Learning Curve

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Yes, it's time for those reinforcing whacks, or as I sometimes refer to it during a paddling, "the signature swat" that ensures the bad girl will really take the lesson to heart! One mainstream spanking advice guide recommended that the man administer five really good spanks to wind up the spanking session. Gotta love Al's amused attitude as he views her blazing buttocks and considers how to wind things up. :)
hi web-ed,

i think telling telling the spankee that you don't really believe her bare bottom promises and that you're gonna spank a while longer makes her more frantic to find the words to get you to stop. perhaps that's part of the amusement Ed is feeling right now :D . glad you're enjoying it. thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

Ed's making sure
Ed's making sure
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hi everyone,

it looks like Ed is satisfied that Frances has learned all the rules and that her promises to be a good girl are sincere and i'm sure they are.................at least for the moment :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil

Re: Learning Curve

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel49 wrote:
hi everyone,

it looks like Ed is satisfied that Frances has learned all the rules and that her promises to be a good girl are sincere and i'm sure they are.................at least for the moment :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil

Very, very nice, Phil. But... Wait a minute. Is that IT? Are you saying that your story about the Learning Curve is now over? Your message sounds so conclusive.

Your drawings are flawless, as usual. But I do hope that your comment, "it looks like Ed is satisfied...." is not the actual ending of your story. It seems so abrupt. Yes, Frances has been thoroughly and soundly spanked, and it was great fun to watch that happen. But I'm hoping that at the end, there will be closure. This panel looks like another fun picture of the spanking itself, but I do hope this is not the ending of the story.

When I was doing cartoon strips, I always sought to provide a proper conclusion, not simply another spanking pic. You did a great one yourself, with your story about "One Good Turn." Remember that? After the two girls had been spanked (daughter first, then the mother), they were treated to one last humiliation: Being forced to serve beer to the old goats while wearing only their undies and an apron. Oh, and the Milfy mother gets her sore bottom pinched. Now, THAT's a good ending!

Whatever, though, Phil, I appreciate the great talent you bring to these boards.

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Re: Learning Curve

Post by hugob00m »

I love the most recent panel of your current story!
overbarrel49 wrote:But I do hope that your comment, "it looks like Ed is satisfied...." is not the actual ending of your story. It seems so abrupt. Yes, Frances has been thoroughly and soundly spanked, and it was great fun to watch that happen. But I'm hoping that at the end, there will be closure. This panel looks like another fun picture of the spanking itself, but I do hope this is not the ending of the story.
Knowing how you love telling the story, I'm confidant that this is indeed not the end. I'm sure that you've got one or two more panels to wrap things up... at least for now... until Frances misbehaves again! Heh heh!

Now I'm wondering if, since you're so close to finishing this one, you have another that's at least in the planning stage? I can hardly wait!
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:I love the most recent panel of your current story!
hi Boom,

i'm glad you enjoyed it :D . fear not, this not the end of the story. there will be 2-3 more pics to wrap things up ;) . as far as the next one goes, i do have something in mind but i am running way behind. normally by the time i get this far in a toon i have the last pics already finished and at least have the characters and the scene for the next one set up. however, do to all the stuff going on right now i have only had time to do one pic a week and i just have one more pic done on this one. i haven't even started the next one yet................sigh. when my computer man gets stuff all together i will be without a computer for a few days while he updates it and then i will have to reinstall poser too. hopefully all this won't take too long so please be patient if i fall behind. i'll get it all taken care of as quickly as possible. thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by web-ed »

