An Alternate Proposal

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by hugob00m »

A great ending to a great story. And just a confirmation to the fans: It's true. Overbarrel did NOT steal any part of my story. What little stealing that went on was strictly the OTHER WAY AROUND! I wanted to do a "romantic" story with Katie and Bullmoose, and the first few panels of An Alternate Proposal had already been posted. I copied some parts of Phil's story, and changed some of the details, partly so that it wouldn't be a total rip-off... and mostly so that they would fit within the parameters that I've already established for the O.T. Katie characters.

You ended the story just short of getting pornographic... with Natalie indicating that she'd like to consumate their engagement wih a bit of sexual activity... and that she'd like to remain bent over the chair! ;) ;) ;) ;) Without getting too specific... having sex in that position with a woman who's just been spanked can be... VERY INTENSE! :D :D :D :D

So then, you've provided an EXTREMELY SATISFYING end to your story, for the audience and even more so, for your participants! :D :D :D :D
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by daneldorado »

hugob00m wrote;

You ended the story just short of getting pornographic... with Natalie indicating that she'd like to consumate their engagement wih a bit of sexual activity... and that she'd like to remain bent over the chair!

Ya know, one of the things that appealed to me when I first found this Chicago Spanking Review is that it is not only a depository of great spanking art, but also a place where ladies and gentlemen can come together and enjoy these pics without wallowing in the sewer, as is so often required, on other spanko sites.

Over the years, I have tried my best to show appreciation for the gems you post here, and to add to the commonweal by posting some of my own artwork. But I have also commented on what I thought were breaches of etiquette, for example when a lady is being spanked over some guy's knee and the artist makes sure to include a view of the lady's labia. Maybe some of our members don't think that that sort of "art" is objectionable, but I do. Show us the spanking but not the smut.

I pretty much stayed away from commenting when b00m created a toon showing Katie and Clorene walking away from a double spanking they had just received, with Clorene saying that at the end of the session, the spanker had a "huge bulge" in his pants. Not too cool. And now, Phil Overbarrel has concluded his own story about Mark and Natalie, and has been even more explicit.

Phil's artistry continues to improve, and for that I am grateful. But I would have liked Phil's latest story more if he had ended it with Panel no. 35. That's the panel that shows us Natalie, still bent over the couch, looking out at us, the readers, and she says:

"Gulp!... my bottom is so sore, this could be heaven or this could be hell... GULP!... I'm sorry folks but you'll have to leave now... giggle!...PHEW!"

Yeah, I would have been happy to "leave now." But no chance. Instead, Overbarrel gives us two more panels with Natalie pleading for some doggie sex. I credit Phil for his continually improving artistry... but really now.

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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by overbarrel49 »

sunflower309 wrote: hi everyone!

since I was helping Phil with parts of this I can attest that he did indeed have this ending before Boom's Katie. 2 great minds! and also these last pictures differ from my experience far! maybe some day I will find a significant other who will spank me and then I can experience what Natalie is experiencing right now. until then I will just enjoy my spankings for what they are, and continue to enjoy Boom's and Phil's offerings, and hopefully Dan will offer some of his hard work again! so thanks Phil, for letting me be part of your toon! it was definitely my pleasure!

