In The Family

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: In The Family #25 & 26

Post by web-ed »

How enjoyable to watch both sets of Dianne's cheeks blushing red! :oops: #25 is my favorite of the two this time, even though you can't tell from this one panel in isolation that she's struggling rather desperately (you can if you look at #26!), because I love the symmetry of her perfectly-aligned buttocks! In both panels we see that the red shading has been carefully graduated to resemble what we see in actual practice when the spanking implement is the hand or a small paddle or a slipper (as in this case).

As to the question of whether the "younger generation" should have witnessed this spanking, I'm not sure. While it is true that witnesses make a spanking more humiliating as we saw conclusively in "One Good Turn", in this case Al and Barbara might have been as embarrassed as Dianne! Most of the witnesses in "One Good Turn" could politely be described as horny old men, which made them ideal for their roles! The daughter there missed part of her mother's spanking because she was so focused on her own stinging rear, but she still qualified as a witness. Still, I think she was less embarrassed than Al and Barbara would have been here - the situation is quite different. And as has been pointed out, our situation here is likely to lead straight to the bedroom, so any characters other than Carl and Dianne would simply be in the way.
-- Web-Ed

Re: In The Family

Post by daneldorado »

And although it might come too late, I'd like to offer a suggestion that the next swat should be shown actually LANDING. We haven't seen a "contact" picture since 023. The other pics look like Al is just waving his hand around.

Lord knows, I too have drawn many pictures of a guy spanking a girl, showing his hand in the air. But those are just individual pics. When you draw a continuing spanking, over several pics, it is a good idea to show some contact in at least a few pics.

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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:How enjoyable to watch both sets of Dianne's cheeks blushing red! :oops: #25 is my favorite of the two this time, even though you can't tell from this one panel in isolation that she's struggling rather desperately (you can if you look at #26!), because I love the symmetry of her perfectly-aligned buttocks! In both panels we see that the red shading has been carefully graduated to resemble what we see in actual practice when the spanking implement is the hand or a small paddle or a slipper (as in this case).
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you're enjoying the blushing :D . in this case i agree with you since i like #25 best of the 2 also. i really got a smile from your comment about the shading of the red bottoms because it's difficult to get that subtle difference in shading in a sequence such as this without getting her bottom way too red. in both these pics i adjusted the color several times and compared them to each other and the previous pics before finalizing it so it's nice to hear you say i got it right :D .
web-ed wrote:As to the question of whether the "younger generation" should have witnessed this spanking, I'm not sure. While it is true that witnesses make a spanking more humiliating as we saw conclusively in "One Good Turn", in this case Al and Barbara might have been as embarrassed as Dianne! Most of the witnesses in "One Good Turn" could politely be described as horny old men, which made them ideal for their roles! The daughter there missed part of her mother's spanking because she was so focused on her own stinging rear, but she still qualified as a witness. Still, I think she was less embarrassed than Al and Barbara would have been here - the situation is quite different. And as has been pointed out, our situation here is likely to lead straight to the bedroom, so any characters other than Carl and Dianne would simply be in the way.
your perspective here is interesting and i agree with your comment that this situation is much different than in one good turn. it does seem like public spankings seem to be the favorites among my viewers but there are indeed situations that require a private spanking and i felt like this was one of those. i enjoyed your comparison of the 2 different toons and those spectators in "one good turn" were indeed horny old men :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:And although it might come too late, I'd like to offer a suggestion that the next swat should be shown actually LANDING. We haven't seen a "contact" picture since 023. The other pics look like Al is just waving his hand around.
hi Dan,

thanks for your suggestion but this time i am way ahead of you and that contact pic is already started ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

now she's pleading and promising
now she's pleading and promising
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hi everyone,

well, Carl told Dianne that she'd be squalling and pleading for him to stop and it looks like he was right :D . looking at her bottom it's not too hard to understand why either. seems like Carl has given her a bad case of "shiny hiney" :lol: . i'll have 2 more pics next Friday to wrap this toon up and then we'll move along to a different story. i hope you enjoy this week's installment. phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

looks like her lesson is well learned
looks like her lesson is well learned
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Re: In The Family

Post by daneldorado »

Once again, Phil, I am in awe of your superb artistry. Your two latest pics for the "In the Family" soap opera are shining examples of your art... and, the way Dianne's bottom cheeks look about now, they too are "shining" or "shiny" examples :D

I have downloaded most of your panels to my files, but not all of them. I realize this is not true of all your fans, but I demur when it comes to pics in which the lady's bare crotch is exposed to view. By sheer coincidence -- or maybe by Divine intervention -- the one panel in which that occurs, your no. 27, also has one other drawback; and that is, a first-time viewer of this panel would probably be confused by the appearance of Carl's right hand. Those of us who have been following the story know that he is using a slipper as a spanking implement; but when you display it sideways, as here in no. 27, it's difficult to make out what the implement IS, or whether Carl simply has a deformed right hand. Ideally, the implement should always be discernible to the reader.

