Art & Cartoons (not Comic Books or Strips)

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Art & Cartoons (not Comic Books or Strips)

Post by jimc »

Hi , i have been a fan of the great spanking artists in mens magazines Homer is my favorite with DSD a close second. Kirk, Engle and Ward rounding out my top 5. I know that ward has a site and DSD had a book published of his artwork, but sometimes finding out more of the other artists has been daunting. So thanks web ed. for all the great comments about the artists and where you found them. I have seen several of Homer that i would love to find again. The spankings in the past did seem to have an innocent charm as well as some good looking models. (perhaps because these were some of the first i found of adult nature not kid spanking i loved the otk, the positions, captions and of course the expressions( the models looked like they enjoyed getting spanked) and although i will readily admit that i figured i was a spanko about age 5 or 6 finding material at that age was in the form of comic books ( i did find those men's humour mags on a rack that said you had to be 16 to buy and bought them at 15 as i was tall for my age and looked old enough.) Although i did feel denied that i could not buy others until i was 21 and i was just beginning to think that spanking was not in the adult world of the 70's when i did finally find some old fetish mags like Corporal, Fetish Times, and Janus led to others and i found many that i looked at over and over again. So anybody have any old Homer laying about i would love to see them again. Thanks
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Re: spanking artists

Post by web-ed »

You're very welcome, as finding these old men's humor mag spankings is always great fun! After I reduce my backlog somewhat, I'll have to look through my archives to see if I have any more of these. In some cases, I may have located them before starting the site in 2004, or I may have had reservations about posting them for other reasons which escape me now, or I may simply have forgotten about them. I know I've got another one of Homer's somewhere, based on an old Groucho Marx line to the effect that "You did ask me to paddle you out in the middle of the lake". She asked for it, and she got it! :)
-- Web-Ed

Re: spanking artists

Post by Guest »

I believe the comic of secretary spanked by junior is the work of Bill Wenzel and not W. Engel

[Web-Ed's note: "Guest" later registered as DRD - see later postings.]
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Re: spanking artists

Post by web-ed »

Guest wrote:I believe the comic of secretary spanked by junior is the work of Bill Wenzel and not W. Engel
You may be right - it's a tough call because I only have four examples to work with, two which have been posted and two which are in my files but not yet posted. Let's begin by looking at three examples:
Buttomup, by WENZEL
Buttomup, by WENZEL
bottomup_wenzel.jpg (31.27 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
Junior, by "W Engel" (questioned)
Junior, by "W Engel" (questioned)
junior_w_engel.jpg (29.49 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
soundeffect, by "W Engel" (questioned)
soundeffect, by "W Engel" (questioned)
w_engel_soundeffect.jpg (34.52 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
Now, let's take a quick look at a couple of comparison points from these three cartoons:
WENZEL signature, from Bottumsup
WENZEL signature, from Bottumsup
wenzel_signature.jpg (9.26 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
"W Engel" signature from "Junior" (questioned)
"W Engel" signature from "Junior" (questioned)
w_engel_junior_signature.jpg (18.21 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
"W Engel" signature from "Soundeffect" (questioned)
"W Engel" signature from "Soundeffect" (questioned)
w_engel_soundeffect_signature.jpg (6.7 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
Clearly, the 2nd and third signatures match each other but do not match the first, which is what led to my initial conclusion that they were from two different men. Yet I would be the first to admit these signatures alone are not dispositive of the issue - the "WENZEL" signature from the "well-rounded education" cartoon is less stylized than one would expect from an artist, and could have been added by a later hand. On the other hand, the "Junior" cartoon has an odd appearance, as if it were pieced together from more than one source (perhaps two different scans of a larger original).

So let's look at the faces of the three spankees:
WENZEL "Bottumup" face
WENZEL "Bottumup" face
wenzel__bottumup_face.jpg (26.86 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
"W Engel" "Junior" face
"W Engel" "Junior" face
w_engel_junior_face.jpg (40.17 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
"W Engel" "Soundeffects" face
"W Engel" "Soundeffects" face
w_engel_soundeffect_face.jpg (27.46 KiB) Viewed 11695 times
Interestingly, the "Bottomup" and "Soundeffect" faces have the same round construction and would seem to match, even though the hair looks different, while the "Junior" face is questionable. This contradicts the evidence of the signatures above.