hi Sunflower,

well, Boom and i sure do think they're great minds :lol: ............and thanks for all your help with this toon. it was a pleasure having your input :D . we all have different experiences even if we are all spankos but i'm really happy that you can enjoy my toons even when they don't necessarily strike a chord with you :D . we'll start a new toon next week and it will be different than this one is too but maybe there will still be some things of interest in there for you 8-) . thanks, phil
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:A great ending to a great story. And just a confirmation to the fans: It's true. Overbarrel did NOT steal any part of my story. What little stealing that went on was strictly the OTHER WAY AROUND! I wanted to do a "romantic" story with Katie and Bullmoose, and the first few panels of An Alternate Proposal had already been posted. I copied some parts of Phil's story, and changed some of the details, partly so that it wouldn't be a total rip-off... and mostly so that they would fit within the parameters that I've already established for the O.T. Katie characters.
it was kind of funny that you and i had the same ideas at the same time. it's not the first time i've had that happen. Dave Wolfe and i have had similar experiences too ;) . btw, Dave and i both recognize good ideas when we do see them and neither of us are above "borrowing" an idea from the other.............with or without permission :lol: . it's funny but that doesn't just apply to story ideas........sometimes it's just a position or a camera angle or even something as simple as the way a hand is posed in the pic. btw, i was flattered that to see Katie and Bullmoose watching a video of "An Alternate Proposal" :D :D .
hugob00m wrote:You ended the story just short of getting pornographic... with Natalie indicating that she'd like to consumate their engagement wih a bit of sexual activity... and that she'd like to remain bent over the chair! ;) ;) ;) ;) Without getting too specific... having sex in that position with a woman who's just been spanked can be... VERY INTENSE! :D :D :D :D
i too thought it might be an intense way to end the toon and i tried to indicate that both Natalie and Mark were already feeling a certain amount of intensity 8-) ...........even before Natalie invited us all to leave :lol:.
hugob00m wrote:So then, you've provided an EXTREMELY SATISFYING end to your story, for the audience and even more so, for your participants! :D :D :D :D
i'm glad you enjoyed the ending :D . i too thought it was satisfying..............and romantic :D . thanks, phil
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:hugob00m wrote;

You ended the story just short of getting pornographic... with Natalie indicating that she'd like to consumate their engagement wih a bit of sexual activity... and that she'd like to remain bent over the chair!

Ya know, one of the things that appealed to me when I first found this Chicago Spanking Review is that it is not only a depository of great spanking art, but also a place where ladies and gentlemen can come together and enjoy these pics without wallowing in the sewer, as is so often required, on other spanko sites.

Over the years, I have tried my best to show appreciation for the gems you post here, and to add to the commonweal by posting some of my own artwork. But I have also commented on what I thought were breaches of etiquette, for example when a lady is being spanked over some guy's knee and the artist makes sure to include a view of the lady's labia. Maybe some of our members don't think that that sort of "art" is objectionable, but I do. Show us the spanking but not the smut.

I pretty much stayed away from commenting when b00m created a toon showing Katie and Clorene walking away from a double spanking they had just received, with Clorene saying that at the end of the session, the spanker had a "huge bulge" in his pants. Not too cool. And now, Phil Overbarrel has concluded his own story about Mark and Natalie, and has been even more explicit.
hi Dan,

we have had similar discussions before and i think you and i both know that we don't totally agree about the "etiquette" of the spanking art to be presented. personally, i thought the ending of "An Alternate Proposal" was both satisfying and romantic as i indicated in my reply to Boom. i think that it's perfectly normal for a sexually active couple to discuss such things in order to facilitate getting their needs met..........both physical and emotional. i also maintain that no matter how you slice it, spanking is an activity with a sexual component. our difference of opinion on this is of no great concern though. we all have our likes, dislikes and opinions and i very much appreciate the fact that you feel free to express your opinions on any facet of my toons ;) .
daneldorado wrote: Phil's artistry continues to improve, and for that I am grateful. But I would have liked Phil's latest story more if he had ended it with Panel no. 35. That's the panel that shows us Natalie, still bent over the couch, looking out at us, the readers, and she says:

"Gulp!... my bottom is so sore, this could be heaven or this could be hell... GULP!... I'm sorry folks but you'll have to leave now... giggle!...PHEW!"

Yeah, I would have been happy to "leave now." But no chance. Instead, Overbarrel gives us two more panels with Natalie pleading for some doggie sex. I credit Phil for his continually improving artistry... but really now.

thanks for the comment on my artistry :D . i will be starting a new toon next week and hopefully you will find things to enjoy about it ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by sunflower309 »

hello everyone!

i have to disagree with Dan. i think this was a perfect ending to "an Alternate Proposal". for a lot of people spanking is a sexual activity. not everyone, but some. and in this case i believe that this was the romantic ending the story had to take. i do not find it too explicit or objectionable. every person is different. that is what makes the world go 'round! what a boring place it would be if everyone thought and acted the same way. my spankings never end this way, but it still was enjoyable for me, for sure. what i would find not enjoyable is cruelty, broken skin, any thing extreme, BDSM. yet some people like that. and they have that right. i'm just glad that stuff doesn't find it's way to CSR. and yet some people probably pass on CSR because it's not. i have never found any of B00m's or Phil's toon anything except enjoyable! and i hope to continue enjoying them for a long time to come. and i mean no disrespect to anyone.

