It's CSR's Anniversary!

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by web-ed »

It was about this time in April 2004 that CSR first opened its doors on the 'net. I should have recorded the exact date – no doubt centuries from now historians and scholars will be debating this point – but I didn't. So here we are eight years later, and the questions to be asked are “Was it worth it?” and “How much longer can CSR continue?”.

I started CSR for two reasons: (1) I thought there was a definite need for a different kind of spanking site, one that could present a wide variety of spanking-related material, especially comics and spanking psychology, and do so with historical context and intellectual rigor; and (2) I figured I was the only guy who could pull it off. Lest this last sound unbearably egocentric, please consider what was required for the job description: someone with an in-depth knowledge of both comics and psychology, someone capable of writing extended critical essays as well as pithy short descriptions, someone with access to at least some uncommon spanking materials (such as oddball comics and a handful of Humorama cartoons), someone skilled at finding and extracting spanking material from non-spanking sites, and someone who could code a complete web site from scratch. Those requirements did narrow the field down somewhat, thus I hired myself for the job and my career as the Web-Ed began!

Eight years later, while I've done very little in the way of explaining the psychology of adult spanking, my other goals have largely been realized. CSR now has over 800 individual web pages and features many items which could not have been found on any other spanking website, plus the only Comics Spanking Data Base in the world and a discussion forum. I've also received more help than I ever thought I would in the form of contributions, information, and commentary. Perhaps in a couple of years for the 10th Anniversary I'll go into more details about this assistance, but I'm trying to keep this message short, so for now I won't mention anyone specifically and just say I'm grateful to all those who have contributed to the site.

Part of CSR's value is that it is different: not only does its content reflect the tastes and preferences of a very unusual personality (some might say “unhinged”), it has a unique visceral feel. Most free sites, which these days means mostly blogs, look largely alike except for superficial cosmetic differences based on cookie-cutter templates. You know what I mean: one type of content exclusively, text and picture advertising links running up and down both margins, some RSS feeds and mutual links to other blogs, a few recent posts, and a link to older posts at the bottom. They are, frankly, rather cluttered visually, and as their pictorial matter is not indexed, the only way you can find a particular post you might be interested in is with the search function – not bad, exactly, but somewhat limited. Of course, a lot of this is necessary if spankos without much money or technical coding skills are to be able to express themselves on the web, which in some cases at least is a good thing (e.g. Doc Ken's Spanking Minnesota).

By contrast, CSR is more comprehensive than the typical spanking blog, has no distracting ads running up and down the page margins, is carefully organized into sections each of which has its own index page (in most cases with thumbnail pictures), uses radio buttons instead of a navigation bar to reach those sections, has both a navigation page and a superior search function on the main page thanks to Google's code, and a superior search function for the CSDB thanks to my code! Of course, CSR has some weaknesses also, mainly

1. My editorial viewpoint, while as broad as I can make it, still reflects the tastes of only one person. This manifests itself, among other ways, in very little F/M or M/M material being posted. And the balance is probably off: instead of a happy medium, I think I've got too little for some people and too much for the rest! Same thing with nudity and sex – too little for some, too much for others (I have some nudity including the much-debated "exposure" question, but draw the line at overt sexual acts). I guess I shouldn't let this bother me too much as there's just no way to please everybody.

2. Because it's largely a one-man operation and because the pages not only often contain extended commentary but are hand-coded as well, only a few items per week can be added. Still, most blogs don't do more updates than CSR even though push-button publishing means the HTML (web) code is generated automatically for them. All a blog owner has to do is write his copy, attach any picture files, and push a button. I have to determine the desired size and position of each picture relative to the text, write the HTML code accordingly, test the page, and then upload the finished files to the web using FTP.

3. Graphics Design – although I can pass muster (barely) as an art critic, I can't draw so much as a stick man without a model sheet. Since I also can't afford to hire a good graphics designer, about the best I can do is liven up text-heavy content with pictures, drawings, and videos. If you look carefully, you'll see that I rely mainly on only three colors for my backgrounds: peach, yellow, and blue! I feel I've been pretty successful with this approach, but still, Graphics Design has got to be CSR's weakest point. I don't even have a first-rate logo.

I wrote a piece recently on the short life spans of most spanking blogs, and the fact is that many bloggers start out with a boatload of enthusiasm that seems to evaporate after a few weeks or months for whatever reason. After eight years, despite feeling somewhat burned-out on spanking in my personal life, and despite the feeling that sometimes I'm playing to an empty (or nearly-empty) house, I can truthfully say that my enthusiasm for doing CSR is undiminished. I can't imagine not doing any more updates, although I can imagine not doing 5 or 6 per week! Certainly the sheer quantity of output from the years 2010 – 2012 (looking forward to the end of this year) can't possibly be equaled in the future because there can't be that much material left to find, even if I could somehow manage to continue working at this feverish pace.

