being so overpowered and placed in the position of a punished schoolgirl would be the real punishment. :oops:
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by Tanner »

You guys ares saying much the same as I have said here, and over at Spanking Panels.Agree totally.
However, its not just the villainesses,spoiled brats, etc that need spanking. Even the heroines and "good girls" need it from time to time. I posted at Chross's about how much Erin Brockovich needed a spanking for her attitude and pottymouth in that movie even though she was the heroine. [Web-Ed's note: the real life Erin Brockovich surely deserves a spanking also!] And I have mentioned before how much I love the idea of Xena being given a good spanking. So many TV shows and movies where it would have been wonderful if some of the leading females had gotten spanked.
We may not see another McLintock-but I think there is hope, as mentioned here in those movies and shows listed.
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Hi Web-ED CSR!!!! Hey Tanner wasn`t it the good girls who got spank the most in movies and comics beside the wild cat who needed taming :lol: Now the spanking of a super herione like Xena or Wonder Woman could only be done by a strong brute who believe a woman place should be at the feet of her man :lol: I could see Xena being spank over the knees of a big strong Thor like Viking who wouldn`t mind taking great pleasure in warming up a tough female`s warrior`s rearend in an effort to humble her next to having her cook dinner and wash clothes :lol: The same for Wonder Woman I don`t think that a super villian would take the time to spank a super heroine much like a super hero if needed would spank a villianess remember super hero believe in correcting bad behavior and beside honor the code of being gentlemen :D If I was the writter for the movie Erin Brockovich I would have added a few spankings and mouth washing threats still remember a scene in the movie Victor Victoria where the guy washed out the mouth of a woman who kept cursing with soap and how she rush out the bath room with soap foaming out of her mouth :lol:Do any one believe that movies back in the days used spanking as an alter to sex? I dont spanking was done for moral purpose only such as when husband spanked their wivies not for sex but to let them know they was in charge!! In that case why would they make movies of a father spanking his grown daughter like in The Cow Catcher`s Daughter this wasn`t a replacement for sex!!!! I think that women groups who are now spending more time dumbing down male characters in cartoons and movie are responsable for putting a halt to spankings in comic Also there isn`t any real Macho male heros anymore . Oh how many time I have read or saw comic books like Batman or Dick Tracy pitted up against a beautiful female villian who trieds all her might to defeat him and how I always hoped that when he got the upper hand set fire to her tail :lol: Now this didn`t have to happen in all comic books or strips but when it came time for the hero to take action spankings should have been one of his choices especially if he felt it could save her via Batman giving Catwoman the over the lap treatment or Dick Tracy spanking a bad female who went astray and turn to crime :D Spankings in movies like Secretary Bored to Death and the killer inside me was made for erotic pleasure for adults unlike the spanking in Weeds or Love Crimes eventhough adult movie was giving in discipline the same as Cattle Annie Little Britches!!! I don`t have no problem seeing spankings done for erotic pleasures being I`am a spanko but I would love to see a grown woman or teeenage brat of 18 taken to tass and given a old fashion spanking over the knee by a strong male lead via super hero or head of the house.Writters shouldn`t have bow down to liberals for their arts if done in good taste meaning artists can tell the different between drawing a spanking for mainstream situations and one for adult pleasures like Dan Decarlo who drew plenty of spankings of females in his Pin up art but when doing A comic book like Archie used spanking in a more tasteful way that didn`t offen young readers . Maybe spankings is making a come back and I for one would love to see a discipline spanking of a naughty woman being in comic book or comic strip done to punish a her for bad behavior or taming like they did in the Golden Days no one should have a problem with that!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Indeed they did, much to our delight, and I agree with you that they should still be doing so. Far preferable, as you note, for the superhero to spank a villainess than to punch her in the jaw, which would not be the action of a gentleman. Humbling the headstrong or arrogant female would probably be more controversial since it could be seen as non-consensual (in some cases there is what I've termed retroactive consent when the woman is later glad she got spanked) and as undeserved, although I personally am extremely fond of those kinds of scenes among other reasons because of their undeniable erotic overtones. :)
hi everyone,