A good conclusion to the spanking as Frances has indeed learned her lesson! One thing that struck me in reviewing the story is that you made the dividing line between her right leg and stomach a little stronger here than it's been in the last few panels, where we have a similar viewing angle. For some reason I can't explain, this emphasizes the bending at the waist a little more which has a strong appeal for me - I'm a weird guy! :? I wish I could explain it better.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:A good conclusion to the spanking as Frances has indeed learned her lesson! One thing that struck me in reviewing the story is that you made the dividing line between her right leg and stomach a little stronger here than it's been in the last few panels, where we have a similar viewing angle. For some reason I can't explain, this emphasizes the bending at the waist a little more which has a strong appeal for me - I'm a weird guy! :? I wish I could explain it better.
hi web-ed,

i see what you mean. i think it has to do with the position of her leg and the way the dress is lying. i'm glad you liked this one and i appreciate this comment since it gives me more information that i can use in future pics :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

i think Frances has had all she cares for
i think Frances has had all she cares for
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hi everyone,

most of you probably know that i have been really busy recently so i was really pleased with myself to have gotten this week's pic done early plus getting mostly done with the next one:D big grin. the problem is that i got busy later in the week and forgot to post the pic i have ready so i guess i'll do that now :lol: . This week Ed's got one last piece of information to add to what Frances has already had to learn ;) . it sure seems like she's learned this bit of advice instantly...........at least that's what she claims :lol: . i will have 2-3 more pics to wrap this story up which i am hoping to post next week. however, i only have part of one of them done right now so i might be late with them. i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil

Re: Learning Curve

Post by daneldorado »

Phil, the newest panel in your "Learning Curve" story is a thing of beauty. It just may be the best one you have ever done.

During the main part of her spanking, Frances was wildly kicking those pretty legs of hers. But now that Eddie has paused for a moment and suggested the threat of "a nice, wooden paddle," she has stopped kicking and now holds her legs out straight behind her, as though signaling that NO, she does NOT want to experience the paddle. Her tearful face and her outstretched right arm plead with Eddie to spare her the indignity and pain that comes with a paddling.

You have changed the angle on this panel, too, showing us more of the tatami mat, along with a vase on the end table and that little purple clock we hadn't seen in the last few panels. Also, we can now see more of the surface of their large double bed, indicating perhaps that the time is nigh for these two lovers to end their foreplay and lie together in dreamland. Of course, Frances will have to sleep on her side. :lol:

Phil, you now seem fully confident of your powers at poser art. Not only has your drawing art improved in general, you are also giving us those little details that maybe we wouldn't notice at first glance, but on second look they proclaim your great artistry. For example, you seem very disciplined in your approach of reddening Frances' bottom. At first, there was only a small discoloration. But after her panties came down and the spanking continued relentlessly, her bottom cheeks got redder and redder by tiny degrees, until now that "small discoloration" has morphed into a blazing forest fire.

You say you have "two or three" more pics to post in this story? Can't wait. :D

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Re: Learning Curve

Post by hugob00m »

I love the newest installment of your current story. As Dan already mentioned, you've done a great job with the gradual reddening of Frances's lovely backside. And I especially like the fact that in this story the man has stuck to using his hand... (even though now, he's threatening to use a wooden paddle, but hopefully that'll wait 'til she commits her next transgression!) I find a man's hand on a beautiful woman's butt to be the most erotic and... can I say this? ... the most romantic kind of spanking. I'll hate to see this one end... :( except for the fact that you have to end it sometime so that you can start on your next story... and I bet you already have something in mind. :D :D :D
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Phil, the newest panel in your "Learning Curve" story is a thing of beauty. It just may be the best one you have ever done.
hi Dan,