Meantime, I'm grateful for the continued support of you, my readers, and I plan to continue with CSR until I run out of visual material (won't happen soon) or things to say (won't happen ever!) or get institutionalized when somebody realizes the insane amount of time and effort I've been putting into this site. :D
-- Web-Ed
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote: I started CSR for two reasons: (1) I thought there was a definite need for a different kind of spanking site, one that could present a wide variety of spanking-related material, especially comics and spanking psychology, and do so with historical context and intellectual rigor; and (2) I figured I was the only guy who could pull it off.
hi web-ed,

first...............HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO CSR :D . i have to say that i'm glad you did start CSR. i really enjoy not only the variety of content but also the historical information you put out. i have run on to this kind of information before but always just in disjointed bits and pieces. you present the information in an organized, concise manner that really puts things into perspective.
web-ed wrote:1. My editorial viewpoint, while as broad as I can make it, still reflects the tastes of only one person. This manifests itself, among other ways, in very little F/M or M/M material being posted. And the balance is probably off: instead of a happy medium, I think I've got too little for some people and too much for the rest! Same thing with nudity and sex – too little for some, too much for others (I have some nudity including the much-debated "exposure" question, but draw the line at overt sexual acts). I guess I shouldn't let this bother me too much as there's just no way to please everybody.
there is no "one size fits all" in the spanking world and i agree 100% that you shouldn't let it bother you. as far as the question of what to include goes, especially in the matter of F/M or M/M, it seems to me that you have to do what you are most comfortable with. i would say that folks looking for a site with emphasis in these aspects should look elsewhere. you're probably not going to do your best work on content you find distasteful anyway. in the mean time, you have added these to the data base and labeled any that you have posted in the galleries to allow folks to pick and choose which kind of spanking they want to see. you've probably already done more than i would have and i salute your dedication.
web-ed wrote:2. Because it's largely a one-man operation and because the pages not only often contain extended commentary but are hand-coded as well, only a few items per week can be added. Still, most blogs don't do more updates than CSR even though push-button publishing means the HTML (web) code is generated automatically for them. All a blog owner has to do is write his copy, attach any picture files, and push a button. I have to determine the desired size and position of each picture relative to the text, write the HTML code accordingly, test the page, and then upload the finished files to the web using FTP.
first off i'm glad you know how to do all this stuff. i rarely even know what you're talking about on this kind of stuff :lol: . i have a strong hunch that it's a lot of that you put out so that the rest of us can sit back and enjoy the results. i admire your skills in these areas but again, what i really admire is your dedication to getting all this done..............perhaps this explains CSRs longevity in a time of short lived blogs and discussion groups. thanks for providing all the content and information that you do. all your work is greatly appreciated to say the least. phil

Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by daneldorado »

Happy Anniversary, CSR!

And many thanks to you, Web-ed, for your hard work and dedication that have made this the premier go-to website for spanking enthusiasts. Although my technical expertise is less than a thimbleful compared to your oceans of knowledge about RSS feeds, coding skills, cookie-cutter templates, radio buttons and navigator bars... although I know next to nothing technical, still I can marvel that you know as much as you do, and that you are using that talent to please our extended spanking fraternity.

Wow. So it's been eight years? Truly, yours is a mammoth effort, to keep this site going all that time... especially with all the improvements you have added.

Please bear with me. As you know, my primary interest in M/F spankings is to see them depicted on the silver screen, be it in a cinemaplex or on my home TV. That means that I yearn for the days when scenes showing a handsome hero turning a spoiled girl or comely female adult over his knee and whacking away, were not only commonplace, but were regarded as entertaining to audiences everywhere, be they male or female. And it bothered me that right after the magnificent McLintock! spankings in 1963, there was an immediate drop in the number of spanking scenes that actually made it to the screen.

How could that be? The John Wayne-Maureen O'Hara fireworks were wildly popular with audiences, so you would expect film studios to turn out more pictures with that sort of action. Instead, they went the opposite way. After McLintock!, there was, to my knowledge, ONLY ONE spanking scene on U.S. television in the decade of the 1960s. That would be in January 1969, when CBS aired an episode of "Lancer" in which Wayne Maunder got to spank Stefanie Powers. Soon after that, the decade ended.