From this exercise in forensic document examination, I would have to conclude you're right, and "W Engel" is indeed Bill Wenzel, even though the "Bottomup" signature doesn't match the other two. I'll have to go back and revise this page. Thanks for pointing this out, and watch for the other two Wenzel cartoons to be posted in the future.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: spanking artists

Post by jimc »

you missed your calling web-ed (a forensic strip? Wow) I somehow did not come to your conclusions as i did think they were a little different styles myself and i had always thought they were 2 different artists, so i would always get them confused. many artists of the time did have to present their art a little different as they were under contract for one syndicate, but to make additional money they would sumbit their work as from another artist and as the rival syndicates did not really care to check the credientials they may of paid them differently as well.
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More on Bill Wenzel, and Two Spanking Art Mysteries.

Post by web-ed »

Yes, at first it was hard to believe, but I have uncovered even more evidence and I will go over it all again when I do the next Wenzel cartoon (I have two left) - not yet sure when that will be, but the webpage format is more easily controlled than this forum, so for example I can get the head shots right next to each other. Wenzel may have been especially difficult to spot because he seems to have switched from pen to brush and back again very quickly. It's true as you say that sometimes artists did present their work in a way to hide their identities from other companies and editors with whom they had a relationship. I'm more familiar with this practice in comic books, but it probably happened in other areas of cartooning as well and may explain the confusion here.

A couple of well-known examples from superhero comics would be "Adam Austin" (Gene Colan) and "Mickey Demeo" (Mike Esposito, who inked some issues of Amazing Spider-Man).

As I'm not a forensic document examiner by trade and not even an artist, I'm always a little hesitant to reach these kinds of conclusions, but sometimes it's necessary and I do at least have a very good eye for shapes. In fact, I'm still trying to decide whether to go public with my "revelation" of the true identity of the man I'll call "The Aces Artist". This was a subject that came up some time ago on the Artastic Forum, and I mentioned there that I thought I had solved the mystery of his identity, but I declined to say more, and no one pressed me for details. "The Aces Artist" did a large number of spanking cartoons back in the late 50's, and many of these were reprinted years later in more modern magazines such as "Spank Hard" and were also uploaded to the "Aces" server. Unfortunately, the one website that had a lot of this material was taken down years ago, so the only good-quality scans I have are from my own collection. The "Aces Artist", if he's who I think, passed away a few years ago so I suppose no one would be hurt by my revealing his identity. I guess I'll keep gathering evidence for comparison, and maybe I'll go out on a limb with my conclusions later this year. :geek:

I also recently made a surprising discovery about one of the most famous (or infamous) comic-book spankings, the one from Frontier Romance #1. While not a great spanking, it became famous (or infamous) because of its inclusion in Dr. Fredric Wertham's notorious comic-bashing book Seduction of the Innocent. What I discovered is that this spanking was actually modeled on a magazine picture! I recognized the identical composition as soon as I saw the magazine. I will certainly post this "bombshell" as soon as I get around to devising a Western-spanking series for the Comics Section. Of course, it may be greeted with yawns by those too young to remember the impact Wertham had on the industry, but as late as the time of his death (1981) he was still reviled by most comics fans.
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Corrected two misstatements.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: spanking artists

Post by jimc »

i just realized after looking at the works more carefully "Junior" was more likely an earlier work and "Bottom up" was possibly a later work as "Sound Effect" and "Bottom up" had the same spanker and so probally were made in the same time frame. It still does still blur what is the actual spelling of the artists name as "Bottom Up" has a much better defined signature (Wenzel) and the others look more like (W Engel) so this may remain a mystery. Another possibility is that the work may have been rejected and then published as he became more well known. Yes, i remember the controversy he(Professor) created as all comic book readers had to kinda defend their choices in comic books.

Re: spanking artists

Post by Guest »

After a little research on line for Bill Wenzel, I came across Searched in ther for Bill Wenzel cartoons and about 100 examples popped up. Apparently he had 3 or 4 variations of his signature including an example of full signaure (Bill Wenzel) in which the Wenzel part mathes the two cartoons that you have. He also printed like the bottom up one
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Re: spanking artists

Post by jimc »

yes it did appear that were many of his around and i was surprized that not a single one had spanking in them. Pity.
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Re: spanking artists

Post by DRD »

I agree Jim, but I like them also. Just registered, I posted as guest on the Wenzel pics. I just wanted to help in clarifying origin of pic and who created it.
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