New (?) toons to ponder

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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New (?) toons to ponder

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Web-ed and friends....

I've been going through my old files again, and here are two (2) new toons that I don't believe have been seen here before.


The girl over the guy's knee is saying: "Come on, spank it -- the suspense is killing me!"

This is reminiscent of an appearance by Samantha Woodley in a Shadow Lane video called "Heirs to Misfortune" (SLV-114d). In that one, she is over the knee of a guy who intends to spank her, but instead just admires the Woodley buttocks and spends a lot of time rubbing them. Finally, Samantha tells him: "So okay, go ahead and spank it, instead of just rubbing it!"

And here is an unfortunately too-small xerox copy of a Smilin' Jack cartoon, which shows us another of Jack's friends, some guy named Lone Jones, giving yet another spanking to "Cindy," the girl who would eventually get (at least) two more spankings in the Smilin' Jack pages. I have spent a lot of time and treasure, trying to corral ALL the "Smilin' Jack" spankings, for I know his creator, Zach Moseley, was a spanko at heart. Had to be. To date, we have found SEVEN (7!) spank scenes in that comic strip. Now this makes it EIGHT (8)! I realize the pic here is too small to be downloaded, but I have delivered it in the best quality I can. (I even cleaned up the "fuzz" that the old Xerox machines used to leave in blank areas.)


So maybe Web-ed, or one of his top researchers, can find a better copy of this scene. The writing on the margin of this strip says: "Washington Post: July 5-7, 1960" and also "Atlanta Constitution -- Oct. 11, 1943." I'm betting the 1943 date is closer to the truth, for the strip also shows us scenes with Jack and Joy Beaverduck, and I think she appeared in the 1940s, not the 1960s. The toon also shows the date "10-11" on the first panel, so that probably means October 11, 1943 was the first publication of this strip.

Last edited by daneldorado on Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by daneldorado »

Hi... I'm still going through my old files, and finding more toons that came to me in the form of Xerox copies. As you know, those old Xerox machines left a lot of "debris" on any white space in the document. So here, I've tried to eliminate all, or most all, of the fuzz and freckles the machines left.


If you're under 35 or so, you won't "get the joke" of this first toon. You young whippersnappers don't know what an "ice man" was -- or even a milkman, for that matter. But when I was a tot, I remember a big man who drove down our street regularly, carrying big blocks of ice in his truck and delivering them to your ice box with his big tongs. We had no refrigerators back then.

That said, this toon -- by one of Web-ed's favorites, Morrice -- is a hoot not only because of the spanking, but also because of the sheer audacity of the caption.

Imagine! A milkman gets caught red-handed (so to speak) by the husband, who has come home unexpectedly, while the milkman is spanking the guy's wife. Looks consensual. The milkman, a fast thinker who no doubt has encountered this situation before, tells hubby:

"I caught your wife flirting with the ice man!"

Oh ho ho. So that gives the milkman the right to spank his customer's wife? Not likely. And I like the look on the wife's face. Morrice was not one for a lot of detail, but his spare drawings conveyed a lot of meaning when he meant them to. She is thinking: Oh no. Now my husband is going to spank me too. And this time, it WON'T be consensual!

Now, here's a Kirk toon I found. It looks familiar enough that it MIGHT have already been posted here, but I don't know. Anyway, I think the caption is probably new.


Hope you get a few chuckles from these. In the "analyst" toon, I get a hoot over the way the spankee is lying across the guy's lap, not complaining, apparently resigned to her spanking "fate." Maybe she's been there before. Anyway, she sure knows how to position herself over a man's knee.

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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by hugob00m »

Great finds! I especially like the Kirk one. He tended to draw his ladies a little more voluptuous than Morrice did.

Hopefuly someone can come up with a better resolutuion copy of the Zack Mosely comic, now that you've shown that it exists, and have a likely publishing date.

Thank you!
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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

good toons :D . i hadn't seen the first one before. i'm not sure about the others but i saved them just in case :lol: . in the last one the spankee has a really nice rear end there and i think you're right about her having been there before..................she actually looks a little bored :lol: . thanks for posting these, phil
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They're New, and They're Spectacular!