Still with me? Okay, here's the connection: After the fallow decade of the 1970s (meaning, virtually NO spankings in U.S. films), there was a slight stir in the 1980s, when stuff like Cattle Annie and Little Britches (1980) and All of Me (1984) actually brought new spanking scenes to American screens. That was followed by another near-fallow decade, the 1990s; but in 2002, suddenly TWO new films brought the Darling Subject back to the cineplex: Secretary and Federal Protection, both in 2002. These were followed by other new spank scenes in U.S. films... and is it a coincidence that The Chicago Spanking Review was launched during that promising early 21st century era?

I suppose it's all debatable, but when there is near-universal acceptance of a certain pursuit in one medium, it seems to become acceptable nearly everywhere. Of course, you still have that pesky feminist lobby you have to try and win over; but, with the phenomenal growth of independent spanking videos in recent years, the spanking naysayers are, so to speak, on the ropes.

And your diligent tending of the Darling Subject in the pages of CSR is another factor in favor of greater acceptance of our fascination. Make no mistake, your excellent website is the font of new inspiration for creative types everywhere, including those who create movies, plays, TV shows, and artwork that feature the Darling Subject.

Web-ed, we salute you and The Chicago Spanking Review!

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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by Dave Wolfe »

Popping in to say congratulations on your anniversary, Web-Ed, and thanks for all the material you've worked so hard to share!
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9th Anniversary!

Post by web-ed »

Well, it's that time of year again. For the benefit of newcomers I'll mention again I somehow forgot to record the exact date, but it was about this time in 2004 that CSR first opened its doors to an expectant public :D ! I'm sure that next year for the 10th anniversary I'll go on at terrible length and try to remember everybody who has contributed to the site and what they did, but for this year I'd just like to thank all our contributors, especially our Resident Artists, who have made a huge difference. Without them, CSR would probably look like something that was created and maintained by a solitary crank, which come to think of it is pretty close to the truth :lol: !

At the moment, the main site consists of 839 web pages, including the material I've coded but not yet posted. I don't know how many images there are - I have about 5000 images all together, but that includes a lot of things not posted yet plus buttons, banners, etc. so it's not all spanking images. This bulletin board I believe has over 4000 posts plus 1112 attached images :!: , most of which are probably Phil's and B00m's work. Dan and I tend to use linked images instead, but they're really impossible to count because Dan's are on Image Titan while mine are scattered over two or three of CSR's own directories. Between us, we may have linked to several hundred more images.

That's one hell of a lot of spanking and near-spanking material! Again, I'm sure I'll have more to say next year, but for now I'll simply observe that someone just arriving at CSR could spend an awful lot of time getting acquainted with all the volume and variety. And of course, it's more than the sheer volume, it's the context, history, and criticism of the material as well as it's organization that sets CSR apart.

Unlike a number of spanking bloggers who have simply quit after a while, I don't plan on going anywhere. I've got a lot more material to share and a lot of things to say, so I hope you'll all still be with me next year when CSR turns 10, and for years beyond that.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US :D i would like to say thanks for providing this place for us and i'm glad to hear that you're not going anywhere :D . i have to agree with you that even though we have lots of spanking images it's the context, history, and criticism of the material as well as it's organization that sets CSR apart. most all of that is provided by you so i'll take this opportunity to say thanks again ;) phil
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It's CSR's 10th Anniversary! Grateful Acknowledgements

Post by web-ed »

Another year, and this time it's the big one, #10! I intend to do one post per week here throughout April, the anniversary month. I’ve received so much help of so many kinds from so many people over the years that it’s impossible to document it all, but for the first of our Tenth Anniversary special features on the bulletin board I’d like to at least try to acknowledge what these contributors (listed on the Home Page) have done for CSR. I’ve tried very hard not to miss anyone, but if I have please forgive me. I imagine this is the last time I’ll be able to attempt this, so let’s get started:

It’s only fitting that we begin with a special nod to our Resident Artists, who have been particularly helpful in the one area to which I can’t directly contribute myself: artwork. I can research, write, edit, code, and even perform background music if the site ever needs it, but I can’t draw a stickman without a model sheet, so any help in the graphical arts is especially welcome. Over 1400 picture files have been attached to the CSR Bulletin Board, mostly by Phil (Overbarrel) and B00m, and Dan has linked an unknown but large number of his cartoons (I can’t get an exact count of links the way I can attachments). Phil’s diverse stories, B00m’s O.T. Katie, and Dan’s Spanky Sal, Sam Swatt, and Captain Woodshed (and others) have given CSR readers a huge library of spankings in comics form.