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Re: the Conclusion of An Alternate Proposal

Post by web-ed »

Well, I'm a day late here (for good reason, as we lost the site Saturday when I normally would have checked and I had a frustrating day getting it back up) but not, I hope, a dollar short. I'm very happy with the way things "ended up" so to speak, and although there is to be some x-rated activity in the immediate future, the fact that it wasn't explicitly shown should satisfy those of us who don't wish explicit sexual conduct to be mixed in with spanking art. The most important thing, though, is that Natalie has learned to accept the fact that she's going to get occasional spankings during their married life, beginning on Day 1, and she realizes that's a good thing.

So a satisfying conclusion to "An Alternate Proposal" and thanks for synchronizing it with the conclusion of Romantic Spanking Month, into which it fits very well. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by overbarrel49 »

sunflower309 wrote:hello everyone!

i have to disagree with Dan. i think this was a perfect ending to "an Alternate Proposal". for a lot of people spanking is a sexual activity. not everyone, but some. and in this case i believe that this was the romantic ending the story had to take. i do not find it too explicit or objectionable. every person is different. that is what makes the world go 'round! what a boring place it would be if everyone thought and acted the same way. my spankings never end this way, but it still was enjoyable for me, for sure. what i would find not enjoyable is cruelty, broken skin, any thing extreme, BDSM. yet some people like that. and they have that right. i'm just glad that stuff doesn't find it's way to CSR. and yet some people probably pass on CSR because it's not. i have never found any of B00m's or Phil's toon anything except enjoyable! and i hope to continue enjoying them for a long time to come. and i mean no disrespect to anyone.

hi Sunflower,

i loved your "perfect ending" comment :D :D .............and i too think it was a romantic ending for our story ;) . i agree with your assessment that every person is different and i am very pleased that you enjoyed the toon and that you will be continuing to check out my toons :D . thanks, phil
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Well, I'm a day late here (for good reason, as we lost the site Saturday when I normally would have checked and I had a frustrating day getting it back up) but not, I hope, a dollar short. I'm very happy with the way things "ended up" so to speak, and although there is to be some x-rated activity in the immediate future, the fact that it wasn't explicitly shown should satisfy those of us who don't wish explicit sexual conduct to be mixed in with spanking art. The most important thing, though, is that Natalie has learned to accept the fact that she's going to get occasional spankings during their married life, beginning on Day 1, and she realizes that's a good thing.
hi web-ed,

i had noticed that i was unable to access the site for a while but the nature of the error message i got left me wondering if it was something that you had to take care of or not. i'm sorry to hear that it was you who had to deal with it. i'm glad you liked the ending i came up with for this toon :D . i ended the toon with Natalie asking folks to leave, as Boom did with his Valentines Katie, so that no sexual activity would be shown and i too was satisfied this left the proper amount to the viewer's imagination 8-) . Natalie did indeed learn to accept her future spankings and more importantly, she found out that Mark was willing to take charge just as she had been hoping.............although perhaps not in the way she had in mind :lol: :D .
web-ed wrote: So a satisfying conclusion to "An Alternate Proposal" and thanks for synchronizing it with the conclusion of Romantic Spanking Month, into which it fits very well. :)
i'm glad that you enjoyed the toon, including the ending. the synchronization was no problem and you're welcome. i was happy to be able to participate ;) . new toon starting Friday. thanks, phil
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by hugob00m »

sunflower309 wrote:i have to disagree with Dan. i think this was a perfect ending to "an Alternate Proposal". for a lot of people spanking is a sexual activity. not everyone, but some. and in this case i believe that this was the romantic ending the story had to take. i do not find it too explicit or objectionable. every person is different. that is what makes the world go 'round! what a boring place it would be if everyone thought and acted the same way. my spankings never end this way, but it still was enjoyable for me, for sure. what i would find not enjoyable is cruelty, broken skin, any thing extreme, BDSM.
I agree with you on that part, sunflower! I like spankings, but not beatings. I don't like to see broken skin, and usually not even deep bruising. A warm red glow is what I like to see and that is what Natalie had by the time Mark was through paddling her.