interesting topic. i totally agree with web-ed here, especially about the non consensual spankings being very erotic. there's just a certain amount of justice when one of those headstrong females gets an unexpected and non consensual spanking. it's a big turn on for me. seems like most of the spanking scenes i used to see in mainstream movies while i was growing up fell into that category so maybe that's why.
web-ed wrote:You also raise the point that most non-spanko women would probably be o.k. with both kinds of spankings, reacting with laughter rather than anger. I agree with this also - most women not into spanking have no problem with seeing a deserving woman spanked, and yes, the spankings in contemporary romance (non-spanking) fiction are evidence of this. I have to imagine that most of the teen-age girls and young adult women who read romance comics during their heyday were absolutely o.k. with the spanking scenes we have seen reproduced here at CSR. And the Lois Lane spanking letters I posted earlier this year demonstrated conclusively that both male and female readers supported the idea of Superman spanking Lois back in the early 60's.
again, i totally agree and to take it a couple steps further i think a lot of those women would probably giggle, even if discretely, if they accidentally got to see such a woman getting a spanking. i also think that even among non spanko ladies, many more of them than will admit to it probably had fantasies about getting a spanking like they read about in those romance novels. even if they weren't into spanking, they may have gotten some emotional and sexual satisfaction from the idea of being made to mind by a strong willed man and that is exactly what such spankings represent. good topic butch. thanks, phil
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by Tanner »

Would point out that in the case of Xena, she was a villainess for the early part of her career and did some bad stuff when she was a warlord's lover.
There was an episode in Hercules when her gang of outlaws turned against her and beat her up with clubs or something(afterwards she decided to turn over a new leaf and mend her ways).
Her getting a spanking would have been much better. As I have said before, TV, movies,etc can show women beaten beaten to a pulp, shot, blown up,etc and thats okay. But not a spanking,even one done out of love or concern.
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI CRS!!!!! As much for all of us wanting to see Xena spank I don`t think it would justify the cause meaning she was a villianess in her past but decided to change and fight for the good to punish her for her pass would be wrong every body deserve a second chance!!! If she was to be spanked the writter like I posted earlier should play it as humorous such as having a big strong male brute who wants her as his bride kidnaps her and take her to his village Just think how great it would be to see The mighty Xena kicking and struggling over the shouder of this big strong man or being face down over his ox while being taken to his house where she is suspected to sever him hands and feets or suffer the punishment of having her bottom spank soundly which do happen for disobedient :lol: A episode like this could play as humiliating or for laugh something this show became in it later episodes beside she could have feeing for this big oaf after escaping him and going back to her home :lol: I think today`s comic books comic strips and tv movies writters are too scared to try something old fashion like spanking in their works but not for kinks!!!! But to let a man become a man again. Now we all know that to spank woman with out her consent is wrong and might cause an uproar among femmist group and liberals as a sign of degrading towards women but this show was base on barbaric times and the spanking of women was a thing of norm 8-) And I believe many people would have love to see Xena getting an over the knee spanking from a strong male brute!!!!!!! Now the thing I was trying to make sense of was why did comic books comic strips stop using spankings in their works? Writters should have the right if they want to chose giving a female villianess via super villianess female crime bossess or tough murderous femme fatales a spanking if they decide they want to use this in their plot!!!!Sure seeing a grown woman having her rump roasted over the knees of a male hero might be offensive to some but what if the hero chose to use this as his way of fighting someone weaker. I know I don`t want to see Batman or Superman beating a woman to a pulp with his fist so spanking should be another option!!!! Like I wrote on another panel what choice do he have beside she started the fight so shouldn`t he fight back. Like Popeye said maybe I can`t hit a woman but that don`t mean I can`t spank her!!!!!! 8-) :lol: Women groups and liberals are always crying foul when it come to a man being a man!!!!! Just like the tv add for the beef Jerky where the guys are playing pranks on big foot only to get their comeuppance by being knock silly by this beast but when the prankster was a young woman who did big foot beatup??? THE GUY!!!!!!!!! Why was it because if he had knock the woman across the forest it would have been abusive so he took it out on a man It would have been great to see Big Foot grab this young woman and turned her over his knees and gave her a good hard spanking on the seat of her tight jeans as the tv ad faded Because she was the one who did the prank and should have been punish just like the men was :lol: And this would have been a much much fitting punishment than seeing her punch in the face!!!!!!!!
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB - ED CSR!!! When I first ask this question on another site I wanted to know why did writters of comic books comic strips or movies and tv shows stop using spankings in their plots to deal with a bad female Via Villianess femme fatale or spoil heiress!!!! Was it because they thought it was a thing of the pass or are they afraid of the back lash they would recieve from women groups or the now pc world :?: Do any one think that if a comic book of today lets said Batman or a Comic strip like Dick Tracy with is read in newspapers all across America had in it a spanking of a bad female by the hero that people would see this as offensive and degrading toward a woman or would they see this as well deserve and humorous a grown woman being spank for her crime?? Comic books in Japan or Manga still feature spankings in their books of female characters both heroines and villianesses so why did comic books in this Country stop?? Maybe they feel by adding a spanking to their work it might borded on the line of kinky or sexism why do the female character has to be spank?'' so many writter shy away from using it in their story. I can think of plenty of reasons why spankings shouldn`t have stop in comics and not only of today but also in the 70`s 80`s and 90`s Remember seeing the comic book Superman vs Wonder Woman and thinking why there wasn`t a spanking in it being Superman would never hit a woman and what other choice he had !! and speaking of Wonder Woman why is it that super Heriones are not spank? Robin got spank in a comic Superman as a teen also was spank so why not Batgirl Supergirl or some of the Jungle women. Is it because seeing a male hero spank plays more on humor rather than degrading I think the plot would be just as funny if it was a female hero on the reciving in. It a shame comic writters stop using spanking in their stories to deal with bad females while mainstream novels still do :evil: Maybe they feel todays readers will be offened or outrage if seeing a woman turn over the knee what do you think :?: The question I ask :!: :!:

Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by daneldorado »

Butch, I hear you and I sympathize.

Yes indeed, it is a great shame that comic strips today do not show us bad girls -- whether villains or heroines -- getting spanked in a humorous way. Those spankings were once a great component of the comic strips of yesteryear. Why, just look at Superman, The Phantom, and Smilin' Jack. Looking back, it seems as if we could plan on seeing at least one pretty girl get spanked every year, in each of these titles!

I blame the dearth of spankings today on the political correctness that has paralyzed humor in this country (America). If you or I were to give a girl a non-consensual spanking today, she would call the authorities and have us arrested! And for what? For giving her a paddy whacking that she deserved and probably would have "worn off" in an hour or so anyway?

It's interesting that we still do get to see non-consensual spankings in videos from other countries. Maybe the p.c. crowd has not poisoned their culture as it has poisoned ours?

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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by web-ed »

I actually did address this issue earlier this year, in my essay "What Happened to DC Spankings During the Bronze Age?" in which I discussed how DC's retreat into darkness resulted in no M/F spankings during this period and allowed Marvel to eclipse them in this category for the first time. Also, I recently commented on Butch's post on this subject over at the Spanking Panels Forum, where I made the same point as Dan regarding the destructive effects of political correctness upon our culture. Here is a portion of what I wrote there:
...A combination of political correctness among the writers (perhaps a consequence of hiring writers from television as Brats suggests, since P.C. rules in TV land) and corporate timidity among editors and publishers makes it unlikely we're going to see an honest-to-goodness spanking in a mainstream book anytime soon. Alternatives might be a possibility, but to be honest, I haven't been an active comics buyer now for about 15 years so I don't really know the comics landscape any more.

