New Spanking in "Weeds?"

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New Spanking in "Weeds?"

Post by daneldorado »

[Note - I split this topic off from the "Miscellaneous Spanking" forum and placed it in this new subforum of "Spanking In Media". Blame me, not Dan, for any confusion that may result. - Web-Ed]

Hi... I hope this notice will generate a bit more commentary than my message on the Chross board, Sunday night.

Yes, I realize that the Chicago Spanking Review is meant primarily for spanking scenes in cartoons and other artwork. But if you like pics of pretty women getting spanked, I don't know why you would prefer the scenes to be drawings rather than real, live human performances.

About four (4) years ago, you and I rejoiced -- Rejoiced! -- when we saw a real, honest, over-the-knee spanking on our mainstream television scenes, in the Showtime series "Weeds." To refresh everyone's memory, that was the scene where the heroine, Nancy Botwin (Mary-Louise Parker) is spanked by her on-screen lover, Esteban (Mexican star Demián Bichir). It's been forty years or more, since the movies showed us a spanking that explicit, and over the knee, no less!

Fast-forward about four (4) years. In last Sunday's episode of "Weeds,", we dealt with the aftermath of Nancy's encounter with a sniper who shot her in the head. Don't worry, she'll live.

But then, in the few moments following the end of the show, we were treated to snippets from next week's episode. And waddaya know, there's a scene where the lovely Kat Foster, who plays Silas' on-again, off-again lover in the show, is getting spanked while held securely in some kind of torture device. We see one swat land on Kat's delicious right buttcheek, her reaction to it, then... well, tune in next week, folks, ya know?

As I said at the outset, I did post a notice of this preview on the Chross board Sunday night, after seeing that show. Expected huge response to that. But, after TWO DAYS of ZERO response on that board, I deleted my message. Seems nobody over there is interested in pretty girls getting spanked on television.

How about HERE?

Last edited by web-ed on Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New spanking in "Weeds?"

Post by web-ed »

I can't say why you got no feedback over on Chross's board, Dan. I don't check it too often and don't generally follow its threads by email, so maybe others are like me and only check the board occasionally. Spankings from all media are always welcome here at CSR - it's just that I personally have chosen to specialize in comics and cartoons. I have contributed a little bit to TV spankings with some unusual items from the past, but the truth is, I despise Hollywood for its lack of artistic seriousness and its terrible treatment of writers (the guys who make everything possible for everyone else working there, and without whom the whole place would shut down), and don't watch much series TV except for the occasional old 60's rerun. I've never cared much for sitcoms, and what passes for drama these days would have to improve considerably even to reach the level of awful. Therefore, I depend on people like yourself (and nobody knows more about spanking in cinema than you do) to bring most of these items to our attention. (I did love the movie version of Kiss Me Kate, of course, but that originated as a stage musical).

I've never seen Weeds since I only have a few cable channels that don't include Showtime, but I do remember the back seat of the limousine spanking scene. It was o.k. although I have no idea what was going on there. And now it appears fans of the show are to be treated to a second spanking scene, perhaps one with bondage from your description. For me, the most important question is, "What is the cultural significance, if any, of these two spankings?" And it's a hard question to answer when you don't watch the programs.

Is this new one worth watching? I'd say so, for those who have Showtime, and I hope some of you will make wise use of Dan's heads-up, watch or tape the show, then let us all know here what you think about it.
-- Web-Ed

Re: New Spanking in "Weeds?"

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed... The aforementioned "spanking" was, indeed, shown on the new episode of "Weeds" last night. That's the good news.

Silas (played by 25-year-old Hunter Parrish) has his girlfriend Kiku (played by Kat Foster, 34 but looking younger) strapped down on a spanking horse. It's a faux punishment situation, and Silas is getting his kicks by playing big, bad Mr. Dominant. He even has a ball gag stuck in Kiku's mouth. From time to time, he will unleash a salvo of swats to her upturned bottom with a plastic rubber paddle.

The bad news, I'm afraid, is that this time, Jenji Kohan, the creator and head cheese at "Weeds" decided to use a body double to take the actual swats. Each time the paddle lands, the camera switches immediately to a close-up. We do see the paddle land, but we're pretty sure the comely bottom that receives the swats does not belong to Ms. Foster.

It's an old-news situation, as we have all seen numerous "spanking" scenes in which the spanks are taken by someone other than the principal player. An anonymous stunt woman, in this case. At least she does have an excellent hiney.

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Re: New Spanking in "Weeds?"

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:It's an old-news situation, as we have all seen numerous "spanking" scenes in which the spanks are taken by someone other than the principal player. An anonymous stunt woman, in this case. At least she does have an excellent hiney.
Yeah, that's an old problem, as you have pointed out before. But those stunt-women are generally in excellent shape! :) Now all we need is somebody to have taped this spanking for us (I couldn't do it because I don't have Showtime).
-- Web-Ed

Re: New Spanking in "Weeds?"