Most of you probably already know this, but our RA’s do not receive any sort of compensation for the art they post here since CSR accepts no ads and brings in no money. They simply want to share their creative work with their fellow spankophiles.

Now the rest of our contributors:

Alan – discovered the spanking in Cowgirl Romances #1.
Arkham-Insanity – one of our “Young Artists” interviewees and contributors.
Cc – another of our “Young Artists” interviewees and contributors.
Charlie – provided us with better-quality scans of the “Carrie” strip spankings.
Collegeboy - discovered the “Ella Cinders” and “Blondie” (double) spankings, and an artist in his own right.
Congolike - Did the Merryman /Dumb Bunny centerpiece spanking for Comics Gallery 1 and allowed us to post many of his outstanding superheroine spanking pieces.
Coyote On Fire – re-colored Todd’s version of Engleman’s “A Spanking Breeze”.
Dan Rivera – cinema spanking expert, our senior Resident Artist, and creator of such strips as Spanky Sal, Sam Swatt, and Captain Woodshed.
David (DM) Sherwood – helped us with info on various comic strips and even contributed a “happy ending” (namely, a spanking!) to Aristocratic XT Time Travelling Thieves #3 which had omitted showing it.
Doctor Cylon - Contributed so many colorings and animations we had to open a separate gallery of his work!
Douglas E. Milburn - sent us a number of Paula Meadows items and some material from Leg Show.
Fanz123 – provided us with more information about the work of Alazar and especially about the many Kiss Me Kate pictures out there.
Franco – generously allowed us to reprint some of his original F/M art.
Helena – contributed fiction, the Tomorrow Stories spanking comic cover, and some information on the Spirit/Diana the Huntress spanking.
Hugob00m – Resident Artist and creator of O. T. Katie
Jenna – one of our “Young Artists” interviewees and contributors
JesseRay – helped with some of our old comics material
JimC - too many contributions to list, but helped us concoct our first poll (on which comic strip heroine readers would most like to see spanked) and pointed us to the wealth of comic strip spankings available on Yahoo Groups.
Jim Linderman - creator of the blog Vintage Sleaze, he provided us with several spanking drawings from the era in which he specializes.
John Feer – contributed his superheroine spanking fiction as well as his knowledge of the Silver Age Supergirl
Johnny Ola – discovered Plastic Man spanking a bad girl
JS666 – given us much help with our comic strip stuff (Smilin’ Jack, Brenda Starr, Winnie Winkle) and that crazy Ladybugs spanking photo.
Jules – agreed to let us publish “Thursday’s Spanking” in our Fiction Section (after we insisted!)
Leilani – Contributed some very unusual items to our Fiction Section
Lucas - sent us Cc’s “Avoiding Domestic Discipline” series and contributed a lot of information on spankings of Mexican origin such as Santo.
Luther - found a recolored version of the still-mysterious spanking of what appears to be a secretary in an unknown comic book.
Lyndal Ferguson - Contributed a huge amount of original spanking art, including the Mr. Monster centerpiece of Comics Gallery 2, a Creature of the Black Lagoon spanking, and even a scene with Gumby as the spanker!
Mattias – tremendous help with our big Phantom blowout, supplying some great scans from foreign-language editions.
Monk – commissioned some spanking art from Congolike which we gladly reposted, and identified the source of some comic spanking panels.
Metric Pete - after doing a Supergirl spanking on his own, contributed a Batgirl paddles Supergirl scene we requested.
Michael Gray – contributed “Spanked Daughters of the Slapstick” to the Articles Section, where we really needed some help because we mostly had done all the articles ourselves.
Michal Valášek – Provided a huge amount of information on the Czech cartoonist Neprakta as well as some helpful translations.
MikeD – has given us a lot of newspaper material we haven’t even gotten to, also allowed us to reprint his fiction, and by turning over his Humorama collection got us started on our quest to find and post every Humorama spanking cartoon.
Overbarrel (Phil) – Resident Artist and creator of numerous spanking strips as well as Santa’s helpers the Hiney Sisters.
Oxken – recolored and reworked some classic spankings from comics and cartoons.
Pablo - reworked a number of spanking comic panels and cartoons by altering the spankee’s expression and baring her bottom.
Rob - identified an old B & W spanking photo from the ‘50’s we’d only been able to refer to as “Retro Wrongo”.
Robin – Not only helped with information on spanking and spanking-related video and comics, he went above and beyond the call of duty by supplying us with a small library of Archie material which finally allowed us to indentify some of the classic spankings of Betty and Veronica.
Solicitus - helped principally with Li’l Abner.
SP Anka – one of our “Young Artists” interviewees and contributors.
Steve W – contributed Humorama scans and discovered that Humorama had revived the old girlie title Wink.
Sweetspot – told us all about a spanking mention in the television series The Lieutenant (which we hope to bring to CSR readers someday).
Tiptopper – has contributed examples and information from his vast collection of spanking material, including the recent Neprakta series and the comics Steve Canyon #4 and Big Ben Bolt #2.
Todd – did a number of colorizations of the classic Humorama spanking cartoons.
Valorie – contributed her fiction.
Wolfie138 – Wolfie has spotted many an interesting item on ebay and has a sharp eye for F/F spankings. Some spanking characters from Wolf City have occasionally appeared on our Home Page.