From what I can tell, DC seems committed to wallowing in evil, Marvel to trading on the past as long as there's money in bringing these now 50-year-old characters to the screen, and as for the rest I'm not sure. Last week I picked up a Marvel book on the Avengers origins of the Scarlet Witch (an excellent candidate for a spanking, by the way) and Quicksilver - not exactly breaking new ground there. I also got an Image title called The Last of the Greats but I'm still not sure what it's about. I do know of a superhero satire series where the storyline contained a spanking reference and two actual spankings of a Wonder Woman-like superheroine who craves this treatment, but it hasn't been published - perhaps it will be the future if we're lucky. And again, one of the alternative publishers could always come through for us as they did in the past with books like Legends of the Stargrazers and Femforce. Let's all hope!
Political correctness is a serious disease, a specimen of the old "argument from intimidation" technique, and it is devastating the U.S. and Western Europe. At least Mexico and Latin America don't seem to have any problem with spankings in comics or on T.V., but because they are poor countries they don't produce a lot of comics or T.V. shows, and we probably wouldn't see them here anyway.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by Tanner »

While I agree that the present-day atmosphere of political correctness is hostile toward spanking in comics,etc I think it goes back farther than that.
The womens movement began in the late 60s/early 70s. However its thinking at that time was far out of the mainstream of society. It was seen as part of the counterculture and was often ridiculed as those" crazy women's libbers."
However, spanking onscreen and in comics started disappearing earlier. I think in part it was due to Dr Spock and his opposition to spanking as part of childrearing, which became prevalent thinking in the early/mid 1960s.
Since spanking is seen as something done to children, and if spanking children is no longer viewed as proper or acceptable, it would of course follow that adult females should not be spanked .
Don't want to get into the debate over parental spanking but I do think the influence of what some call the culture of permissiveness that arose then is partly responsible as to how society view spanking today.
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by willjohn »

Benjamin Spock never spoke for or against spanking. He always said discipline was up to the parents.

His son Michael has said he was no softie as a parent, nor did either of his sons suicide. Don't believe everything you hear.
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI CSR!!!! Why is the pc world so offened by seeing an adult woman getting a over the knee spanking in a comic book comic strip or movie :?: Is it sexual or degrading toward women? I remember in the 80`s when people was trying to stop horror movies from being made due to the violence toward females characters and seeing plenty of horror movie back then myself some was indeed pretty violent for their female characters but studios never backed down and kept making scary movies. This is what I felt comic books writers should have did Maybe they think spanking are a thing of the past and moved on to something new that might peek the interest of it young male readers like drawing strongers females with big breasts wearing little or nothing clothing while beating up or shooting male villians.I think in this anything gose world that spanking would fit in and comic writers should use it in their work like having a Hero like Batman giving a spanking to a spoil young woman ala Lindsay Lohan type that think she above the law and can get away with murder while causing trouble for any one around her :D I don`t think many readers would object to seeing that!!! In fact some might agree that she had it coming that it was well deserve :lol: :lol: Do any one think that readers would see this as sexual or degrading toward a woman? Spanking should be use as an art the same as horror writers use bloody killing to tell their story and no one should be offened by that!! Heres another question on this subject. Why did writers and artist such as Dan Decarlo Bill Ward and novelist Ian Fleming who I think was into spankings Judging by seeing plenty of their adult drawing like in Humorama and in Mr. Fleming`s case reading about how he like to spank women never add spanking in their works for mainstream? Yes Mr. Decarlo did have his female Character Veronica spank twice and Betty once He also had Josie spanked even though we didn`t see it but Bill Ward never feature a spanking in Torchy and Ian Fleming never let James Bond spank a female character both bad or good :cry: In Bond case there where plenty of women I would have love to see put over his knees an spanked :lol: Was it because they didn`t want to expose their fetish or was it because studio forbid them??
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by web-ed »