Post by daneldorado »

As I wrote earlier:

Hiya Web-ed... The aforementioned "spanking" was, indeed, shown on the new episode of "Weeds" last night. That's the good news.

The bad news, I'm afraid, is that this time, Jenji Kohan, the creator and head cheese at "Weeds" decided to use a body double to take the actual swats. Each time the paddle lands, the camera switches immediately to a close-up. We do see the paddle land, but we're pretty sure the comely bottom that receives the swats does not belong to Ms. Foster.

Not that this proves anything, but... over at the Internet Movie Database message board, I did bring up mention of the fact that Kat Foster seems not to have actually received any swats. And ya know what? TWO guys wrote back to say that in her Twitter account, Ms. Foster posted messages to say that there was NO body double involved, and SHE was the one who received the smacks!

Normally, I would be jumping for joy over this news. But no, if Kat Foster really DID receive them, then WHY did the showrunners keep her face out of the shots?

There is probably a lot that I don't know about, involved in the making of a TV show. Plus, there is a lot I don't know about Twitter. What's the deal? You can contact any movie or TV star just by scanning their name on Twitter?

Of course, my grandson DID make contact via Twitter with TV News star Monica Crowley, but maybe news folks are easier to contact than actors and actresses.

I give up. For now.

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Link to the New Spanking in "Weeds"

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote: Not that this proves anything, but... over at the Internet Movie Database message board, I did bring up mention of the fact that Kat Foster seems not to have actually received any swats. And ya know what? TWO guys wrote back to say that in her Twitter account, Ms. Foster posted messages to say that there was NO body double involved, and SHE was the one who received the smacks!

Normally, I would be jumping for joy over this news. But no, if Kat Foster really DID receive them, then WHY did the showrunners keep her face out of the shots?

There is probably a lot that I don't know about, involved in the making of a TV show. Plus, there is a lot I don't know about Twitter. What's the deal? You can contact any movie or TV star just by scanning their name on Twitter?
First, Chross did post a Flash version of the scene on his blog. You can get it over there or download in WMV format into which I converted it for the convenience of CSR readers -- download here.

Now let me try to answer Dan's question, even though I'm no cinema expert: why did the director keep her face out of the shots where she gets the swats? There are two basic reasons:

1. When spanking with implements is done in the movies, it looks to me like they use a "safe" prop - a simulacrum of a wooden paddle, for instance (it's pretty obvious in Sorority Slime Bowl-A-Rama, if I've got the name right). When they do that, they might want to avoid any camera angles that make it apparent that the actress is not really getting a true spanking, just as they try in a western to use camera angles that don't reveal the hero's fist isn't truly contacting the stunt man's jaw. I'm not sure if they used something like that in this scene for a true leather paddle or not, but it's possible.

Of course, with some good old hand-spanking scenes, the spanks look pretty genuine - John Wayne spanking Elizabeth Allen in Donovan's Reef, for instance, where you can see the dust flying from the seat of her dress. But some actresses might not appreciate such a realistic approach.

2. Directors are not generally spankos. They don't know much about spanking (it's getting hard to find one who knows anything about directing) and therefore don't know the best way to shoot a spanking scene. I found the repeated hard cuts from one camera to another in this scene, often just as the paddle was about to land, extremely annoying. But again, that kind of choppiness is part of the style these days, along with excessive hand-held camera work and very few close-ups - more's the pity.

And since I've gotten started, I might as well admit I really didn't like this scene at all, and probably won't bother posting it in the CSR Video section. I mentioned the choppy direction, but it was also badly written, as pretty much everything is these days. I can't imagine anyone acting the way these two characters did, in the middle of what should be a hot and heavy scene - the girl keeps bringing up pointless irrelevancies; the boy stops paddling her to answer his cell phone. I mean, really! It almost plays like a parody of the Yuppie Urban Liberal lifestyle, except I'm pretty certain the program is dead serious.

I wouldn't expect more from a show named Weeds. Ah, these one-word titles - so much easier than having the put together three or more words into a coherent phrase! (Although one-word series titles are not as revealing of limited craft as one word episode titles). In terms of the quality of our teleplays, we've fallen a long, long way from Rod Serling and Reginald Rose, that's for sure. I could say a lot more about why Hollywood will never produce anything better than third-rate drama, but I'll cut it off there.

As I mentioned, I don't have many cable channels. As you can probably tell from what I've been saying, even if I won the lottery tomorrow (and don't waste your money playing lotto), I wouldn't be rushing out to get Showtime and other "premium" channels - they're just not that interesting, even if they've got the occasional "spanking".