My personal thanks to each and every one of you, and again, I hope I haven't left anyone out. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by hugob00m »

Congratulations! ...And thanks for mentioning me in your acknowledgements.
web-ed wrote: I can research, write, edit, code, and even perform background music if the site ever needs it, but I can’t draw a stickman without a model sheet, so any help in the graphical arts is especially welcome.
I'm the other way around. I don't know how to write HTML code, and I don't have access to the magazines you've been researching, but I can draw, and I like to contribute something to your site. If you ever do need some background music, let me know. I play guitar, bass guitar, a little mandolin ('cause I DON'T HAVE A BIG MANDOLIN! Haw haw haw!)
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

WOW! even though i see the names of contributors every week on the weekly updates, i just didn't realize how many contributors to CSR there really are :o . it just goes to show you how many people it takes to build and maintain a high quality site like CSR! i'd like to take this opportunity to give a big THANK YOU to all of the contributors :D . i know web-ed works his butt off bringing us all the content at CSR and it's great to know that he has all of you to help him bring us all this content..............and make even more work for him :lol: . i'd also like to take this opportunity to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CSR :D ................and give my biggest THANK YOU to web-ed for making it all possible :D ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by daneldorado »

Congratulations, Web-ed, on the occasion of your tenth anniversary and for your steadfast devotion to the cause of providing great spanking pics for a grateful slice of society. I'm not kidding, and I'm not exaggerating, when I say that if spankings are showing up a little more nowadays in the social media, one of the principal reasons is YOU.

As you know, I'm a senior citizen. This, perhaps, is the reason I can remember so many spanking scenes in comics and in films from way back when. As a young boy, I was privileged to see spanking cartoons in such comics as The Phantom, Abbie 'n Slats, and Smilin' Jack. And one of the best things about those days is that these spanking toons never seemed to offend anyone. I can still remember one Sunday afternoon when the family and I had read all the newspapers, and there was a comics page showing The Phantom meting out his kind of justice on the yummy ladies of the Sky Band, and it lay on the coffee table, open to that page, and people were coming and going, and nobody made any remarks, pro or con, about the spankings that appeared on the page. Guess it was all okay.

But I lived through that age and also through the uptight 1970s, an era when Rib Lib (my pet name for Women's Liberation, 'cause Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs) clamped down on such "sexist" things as M/F spankings. I still remember the day I walked into a convenience store and saw a copy of the September 1975 National Lampoon, with Bernie Lettick's wonderful artwork on the cover. Of course I picked up a copy of it and took it to the cash register. Standing there, were two lady employees, one youngish and the other a grandmotherly type. The younger woman looked at that cover and said she thought it was "disgusting." But her elderly coworker just smiled as she took my money, and said, "Oh, I think it's cute." A true story, and I think it accurately reflects the temper of the times.

But my point is this: If spankings in the media were once frowned upon by a powerful segment of American society (e.g., Rib Lib), then what are we to make of the new wave of spanking pics we see nowadays? I observe things such as this, and I have a good memory about the way things used to be, in the 1940s and '50s. Once it all "sinks in," I am amazed and gratified that society seems to be coming back to the way things used to be. Well, part of the way at least. And who is one of the major catalysts behind this tendency back to normalcy about spankings?

Take a bow, Web-ed. It's YOU.

Congrats again. You run a beautiful site.

