Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by hugob00m »

willjohn wrote:I remember the Vicki Dougan song but did not realise she was a real girl.
"Vicki turn your back on me, come on darling just for me
"Cause there is something most appealing, that your eyes are not revealing.."
There's an odd coincidence regarding that song: It was performed by the same singers who sang the opening theme of McLintock!
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by Tanner »

Had forgotten that song completely! The Limeliters another forgotten group from that period, not the greatest music, but still much better than the swill coming out now.
Great picture of the voluptuous Vikki! Oh, just imagine her getting a hard spanking over that thin wet dress in a movie! One thing for sure, if the scene had required multiple takes ,she'd be eating standing that evening!
By the time that song came along, movie spankings may have fallen out of favor with the industry. McLintock can be seen as a
Last Hurrah, can't think of many afterwards. Not that so many films didn't need one. Imagine Mrs. Robinson getting spanked in The Graduate! Or mini-skirted Mom in Harper Valley PTA!
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Re: Vikki Dougan

Post by web-ed »

Good one, B00m! I know I've seen this before and in fact I remember downloading it, but it's not in any of my CSR files and I don't know why I didn't think of its potential as a "missed opportunity". Vikki was sure made for spanking! According to IMDB she was in an episode of Sea Hunt, and I think there's a good chance she would have worn a swimsuit there but I haven't seen that show in years and don't remember that particular episode.
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Another Behind in Jeopardy

Post by web-ed »

This one is by Frank Beaven, who did a number of spankers for Humorama (six are known). You have to admire the aim of the bloke in the downstairs apartment who manages to shoot this girl in the behind with a champagne cork, and through the ceiling yet!


No spanking, but at least we get another sore rear end. :) It reminds me a little of a scene in one of those Home Alone movies where a female burglar gets shot in the butt with a small rubber ball. I actually have that scene on my A-V computer (I have a separate computer I built myself for audio and video editing), and we will eventually see it in the Video Section on the main site, but of course I've been unable to prepare it for a variety of reasons. Some day...
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Too bad this beauty wasn`t over a knee wwhat a figure :D :D also how powerful is those corks :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by willjohn »

The girl's floor must have a bad termite problem if a cork can be fired through it :roll:
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by hugob00m »

willjohn wrote:The girl's floor must have a bad termite problem if a cork can be fired through it
Termites? That might be part of the problem. Those champagne bottles must be under some serious pressure to pop a cork through the ceiling drywall (or lath and plaster if it's an old building) and then through the sub-floor and floorboards of the apartment above, and still have enough velocity to hit the girl's bottom hard.

Physics problems aside... I still like that there's a shapely girl standing there rubbing, with some pain stars radiating from her cute round backside.

Of course I would've liked it even better if her discomfort had been the result of a spanking... but, Hey... as Mick Jagger said, "You can't always get what you want."
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Two Behinds in Jeopardy from the Wolf Books

Post by web-ed »

As I'm starting another series of spankings in Humorama's rival publications over on the main site, I thought it appropriate to get some of the other "Rivals" material that I've been holding on to out there for everyone to see. I scanned most of these years ago. Two modest examples follow.

First, the old "spear" gag from an unknown issue of Nifty:

The artist signed his name "H. B." and looks like Henry Boltinoff to me. Boltinoff did some cartoons for Humorama, but no "spankers". We've certainly seen this gag before, among other places in The Inferior Five, where Dumb Bunny had her posterior poked a couple times with The White Feather's bow.

Then it's branding time in the old west from a September issue of Wham!, year unknown:

Art by Harry Mace, who is unfamiliar to me. I believe I took the picture from Ebay.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

Hmmmm. Regarding the guy with the spear... I suppose the clear implication was that he was poking the girls with the point. However, I saw a story once featuring the incompetent superheroine, "Empowered", with a guy who was using the flat side of his spearhead as a paddle. To me, that would be a lot more fun.

The artist gave the girls cute round rears without much covering. No wonder they got so much attention in that area.

The girl who's about to get branded has a nice round posterior. No wonder the cowboy wants to stake his claim to it.
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Super nice rear but branding it would be cruel :twisted: :o :o Good find 8-) 8-)
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More Behinds in Jeopardy in Humorama's Rivals

Post by web-ed »

From TV Girls and Gags, September 1959 comes this little cartoon at the bottom of the page in which a female fencing student wears two masks, one on her face and another where protection is apparently urgently needed. Must be a lot of careless guys in that class...

Art by Serrano. I included an unrelated cartoon from Jack Flynn, who's done one "spanker" that we've seen and I think another that's still in my files, since it was on the same page.

And then a very nice cartoon from the January 1955 issue of Nifty:


This cartoon has a certain warmth - and I don't mean in the girl's posterior after she's been butted - that I find very endearing. The goat is a small one, just the right size for the job at hand, and the girl, who's in her underwear for some reason, really likes the idea that her boyfriend Elmer (good expression on him, also) would give her a good swat on the rear! :D The artist is unfortunately unknown.

I'm trying to present "Rivals of Humorama" non-spanking stuff here at the same time we're seeing some "Rivals" spankings over on the main site.
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

that goat ramming her bottom is painful :twisted: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

You found a couple of odd ones this time.

The lady fencer probably has a good idea. I remember seeing a movie a long time ago with a man and woman dueling, and the man gave the woman a smack with his epee. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything else about that movie, like the name of it, or any of the stars.

A woman in her underwear gets butted by a goat, and mistakes it for her boyfriend giving her a pat? He must have some seriously-callused hands!
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Re: Goats and Fencing

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 2:46 pm Hi, Web-ed.

You found a couple of odd ones this time.

The lady fencer probably has a good idea. I remember seeing a movie a long time ago with a man and woman dueling, and the man gave the woman a smack with his epee. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything else about that movie, like the name of it, or any of the stars.

