A Walk in the Park

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Laura really needs to learn that when she's being spanked, pleading is a better idea than demanding - she needs to impress Kenny that she's learned her lesson. Demanding only convinces a spanker that more attitude adjustment is required. Tsk, tsk - but she'll learn eventually. The hard way! :D
hi web-ed,

i have it on good authority that the hard way is the way many brats learn these things :D . i had another one of my bratty, spankee friends check in on this pic and she added more confirmation that brats often let their mouths go too long or too far before they get them under control :lol: . she also mentioned that, like my friend who helped me get this toon going, she has also been spanked multiple times during the same day due to uncontrolled mouth 8-) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

now she's gone too far
now she's gone too far
012.jpg (313.61 KiB) Viewed 2728 times
hi everyone,

it has to be embarrassing for Laura to get her panties pulled down right in the park :o :oops: .............especially with a man standing there commenting on the whole process :lol: . it looks like this may have a big "impact" on her 8-) . i hope you all enjoy it. phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by willjohn »

:lol: I knew we would get there eventually. Love the look on her face.

Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by daneldorado »

"GASP!... This can't be.... squeak!... happening...ooooooooh!"

That's music to my ears, Phil. Or it would be, if I were listening to Laura's words instead of reading them on your magnificent new toon.

Even better than the wails of a brat, is the excellent artistry we see here. May I just say, in this pic (WalkinthePark12) you have overcome every bugaboo that may have marred your work in the past. The proportions of this fine pair, Kenny and Laura, are as good as any photograph could be... in fact, better than a photo because this creation is your own personal dream brought to stunning life.

It almost looks like 3-D. It's not easy for an artist to execute the lifelike positioning of arms, legs, torsos et al... but you have done it perfectly, and in a challenging picture that looks at spanker and spankee at a difficult three-quarters angle. Laura's perfect legs are bent and kicking, but you nailed the proportions as well as any artist could. The proof of your perfection is the way you show her right arm, stretched out as she tries vainly to avoid the spanking. In other pictures, even professional artists sometimes get the proportions wrong. But you've turned in a winner, here. It is perfect.

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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote::lol: I knew we would get there eventually. Love the look on her face.
hi Willjohn,

yep, you called it :D . i'm glad you liked her expression........i thought it was particularly appropriate under the circumstances :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:"GASP!... This can't be.... squeak!... happening...ooooooooh!"

That's music to my ears, Phil. Or it would be, if I were listening to Laura's words instead of reading them on your magnificent new toon.
hi Dan,

i'm glad you were able to discern the "music" in those words :D . as i'm sure you already know, it's often difficult to convey with printed words exactly how the spankee would sound so it's nice to know i've succeeded this time :) .
daneldorado wrote: Even better than the wails of a brat, is the excellent artistry we see here. May I just say, in this pic (WalkinthePark12) you have overcome every bugaboo that may have marred your work in the past. The proportions of this fine pair, Kenny and Laura, are as good as any photograph could be... in fact, better than a photo because this creation is your own personal dream brought to stunning life
thanks :D . i think one of the main goals of any artist it to continue to improve and produce progressively better work over time and i'm no different. it's nice to know there are those who think i'm succeeding ;) .
daneldorado wrote: It almost looks like 3-D. It's not easy for an artist to execute the lifelike positioning of arms, legs, torsos et al... but you have done it perfectly, and in a challenging picture that looks at spanker and spankee at a difficult three-quarters angle. Laura's perfect legs are bent and kicking, but you nailed the proportions as well as any artist could. The proof of your perfection is the way you show her right arm, stretched out as she tries vainly to avoid the spanking. In other pictures, even professional artists sometimes get the proportions wrong. But you've turned in a winner, here. It is perfect.

Poser keeps the proportions the same but it's up to the artist to consider how it actually looks in the final render. there are many times that the position of the players looks perfect to me when i'm posing them but doesn't look right after i render the pic and have to go back and make changes so that it looks right and the proportions seem proper in the final version. in my case, this is another part of trying to continue improving and i'm glad i got it right this time. thanks for the SPECIFIC comments. they are always helpful for me :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park #12

Post by web-ed »

The moment of truth at last, when the panties come down! This is the moment that every woman into spanking simultaneously dreads and desires. In the case of public spankings like this one, as we discussed a while back on this thread, dread is stronger than desire although significantly women do fantasize about being bared in public. Therefore, Laura's reaction to having her lovely backside revealed should be one of genuine horror mingled with deep embarrassment, and this you have managed very well - indeed, Laura's expression is the high point of this drawing (that's my art critic hat on), although my eye keeps wandering to her nicely-reddened bottom, which is the highest point of her anatomy (that's my spanko hat on) :lol: .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:The moment of truth at last, when the panties come down! This is the moment that every woman into spanking simultaneously dreads and desires.
hi web-ed,