butch46163@yahoo.com wrote:HI CSR!!!! Why is the pc world so offended by seeing an adult woman getting a over the knee spanking in a comic book comic strip or movie :?: Is it sexual or degrading toward women? I remember in the 80`s when people was trying to stop horror movies from being made due to the violence toward females characters and seeing plenty of horror movie back then myself some was indeed pretty violent for their female characters but studios never backed down and kept making scary movies. This is what I felt comic books writers should have did
I think the PC world is offended by adult M/F spanking because they do believe it's degrading to women. Compared to the violent horror movies you mentioned, you'd think getting spanked was pretty mild, but the PC/Feminist movement is all hung up about an alleged "patriarchy" which systematically oppresses women, and probably sees no difference between a loving (and/or deserved) spanking and an outright criminal assault. (Note: under the law, it is assault if you just grab some strange woman off the street and start spanking her, but that's not what we're talking about here.) Also, the Dominant/Submissive aspect of spanking deeply disturbs feminists, for they are in denial about the nature of normal human sexual feelings, which for males are dominant and for women submissive, and in fact they don't much seem to approve of sex at all.

I seem to remember some of the more radical feminist theorists, like Catherine MacKinnon or Andrea Dworkin, arguing that even consensual sex was akin to rape because of the power imbalance between the sexes. I'm not going to waste my time refuting that kind of nonsense here, but the point we need to bear in mind is that these nutty theories were widely accepted in academic circles, and actual codes of conduct were drawn up in some colleges to regulate the students' sexual behavior. In such an environment, it would take a lot of courage for writers and editors to go ahead with spanking scenes, and courage seems to be in short supply in any time and place.

I always hated horror movies made after the 1950's, but I seem to remember Jamie Lee Curtis early in her career being in some of them. I think she struck back against the bad guys (I may be wrong because I never watched these things all the way through), so maybe the studios figured that made it all o.k. Studio executives are not typically very bright, so it can be difficult to fathom their thought processes.

Another factor could be the Comics Code, enacted in 1954. I just read an article in Alter Ego in which it is suggested that the people at the Code's office, who were mainly female, didn't like spankings and demanded they be removed from stories that tried to insert them. The example they gave was the scene in Fantastic Four #28 with the Things and Sue Storm. I think I'm going to have to take this question up in a separate topic or at least a separate entry.

Tanner mentioned the effects of child-spanking becoming less common, and I think that this too was a factor. For as spanking became less a part of a kid's normal, everyday existence, there was less reason for him to see spanking as an expected consequence of bad behavior and therefore less reason for comics writers to plot that way. This would explain why bad girls didn't get spanked by superheroes any more (in the non-romantic, hero spanks villainess scene). Still, there was that Batman/Marcia Monroe spanking in 1966, but it's something of an outlier, even though we're glad to have it :) !

Bill Ward and Torchy: this is indeed something of a mystery. Perhaps for all the spanking art he did, Ward wasn't really into it. Otherwise, it's hard to see how he could have resisted spanking Torchy Todd! Or maybe his editor was dead-set against it, as we know Mort Weisinger was with the idea of a Superman/Lois Lane spanking.

Dan DeCarlo: I don't believe he was into spanking - the few Archie spankings were clearly intended humorously until times had changed to the extent that they might not be seen that way any longer. The MLJ line had a lot of spankings in its early days, even before Archie arrived on the scene. Certainly Archie Publications would have been very sensitive to criticism from the feminist movement as they would have wanted to avoid any controversy winding up in the newspapers.

Ian Fleming: I've never read any of his James Bond novels, but I remember hearing of at least one spanking and probably more in them. Why didn't Hollywood put any spankings into the film versions? I don't think they were interested in protecting Fleming, and since even in the early 60's the films suggested that Bond was sleeping with all these girls it can't have been fear of sexual content alone. Maybe it was the context - if Bond enjoyed spanking the girls, then they would have been too chicken to present that interest honestly, but if it was a straight punishment spanking, I don't know why the studio wouldn't have gone for it at that time.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by Tanner »

