Family Tradition

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Yep! Steve understands that it all comes down to the tanning of Tina's tiny tail so she can feel like her mother (or something like that).

Then again it may be all about making her lively between the sheets.
hi Willjohn,

interesting comments. i'd have to say it's probably a bit of both 8-) . i think Steve is going to turn out to be as good a spanker as Uly one of these days :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition #51

Post by web-ed »

Yes, it's very important that women not be allowed to carry around excess guilt with them ;) . Seriously, this can be a real problem, and many spankees do feel badly about something they've done, or are continuing to do. It can be an ongoing problem or (less frequently) something that happened a long time ago. In Tina's case, while her resentment of her mother's gleeful viewing of her spankings went back many years, her guilt was based on her recent viewing of Vicki's own spanking.

And spanking does work wonder for getting rid of a woman's guilt feelings, although it has to hurt a fair amount to really purge those feelings completely. There is often a strong desire to shed real tears in such cases as well.

So at last we have a mystery explained here. Unfortunately for Tina, she still has to face that paddle, a fact which I'm sure she'll be reminded of shortly. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Yes, it's very important that women not be allowed to carry around excess guilt with them ;) . Seriously, this can be a real problem, and many spankees do feel badly about something they've done, or are continuing to do. It can be an ongoing problem or (less frequently) something that happened a long time ago. In Tina's case, while her resentment of her mother's gleeful viewing of her spankings went back many years, her guilt was based on her recent viewing of Vicki's own spanking.
hi web-ed,

i think you've hit the nail right on the head here. one of the problems with guilt, or other bad feelings, is that, if left unresolved, they can stick around for a long time. when that happens, that guilt can fester and even turn into resentment that can act like a wedge between 2 partners. i always figured that as a husband, it was my job to take care of my wife's this case, her emotional needs. that being the case, i always tried to resolve such feelings as quickly as possible because the less time those bad feelings hang around, the less time they have to fester.
web-ed wrote:And spanking does work wonder for getting rid of a woman's guilt feelings, although it has to hurt a fair amount to really purge those feelings completely. There is often a strong desire to shed real tears in such cases as well.
again, i agree. the husband must see to it that it is a good, punishing spanking and make sure he doesn't stop too soon. that's the only way to get rid of the wife's guilt. even though she will probably hate the spanking while it's going on and may even get angry, she will appreciate it after it's over because her guilt and stress are gone. in many cases, she will actually respect and love her husband more because of his strength of will and that he loves her enough to blister her bottom and resolve this matter. spanking is an excellent way to get such matters resolved and get rid of such feelings. it is the quickest possible way. it just takes a few minutes and once it's over, all is forgiven and the slate is wiped clean. the girl's guilt is gone since she has been punished for what she's done and the the man's frustrations are gone because he has taken them out on her bare bottom. there isn't any time for the girl's guilt to turn to resentment because her husband did nothing to resolve the matter or for the man's frustrations to turn to resentment because of her behavior.

as far as the tears go.......i almost always show the spankee crying in my toons but i don't think it's always that simple. most spankees i've talked to find it impossible to cry during a spanking, even though they would really like to. tears are, of course, an excellent emotional release and help the spankee a great deal in getting rid of guilt or other bad feelings and girls know that and would like to cry during a spanking but just normally can't do it. what i'm told is that if a woman does cry during a spanking it is usually because she feels deeply emotional about having let her man down or hurting him somehow and not because of the pain of the spanking.
web-ed wrote:So at last we have a mystery explained here. Unfortunately for Tina, she still has to face that paddle, a fact which I'm sure she'll be reminded of shortly. :)
indeed the mystery is explained :D . Tina does indeed have to face the paddle now...........although she won't actually be facing it :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by hugob00m »

Well... after web-ed's comment, I don't have much more to add. I was going to say approximately the same thing, but I don't think I would've said it nearly as well. I'm glad Steve explained to Tina (and to us in the audience) why he feels proud of her... and why he's keeping his promise to spank her anyway! I totally agree with his logic. ;) ;) ;) ;)

And... of course... the thing he didn't explain to her, but all of us in the audience know... Such a cute bottom as she's got is gonna need to be spanked every now and then, whether she deserves it or not! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'd almost feel sorry for Tina... ALMOST... She's got such a hot, red bottom already, and he hasn't even started to use the paddle! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: But... we all know, and even she admits... that she really NEEDS that spanking!