Post by web-ed »

[Note: this topic has been moved from "Comic-Book and Superhero Spanking" in case anyone temporarily lost track of it. Perhaps I should have left it where it was because of the Smilin' Jack one - oh, well. It's all Dan's fault for giving us so much great stuff at once :) !]


This is great stuff, and I thank you for posting it! It's also a little eerie, as if we're on the same brain wavelength, and I say that because...

1. The Milk Man Spanking by George Morrice - I had a copy of this, perhaps not as good as your improved version, and I coded the page for it just this week, also explaining to younger folks what "milk men" and "ice men" were! I intended to post it in a couple of weeks (I work a week or two ahead because it's easier on me), but maybe I'll post it along with next week's scheduled "Maid Spanks Miss".

2. The Kirk Stiles Psychiatrist Spanking - Not only has this not been posted on CSR yet, I didn't even have it my files, where about 60 Humorama cartoons, including a dozen more by Stiles, reside! I am about to take possession of another dozen original Humorama digests, so perhaps I can get a fresh scan. Either way, it will be added to the current Humorama Series. Now for the eerie part: this week, I discovered a hitherto unknown psychiatrist spanking cartoon by Bill Wenzel (not the one we're all familiar with) on the cover of a little-known non-Humorama digest called Pepper.

3. The Smilin' Jack Spanking: o.k., this one's not eerie, because I didn't make any Smilin' Jack discoveries this week (I've been too wrapped up researching the Superman daily strip and Humorama stuff), but it is quite a find! I shall indeed carry out further research this as you suggest, and it will receive its own page in Comics Gallery 2, but that will take several months because of my workload (sorry for the long delay).

As Dan mentioned, we already have seven (I make it eight) spankings from this strip. You can find a handy index of these
in Smilin' Jack #8.

4. The Come On Spank It Cartoon: Haven't seen this before, and I don't know if it was from Humorama or not. It will wind up in the Humor Section eventually either way. [I later determined that this was indeed from Humorama.] I think all of us male spankos can identify with the spanker wanting to take his time and really enjoy what he's about to do!

Once more: great work, Dan! (And more work for me, but I don't mind :D ).
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Add #4, the "Come On Spank It Cartoon" which I had forgotten about earlier.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by jimc »

Hi dan, great finds indeed. I have always liked the pyschartist spanking his patient and i thought i had seen it on CSR anyway it is a great find. I loved the milkman spanking his customer for flirting with the iceman. I was just lamenting that i did not see any otk by morrice and here is one to prove me wrong. I have never seen that Smilin' Jack either anywhere. So thank you for posting that one. The other where the woman otk says spank it. was wonderful postioning, but the caption could have been better. The great thing about this forum is that there a lot of finds on old mainstream stuff that i remember from somewhere. Thanks Dan for posting them. have a great day.

[I just recently discovered a Morrice OTK cartoon that I don't believe has ever been seen on the web before. Look for it shortly. -- Web-Ed]

Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed wrote:

As Dan mentioned, we already have seven (I make it eight) spankings from this strip. You can find a handy index of these
in Smilin' Jack #8.

Web-ed, I believe you are right. The reason I was reckoning only SEVEN (7) spanking panels previously known from the "Smilin' Jack" comic by Zack Mosley, is because I was counting the 1946 spanking of Joy Beaverduck as ONE spanking. Actually, we have copies of the spanking (with Joy in an evening dress) in color, plus a second and larger panel of that spanking in black and white. I counted that as being ONE spanking, though it was drawn in two different panels.

Also: We might consider the Smilin' Jack "double spanking" of Cherry and her daughter Cindy as TWO spankings, because there are two different panels. The first shows Jack taming Cherry, the second shows the two women -- mother and daughter -- BOTH over Jack's knee, being spanked concurrently. But they are two different aspects, shown in two separate panels; so we might want to consider them as being two spankings rather than one.