Been a long time since I read the Bond books, but I do remember a number of spanking threats he made in several of them. One time he told Miss Moneypenny that she gave him anymore lip,or something, she'd get such a spanking she have to do her typing off a block of Dunlopillo-assume was some sort of Brit soft cushion. In another he told a girl who had gotten herself and him in a dangerous jam that when it was over she'd get such a spanking she wouldn't sit for a week. No indication it was carried out though.
In The Spy Who Loved me, a villain threatened the girl who was a main character with a spanking if she did not fix his eggs properly.
As for the movies guess by that time Hollywood had decided that spankings were "out."
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED TANNER!!!! But do you both think that some of the underground comic or Satire comic strips would use spanking just as they do about anything else in todays world to try and push the envelope? Over on the FX cable channel a cartoon show call Archer has it male hero a spoof of James Bond spank his female lovers with a ping pong paddle during sex although they don`t show it but you do see the paddle when their both in bed :D So I would think that these writers won`t be afraid to have a female character spank just to push the pc world button realilty shows do it all the time so why not comics like Mad or Crack if they are still in bussines do the same! Remember reading how the comic strip The BoomDocks was pull from the newspapers due to it racial slurs but it is now on the Cartoon channel! Remember the young man who wrote and drew that comic saying he was never going to change the way it depict his characters and Granpa still beats his two young grandkids with a belts! Do you think that a mainstream comic strip like Spiderman featuring a spanking to it femalee villianess Serra Carson aka The Big Boss who was trying to kill him would be remove from the newspapers? Or how about him giving his wife Mary Jane Watson a playful spanking over his knees for endangering her life would this be offensive?Being a spanko I alway wanted to see scenes like that in comic books or strips epsecaily when a male hero was pitted up against a female villianess just like in some of those Pulp Fiction Magazines that shows on it covers tough femme fatales or bad girls who you would think get their comeuppance via an over the knee spanking from the male hero :lol: To me that would be justice!! The way it should be!!
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by web-ed »

butch46163@yahoo.com wrote: Do you think that a mainstream comic strip like Spiderman featuring a spanking to it female villainess Serra Carson aka The Big Boss who was trying to kill him would be remove from the newspapers? Or how about him giving his wife Mary Jane Watson a playful spanking over his knees for endangering her life would this be offensive? Being a spanko I alway wanted to see scenes like that in comic books or strips especially when a male hero was pitted up against a female villainess just like in some of those Pulp Fiction Magazines that shows on it covers tough femme fatales or bad girls who you would think get their comeuppance via an over the knee spanking from the male hero :lol: To me that would be justice!! The way it should be!!
I'd love to see either of these two kinds of scenes also, but I don't expect it will happen anytime soon in mainstream comics. The companies just don't have the guts to take the risk of being criticized. Certainly Spider-Man would be justified in spanking The Big Boss, but the noisy feminist crowd would holler "sexist!" and Marvel, like most large corporations, is just too chicken to defend itself from any sort of criticism, therefore they will take the easy way out and avoid controversy like the plague. Remember what happened after the Thing spanked Moondragon for her arrogance in 1980? At least some readers whined about "sexism" and the best the editors could offer was, "Ben would have done the same thing with a male character" - ugh! After that, there were no M/F spankings at Marvel as far as I know (Lunatik/Hellcat and Spanker/Beverly had taken place earlier).

A Spidey/Mary Jane spanking would be great fun, but even though of a different type than the good guy spanks bad girl scene, I don't think we're going to see it. If portrayed as anything less than consensual (what we spankos would call loving discipline), we'd hear all the same protests: "sexist", "promotes violence against women" etc. If portrayed as loving foreplay between characters who are, after all, husband and wife, it might be considered unwholesome for children. Still, given the amount of sex all over the place in popular media, this kind of scene is probably more likely than the first.