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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by sunflower309 »

hi Web-ed,

and congratulations on 10 years! a lot of hard work to be sure on your part. and a lot for us to enjoy. since I came about 91/2 years into this site I've been kept very busy trying to catch up. of course I have to wait until everyone in the house are sleeping or elsewhere occupied, so I don't have the time I would like to catch up. I haven't found anything on here that I haven't liked so far. I like your articles, you are a very knowledgeable spanker to be sure. I have learned some thing along the way and am looking forward to more of your articles. I love all the resident artists! I think that they are my favorites. I can't wait for Fridays when Phil posts a new pic, or when B00m or Dan share something. and I also, as the lone spankee (for now) who posts, I feel very comfortable sharing with all the spankers on here. hope you keep going for a long time to come! thanks for all your hard work web-ed!

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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by web-ed »

Thanks everybody! :)
-- Web-Ed
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CSR's 10th Anniversary - Where Do We Stand Today?

Post by web-ed »

Where CSR Stands Today

First, let’s take a look at a few numbers. Here are the number of different web pages on CSR by department:

Articles – 24
Comics Gallery 1 – 233
Comics Gallery 2 – 307
Doctor Cylon Gallery – 171
Fiction – 27
Picture Gallery – 148
Humor Gallery – 291
Videos & Games – 33

Total – 1234 web pages. That’s a lot of spanking, especially when you consider that some of these pages are quite long!

In addition to that, CSR has two searchable data bases, one of 665 spankings from comic books and strips and the other of 207 Humorama spanking cartoons - how many more of each we might find is a subject I’ll take up next week. So if readers want to search for Superman giving spankings or the spanking art of Bill Ward (Humorama period only), the data bases provide an easy way for them to do it, and the code I wrote makes specific searches easier than you could do on any blog. You can, for example, search for all M/F Popeye spankings before 1955, if you wish – the most you can do with blogging software is search on “Popeye” and hope for the best.

On the Forum, we have over 5700 posts and very nearly 1500 attached picture files, plus an unknown number of linked files - that, too, is a lot of spanking (and missed opportunities, Humorama models, etc.). It's really amazing when you consider that all of that is the result of a relatively few people contributing.

CSR is then a very large site – not quite the largest spanking site out there, but large enough, and I think the best organized. The big problem with blogs is that they’re only indexed with searchable keywords, meaning the only way to browse them is to go through all the archived blog posts. With CSR, not only can you search on any word or phrase you care to with the built-in search function, you can view thumbnail pictures of all the visual materials, organized by department. To put it another way, with blogs you can only search; with CSR you can browse.

What this means is that when new readers discover CSR, they can easily go through the mountain of spanking material we have here, and they can do so in a systematized way a little at a time using the index pages to decide what they want to look at in more detail. This is probably the greatest advantage CSR, as a fully-powered web site, has over spanking blogs.

And speaking of new readers, we’ve currently got 16,000 non-robot visitors/month, a little less than last year, but that’s still a lot compared to most spanking sites. That’s probably some kind of plateau; at this point I’m not too worried about getting more people to view the site although I’m sure there are a few who’d enjoy it. If you do an internet search on “comic book spanking” or “batgirl spanking” or anything similar, you’ll find CSR at or near the top of the search results, so I think I’ve done what I can to make the site easy to find.

So much for the quantitative side. What about quality? I’m not a particularly modest man, and I honestly think CSR is about as good as it could possibly be. Sometimes I worry about the lack of graphical design work, which of course I can’t afford, but on the other hand, with all those spanking comics and works of our Resident Artists, who needs graphic design? :lol: The site’s design is simple, but it works, and I really think its only drawback is that websites are becoming so standardized that some people may be confused by the old-fashioned “radio button” design (pure 1990’s) on the Home Page of the departmental links.

As to the contents, what do we have?
  • More comics than you’ll find anywhere else, including a lot of my own personal discoveries.
  • Humorama cartoons – ditto.
  • Independent art – yes, I’ve taken a lot of this from other spanking sites, but I’ve also found a great many superheroine spankings on porno sites and even straight super-hero sites, material which would be completely unknown in the spanko community if I hadn’t located and re-posted it.
  • Other old cartoons – once I get around to posting my non-Humorama collection from the 50’s and 60’s, CSR will again have the finest assortment available. There are only a dozen or so, but that’s still more than you can find elsewhere.
  • Other Humor cartoons and the Picture Gallery: I’ve already got a good selection here. They’ve probably been overshadowed by the emphasis on Comics and Humorama the past five years.
  • Critical articles – Again, I think we’re number one here. We’ve built up a repository over the years, and the only thing lacking has been a comprehensive series on spanking psychology, which I’m writing now. With its completion this year (summer or fall), we’ll have all the bases covered, meaning we will have left no aspect of spanking unaddressed. That doesn’t mean we won’t have more to say in the future – I’m sure we will!
  • Fiction – o.k., we’re not the top spanking fiction site. There are others who specialize in this and do a pretty good job. On the other hand, I’m proud of our few authors and their individual points of view. My plan is to go on publishing fiction, but it won’t get more emphasis than it has right now.
Taking all this together, I think the site is in pretty good shape at the moment, and again my thanks to everyone who has helped me make it what it is today. So where do we go from here? I’ll take up that question next week, as we conclude our 10th Anniversary special celebration.
-- Web-Ed
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CSR's 10th Anniversary - Where Do We Go From Here?