It's a tedious business, isn't it, this accounting of comic panels created more than sixty (60) years ago. But just think: Zack Mosley was such a spanking enthusiast, he gave us all these wonderful drawings to contemplate, well into the 21st century.

YOU, Web-ed, are doing a marvelous job of locating and identifying these great pictures. Doesn't it make you wish that you could somehow, magically perhaps, find ALL the old comics, preserved in pristine condition? Then we would know what flies our kite, and what doesn't.

Ah! Vain imaginings....


Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed and folks...

I've been going through my files again, and I found an old "Herc" toon that I don't think has been posted here before.


In this case, the blonde secretary who's being "punished" for being late to work is getting off easy.

If she's a touch-typist, she should be able to type those "I'll not be late again..." messages, four hundred times, in no time at all. Too bad the boss doesn't have a big blackboard where she can stand and write it out in long hand. Ah well, the spanking's the thing. Maybe the boss is giving her four hundred SWATS!

Apologies if this one has been seen here before.

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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:I've been going through my files again, and I found an old "Herc" toon that I don't think has been posted here before.
I don't believe I've seen this cartoon anywhere before! And it's a very nice example of Herc's work! The lady is drawn in simple lines, but is quite nicely-shaped (especially her derriere!) The guy is goofy-looking and cartoony, but that's how Herc always drew the men. Great find! Thanks for posting it!

Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by daneldorado »

Well, since my posted cartoon of two (2) days ago was accepted as "new" to this website, maybe I'll get lucky with these two as well:


Pretty good pic, I think, with my only cavil being that the dude is spanking with the wrong hand. I wonder if maybe the artist, Harry Jones, is not himself a spanker. If he were, he should know that he should spank with the hand closest to the girl's bottom.


This is pretty good OTK positioning, with the single exception that the girl is not quite settled onto her spanker's lap. But maybe this pose is just prior to the first swat, and she is on her way down. As near as I can make out, the artist's name seems to be "Quentin Miller." Never heard of the dude, but maybe Web-ed knows who he is. Wonder if he did any other spank toons?

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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by web-ed »

This is pretty weird! The Herc cartoon you posted two days ago is one I only discovered myself yesterday :o . I was very sure no one else had ever seen it and I was even thinking of using it for the finale of the Humorama Series, but I'll use something else now because I would like it to be something that everyone hasn't already seen.

Next, the Quentin Miller "when psychology fails" cartoon had been posted here once before - by you - and by a complete and total coincidence it is also today's entry in The Humorama Series (I chose it several weeks ago because I plan the updates several weeks ahead). :!:

Finally, the Harry Jones cartoon is one I can't believe you managed to pick up in the past - I only found it myself a few weeks ago in an obscure magazine not at all known for spanking cartoons. I won't give the publication details here because there's time enough for that next year when I present it (it's not Humorama), but I think it's very clear that Harry Jones was not a spanker, as you surmised. He's also not a particularly gifted cartoonist, I'm afraid, and in fact made the "wrong hand mistake" because he swiped the secretary's figure as well as the idea of a secretary spanking from Bill Wenzel, probably after already drawing the spanker using his right hand! Bad way to plan your composition.

It was in fact swiped from Wenzel's first secretary spanking (and Humorama's first OTK spanking cartoon, although I have called it Secretary Spanking #26 in the Humor Gallery). You can see this for yourself very plainly:

Actually, Dan, this cartoon was in your personal collection at one time and maybe still is, although you never posted it here, which is yet another crazy coincidence. It first appeared in July 1955, while Jones' copy showed up 6 months later in January 1956.
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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by hugob00m »

Here's a drawing without a signature, but it's obviously one of Wenzel's.
Wenzel 31a.jpg
Wenzel 31a.jpg (242.87 KiB) Viewed 10771 times
The lady is nicely-curved, and the men in the crowd are certainly enjoying the show. I believe this drawing may have accompanied an article advocating the leglization of "wife-spanking". Ah, yes! A worthy cause if there ever was one. I have no idea what magazine it might have been, much less any information about a possible publication date.
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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by hugob00m »

