The CSR Stockpile

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The CSR Stockpile

Post by web-ed »

Like many of you, I have a lot of spanking material saved on my computer. In my case, it's divided between stuff which is strictly for my own personal enjoyment and that which will one day be posted on CSR, either here on the board or on the main site. It's further subdivided into categories and sub-categories to help me plan ahead, but I didn't bring the subject up just to brag about my organizational methods, although I'm going to do that in a moment. Most of you probably realize that I have the habit of sitting on material for months, even years, before posting it, and perhaps you've wondered why that is. After all, there is a tendency with some spanking blogs to just throw the material out there as fast as it comes in, and maybe with a blog that makes sense - there's no real organization possible with blogging software other than posting date as far as I know.

This brings us to the first reason I hold material back: it takes time to produce a new web page for each spanking photo or drawing, especially when some additional research is necessary to track down its origin, history, etc., and this is usually what I do (in some cases multiple spankings are put on the same page). Then each page needs to be indexed; that is, I put a thumbnail picture which links to it in the appropriate gallery. This is absolutely critical for new readers, and I intend to be here long enough for the next generation of spankos to find CSR and strain their eyes following the nearly 900 pages I've already got out there :) . Most of you are faithful readers who check in on CSR every week or so, but imagine you've just discovered it for the first time - without the gallery indexes, would you really want to go through almost 9 years of updates week by week, even if that were possible? I feel that having each gallery indexed is immensely important for newcomers, but there's no way I could do more than three or four new items per week with this level of organization. If I just threw the stuff out here on this board, I could probably do 20 items per week in the same amount of time.

The second reason is that it takes time to find new material, whether it's already been posted somewhere else or not. Of course I run routine internet searches, but as you all know I also go through thousands of pages of digitized comics per month, plus rummage through old printed material, in search of new spankings (that is, new to the spanko world of today). If I continually posted more material than I could find, I'd eventually run out or have to start posting sub-standard stuff. Running out of material is a big fear of mine, and we'll come back to it in a moment, although I must admit that I have over 1200 pictures right now in my "New Material" master folder. Now, not all of these 1200 are actually spanking pictures (what a thought!) because they include research materials, such as complete issues of comic books and what not, but still, there's a lot there.

The third reason goes to one type of material, specifically new items that haven't been seen elsewhere. This is of course the most difficult for me to find and bring to CSR readers, but it's also very enjoyable because another thing that sets CSR apart from most other spanking sites is that I bring a fair amount of original material to the table, things that were discovered by me and wouldn't be available if I didn't post them. (In fact, that's even true of some of my older reposts like the Supergirl spankings that only ever appeared on non-spanking sites which are long since defunct, but still, that should probably be distinguished from printed material that no other living spanko seems to know about). I think that Spanking Panels and Richard Windsor are the only other sites that routinely bring new finds to the table, although some of the art-focused blogs occasionally turn up something unusual. I have a tendency to spread these rare finds out over time, because to cluster them together would tend to detract from how special they are.

That's why, for instance, I'm currently sitting on about 7 comic book/strip spankings that I suspect none of you have ever seen before - while the Humorama Series is going on, I feel it deserves center stage since many of the spanking cartoons I'm presenting have not been seen before, although of course seasoned collectors like Dan and b00m already had quite a few. Once we get past the Humorama Series, I'll feel more free to post these new discoveries, a few of which I'm really excited about! It may take a while though, because right after Humorama we've got Super-Spanking Summer III to deal with.

A fourth reason is that when I discover something new by means of an internet search, sometimes whoever put it out there didn't give any details about where it came from. In the case of original art, that might not be important, but in the case of a printed cartoon or comic-book it certainly is, and I then have to spend a lot of time trying to track it down, not always successfully. A prime example would be that girl getting a swat with a book which I updated recently, but still can't positively identify. I probably held this one back at least six months while I tried to find out where it came from. I've got another one in this category right now, a Blackhawk spanking that somebody scanned without any details!