yeah, i always thought it was really interesting that women can have 2 such opposing feelings at the same time :D .
web-ed wrote: In the case of public spankings like this one, as we discussed a while back on this thread, dread is stronger than desire although significantly women do fantasize about being bared in public.
and this is another interesting topic..........that women do fantasize about public, bare bottom spankings when they don't want to actually have it happen .i have to tell you though that i have a couple of younger women who think we're being fooled by women who say they don't "really" want to be publicly bared and spanked. their opinion is that all women love to be looked at and admired and that it's exciting for them knowing that they are being watched and desired as they struggle during a bare bottom spanking 8-). they claim it's the perfect opportunity for them to show off their bodies, which they find exciting, without being thought badly of for doing it since they have no control during a spanking..................as i said, interesting point of view :D .
web-ed wrote:Therefore, Laura's reaction to having her lovely backside revealed should be one of genuine horror mingled with deep embarrassment, and this you have managed very well - indeed, Laura's expression is the high point of this drawing (that's my art critic hat on), although my eye keeps wandering to her nicely-reddened bottom, which is the highest point of her anatomy (that's my spanko hat on) :lol: .

i'm glad you thought her expression was the high point of the toon since i worked hard on that :D . i'm also glad i was able to arrange the pic so you could wear more than one hat :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

hmmmmm, on display
hmmmmm, on display
013.jpg (370.46 KiB) Viewed 2610 times
hi everyone,

Hmmmmm, panties down and hand stinging her BARE bottom :D . i looks like Laura's really regretting having pushed things so far..........and worrying about what might happen if someone else comes along 8-) . of course, i have a hunch she won't be worrying for too long :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil

Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Phil:

Very, very good job on your latest "A Walk in the Park" story. The picture of little Laura getting smacked on her bare behind is definitely a "keeper." We hope to see more good action like this, in the near future.

As I say, Laura is displayed here perfectly. But now I think that "Kenny" is a little long in the torso. Of course, Kenny is not the main focus of your readers' interest, Laura is. But have a look at how long his upper body is. Maybe if you look at this picture (013) WITHOUT Laura across his lap, you can see that Kenny's upper body is too long for the rest of him.

Oh, and thanks for including some "contact" pics in the telling of your story. So far, we have eight (8) pics of the spanking itself, so it would look weird if every single OTK pic showed Kenny's hand in the air. From the looks of Laura's crimson tush, it seems she is receiving a monumental walloping. And we wouldn't have it any other way. :lol:

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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Hi Phil:

Very, very good job on your latest "A Walk in the Park" story. The picture of little Laura getting smacked on her bare behind is definitely a "keeper." We hope to see more good action like this, in the near future.
hi Dan,

i'm glad you enjoyed this one :D .................and there will be more action from here on out 8-) .
daneldorado wrote:As I say, Laura is displayed here perfectly. But now I think that "Kenny" is a little long in the torso. Of course, Kenny is not the main focus of your readers' interest, Laura is. But have a look at how long his upper body is. Maybe if you look at this picture (013) WITHOUT Laura across his lap, you can see that Kenny's upper body is too long for the rest of him.
i may just try that. i still have the live Poser file so i can re open it, remove Laura completely and then render it again with everything exactly the same except without her. it might just be interesting. when i get that done i'll post it for you to check out.
daneldorado wrote:Oh, and thanks for including some "contact" pics in the telling of your story. So far, we have eight (8) pics of the spanking itself, so it would look weird if every single OTK pic showed Kenny's hand in the air. From the looks of Laura's crimson tush, it seems she is receiving a monumental walloping. And we wouldn't have it any other way. :lol:

you're welcome. more spanking coming up as well as other fun activities :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park #13

Post by web-ed »

I think this is my favorite picture so far - we have a nice "moment of contact" shot with Kenny's hand coming down on Laura's bottom, a good viewing angle, and the emotional tide has turned now as Laura realizes that she went too far and now genuinely regrets having been so provocative. It is at this point that demands will be replaced by pleading, which is a key part of attitude adjustment! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I think this is my favorite picture so far - we have a nice "moment of contact" shot with Kenny's hand coming down on Laura's bottom, a good viewing angle, and the emotional tide has turned now as Laura realizes that she went too far and now genuinely regrets having been so provocative. It is at this point that demands will be replaced by pleading, which is a key part of attitude adjustment! :)
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you liked this one :D . i think you have it figured out about Laura's regrets................which is pretty much what my bratty spankee adviser was talking about before i even started this one 8-) . we'll be seeing more of that attitude adjustment coming up ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

Laura's spanking is out of control
Laura's spanking is out of control
014.jpg (354.16 KiB) Viewed 2750 times
hi everyone,

it appears that Laura's spanking is starting to hurt and that she's getting a bit frantic 8-) ...............good thing she's not in a position to see what's coming next :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by solsunbeach »

The humiliation of a public spanking is something we will only ever see in drawings or staged photographs these days, so I applaud and recommend that you give us more of this kind of work at every given opportunity - thanks for this anyway. p.s. where is that parks officer when you need him - hint, hint.

Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Phil... Maybe I'm the only one here who enjoys looking at pretty legs as much as watching cute girls getting spanked, but... I gotta say, you are doing this board's users a great big favor!

You are a wonderful "Poser" artist. We are getting a perfect pictorial of what happens when a bratty girl tries to push all her boyfriend's buttons. She gets spanked! :D And not only does she get spanked, but we are being treated to a lavish cheesecake feast!