thanks for your kinds words. it's nice to have a pic appreciated :D
daneldorado wrote:During the main part of her spanking, Frances was wildly kicking those pretty legs of hers. But now that Eddie has paused for a moment and suggested the threat of "a nice, wooden paddle," she has stopped kicking and now holds her legs out straight behind her, as though signaling that NO, she does NOT want to experience the paddle. Her tearful face and her outstretched right arm plead with Eddie to spare her the indignity and pain that comes with a paddling.
i particularly like this comment because what you have described is exactly what i wanted this pic to convey :D .
daneldorado wrote:You have changed the angle on this panel, too, showing us more of the tatami mat, along with a vase on the end table and that little purple clock we hadn't seen in the last few panels. Also, we can now see more of the surface of their large double bed, indicating perhaps that the time is nigh for these two lovers to end their foreplay and lie together in dreamland. Of course, Frances will have to sleep on her side. :lol:
and you may be right about them and the bed, however, everyone will have to make their own minds about that. i have completed the last 3 pics in this toon and even though i think they end the story nicely they stop just short of showing what their next activities will be :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:Phil, you now seem fully confident of your powers at poser art. Not only has your drawing art improved in general, you are also giving us those little details that maybe we wouldn't notice at first glance, but on second look they proclaim your great artistry. For example, you seem very disciplined in your approach of reddening Frances' bottom. At first, there was only a small discoloration. But after her panties came down and the spanking continued relentlessly, her bottom cheeks got redder and redder by tiny degrees, until now that "small discoloration" has morphed into a blazing forest fire.
this is another comment that i particularly like hearing :D . i think that most artists strive to continually improve and i am no exception so your comments about my improvement are really welcome :D . of course, the specific comments are always helpful in achieving such improvement ;) .
daneldorado wrote: You say you have "two or three" more pics to post in this story? Can't wait. :D
i have those 3 pics done and will try to post them on Friday. hopefully they will provide a fitting end to our story. thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:I love the newest installment of your current story. As Dan already mentioned, you've done a great job with the gradual reddening of Frances's lovely backside. And I especially like the fact that in this story the man has stuck to using his hand... (even though now, he's threatening to use a wooden paddle, but hopefully that'll wait 'til she commits her next transgression!) I find a man's hand on a beautiful woman's butt to be the most erotic and... can I say this? ... the most romantic kind of spanking. I'll hate to see this one end... :( except for the fact that you have to end it sometime so that you can start on your next story... and I bet you already have something in mind. :D :D :D
hi Boom,

i'm glad you enjoyed it :D i have to agree with you that there is something to be said for a good, old fashioned hand spanking and i think Ed touched on some of that as he was training Frances ;) . i do think this was a very romantic spanking which makes the hand spanking all the more appropriate :D . i do have plans for the next toon. the question is, how long will it take me to set up the characters, set up the scene and actually get the beginning pics done. i might have to skip a week before i can get it started. we'll see. thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

looks like Frances is really sorry
looks like Frances is really sorry
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hi everyone,
when you're nearing the end of a spanking the results of the spanking seem fairly clear. she's lying there, face down, kicking, yelling, promising to be a good girl and to never do this again while her red, hot, stinging, naked bottom is bucking and wiggling feverishly. mission accomplished :D . of course, there's really no way to predict just what effects the spanking might have once it's actually over and that after glow sets in ;) speaking of the spanking being over, i just posted the last 3 pics in this toon. i hope you've enjoyed it. phil
P.S. i am way behind and haven't even started the new toon yet so if i skip a week you'll know why..............sigh.
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

now for some damage control
now for some damage control
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

uh-oh, she's thinking it over
uh-oh, she's thinking it over
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by daneldorado »

Holy crap, Phil, you are really "smokin'" with these final three (3) spank panels!

I mean it. Although there is no spanking going on in the final three (3) pics, the "afterglow" is so intense, it is almost palpable!

We can watch little Frances, post-spanking, turning the events over and over in her mind. Your panel no. 019 is one of the finest I have ever seen, despite its coming after the spanking rather than during it. This one is all-encompassing, the cherry-red glow of her bottom cheeks seemingly overshadowing everything else we have seen. Now, that's the way to show an "afterglow!"

She muses to herself: "Oh, my! I didn't know I was going to have these kinds of feelings... Hmmmmm!" And I'm pretty sure she isn't talking about the sting in her rear end. No, I have a hunch she is thinking of the fire in her crotch. I'm pretty sure Ed is feeling something like that too. :lol:

By the way, Phil, that panel no. 019 displays the most perfect pair of feminine legs I can remember. As you probably know, I have a strong fetish about female legs, that being my primary obsession, with spankings being secondary. And here, you have delivered a most yummy display of milady's finest assets. Thank you, again and again.