Anyway, I hope everyone will stick with me because I've got lots of material yet in the files for us to enjoy before I run out and we're reduced to printing my unadorned yakking on this or that spanking topic :) .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The CSR Stockpile

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Anyway, I hope everyone will stick with me because I've got lots of material yet in the files for us to enjoy before I run out and we're reduced to printing my unadorned yakking on this or that spanking topic :) .
hi web-ed,

i can't speak for everyone but i personally plan on sticking around as long as CSR is still going :D . i am thrilled with both the quantity and quality of spanking material that you post here. considering all the time and effort that it takes to find, sort, index and post each pic, i find it simply amazing that you are able to get as much done as you do! it seems to me that just searching for new stuff would be an enormous burden and i really appreciate all the work you do to bring this stuff to us. the organization that you have brought to all this is absolutely essential and the time you spend on that is totally worth the wait. as far as all the new stuff that you have collected but not posted yet goes............i am willing to wait for it because i know that this will allow you to present to this material with interesting and informative information in keeping with the various themes. to be honest, i don't even want you to post 20 new pics per week or just throw out every new item you find right away. i like to take time to look at the drawings as well as the history and other pertinent information that goes with them. i like to mull things over and make comments and there's no way i could do that if the pace was much faster. as far as i'm concerned, you're taking all the proper steps, in the proper order. please keep doing just what you're doing ;) . thanks for all your hard work. phil

Re: The CSR Stockpile

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed... Let me jump in here and hastily concur on everything Phil just said... although he has already taken my best lines :D

Like Phil and everybody else, I am thrilled with both the quantity and the quality of the spanking material you post here. And you are not just a "wham bam thank you ma'am" kind of poster, you actually take the time and trouble to post background details about each post. That is, truly, remarkable. It is a great pleasure that I was able to find your website, for you bring not only spanking pics, but also background info about each one. It makes for a fuller, more satisfying experience. Anybody can post pictures. But there is probably no one who can provide as much information as you do, and that's an added special treat.

When I first found CSR, about three years ago, I had a modest collection of spanking material of my own, some of it created by me personally. Of course I was happy to post my pictures here and to make them part of the spanking commonweal. I hate to say it, but after three years most all of what I have has already been posted here. That isn't so with you, however. Apparently, you have perfected the art of working 26 hours a day, and making every minute count. That's what it must take, for you to come up with so much choice material. We salute your expertise and your dedication to this, our common fascination. Thank you!

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Re: The CSR Stockpile

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote:
i can't speak for everyone but i personally plan on sticking around as long as CSR is still going :D . i am thrilled with both the quantity and quality of spanking material that you post here. considering all the time and effort that it takes to find, sort, index and post each pic, i find it simply amazing that you are able to get as much done as you do! ............i am willing to wait for it because i know that this will allow you to present to this material with interesting and informative information in keeping with the various themes. to be honest, i don't even want you to post 20 new pics per week or just throw out every new item you find right away. i like to take time to look at the drawings as well as the history and other pertinent information that goes with them. i like to mull things over and make comments and there's no way i could do that if the pace was much faster. as far as i'm concerned, you're taking all the proper steps, in the proper order. please keep doing just what you're doing ;) . thanks for all your hard work. phil
daneldorado wrote:Like Phil and everybody else, I am thrilled with both the quantity and the quality of the spanking material you post here. And you are not just a "wham bam thank you ma'am" kind of poster, you actually take the time and trouble to post background details about each post. That is, truly, remarkable. It is a great pleasure that I was able to find your website, for you bring not only spanking pics, but also background info about each one. It makes for a fuller, more satisfying experience. Anybody can post pictures. But there is probably no one who can provide as much information as you do, and that's an added special treat.
Phil, Dan - I can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments. I'm very pleased you both understand my rather unique approach to doing a spanking website, and I hope we'll all continue to be together here on CSR for many years to come.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The CSR Stockpile

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Hi WED -ED!! Hope to see some of the spanking stockpile you have soon! really love how hard you work to find and post great spanking drawings 8-) and I hope you keep up the good work for years to come! Also wishing you do find that Supergirl SPANKING!!!!!! and plenty of spanking from other comics back in the early days! Great seeing and commenting on spanking drawings every week! THANKS WEB-ED CSR 8-) :!: :!: :!:
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Re: The CSR Stockpile

Post by web-ed »

You're welcome, Butch :!: As to Supergirl spanking I'm afraid we now know there aren't any from actual DC comics of the Silver and Bronze Ages, but there may be some more classic independent art spankings such as the ones by Adam Walters and others I dug up years ago. Those are the ones I was referring to, for they would be completely lost now had I not been able to salvage them from obscure non-spanking sites. And you'll be delighted to know there are certainly more recent examples of independent art with Supergirl getting spanked. During Super-Spanking Summer III, we'll see her getting spanked by Superman, Wonder Woman, Capt. Zani, and even Fran the Nanny! Her sort-of counterpart Power Girl will be getting her share of swats, also :) .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The CSR Stockpile