I like how this story is going and I can hardly wait for more!
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Well... after web-ed's comment, I don't have much more to add. I was going to say approximately the same thing, but I don't think I would've said it nearly as well. I'm glad Steve explained to Tina (and to us in the audience) why he feels proud of her... and why he's keeping his promise to spank her anyway! I totally agree with his logic. ;) ;) ;) ;)

And... of course... the thing he didn't explain to her, but all of us in the audience know... Such a cute bottom as she's got is gonna need to be spanked every now and then, whether she deserves it or not! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hi Boom,

yeah, you're right. cute bottoms like that DO have to be spanked from time to time, whether they need it or least from the spanker's point of view :lol: . as i recall, that philosophy caused me to have some irritated spankees back when i was a younger man :lol: . i do think Steve is doing the right thing by keeping his promise though. relationships are built on promises kept, even if she doesn't necessarily know she wants that promise to be kept. i think he's right that Tina would have ultimately been disappointed if he hadn't followed through and given her that promised spanking 8-) .
hugob00m wrote:I'd almost feel sorry for Tina... ALMOST... She's got such a hot, red bottom already, and he hasn't even started to use the paddle! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: But... we all know, and even she admits... that she really NEEDS that spanking!
well, her bottom is pretty red and it's gonna get redder. however, i do agree with you that she needs this spanking and in fact, i think their relationship needs this spanking ;)
hugob00m wrote:I like how this story is going and I can hardly wait for more!
more coming up on Friday :D . i'm glad you're enjoying the story. thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

you want me to do what?!?
you want me to do what?!?
052.jpg (287.71 KiB) Viewed 10071 times
hi everyone,

hmmmmmmm, it looks like Tina gets to play a part in her own spanking...........other than presenting her bottom for Steve to spank :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic . phil
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by willjohn »

"But, but, but,
OOH my butt!"
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:"But, but, but,
OOH my butt!"
hi Willjohn,

i think you nailed it :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by hugob00m »

Oh yeah! This is such a fun picture! (Well... fun for the audience :D :D :D :D and fun for Steve, :D :D :D :D but maybe not so much for naughty Tina! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: ) If Tina had any hopes that she would get a reprieve from the paddle, she knows better now! And making her hand it to him is a great idea! One more chance for her to demonstrate her submission to him!

Meanwhile, he's sitting there with one hand planted firmly on her back, letting her know that there's no escape from her fate, and his other hand resting on her feverish bottom... Ooooh! Even with no motion lines like cartoonists use, I can feel her squirming!

For me this is a perfect balance of being highly erotic without any hint of vulgarity!
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Oh yeah! This is such a fun picture! (Well... fun for the audience :D :D :D :D and fun for Steve, :D :D :D :D but maybe not so much for naughty Tina! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: ) If Tina had any hopes that she would get a reprieve from the paddle, she knows better now! And making her hand it to him is a great idea! One more chance for her to demonstrate her submission to him!
hi Boom,

i thought putting the paddle on the floor where Tina could see it during the spanking and then making her hand it to him after the hand spanking were both great ways for Steve to demonstrate his dominance to Tina :D . it can also have some powerful erotic overtones. i got a comment from a spankee friend who was wondering out loud just why being sent to fetch the paddle for a spanking was so arousing for her 8-) .
hugob00m wrote:Meanwhile, he's sitting there with one hand planted firmly on her back, letting her know that there's no escape from her fate, and his other hand resting on her feverish bottom... Ooooh! Even with no motion lines like cartoonists use, I can feel her squirming!
i liked this comment. it's pretty hard to capture any kind of action without those motion lines so a comment like this one brings a big smile to my face :D :D . of course, the placement of Steve's hands is deliberate, designed to draw Tina's attention to just how exposed and helpless she is. Tina is indeed locked in here until such time as Steve decides to let her up. i would think that just the fire in her bottom would be sufficient reason for Tina to be squirming but handing him the paddle and waiting for it to be applied would be even more reason :lol: .
hugob00m wrote:For me this is a perfect balance of being highly erotic without any hint of vulgarity!
i like this comment too :D :D . i'm glad you enjoyed this pic. thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition #52

Post by web-ed »