I think it was appropriate, given the circumstances, for Natalie to remain bent over the chair and suggest another activity that she and Mark could undulge in. "Pleading for doggie sex" is a rather crude way to put it, but I suppose Dan thought that SHE was being crude. I didn't. I thought she was just expressing her sexual attraction for the man she's just decided to marry. And I know that there are some women who REALLY enjoy "doggie sex" right after they've been spanked.

Well, anyway, I liked the ending of An Alternate Proposal, and now I'm looking forward to what Phil can come up with next!
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by jimc »

Boy, I could not wait to comment on some of the panels I have already seen. I love that she is a redhead(when I first saw Natalie I thought of Reba Macintyre) One thing on this one that I don't seem to remember is how Natalie's hair fell when she 1st went over his lap. I thought this was just exceptional. As you already know I enjoy your use of the word spanking and what it brings to my mind. Because I have Adult ADD I do have to ignore some of the dialog as I end up bouncing from one thought balloon to another and seem to have sensory overload so that is one part of your stories that in some ways have less to do with your art and more of my inability to follow some of the storylines as I cannot read them and enjoy the art at the same time. I am also like some of the others on the fact on being called Sir (it makes me feel too old and not just a few years older than the woman I am spanking) so while I see it in your story I also have to say I want her to know why she is getting a spanking but not having to be completely subservient. So thank you for another great story. I just got up to the panel when she 1st got over his lap and had to leave, but I hope to finish the rest of the story soon. Have a great day.
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Re: An Alternate Proposal

Post by overbarrel49 »

jimc wrote:Boy, I could not wait to comment on some of the panels I have already seen. I love that she is a redhead(when I first saw Natalie I thought of Reba Macintyre) One thing on this one that I don't seem to remember is how Natalie's hair fell when she 1st went over his lap. I thought this was just exceptional.
hi Jim,

i'm glad you noticed this detail and enjoyed it. i like to include all the details i can to make the pics look good and it's nice to know folks are actually noticing them rather than just focusing on her bare bottom sticking up there :D far as the red hair goes.........i think that seems to be a favorite of some of our CSR readers............just ask Boom :lol: .
jimc wrote:As you already know I enjoy your use of the word spanking and what it brings to my mind. Because I have Adult ADD I do have to ignore some of the dialog as I end up bouncing from one thought balloon to another and seem to have sensory overload so that is one part of your stories that in some ways have less to do with your art and more of my inability to follow some of the storylines as I cannot read them and enjoy the art at the same time. I am also like some of the others on the fact on being called Sir (it makes me feel too old and not just a few years older than the woman I am spanking) so while I see it in your story I also have to say I want her to know why she is getting a spanking but not having to be completely subservient. So thank you for another great story. I just got up to the panel when she 1st got over his lap and had to leave, but I hope to finish the rest of the story soon. Have a great day.
i like to think there is a lot going on in my pics and i can only hope that everyone is catching everything. as far as the issues with the dialog, i don't see that it matters how you go about it.............whatever works for you. i'm just glad that you're enjoying them. i have a habit of going back to the beginning and looking at everything i have done at different points in the story. it helps me keep lined out on what i want to do in coming panels. also, after i am finished with a toon, i always go back and re read the entire thing. i do that less to inspect the individual panels and more to get the overall feel of the toon. there is usually lots going on in my toons and many ways to enjoy them. i also like to go back in time and re read previous toons ;). i'm glad you're enjoying them :D . thanks, phil
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