Star Trek Spanking

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Star Trek Spanking

Post by web-ed »

Of course we all know there was no actual spanking on Star Trek, although William Shatner threatens France Nuyen with one. Still, Trek spanking fantasies abound, and there has been a fair amount of art featuring one or more of the ladies on the receiving end. Those micro-mini-skirts they wore would have been so easy to flip out of the way for easy access to the seat of the trouble! Perhaps I'll post one of Endart's pieces that had Capt. Kirk spanking Lt. Uhura in the Picture Gallery one of these days.

In Weird Spankings #8 of all places (this was Batman spanks alien brats), I posted a picture of Shatner and guest star Marianna Hill with the suggestion that she was highly spankable. Since many of you may have passed up that particular page, let's revisit the picture now:
Here's some suggested dialogue I wrote for the scene:

KIRK (in a stern, official tone):
Dr. Helen Noel - For using Dr. Adams' neural neutralizer, along with your feminine wiles, to implant improper suggestions in your Commanding Officer's mind, you are hereby ordered to report to my quarters at 21:00 hours, where you will be soundly spanked until I am satisfied that your lesson has been well and truly learned. Said spanking to be administered, in accordance with regulations, and at my option, with your skirt up - and panties down!

HELEN (very meekly):
Ohh...did you say - panties down? I mean - yes, sir.

Next, I'd like to show you something I came across recently, even though it isn't spanking-related (darn!), because I really have no one else to share it with. Years ago during Star Trek conventions they would sometimes show a blooper reel of humorous mishaps that took place during filming and which were later edited together. Like so many other things, this reel has made it to YouTube, and I wanted to share these stills which I extracted from it.

This apparently took place during a scene with Dr. McCoy and Nurse Chapel in Sick Bay with the ship under attack and the pitching and rolling causing them to be thrown from side to side. I think McCoy was supposed to grab Nurse Chapel by her shoulders to help steady her; however, during this shoot, DeForest Kelley got a handhold somewhere else:
Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley) gets a grip on things with Nurse Chapel (Majel Barrett).
Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley) gets a grip on things with Nurse Chapel (Majel Barrett).
trek blooper 4.1.png (68.1 KiB) Viewed 10515 times
trek blooper 5.1.png
trek blooper 5.1.png (66.28 KiB) Viewed 10515 times
Needless to say, this version never made it to air! Majel Barrett was a good sport about this ham-handed groping - you can see she's starting to laugh. She may well have been willing to be part of Dee Kelley's joke because she was something of a practical joker herself: early in the series' run, when John D.F. Black had just been hired (I think as story editor) and didn't know who she was, she came to his office and pretended to be an out-of-work actress who was willing to do anything to get a part on the show. She began taking off her clothes, much to Black's chagrin, and some of the other cast members who were in on the joke burst in to Black's office leaving him wondering just how he was going to explain this. In fact, they arrived later than they should have, and Barrett was down to practically nothing! She should have been spanked for this outrageous practical joke :lol: !

If any of you have a favorite Star Trek spanking fantasy, this would be the place to share it.
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:47 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Genuine Star Trek Spanking Found!

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I have at last found a true example of Star Trek Spanking - from the first comic-book series! The only problem is that I don't have the complete issue, and I can't tell from the spanking panel whether the spankee is male or female. Obviously, I'd like to determine this before deciding whether to post it. If I don't post it, I'll put it in the Comics Spanking Data Base with an announcement.

As to the identity of the spanker - all I'm going to say for now is that it's one of the original crew. ;)
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Re: Star Trek Spanking

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Well, it took a little over a year, but I have finally identified the spanking as coming from Star Trek #42 (1st series, Gold Key, January 1977). Unfortunately, the spankee I had been unable to identify is a boy named Wenomi, who claims to be emperor of the planet Oordon. :( Therefore, this item will not be posted although as usual I have logged it in the Comics Spanking Data Base. This is still the only known spanking in any Star Trek series or comic, although there could always have been one in the series of novels.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Star Trek Spanking

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HI WEB-ED CSR!!!!! With all there space travel there had to be a evil Queen or princess that was in need of a good old fashion earth spanking :lol: remember Captain Kirk threating a womam with a spanking once eventhough she didn`t know what it was! :lol: wished he would have showed her through her scream and struggle to be let up! :lol: What a miss chance for a spanking on a great tv show!
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Re: Star Trek Spanking

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Butch,

the episode is called "Elaan of Troyius". ....................and you're right. she really deserved the spanking Kirk threatened her with. too bad he didn't follow through.............sigh. phil
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Re: Star Trek Spanking

Post by Darkzone »

We musn't overlook some of the later incarnations of Trek either, such as the very spankable 7 of 9 from Voyager, T'Pol from Enterprise, the Daxes from Deep Space Nine, or...
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Re: Star Trek Spanking

Post by web-ed »

Darkzone wrote:We musn't overlook some of the later incarnations of Trek either, such as the very spankable 7 of 9 from Voyager, T'Pol from Enterprise, the Daxes from Deep Space Nine, or...
I didn't follow those shows very closely, but you're certainly correct that they offer abundant opportunities for spanking situations. There isn't a red-blooded spanking male here on the CSR Forum who wouldn't like to take 7 of 9 over his knee or apply his paddle to the tightly-stretched seat of her catsuit as her hands reach toward her ankles :D ! Or as Bonnie once put it: it's six of the best for 7 of 9!
-- Web-Ed
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