You are greatly to be commended for the excellent modulation you have used for reddening Dianne's bottom. In her first over-the-knee panel, your no. 23, the color of her bottom looks to be normal, even as Carl brings the slipper down on it. But her flesh tones change gradually, as she receives one swat after another, and at the end her bottom cheeks look as bright and as red as tail lights on a patrol car.

You've said that you plan to post two more panels in this story. Since Dianne already looks thoroughly and soundly spanked, I assume those last two panels will feature hugging and consoling from Carl, and a lot of "I'm sorry"s from Dianne. Let me say that, however you choose to end it, "In the Family" will occupy a choice place in the pantheon of great spanking stories.

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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Once again, Phil, I am in awe of your superb artistry. Your two latest pics for the "In the Family" soap opera are shining examples of your art... and, the way Dianne's bottom cheeks look about now, they too are "shining" or "shiny" examples :D
hi Dan,

thanks for the kind words. it's nice to know the time and effort i put into these is appreciated :D .
daneldorado wrote: I have downloaded most of your panels to my files, but not all of them. I realize this is not true of all your fans, but I demur when it comes to pics in which the lady's bare crotch is exposed to view. By sheer coincidence -- or maybe by Divine intervention -- the one panel in which that occurs, your no. 27, also has one other drawback; and that is, a first-time viewer of this panel would probably be confused by the appearance of Carl's right hand. Those of us who have been following the story know that he is using a slipper as a spanking implement; but when you display it sideways, as here in no. 27, it's difficult to make out what the implement IS, or whether Carl simply has a deformed right hand. Ideally, the implement should always be discernible to the reader.
i think we will probably always disagree on the exposure issue but i thought that it was pretty subdued this time so hopefully you didn't find it too offensive. on the issue of the slipper, i noticed that it was kind of side ways but i thought it looked as if he was holding as he naturally would and considering the angle from which the pic is shot i thought it looked good. i'll have to spend some time considering this and if anyone else has comments about them i hope they will free to make them.
daneldorado wrote:You are greatly to be commended for the excellent modulation you have used for reddening Dianne's bottom. In her first over-the-knee panel, your no. 23, the color of her bottom looks to be normal, even as Carl brings the slipper down on it. But her flesh tones change gradually, as she receives one swat after another, and at the end her bottom cheeks look as bright and as red as tail lights on a patrol car.
as i told web-ed, i spend a lot of time working and re working on the coloring for her blushing cheeks so it's nice to hear that i got it right :D . as you mentioned, the changes are gradual and i have to keep going back and forth between pics to make sure i don't have them out of order.
daneldorado wrote: You've said that you plan to post two more panels in this story. Since Dianne already looks thoroughly and soundly spanked, I assume those last two panels will feature hugging and consoling from Carl, and a lot of "I'm sorry"s from Dianne. Let me say that, however you choose to end it, "In the Family" will occupy a choice place in the pantheon of great spanking stories.
Dianne's spanking is indeed over so the last 2 pics will be concerned with other things. actually, i'm hoping that at least part of it will be somewhat surprising and perhaps a little amusing. thanks again for the kind words. they brought a grin to my face :D . phil
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Re: In The Family #27 & 28

Post by web-ed »

This has to be one of the most thorough spankings of all time! I'm very pleased by the view of Dianne's red bottom in #27. Although it doesn't in any way detract from this work, I did notice a change between these two panels, not just of the viewing angle, but of Carl's and Dianne's orientation with respect to the rest of the room. It almost looks like the figures have been rotated by an equal angle in the opposite direction to the rotation of the viewing angle. Maybe she's wriggling around so much he's rotating the chair as he holds her down? It doesn't matter - the important thing in any spanking is always what the spanker and spankee are saying and doing, not how they're positioned with respect to the furniture.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:This has to be one of the most thorough spankings of all time! I'm very pleased by the view of Dianne's red bottom in #27. Although it doesn't in any way detract from this work, I did notice a change between these two panels, not just of the viewing angle, but of Carl's and Dianne's orientation with respect to the rest of the room. It almost looks like the figures have been rotated by an equal angle in the opposite direction to the rotation of the viewing angle. Maybe she's wriggling around so much he's rotating the chair as he holds her down? It doesn't matter - the important thing in any spanking is always what the spanker and spankee are saying and doing, not how they're positioned with respect to the furniture.
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you enjoyed the "view" :D . as far as the orientation of our spanking couple goes, all i can say is that you caught me :lol: . most of these "sets" that i work with are just 2 walls and a corner of a room and i have to be careful to keep the camera pointed where it doesn't go out of the scene. in many cases i have to also rotate the spanker and spankee in order to get the view that i want. in this particular case i had a problem getting everything lined up like i wanted and in the process i let this slip by. by the time i noticed it, i was too far along to go back and correct it. besides, it's been my experience that most folks are concentrating on "other aspects" of the pic and usually don't notice :lol: . i'm glad you enjoyed the pic anyway. thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

there's that change of attitude we've been waiting for
there's that change of attitude we've been waiting for
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hi everyone,

it's interesting that Dianne seems to have things OTHER than her sore bottom on her mind after the spanking she just took :?: whether Carl is coming to the bedroom :D ............................and possibly a little revenge :x . one thing is certain, the rest of the week is gonna be a really nervous time for Barbara :lol: . in any case, we've come to the end of another toon and i hope you've enjoyed it. if i can get everything ready in time we'll be starting a new one next Friday. thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

hmmmmmm, ANOTHER change of attitude...............LOL
hmmmmmm, ANOTHER change of attitude...............LOL
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Re: In The Family