Post by web-ed »

I suppose to answer that question we have to look at two separate areas, spanking material for pure enjoyment and educational articles. In the first category would be Fiction and the five galleries of visual material (Comics 1 & 2, Picture, Humor, Doctor Cylon) plus the contributions of our Resident Artists on the CSR Forum, and in the second, Articles. I think after this year’s series on The Whys of Spanking, my contributions to the Articles Section will probably slow down, but we will have articles on the history of spanking material in non-Humorama men’s magazines and the history of the spanking cartoon at some point, and perhaps some more How-To’s.

I will publish more fiction as it becomes available. I still have several stories by MD and we’re definitely going to see all of them eventually.

I’m always worried about running out of visual material, but right now there’s no immediate danger of that. I still have a fair amount of items I salvaged from Underground as well as miscellaneous items sent to me or that I discovered. I’m going to have to cut it down to one or two items per week at some point due to time pressure, as that really used to be the norm before 2009-2010.

Comic-book and strip spankings: I have some of these in my files we haven’t seen yet, but more importantly, I have no doubt there are more out there. I will continue to search Golden Age comics as they become available – old strips are more of a problem as the primary source I was using is no longer available. There were still Romance Comics during the Silver and Bronze Ages, and much of this material has never been searched because it isn’t in the Public Domain, for example the titles from Atlas (Marvel) and DC. Unfortunately, my theory is that there is a virtual “lost decade” of comic-book spankings from 1956-1966 due to the Comics Code Authority, which is fully two-thirds of the Silver Age, but I believe there has to be something there. The 70’s are problematic, but DC was still in the Romance genre then, and there might even be something more from Charlton, although I’ve searched all their issues I could find. I’m not expecting too much more from the superhero genre, but you never can tell.

Archie and Harvey are two more good possibilities, at least from the Golden Age. Many of these titles are still unavailable to me, but what I was able to go through proved fertile ground. Some lead features such as Buck Rogers and the Green Hornet are still unavailable due to copyright concerns, but they present obvious possibilities if I can ever get at them. I know we’d all like to see more spankings of Betty and Veronica, but if these exist they’re probably in Archie’s early days rather than the 60’s or 70’s.

There are also a few minor searches still ongoing; for example, a few remaining issues of the Charles Moulton-era Wonder Woman have not been searched. There is one not-too-good sorority paddling in there somewhere, and as for anything else, we’ll just have to wait and see until I can get ahold of those last few issues.

Humorama – 208 cartoons are currently in the DB. 8 others are known plus 1 whose origin has not been confirmed. There are also a few posed spanking scenes with models. There are probably a small number remaining to be discovered, perhaps 3 from the classic period of 1956-60 and 5 from Humorama’s final decade, when Ward and Wenzel produced some new ones.

Format: I don’t expect any major format changes. I’ve cleaned up the Home Page slightly by moving the “About Us” verbiage to a separate page, and when I revisit old pages to add things to them I also make minor changes, if necessary, to bring them up to the standards of my latest templates (c. 2011). Even if I wanted a format change, it would probably have to be confined to the Home Page as I can’t imagine re-coding over 1200 separate pages!

Persistence and Longevity: The past year has seen a number of long-running spanking blogs close down: Suzie and Todd at A.S.S. (American Spanking Society), Prefect D, and Bonnie’s My Bottom Smarts are the ones that come first to mind. I actually brought this topic up a couple of years ago (see The Lifespan of Spanking Sites). Ironically, I mentioned My Bottom Smarts as a blog that seemed to be going strong, and Bonnie did tough it out for eight years, but it’s gone now just the same. There are various reasons why so many blogs just don’t last, so having addressed in general terms what I hope to do with CSR in the future, let me just reassure everyone that CSR won’t be shutting its doors any time soon.