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Re: Learning Curve

Post by web-ed »

In the latest episode, like Dan I found the positioning of Frances' legs to be appealing and well done. I also liked the threat of the wooden paddle, which under the present circumstances Frances takes very seriously! But as b00m noted, you have maintained the purity of the OTK hand spanking throughout this story, making it an unbroken chronicle of the steady progression that should take place during a disciplinary scene.

I eagerly await the next episode. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Holy crap, Phil, you are really "smokin'" with these final three (3) spank panels!

I mean it. Although there is no spanking going on in the final three (3) pics, the "afterglow" is so intense, it is almost palpable!

We can watch little Frances, post-spanking, turning the events over and over in her mind. Your panel no. 019 is one of the finest I have ever seen, despite its coming after the spanking rather than during it. This one is all-encompassing, the cherry-red glow of her bottom cheeks seemingly overshadowing everything else we have seen. Now, that's the way to show an "afterglow!"
hi Dan,

thanks for the nice comments. they brought a big grin to my face :D . it did seem to me that after a spanking like this one, especially a first spanking, that she would be mulling things over and wanting to check out the damage to her bottom ;)
daneldorado wrote: She muses to herself: "Oh, my! I didn't know I was going to have these kinds of feelings... Hmmmmm!" And I'm pretty sure she isn't talking about the sting in her rear end. No, I have a hunch she is thinking of the fire in her crotch. I'm pretty sure Ed is feeling something like that too. :lol:
well, if those young people are anything like my girlfriend and i were at that age and i'm pretty sure they are, i would agree with your analysis 100% :lol: .
daneldorado wrote: By the way, Phil, that panel no. 019 displays the most perfect pair of feminine legs I can remember. As you probably know, I have a strong fetish about female legs, that being my primary obsession, with spankings being secondary. And here, you have delivered a most yummy display of milady's finest assets. Thank you, again and again.

i'm glad you enjoyed the end of the toon............legs and all :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:In the latest episode, like Dan I found the positioning of Frances' legs to be appealing and well done. I also liked the threat of the wooden paddle, which under the present circumstances Frances takes very seriously!
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you commented about how seriously Frances takes the paddle threat since that is exactly what i was trying to convey :D .
web-ed wrote: But as b00m noted, you have maintained the purity of the OTK hand spanking throughout this story, making it an unbroken chronicle of the steady progression that should take place during a disciplinary scene.
i felt strongly that a first spanking between young people who are still learning about each other should be limited to hand spanking only. i can remember spanking my girlfriend at about that age and it didn't even occur to me to spank her with anything other than my hand. of course, i was probably motivated by the desire to feel her bottom with my hand :lol: . i'm glad you like the progression of the spanking too. while this toon is fiction, i have drawn on my own experiences at this age to help me with the progression of both physical and emotional sensations during this kind of spanking and i'm glad it seemed right to youi.
web-ed wrote:I eagerly await the next episode. :)
you mentioned being tired and i have to figure that must be right since i actually posted the last 3 pics in this toon "before" you posted this reply to last week's pics :lol: . i hope you'll find time to go back and check them out. thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by hugob00m »

Wow! Your final three panels are delicious! One of the all-time great post-spanking scenerios! First you show Frances being contrite and Ed reassuring her that he stoll loves her, and now that she's been punished for her naughtiness, her slate is wiped clean. Web-ed and Dan have allready commented on how nice Frances's legs look in the next-to-last panel, so I'll tell you that I love that look on her face as she examines her very red bottom in the bathroom mirror! I also enjoyed her thoughts while she's alone in the bathroom, thinking about what just happened, anticipating what's probably about to happen. And then in the last panel, I love the way that she's thinking about how she's boing to be a good girl for her man, how she's going to please him and take his mind off of how naughty she had been before... but she can't help but wonder what a paddling from him might feel like! Oooh! It makes me tingle! Until now, Backside Story had been my favorite of yours, but now I think I like Learning Curve even better!
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