Time for the paddle :D ! Little more need be said - I think we've already covered the advantage of having the paddle in sight where the spankee can view it until it's time to actually put it to use, at which time while she won't be able to see it, she sure will be able to feel it! :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Time for the paddle :D ! Little more need be said - I think we've already covered the advantage of having the paddle in sight where the spankee can view it until it's time to actually put it to use, at which time while she won't be able to see it, she sure will be able to feel it! :lol:
hi web-ed,

it is indeed time for the paddle :D . you did cover the advantage of having the paddle where the spankee can see it and Tina can definitely see this one............and she already knows what it feels like :lol: . funny but it doesn't seem like she's looking forward to actually touching it..........or to it touching her :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

Tina seems to be having some last minute panic here.............i guess you might call it a last GASP! before her bottom gets reacquainted with the paddle :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic
tapping the paddle
tapping the paddle
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. phil
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Re: Family Tradition #53

Post by web-ed »

Here we see a couple of what I called "Spanking Embellishments" in my magnum opus The Whys of Spanking a couple of years ago: making the spankee hand over (or go get) the implement and preliminary contact of the implement to the bottom. Humorama fans might remember we had two cartoons in which the secretary was being sent to the files to "Fetch the paddle!" for her boss and there's no doubt this does serve to increase the spankee's humiliation (the point of all spanking embellishments, remember) while adding to the ritualistic aspect that turns out to be important to some spankees, especially in a disciplinary context.

As to placing or tapping the implement on the behind before the strokes begin, while I hate to quote myself, I wrote this:

"A variation on [rubbing] occurs when an implement is used and the spanker positions it on the spankee's bottom before administering some or even all of the strokes. The preliminary touch of the paddle or cane functions as a mini-violation of the spankee which portends the major violation to come, and also increases the spankee's embarrassment by making her aware that the spanker is carefully aiming for the target, which means he's looking at her soon-to-be-swatted rear end."

As we see with Tina here, these embellishments can be very effective psychologically. Tina's facial expression is, by the way, probably the highlight of this drawing.

I do remember one spankee from years ago who was quite thrilled to feel the paddle placed against her bottom before receiving the actual swat. Of course, if it means nothing to her you can just give the swats without preliminaries! Truly, there are endless variations with paddling :lol: !
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by willjohn »

I'm surprised she did not ask for a blindfold.
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by daneldorado »

Great pictures, Phil. Your drawing seems better than ever, even better than in "Another Level." Truly, you must be one of the acknowledged masters of Poser Art.

Now, in panel no. 053, you've got Tina in one of my favorite positions: over the knee, but also with her gorgeous legs side by side as she ponders her immediate future. She knows her burning bottom is about to receive even more hard swats, but she consoles herself by thinking: "NO! It's okay Tina! This will all be over soon and you'll still have your memories... and it will all be worth it!" Ya know, I like it when a spankee thinks like that. :P

A lot has been said, here and in other places, about how RED a spankee's bottom gets when she's been jolly well spanked... but I invite your gaze to panel no. 52. Here, we see Tina nicely draped across her husband's lap, having just endured a sound spanking from his hand, and expecting more to come. But it isn't her bottom that is the main feature of this pic; no, no, take a good look at Tina's face! Have we ever, in any spanking story, seen a girl's face so RED? Great picture, Phil!

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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Here we see a couple of what I called "Spanking Embellishments" in my magnum opus The Whys of Spanking a couple of years ago: making the spankee hand over (or go get) the implement and preliminary contact of the implement to the bottom. Humorama fans might remember we had two cartoons in which the secretary was being sent to the files to "Fetch the paddle!" for her boss and there's no doubt this does serve to increase the spankee's humiliation (the point of all spanking embellishments, remember) while adding to the ritualistic aspect that turns out to be important to some spankees, especially in a disciplinary context.
hi web-ed,

i agree with you that this ritual of having the spankee fetch the paddle and hand it to the spanker is important to some spankees. as i said in reply to Boom's comments about pic 52, i have a spankee friend who commented that she didn't know why but for some reason, she found having to fetch the paddle very arousing. personally, i think it has to do with your comment that this serves to increase the spankees humiliation. my theory is that women are aroused by intense emotions........the more intense it is, the more potential for arousal there is and humiliation is a very intense emotion.
web-ed wrote:As to placing or tapping the implement on the behind before the strokes begin, while I hate to quote myself, I wrote this:

"A variation on [rubbing] occurs when an implement is used and the spanker positions it on the spankee's bottom before administering some or even all of the strokes. The preliminary touch of the paddle or cane functions as a mini-violation of the spankee which portends the major violation to come, and also increases the spankee's embarrassment by making her aware that the spanker is carefully aiming for the target, which means he's looking at her soon-to-be-swatted rear end."
i think you are exactly right here on both counts. that mini violation that you mentioned, points up to the spankee that she is totally exposed to her spanker......and totally helpless against both the mini and the major violation.
web-ed wrote: As we see with Tina here, these embellishments can be very effective psychologically. Tina's facial expression is, by the way, probably the highlight of this drawing.
i liked this comment :D . even though i was able to show Tina's bottom as well as her face, her facial expression, along with her accompanying emotions, was meant to be the focus of this pic so it's nice that you noticed it :D .
web-ed wrote:I do remember one spankee from years ago who was quite thrilled to feel the paddle placed against her bottom before receiving the actual swat. Of course, if it means nothing to her you can just give the swats without preliminaries! Truly, there are endless variations with paddling :lol: !
there are indeed endless variations with paddling and all spankees are different. pretty much every girl i've spanked would protest the spanking, even while submitting. most of them hated the actual spanking but i had one girlfriend who really loved it. because of this, i never did make much progress correcting her behavior but i sure had fun trying :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:I'm surprised she did not ask for a blindfold.
hi Willjohn,

that's pretty funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Great pictures, Phil. Your drawing seems better than ever, even better than in "Another Level." Truly, you must be one of the acknowledged masters of Poser Art.
hi Dan and welcome back :D ,

thank you. i take that as a great compliment :D :D .
daneldorado wrote: Now, in panel no. 053, you've got Tina in one of my favorite positions: over the knee, but also with her gorgeous legs side by side as she ponders her immediate future. She knows her burning bottom is about to receive even more hard swats, but she consoles herself by thinking: "NO! It's okay Tina! This will all be over soon and you'll still have your memories... and it will all be worth it!" Ya know, I like it when a spankee thinks like that. :P
i'm glad you enjoyed the view. i know of your fondness for a nice view of the spankee's legs as well as her bottom 8-) . i know what you mean about a spankee who thinks like that. i had a girlfriend in high school who lied to me and told me that her dad had extended her curfew for a special occasion, all the while knowing that when she got home, her dad would be waiting for her with the hairbrush for staying out too late. while she did like getting a spanking from me, she did not like getting paddled by her dad :oops: . in this case, Tina's consoling thoughts only lasted until she felt that paddle tapping her bottom though :lol:
daneldorado wrote: A lot has been said, here and in other places, about how RED a spankee's bottom gets when she's been jolly well spanked... but I invite your gaze to panel no. 52. Here, we see Tina nicely draped across her husband's lap, having just endured a sound spanking from his hand, and expecting more to come. But it isn't her bottom that is the main feature of this pic; no, no, take a good look at Tina's face! Have we ever, in any spanking story, seen a girl's face so RED? Great picture, Phil!

yeah, i think Tina found the prospect of handing the paddle to Steve to be intensely embarrassing. i agree with you that her face is the focus of this pic. i thought it was most important to see her face as she looks at the paddle which is why we don't see her bottom from behind in that one ;) . i'm glad you enjoyed both these pics :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Family Tradition

Post by hugob00m »

The way i see it, tapping Tina with the paddle mostly serves to build anticipation! And there are two kinds of anticipation involved here...

First the eager anticipation of the audience... waiting to see Steve begin the final phase of punishment for his naughty wife! We're going to see her already-red bottom turn an even brighter shade and "hear" her scream, whine and whimper (in the talk balloons)... and I bet her legs are going to flutter some more!

And then, there's the dreadful anticipation of the naughty wife herself... knowing that soon... very soon she's going to feel the familiar burn that she knows all too well from the many childhood spankings she used to get from her Daddy!

Will this make Tina behave? Maybe for a while. (But we hope that sometime in the future she'll do something else to earn another spanking... and another... and another... and another...) ;) ;) ;) ;) Who knows? Maybe Tina and her even brattier Mom might just get into trouble together and get spanked together... (one can only hope! ;) ;) ;) ;) )
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