CSR is more work than a blog, and yet I took it on ten years ago and continue to do it. Having once searched 1000 comic-book pages per day for 300 consecutive days(!), a record which I’m sure will never be surpassed, I still want to find more comic spankings, and I still search several thousand pages per month. I doggedly pursue every Humorama digest and magazine from key periods I can find, determined to ferret out Humorama’s last secrets. That puts me in a different category from someone who starts a spanking blog thinking it might be fun to write about spanking but without a clear direction in mind. I started CSR because I thought the spanko world needed it and I figured I was the only one who could pull it off. Call it egotistical if you like, but that’s a strong motivation, and I can’t say I’ve changed my thinking on the subject! For all the effort involved, it does bring me some satisfaction to be able to point to CSR and say, “I did that”.

Spanking is probably as old as Man, and I think there are things on CSR with a timeless appeal that should resonate years from now with spankos yet unborn. I often think I should find a younger partner to take over some of the work and to carry on the tradition when I’ve gone on to that big spanking party in the sky, but even that shows my determination to go on with it. I’ve still got a few things to say, I still have a lot of stuff in my files, and I’m still looking for more. If there comes a day when I can’t think of an article to write and I don’t have any decent spanking material to share, I suppose I’ll just say “No updates this week, but I won’t give up trying to find more good material to share with you all next time”.

And maybe that last says it all: “I won’t give up trying to find more good material to share with CSR’s readers.” :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

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BIG THUMBS UP ON A JOB WELL DONE WEB-ED 8-) Never in my life did I thought I see spanking from comics and drawing :lol: for most of my life I spent plenty of money buying Comic books searching for spanking! some hit some miss! But here I can see many of bad women getting their comeuppance the old fashion way otk 8-) from comics way back when spanking was the norm 8-) PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND HOPE TO SEE ANOTHER 10 YEARS!!!!!!! THANKS 8-)
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Re: Where Do We Go From Here?

Post by web-ed »

Thanks very much for being a loyal reader, Butch, and I certainly hope to be around doing this for another ten years! :)
-- Web-Ed
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It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by web-ed »

Well, #11 has come and gone this April without any fanfare since it's not a big one like the 10th last year. I don't have a whole lot to say - I'm not even sure how many web pages I've got posted at this point! Windows Explorer marks it at 1300, but since that's how many I had last year, I'd guess it's closer to 1400 (there are 1600 including some of the "base" elements of this bulletin board). Some day I'll have to devise a way of getting an accurate count. And we must never forget we have almost as many pictures on this forum as we do on the main site (once again I can't get an accurate count, this time because of all the linked images). Suffice it to say that CSR is pretty big!

I'm under a great deal of pressure these days for a number of reasons that I won't go into. Nonetheless, I'm not giving up CSR, although I might have to cut back to one update per week. For the present time, we'll continue with two per week until Super-Spanking Summer kicks in on May 22, at which point I intend to go up to 3 updates per week. Right now I have no idea what we'll be doing in the fall, but rest assured I'll still be here, posting recycled stuff from the old Underground-Animations site if nothing else. And our Resident Artists Dan, b00m, and Phil will no doubt keep busy as well, picking up whatever slack there might be on the main site.

As I mentioned in the Weekly Updates, I did make one small change to the Home Page, which now features a "Blast from the Past" aimed at newer readers who haven't been with us since 2004 and who haven't had time to go through each of the galleries individually.

Meanwhile, the searches for new spankings will continue despite all obstacles :) ! And I still have a lot of good stuff in the files, so stick with us - you never know what you may find on CSR! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by jimc »

Boy time really does fly. Congrats Nick for ten years. I am glad to get more backstory on the many contributors that CSR had. Well done to each and everyone that did contribute to make the database and all that has followed. Thanks Nick for all you do and have done for the site. Here's to 10 more years. Have a great day
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CSR 8-) Never in my life could I have dream there were be a place were I could see Spanking in comic books strips or art but here it is! I have been a big fan of spanking drawings since I was 7 and spent plenty of money buying comic books hoping to see spankings :lol: But here it is every spanking from every comic plus load of spanking from Humorama! Also Big Thumbs Up to you WEB-Ed on your Great effort to finding Great spanking from comics and the info you give about them! Congratulation CSR hope to see more! 8-)
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Re: It's CSR's Anniversary!

Post by web-ed »

Thanks very much, Butch! :D You'll be glad to know I'm on the job day and night - only a little while ago I was trying to get a certain Golden Age comic I recently discovered contains a spanking. I failed this time, but I won't give up. There's another one I found relatively recently, but it's going to be even harder to obtain as it goes for about $900 - when you can find a copy. But as I think you know, I never give up, even if it takes years, and sooner or later you'll be seeing those two spankings here on CSR. :)
-- Web-Ed
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