I have no idea what magazine this may have been taken from. Dave Wolfe posted it on his "Wolfietoons" blog, and he didn't know the source either, just that Dick Williams drew it.
williams 1a.jpg
williams 1a.jpg (138.18 KiB) Viewed 10755 times
I think it must've been insoired by this publicity still for Suddenly It's Spring.
suddenly its spring.jpg
suddenly its spring.jpg (16.46 KiB) Viewed 10755 times
The pose is the same and the clothes are the same except for the man's hat, and the dreadfull color of his pants. From what I've read, Suddenly It's Spring didn't actually feature a spanking scene, but I'm not sure. I haven't seen it. If anybody knows anything about what magazine article this illustration was meant to accompany,please fill me in!
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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by web-ed »

These are fine finds, B00m - thanks for sharing them! I think I may have seen the Suddenly It's Spring one somewhere before, but I don't know the details. I'll have to do some research, or perhaps Dan knows more about this one. I don't remember it being on his old Cinema Swats video, though.

Dick Williams certainly seems to have based his work on that earlier publicity still. It certainly looks like it came from a magazine, but which one? Much as I'm grateful to people who scan old spanking drawings, I sure wish they'd include the publication info in the file name - it would make things much easier. I suppose many of them are not spankos and don't realize the level of historical interest in these things.

Now as to the Wenzel drawing - I had never seen it before but have managed to trace it to an article by one Edgar Noble titled "Let's Legalize Wife Spanking," and I have a two-page reproduction, but I can't identify the magazine. I think I'll put some more time in trying to find out what it was before presenting it. Anyway, you've got the best part here - by the way, did you or Dave enhance the coloring? It was originally printed with a pink-orange accent tone, which reminds me of the Humorama Digest covers since they always had one accent color.

From the subject matter, I would guess this one dates from the late-60's to very early 70's. We know Wenzel was still active during the 70's, and in fact was still doing occasional new "spankers" for Humorama (I have one more of these in my files we'll see in May). Wenzel, like Ward but unlike Stiles, Morrice, DeCarlo, or Homer as far as is known, did spanking cartoons for non-Humorama publications, and this was certainly one of them. I also have a Wenzel spanking cartoon from 1956 for one of these publications, and I hope to get around to posting it eventually as I believe it's another original discovery of mine. :)
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Some 'toons for Dan

Post by web-ed »

These are mainly for Dan, but I decided to post them here where everyone could see them because they give a fuller picture of what the Humorama non-spanking cartoons were like. These have a common theme of showing plenty of leg, and nobody is more appreciative of nice legs than Dan! Enjoy, everyone :!: :D

1. Bill Wenzel, from the June 1962 issue of Gaze.

2. Dave (Davy) Berg, best remembered now for doing "The Lighter Side of..." for many years in Mad magazine, was a pretty good girlie cartoonist, and it's a real pity he did no known "spankers".

3. The great Dan DeCarlo!

4. Frank Beaven, who had more signatures that anyone else who comes to mind, and who did a few spanking cartoons.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

we've had a lot of activity here the last couple weeks. Boom, I too saw that drawing by Dick Williams posted at the Wolfietoon blog. you must have a really good memory to have connected it with that article or ad for the movie with Fred MacMurray . i sent Dave Wolfe a link to this page so he can check this out. maybe he'll have some more information for us once he sees this. i do agree with you that the photo of the spanking is undoubtedly Williams inspiration. the similarities are just too close. web-ed, i liked all the drawings you posted here too. there isn't any spanking but i do love to see a girl with her dress pulled up :D . i like the idea of the girl testing the "air holes" :lol: . not only humorous but also, there's just something about seeing something that you aren't supposed to that appeals to me 8-) . thanks, phil
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Re: Some 'toons for Dan

Post by daneldorado »

Wow! Many, many thanks, Web-ed, for posting those toons with girls flashing their legs! I've got many early pics like these, but none whatsoever that were printed after, say, 1960. But actually, WHENEVER stuff like this gets posted, I immerse myself in it immediately, regardless of what year it is.