Probably your pic no. 13 shows off Laura's legs to best advantage... but all through your latest masterwork, those gorgeous gams are majorly on display. As I say, I may be the only guy here that spends more time ogling her legs more than her tush, though I did notice that it is getting mighty RED! :lol:

And I wonder if this new couple, Carl and his sweetie, will be inspired by Kenny and Laura to revisit their former encounter on that very same park bench? The lady is speaking in parables when she tries to conflate the words "embarrassing" and "lucky," but you and I know what she means.

It's a paradox, all right. A beautiful paradox. Laura is hurting right now, but she will have heavenly feelings afterwards. Her bottom may get sore, but it will all be worth it, later, when she thinks about this beautiful encounter with Kenny's strong right hand. :lol: :lol:

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Re: A Walk in the Park #14

Post by web-ed »

So now the onlookers are coming to stop and stare - Laura better hope that Kenny winds up the spanking soon, before she becomes a featured park attraction! Perhaps the Parks Commission should officially designate that bench for spanking purposes. :) The color of her bottom complements those pink flowers in the background rather nicely, and her attitude has improved - she's saying "please" now instead of making demands. More proof, if any were needed, that spanking works!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

solsunbeach wrote:The humiliation of a public spanking is something we will only ever see in drawings or staged photographs these days, so I applaud and recommend that you give us more of this kind of work at every given opportunity - thanks for this anyway. p.s. where is that parks officer when you need him - hint, hint.
hi Solsunbeach,

i'm glad you're enjoying this particular story :D . you are far from the only one who likes these public spanking fantasies so i think you can count on seeing more as we go forward ;) . damn, the idea of having an officer come by is a really good one. i'll have to give that matter some thought and maybe keep it in mind for future reference. several years ago i did a toon called "In Training". there was a spanking in the park in that one administered by Officer Yank. i wish i thought about including him in this one before it got so late in the toon. anyway, i'm glad you've been enjoying this one :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Hi Phil... Maybe I'm the only one here who enjoys looking at pretty legs as much as watching cute girls getting spanked, but... I gotta say, you are doing this board's users a great big favor!
hi Dan,

i'm glad you've been enjoying the view :D . you may be the only one who specifically mentions those lovely legs but they are part of the whole package that we all love to look at during these spankings ;) .
daneldorado wrote:You are a wonderful "Poser" artist. We are getting a perfect pictorial of what happens when a bratty girl tries to push all her boyfriend's buttons. She gets spanked! :D And not only does she get spanked, but we are being treated to a lavish cheesecake feast!
thanks for the kind words about my toons. it's nice to know that you're enjoying not only the pictures but also the stories :D . i was really happy when i first discovered Poser because it provided an outlet for all the spanking fantasies running around in my head 8-) .
daneldorado wrote:Probably your pic no. 13 shows off Laura's legs to best advantage... but all through your latest masterwork, those gorgeous gams are majorly on display. As I say, I may be the only guy here that spends more time ogling her legs more than her tush, though I did notice that it is getting mighty RED! :lol:
i do try to give as many different looks during the course of a toon as i can so we don't get bored :lol: . that red color you refer to is also part of what happens when a bratty girls goes pushing her boyfriend's buttons :D .
daneldorado wrote:And I wonder if this new couple, Carl and his sweetie, will be inspired by Kenny and Laura to revisit their former encounter on that very same park bench? The lady is speaking in parables when she tries to conflate the words "embarrassing" and "lucky," but you and I know what she means.
i'm surprised that you didn't recognize the older couple who are walking up the path towards the spot where Ken is spanking Laura. they are Carl and Dianne............Barbara's parents from the story " In the Family" that i did a while back 8-) . we already saw Dianne getting a spanking after her daughter Barbara got spanked by her boyfriend :lol: . they seemed a logical couple to be out walking in the park. i'm sure as long as they've been married they have probably taken lots of walks............and other activities in the the park :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:It's a paradox, all right. A beautiful paradox. Laura is hurting right now, but she will have heavenly feelings afterwards. Her bottom may get sore, but it will all be worth it, later, when she thinks about this beautiful encounter with Kenny's strong right hand. :lol: :lol:

that all sounds just right to me ;) i'm glad you're enjoying this toon :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:So now the onlookers are coming to stop and stare - Laura better hope that Kenny winds up the spanking soon, before she becomes a featured park attraction! Perhaps the Parks Commission should officially designate that bench for spanking purposes. :) The color of her bottom complements those pink flowers in the background rather nicely, and her attitude has improved - she's saying "please" now instead of making demands. More proof, if any were needed, that spanking works!
i love the idea of Laura becoming a "featured attraction" :lol: so far she doesn't seem to be enjoying even being the "guest of honor :lol: . perhaps Carl and Dianne could donate a plaque reserving the bench for the spanking of naughty girls :D . yeah, i think that red color of her bottom has a lot to do with her rapidly improving attitude..............just as it should be ;) . i'm glad you approve of the direction this toon is taking :D . thanks, phil
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