The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Post by web-ed »

Dan - you must have been in the middle of posting when I last commented, because Olga had just been taken OTK at that time. Now that you've posted the last couple of panels, I'll just join with willjohn in saying it's great to see Olga's behind in full color :) ! I like color a great deal and I feel that it has improved the overall effect of your cartoons.
-- Web-Ed
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Post by bobj7188 »


I'm delighted to see that you appear to be reconsidering your departure! In the discussion that has followed, I discovered something that added to my disappointment over your decision. It appears that I have been missing some of your artwork. I am only able to sign in at most once a week or two, and sometimes it's less than that. I use a dedicated email address for this interest, and don't check it reguarly either, so subscribing wouldn't help. I have collected all your cartoons that I've seen, and enjoy them, so I hate to think I have missing pieces in my collection. (That sort of thing drives a collector crazy!)

Like others, I have always enjoyed the nostalgic feel to your cartoons. They often remind me of scenes in old movies, though with much more attention to the spanking of a well-deserved female bottom than the brief scenes in the movies (in which the bulk of the spanking was often off-screen). Your cartoons not only feature a strong male lead spanking a deserving attractive female (my favorite scenario), they often involve witnesses, usually include a nice back story, and display good old-fashioned otk positioning. I also enjoy the fact that you often portray more than one "camera-angle."

I could copy and paste that into almost any comment I would make on any of your artwork. So if I don't sign in and get a chance to say it, please file away a "ditto" and know that I have enjoyed it (if I, in fact, get to see it!).

I'll add that one of the things I enjoy, when I don't find new artwork to view, is colorizing your black and white pieces myself (though I'm not able to do nearly the job that you do, as all I have to work with is MS Paint). It's just a little way to enjoy the artwork with a little personal engagement. So I'm happy whether you share B&W or color! But alas, I don't have much time to enjoy that either.

Thanks for taking the time to create and share your art.

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Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Hi Phil... Thanks so much, for your kind words regarding my recent "Captain Woodshed" cartoon.

I especially like that you go out of your way to comment on specific details in my toons. You said: "i like the way you have depicted her pulled up dress which looks very realistic and i think the red color really makes that pop." Good eye, Phil. Little things like this may not attract a lot of comments, but you are an artist yourself and I'm sure you also are alert to the details in your work. It's the little things that count, as you well know.
hi Dan,

personally, i have found "specific" comments most helpful when folks comment on my toons so i try to do the same for other artists when i comment on their toons. it seems to me that those details, even if they are overlooked by most viewers, really make the difference between a pic that is just ordinary and one that really stands out so specific comments are really helpful in achieving that. in my case, it's not just the pic but also the words and i get frequent comments about what viewers like and don't like about the dialog too. while the general comments such as , "i enjoyed this pic" are nice to hear, i think the more specific comments are more useful to me and besides, it's nice to know folks noticed those details that i spend a lot of time adding to the pics ;) .
daneldorado wrote:Your "Turn of Events" story is one of the best you've ever published. I really like that here, we have two ladies, not one, receiving spankings. Your word balloons give us plenty of detail, and I like the way you have them neatly organized. It's like reading the story in a book, only in THIS book, the dialogue is accompanied by brilliant color illustrations. Shades of "One Good Turn," which as you know is my choice as the best story you've ever posted here.
i'm glad you're enjoying the toon :D . i spend a lot of time considering the wording of the dialog and also, what should be spoken aloud and what should be thoughts. sometimes i feel like the pics are a bit crowded with all the dialog but i try to give the information that i think it necessary to get across what he players are thinking and feeling. anyway, it's nice to know that you've been enjoying that part of it too. i didn't know you were enjoying this one almost as much as "One Good turn" :D . thanks, phil
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Post by jesseray »

I think one of the issues here, is how much the spankophile world has changed since Dan and I first met. There was no Internet, no Shadow Lane, No Spank Parties.. There was Nu-West, Kurt Stevens and California Star pumping out an occasional video… $90 and a bit less a pop. Steve Richardsons P.F publications offering quarterly spank stories for $5 and up…. And some glossy (but usually hokey) spanking publications like- Spank Hard, and Corporal… Slim chance you had ever met another spankophile… That has all changed- in a half hour I can download 5 videos, a dozen spank stories, a few dozen pictures- all free… and still have time to chat… Dan’s pictures meant an awful lot back then (as they do now..) and most of his reward was appreciation… We all (including myself) take it all for granted now a days as we can pick and choose at wiil.. Almost to our hearts content.
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Re: Spanking Has Changed in the Internet Age

Post by web-ed »

Quite true, Ray - it is vastly different now. How I hated running into Chicago porn shops in the '80's trying to find the occasional spanking mag like Slap Shots!, which were indeed hokey because they were published by straight porno guys who understood nothing about the scene. That was even partially true of Spank Hard! which you mentioned, where young Eve Howard became editor, because she had absolutely no control over the photo layouts.

And because there is so much free spanking material on the internet (some of which I'm proud to be responsible for), I suppose younger spankos are a bit spoiled (the females should get a good spanking :lol: !). And that makes it hard for artists like Dan to get the appreciation they deserve.
-- Web-Ed
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