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Hi WEB- ED CSR!!! Can`t wait :D :D Do anyone think that if Supergirl was to get a spanking from Superman would she feel it? :lol: meaning superman spanked the Supertots and they did`nt feel a thing!!! couldn`t understand it though would that be like a normal parent spanking their kid! Superman could beat up Super villians but can`t hurt the Supertots!!! Always wanted to see Supergirl get spanked! next to Batgirl And Lois Lane who I believe should have gotten a spanking in every issue of Superman comic! Anyway can`t wait! The spanking she gets from The Nanny is she being Babysit by her :twisted: THANKS WEB-ED CSR!!
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Re: The CSR Stockpile & Supergirl Spanking

Post by web-ed » wrote:Hi WEB- ED CSR!!! Can`t wait :D :D Do anyone think that if Supergirl was to get a spanking from Superman would she feel it? :lol: meaning superman spanked the Supertots and they did`nt feel a thing!!! couldn`t understand it though would that be like a normal parent spanking their kid! Superman could beat up Super villians but can`t hurt the Supertots!!! Always wanted to see Supergirl get spanked! next to Batgirl And Lois Lane who I believe should have gotten a spanking in every issue of Superman comic! Anyway can`t wait! The spanking she gets from The Nanny is she being Babysit by her :twisted: THANKS WEB-ED CSR!!
I suppose that logically, since Superman failed when he tried to spank his Super-Tots as did Supergirl when she tried to spank those two super-brats, Superman couldn't have spanked Supergirl either unless they were both in Kandor, say, where neither had any super-powers. But I think the bigger problem during Supergirl's early years, 1959-1965 or so, was the attitude of "Superman Family" editor Mort Weisinger, who labored under the misconception that spanking was somehow ungentlemanly. That's why we had no Lois Lane spankings except for the robot one in 1960 even though readers kept requesting it. Weisinger probably felt that as a teen-ager, Supergirl was too old to be spanked like a child, ludicrous as that seems to us spankos (Weisinger didn't have any particular problem with child-spanking, making his outlook precisely backward).

Your wish to see Supergirl get spanked next to Batgirl is going to be granted, or nearly so, because in the Capt. Zani spanking scene I mentioned Supergirl is over Zani's knee while Batgirl stands nearby, nervously awaiting her turn over Zani's knee! This is a nice scene, although it would of course be improved if Zani were male instead of female, but that was not to be for reasons we'll find out when I post it a few months from now during Super-Spanking Summer III.

As to the Nanny spanking, I can't remember what the circumstances were. I'll have to review them, if they're available, before I post that one.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The CSR Stockpile

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Hi WEB-ED CSR!! Seem that Joe Shuster didn`t have any problems with Superman spanking the fannies of naughty ladies :lol: Too bad he didn`t add Lois in his list of women to be spanked! I believe spanking is the only option a gentleman have when dealing with woman :D surly he can`t punch or kick her ! and the part of Supergirl being to old to spanked thats insane plenty of teenage girls was spanked in comic! Hey even Wonder Woman was spanked :lol: It really a shame that Supergirl never gotten a spanking! But it great to see I`m not the only one to feel this way! :lol: Can`t wait to see those drawings!
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Re: The CSR Stockpile

Post by sunflower309 »

web-ed wrote:Anyway, I hope everyone will stick with me because I've got lots of material yet in the files for us to enjoy before I run out and we're reduced to printing my unadorned yakking on this or that spanking topic .
hi web-ed!

I don't know how many spankees you have perusing CSR but I for one will be here for a long time. for one, I find everything on here fascinating and all is new to me! it will take me a long long long time to get through everything I think. and of course I can't just be on here at any time. have to choose my times wisely. I like Dan and Phil, appreciate your hard work and dedication to making this the most interesting and fun sites. hopefully there are many more people who like this site but just don't comment. I am not shy so I will keep posting and sharing for as long as you are here! you are very organized also. would like like to come to my house and get at least my closet and dressers organized? think on that one! LOL :D

btw I enjoy your yakkings on spanking topics. I've learned a lot from you. and it's interesting! at least I think so. a spankees insight into the evil mind of a spanker!

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Re: The CSR Stockpile

Post by web-ed »

Thanks, Sunflower - I'm glad to know you enjoy the material here, and I'm sure you'll like Romantic Spanking Month, coming in February! :) It's good for us "old bulls" who haunt this board to hear your perspective on things.
-- Web-Ed
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