R.I.P. Maureen O'Hara

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R.I.P. Maureen O'Hara

Post by hugob00m »

Well... I just learned last night that Maureen O'Hara passed away. Sad news, but not completely unexpected, since she was getting up in years.

She'll be missed.

As a naturalized citizen of the U.S. born in Ireland, she represented her mative culture in a positive way and was a patriot to this country.

Of course, those of us at C.S.R. will mostly remember her for the vigorous on-screen paddling she got from John Wayne in McLintock! :D :D :D :D

In 1963, Maureen O'Hara was enough of an established star that she wouldn't have had to take just any acting job that was tossed her way. She could've declined the role of Katherine Gilhooley McLintock, but, thankfully she didn't! She signed up for the part and was willing to take a spanking for the fans! We love her for that!

And now, she's no longer with us. May she rest in peace, and may her family and friends find comfort in their time of mourning.
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Re: R.I.P. Maureen O'Hara

Post by jimc »

For spankos McClintock was one of the best movies of the year. I loved Maureen O'Hara in so many of her movies. She was swashbuckler, but feminine. She was refined, but could be in a mud fight and look great afterward. She was one spanked in many of her movies and had even brought a stick to be beaten with (of course I thought when he threw away the stick he would still take her otk and show how it was done in America in THE QUIET MAN). I always thought that her role in the Battle of Villa Fiorta could have been spanked as well as the girls. I will miss her. I was 10 when I saw McClintock and of course the other movie that John Wayne spanked his costar was Donovan's Reef. Rest in Peace, Maureen and thank you for all your movies.
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Re: R.I.P. Maureen O'Hara

Post by web-ed »

We will never forget Maureen O'Hara, for McClintock! and of course many other films. She was a great spankee on every level!
-- Web-Ed
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