A woman in her underwear gets butted by a goat, and mistakes it for her boyfriend giving her a pat? He must have some seriously-callused hands!
Yes, although I rather imagine this is a rather young goat who's just learning how to butt pretty girls (a vital goat-skill!) and was probably rather gentle this time.

Hmmm - the fencing scene you're thinking of could have been that old one from The Avengers with Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg that I posted back in 2010. Off the top of my head I can't think of another from movies or TV, but then again, I'm not an expert on these media.

I don't think I have any other fencing-themed "Behind in Jeopardy" cartoons, but there might be one set aside for a future "Development of the Spanking Cartoon" article.
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More Fun from Pack O' Fun

Post by web-ed »

Two more Behinds in Jeopardy now from the Wolf Book Pack O' Fun (January 1950), whose mascot was Bill Wenzel's "Packy" (most of the time - some day we'll mention its old mascot, "Good Time Charlie"). Somewhat oddly, Packy doesn't appear in either of these, although now that I think of it he's in one that I've squirreled away for a future "Development of the Spanking Cartoon" special.


We've seen cartoonist Gerald Green before, often in the sister title Nifty, whose rather seedy-looking mascot Nifty Nick was Green's creation. Green's work is often problematical because he excels neither in humor nor sexiness, often drawing terrible-looking behinds on his women and here producing a cake knife that looks menacing rather than funny. Even regular-sized cake "knives" are usually on the dull side; Green draws this one almost like a Turkish scimitar out of the Ottoman Empire (from those silly "harem" cartoons that used to be a staple of men's humor mags - Wenzel even managed to set a "spanker" in a harem once!). What was wanted was a dull-pointed utensil that couldn't give a girl more than a gentle, harmless poke.

Two pages earlier in the same mag was a somewhat better cartoon by an artist whose name might be Gino Carpio - I can't quite make out the signature. Here again the points on the knight's armor are a bit much, but they seem less menacing somehow than Green's cake knife. The gag is based around the supposed practice of some bosses who invited their secretaries to sit on their knees when they should have been turned over them - a subject that did appear in a number of office-themed cartoons during the 50s and 60s.


Another point in Carpio's favor is that his secretaries here are much sexier than any of Green's women. Add to that the "stinging effect" lines radiating from the dark-haired secretary's behind and red-blooded spankos like us are bound to think about seeing her spanked. A missed opportunity to be sure, but a good effort from Carpio nontheless. :D
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

The guy holding the knife as the woman is in the cake is scary :o :o love the two secretaries reaction as they stare at the knight`s spike armor knee the brunette woman is already feeling it :twisted: :lol: :lol: Super Hot Find!!!
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by hugob00m »

Hi Web=ed.

You sure found some oddites this time! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

The the guy cutting a cake with a miniture scimitar looks more menacing than funny. If he had a regular cake cutter, maybe it could be used as a sort of "mini-paddle"

The cartoon with the ladies imagining the pain they'd feel sitting on the knight's lap is a little funnier. AND the two ladies are more attractive.
web-ed wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 3:52 am Add to that the "stinging effect" lines radiating from the dark-haired secretary's behind and red-blooded spankos like us are bound to think about seeing her spanked. A missed opportunity to be sure, but a good effort from Carpio nontheless.
if someone cut that cartoon in half, leaving just the ladies, and wrote a different caption, it might be a good cartoon about an implied spankng!
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Jack O'Brien Puts Two Behinds in Jeopardy

Post by web-ed »

We've seen Jack O'Brien's work at CSR before, but I think only his Humorama spanking cartoons - I can't remember if there were any earlier "Missed Opportunities". However, as I'm posting another of his spanking cartoons this week in the Rivals of Humorama Series, this would be as good a time as any to bring out these two. Interestingly, they both came from the April 1955 issue of Mirth:



Both of these are adequate, if we allow O'Brien a little artistic license, because if we don't then the instruments here, a gun and a bow and arrow, are simply too dangerous to be comical. In the first one, the guy in his pajamas could have been holding an old fraternity paddle and saying, "Hands up or you won't be sitting down for awhile!". In the second, it should probably have been a kid with a toy bow and arrow instead of real ones - we've seen that recently with Patsy Walker and probably somewhere else. Another problem is that we don't know what the archer's intention is - is he aiming carelessly or deliberately? The guy running to stop him would be doing that either way. It does seem that the gag here was only possible because O'Brien knew had a double-wide space (two pages) to work with.

Would anyone be practicing archery on a beach? Well, two or three years ago I wrote a short story in which a young woman does, in fact, practice her archery on a beach, but no one was in danger as only one other person joined her there, and he came along from the opposite direction to the one she was shooting. This was complete coincidence as I don't think I had the O'Brien cartoon in my files then and I had a distinct reason for having archery as a hobby of this character, but I guess that proves the idea seems reasonable, at least to a guy running a spanking website. :)

We had the same problem last time with that ridiculous cake knife - these guys obviously didn't think either long or hard about these particular cartoons as they were drawing them.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by hugob00m »

Hi. Web-ed.

I guess the joke in the first panel is that he's threatening to blow her brains out, but he's not aiming at her head. Of course, to us, the female burglar looks like she needs a good spanking.

The other one. as you say, would be funnier if the archer was using toy arrows with suction-cup ends.
web-ed wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:17 pm these guys obviously didn't think either long or hard about these particular cartoons as they were drawing them.
I think you're right.
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Re: Missed Opportunities in Humorama

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Judging by the guy staring at the female burglar`s very shapely bottom I`m :evil: :lol: :lol: thinking he planning on giving it a good hard spanking the archer drawing looks horrible :evil: :evil:
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