There is a rebellion going on right now against political correctness, but that battle is by no means won, and given that popular media are on the trailing edge rather than the leading edge of culture it will probably be some time before popular media are safe for honest M/F spankings again. One sign that we are getting to that point would be the reappearance of spanking in more serious art forms, but serious novels were never known for having lots of spankings, and movies are more pop art than serious art, so this approach doesn't seem all that promising as a pop culture prognosticator. "Bottom" line: we'll just have to wait and see.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Hi WEB-ED CSR!! I was just wondering the other day about spanking in the media comic books comic strips and movies and thought do writers and artists get turn on when drawing or filming a spanking scene and that was the reason they added it in there or was it the way they wanted to punish the female villianess? Meaning take Lee Falk`s The Phantom did Mr. Falk had his character spank all those women as a punishment for their bad behavior or was it to satified his own spanking fetish.Being a spanko I remember drawing plenty of picture where girls and women was spanked for all kind of crimes not because they needed it it was a way to get turn on so I made a plot where the woman when caught was punish with a spanking :lol: So this had me thinking do writers and artists especially back in the olden days did the same thing? :D Just like today when most movies now show girl on girl action kissing :lol:
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Re: Are Spanking Scenes a Personal Turn-On for Comics Creato

Post by web-ed »

Well, Butch, I think this is one of the great unanswered questions we're faced with. I'll put aside the question for now as it pertains to movies, although I can think of one or two examples where the idea of spanking was presented with so much care and attention you have to believe the writer or director must have been into it. Dan Rivera knows more about cinema spanking than pretty much anyone, so perhaps he'll comment on this question.

With comics, there are several creators who did spanking scenes so well (and so often) that the suspicion naturally arises that they were true spankos. You mentioned Lee Falk, who did those great spanking scenes in The Phantom and Mandrake. A thorough discussion would require a longer article than I'm up to right now (I just spent the last couple of hours on a forthcoming "Spanking and the Comics Code" article), but here is a brief summary of the creators that immediately come to mind as possible spankos.

I should also mention that sometime in the future we will have to define what we mean by "spanko" since there are men who certainly take some pleasure in spanking a woman without being as strongly into it as we here on this board are. Perhaps some of these creators fall into that category.
  1. Zack Mosley - I just recently raised this possibility again when I published his tenth spanking in CSR. Dan has long maintained that Mosley must have been one of us, and putting 10 spankings in Smilin' Jack is pretty strong evidence that he's right.
  2. Lee Falk - nobody wrote the "comeuppance" spanking, delivered to the deserving rear of the spoiled and haughty female, better than Falk. At the very least, he understood the psychological implications of spanking - that it is, at "bottom", a kind of humiliation which could be understood as punishment, or humbling the arrogant, or both. And he understood the appeal this has for both the dominant male and the submissive female. Was he a true spanko or just a good psychologist, as the best writers are?
  3. Roy Crane - he also clearly understood the dominant/submissive M/F dynamic that is part and parcel of spanking. But was he a spanko?
  4. Jerry Siegel - the co-creator of Superman, Siegel did 6 M/F spankings in the Superman strip, and probably would have done some in the Superman Family titles as well if editor Mort Weisinger would have allowed it. Siegel's scenes are reminiscent of Falk's, and he may just have been a man who enjoyed seeing a deserving female get her comeuppance rather than a true spanko.
  5. Jack Sparling - he did a couple of spanking scenes I've posted in Comics Gallery 2 (Mr. Rumbles and Honor Eden). This is far fewer than Mosley, Falk, or Siegel, and I've only recently come around to placing him in the "probable spanko" category. Certainly somebody connected with the old Sick magazine was a spanko, and Sparling was on its staff at the time they published a gratuitous spanking panel. I'm still trying to get hold of an issue I had more than 30 years ago which could provide definite proof. But Sick had low circulation, making back issues hard to come by.
  6. The "Aces" Artist - I've been promising to reveal his identity for a couple of years now, but because some of my old comics collection is presently unaccounted for, I haven't been able to find the samples of his work I needed. He didn't actually do any spanking scenes in comics that I know of even though he was one of the field's best-known artists, but the unsigned drawings he did for several spanking publications leaves no doubt he was a true spanko. Maybe I'll get around to this later in the year - if I can find those old comic books.
-- Web-Ed
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