P.S. I was so busy bashing Weeds I forgot to bash Twitter! Yes Dan, you can contact many celebrities via Twitter if you've got the time to waste - I don't, and I don't see how any working person does either. To me, Twitter and all these Twitter feeds everywhere are just a misuse of technology - do we really need to know every little thing that's going on in someone's life, even if that person is a celebrity? I'm inclined to post a Twitter parody here - "Coded Bill Ward spanking cartoon page ... dodged phone call from creditor .... went looking for more spanking pics ...." - but I won't. Here's how the word "twitter" was chosen, according to founder Jack Dorsey:
"...we came across the word 'twitter', and it was just perfect. The definition was 'a short burst of inconsequential information,' and 'chirps from birds'. And that's exactly what the product was."
From the horse's mouth: "a short burst of inconsequential information"[!]

Life's too short for this nonsense, folks. :D
Last edited by web-ed on Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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-- Web-Ed

Re: New Spanking in "Weeds?"

Post by samantha »

I see this discussion is fairly dated, but I LOVE the show Weeds. I am a bit of a cable show junkie to begin with (The Wire, True Blood, Breaking Bad...the darker the show the more I like it) and Weeds is one of my favorites. I watched that with my DH long before I could ever speak to him about my interests and my face turned every shade of red. I love what Parker does with her facial expressions and she's ballsy as all get out. I love her.
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The "Weeds" Spanking Revisited

Post by daneldorado »

Tonight (August 20) the Audience channel replayed the spectacular 2008 episode from "Weeds" in which Mary-Louise Parker receives a mighty OTK spanking from guest star Demián Bichir. All things considered, I think this is probably the best spanking scene ever shown on mainstream television.

Yes, I realize there were several others in the past that we can consider "among" the best. Probably many of us believe the "best" OTK spanking is the one where Robert Horton spanks Susan Oliver in "Wagon Train" (1957) or the 1968 production of "Kiss Me Kate" with Robert Goulet and Carol Lawrence. (We're talking only about TV productions as opposed to theatrical films.) And there were at least two pretty good spankings seen in TV's "The People's Choice" in the mid-1950s.

In this century, surely many of us would consider that the best OTK spanking on television is the one on HBO's "Bored to Death" (2010). Yes, that was a great scene, with Jonathan Schwartzman spanking Zoe Kazan, hard, on the seat of her black jeans.

But I would still vote for "Weeds" as the best ever, for one critical reason that perhaps none of you guys think about: When Bichir puts Mary-Louise over his knee, the first thing he does is raise her skirt to expose her gorgeous legs and her panties. Then he goes to work on the seat of those panties. Since you and I, and all of us here, prefer videos where this routine is faithfully followed -- the raised skirt followed by a spanking on the girl's panties -- I would assume you like it when mainstream actors follow that same routine. For me -- and I'll admit, I am a "legs" man -- that's nirvana. And no, I don't mean the band.

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Re: The "Weeds" Spanking Revisited

Post by web-ed »

You make a strong case, Dan. Thanks as always for keeping us apprised of all the developments (of a spanking nature) coming out of movies and T.V.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: New Spanking in "Weeds?"

Post by daneldorado »

As we all know, there is a kinky series of films making the rounds, all the titles including the words "Fifty Shades."

The first was "Fifty Shades of Grey" (2015), and yes it did have a brief "spanking" scene in it. Jamie Dornan, as Christian Grey, puts the lovely Dakota Johnson (as Anastasia Steele) over his lap and gives her a hand spanking. The only problem I have with that scene is that we in the audience get to see only one swat land. The spanking looks pretty good, but it doesn't go on long enough.

In the sequel to the first film, "Fifty Shades Darker" (2017), the same two actors reprise their roles from the original. I watched it on HBO, hoping that we would get to see another, and better, spanking. Waddaya know, there IS such a scene, and it is introduced by Anastasia herself, as she tells her lover: "I want you to spank me." Don't think I have ever heard a line like that, in any other film or TV show, or even in an independent video. Alas, there are problems with this scene too.

This time, instead of putting Anastasia over his knee, Christian makes her lie, face down, on their bed. She holds that position while he wallops her naked bottom. Not nearly as nice as the bent-over position when she's over his knee, but we do get to see three (3) swats landing (out of four) although Ms. Johnson's face is not in the shot. Could be a body double with an attractive butt?

I was thinking that this much, and no more, would have to satisfy our spanko cravings. But wait! James Foley, the director, "throws us a bone" with only a few minutes left in "Fifty Shades Darker". In a late scene, Christian and Anastasia are walking together, when suddenly he (playfully) decides to put Anastasia over his shoulder and carry her that way. He then gives her ass one "pretty hard" swat with his free hand, and they both laugh.

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Re: New Spanking in "Weeds?"

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Does Weed Still shown on Show time Tv :?: :?: :?: have not seen it in a while! could you tell me what episode it happen :?: and THANKS for the find
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Re: New Spanking in "Weeds?"

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Butch... currently, reruns of "Weeds" are being shown on the Audience channel, not on Showtime where they premiered.

The episode with the limo spanking is titled "Yes I Can" (same title as Sammy Davis Jr.'s bio). It first ran on Showtime in 2008.

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