You offer three (3) toons that show pretty girls lifting their skirts for us. (I do not include the "test pilot" toon because in that one, the girl's hands are not doing the lifting.) And obviously, the one I like the most is the one by DeCarlo. I love his artwork, and he certainly seems to know the proper positions for this sort of art.

Since you yourself, Web-ed, are a fan of girl spanking -- now I think of it, you are the NUMBER ONE fan of spanking pics! -- I assume you understand how a fan fetish can grab your attention and hold onto it for a long, long time. This "cheesecake" fetish has been my constant companion for lo these many years.

I've been able to collect some pretty good pictures of skirt-lifting girls of late, but they are all photos. In case you care, here's a couple.


As for more toons of this type, I haven't seen any lately. But I do recall seeing one toon, a splash page from a "Plastic Man" comic (must have been from the 1940s) that shows a "bad girl" (e.g., a villainess who is in excellent physical shape) and she is trying to hitch a ride from a passing car. As you know, back then some ladies would lift their skirts to stop a car, and usually that maneuver would be successful. :D Anyway, in my feverish mind I recall that in the "Plastic Man" toon, the lady's hitch hiking position revealed that she was in Excellent shape. :lol: Must have been the prettiest "bad girl" ever. Anyway, I would give anything to have a copy of that pic in my hands.

Thanks again, Web-ed... for everything.

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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:These are mainly for Dan, but I decided to post them here where everyone could see them because they give a fuller picture of what the Humorama non-spanking cartoons were like. These have a common theme of showing plenty of leg, and nobody is more appreciative of nice legs than Dan! Enjoy, everyone
Dan isn't the only one who enjoys a pair of shapely feminine legs. In fact, I suppose that the appeal of a spanking cartoon to non-spankos would be the fact that they usually showed the skirts raised and the legs kicking. One of my favorite leg artists among the Humorama cartoonists is one you didn't include this time. Bill Ward always drew some nicely-shaped legs on his women AND he did such a wonderful job showing the shine of their stockings.
ward 07a..jpg
ward 07a..jpg (199.24 KiB) Viewed 10704 times
Here is one example of a Ward cartoon with shiny black stockings.
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Re: Bill Ward and Kicking Legs

Post by web-ed »

Ah hah! Now I know why you always did those kicking legs in your early animations, b00m! (The interested reader could probably find these most easily by searching (use the search box on the home page) on "b00m" and then following all the links that contain "humorpage" in the address, or to put it another way, that do not contain "viewtopic" in the address ("viewtopic" means it's a page here in the CSR Forum).

Because Ward became so boob-crazy as the years went by it's easy to forget that he also did a fine job drawing nice long legs and nice round butts! The legs especially were emphasized during his early "glamor girl" work in the 1940's. In those days, he mainly pencilled, so he had to get his effects that way or rely on the pen and brush of his inker (perhaps he inked his own work some of the time). The drawing you've selected for us here shows Ward at his best, probably from the late 50's, demonstrating his great skill with the conte crayon. The sheen on the gloves and stockings is amazing!

Also, Ward tended to draw kicking legs more often than the other Humorama artists when doing a spanking cartoon. My only problem with this was that he didn't always confine the motion to the knee joint, often allowing hip flexion on one side which pulled the buttocks out of alignment. How many spanking cartoons Ward drew all together is something we may never know (he did 38 we know of for Humorama).
-- Web-Ed
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Re: New (?) toons to ponder

Post by Dave Wolfe »

Hiya, Boom!

Y'know, I'd seen that Fred MacMurray movie poster a long time ago, but never made the connection to the Dick Williams illustration! There's no doubt it was the "model!" In fact, I think I'll call it a "swipe," which Mr. Williams certainly didn't need to do!

Thanks very much for the heads up, i think I'll do a blog entry about "swipes" and feature your discovery! hey, next time you drop over, say "Hi!" :D
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