Post by hugob00m »

A suitable conclusion to a great story! I certainly hope that won't be the last we see of these characters!
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:A suitable conclusion to a great story! I certainly hope that won't be the last we see of these characters!
hi Boom,

i'm glad you approve of the conclusion. it just seemed to me that mom might just be a bit ticked off about having gotten spanked because of Barbara's behavior and thinking about a little revenge :lol: . you seem to be in the majority when you mention that you'd like to see more of these characters. i have been getting requests for sequels ever since i did "Takin' Charge" which was before i became a member here. i've had several requests for another toon about Jennifer and Sara
Ann too. i usually try to use different characters for each toon but i may just have to start using some of the old familiar ones again :D . thanks, phil

Re: In The Family

Post by daneldorado »

Great stuff, Phil... but leave us not forget that you DID pleasure us with a couple of pics of Jennifer and Sara being spanked by Santa Claus! This was after you posted that great story, "One Good Turn," that featured Harley and his two naughty girls.

That "One Good Turn," by the way, should be considered the Gold Standard by which to judge all spank toons.

As to your latest story, Phil, I think it was fine. But personally, I prefer Jennifer and Sara to Barbara and Dianne. I don't know why that's true, but I DO commend you for creating two cartoon pairs with entirely different personalities... though all four of them are, of course, scrumptious to look at. And to spank!

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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Great stuff, Phil... but leave us not forget that you DID pleasure us with a couple of pics of Jennifer and Sara being spanked by Santa Claus! This was after you posted that great story, "One Good Turn," that featured Harley and his two naughty girls.
hi Dan,

thanks for reminding me of the Christmas pics.i had almost forgotten that i did bring our naughty girls back for the holidays :D
daneldorado wrote: That "One Good Turn," by the way, should be considered the Gold Standard by which to judge all spank toons.

As to your latest story, Phil, I think it was fine. But personally, I prefer Jennifer and Sara to Barbara and Dianne. I don't know why that's true, but I DO commend you for creating two cartoon pairs with entirely different personalities... though all four of them are, of course, scrumptious to look at. And to spank!

well, as far as it goes, everyone seems to have their own favorites and preferences. i do try to make all the spankees as "spankable" as possible and i'm glad you were able to enjoy the toon even if you still like "one good turn" better. i do try to create different couples with different personalities and the new toon we will be starting on Friday again has different personalities . i think in real life each couple is different and each story is different so i try to reflect that in my toons. i'm glad you enjoyed the story :D . thanks for the nice comments. phil
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In The Family 29 & 30

Post by web-ed »

I love the expression on Barbara's face in the last panel and the way her hand is unconsciously going to her bottom! Yep, this is gonna sting :lol: This was a very satisfying conclusion to a full-length spanking adventure, and I look forward to seeing a new story begin later this week.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I love the expression on Barbara's face in the last panel and the way her hand is unconsciously going to her bottom! Yep, this is gonna sting :lol: This was a very satisfying conclusion to a full-length spanking adventure, and I look forward to seeing a new story begin later this week.
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you enjoyed Barbara's expression as well as the conclusion to our story :D . i got a note from Jennifer who was the inspiration for "one good turn" and she commented that the last pic reminded her of her and her mom. i figured from that response that this ending to the story was a valid one :D . speaking of the new story. i am wanting to start with 4 pics tomorrow and i only have 3 done right now so i better get working on it. thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by jimc »

Hi phil. I know that you do not usually do f/f spanking , but it did seem in this story that also might have been the final ending. I loved her rubbing her bottom and thought like a thought balloon about her being otk with her mother wielding the hairbrush. Although it did seem from the first that the mother was no stranger to being spanked. It did seem like the daughter's experience was not that extensive. Great story. Have a great day./
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

jimc wrote:Hi phil. I know that you do not usually do f/f spanking , but it did seem in this story that also might have been the final ending. I loved her rubbing her bottom and thought like a thought balloon about her being otk with her mother wielding the hairbrush. Although it did seem from the first that the mother was no stranger to being spanked. It did seem like the daughter's experience was not that extensive. Great story. Have a great day./
hi Jim,

i didn't think about showing her over her mom's lap in a thought balloon. i could have backed the shot off so there was more room and done that although that would have lessened the effects of the expressions of the 2 girls. i agree with you that mom spanking her seemed like an appropriate ending which is why i finished with the pic i did ;) . most of my viewers aren't really into F/F spanking and while i don't have any problem with it, i do prefer M/F so that's what i generally stick with. good idea though :D . i'm glad you enjoyed the story. thanks, phil
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