Good Marks

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Good Marks

Post by willjohn »

Never have so many shapely young female derrieres been so well spanked in one dormitory. :roll:

Well done (" they soitainly are")
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Re: Good Marks

Post by jimc »

I have enjoyed this series greatly Phil. i have not had oppurtunities to comment on specfic strips as much as i would have liked, but i did want to let you know that i have enjoyed them even though i could not comment on them as much as i would have liked. Have a great day and thanks again.
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

Sweetspot wrote:Phil

Taking it all the way back to March 2016 with the introduction and moving forward from that point all the way through to the recent conclusion you have managed a consistently fine work, that's quite remarkable given the length of the story. I lift an appropriate glass of Champaign in a toast to your accomplishment. Beauregard Bottomly would be proud. 8-)
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the nice comments and the toast! I'm glad you enjoyed the toon :D Maybe I can get my portrait hung along side Beauregard's in Red Bottomly hall :lol: .
Sweetspot wrote:I wish now I had commented, in a more timely manner, on several of the topics that came up because of your story. Unfortunately I sometimes get so caught up in my own part of this cyber operation that I forget to stop and comment on what's going on at other parts of the site. For example, your mention of corner time punishment in the lives of several of these young women was pretty fascinating. Oh yes, corner-time, spankings less physically painful [for the most part] but often just as humiliating cousin in disciplining the naughty female . The ultimate act of bondage and yet accomplished without ropes, gags, straps or chains - forcing your will upon a woman out of her guilt, submission to your authority, threat of further punishment or just because she likes it. Fully clothed or bottom exposed what a delightful sight to see. Soap in the mouth, maybe hands on the head, before or after the spanking or even no spanking at all - nose in the corner-time - in and of itself can be a most satisfying event. How humiliating it must have been for the girl in the story to be in the corner under the watchful eyes of father and brother. A time of isolation, deprivation and contemplation for the young lady. A time of satisfaction and accomplishment for her authority figure. Thanks for making that a part of your adventure. Obviously your stories are not only enjoyable but thought provoking. I'm certainly looking forward to what comes next.
Phil S.
Don't worry about commenting. I too have time constraints. I spend much of my computer time working on the pics so there isn't always time left over to comment on everything I would like. CSR has been a veritable flurry of activity recently, much of which has been brought about by all the research you have been doing. While I try to at least read everything, there is little chance I can get time to comment on everything so I'm in the same boat you are.

You have a lot of interesting ideas here about corner time. For example, I had never thought about it as bondage without restraints and you are quite right in that there are other reasons the spankee stands in the corner when told to without trying to escape :lol: . I really appreciate your comment that "Obviously your stories are not only enjoyable but thought provoking" :D. I know I have mentioned in the past that I just love it when a viewer is speculating about what will happen next and fantasizing how it might go because that tells me I have made a connection with that viewer :D . We will have a new toon starting on Friday. I have entitled it, "Growing Pains" and I hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:You’re right, Web-ed, when you say that the 77 panels in Overbarrel's "Good Marks" opus are the stuff of legend. I would just want to say here that my favorite of Overbarrel's stories, "Family Tradition," which ran from 2/27/15 to 3/13/16, brought us SEVENTY-TWO panels; a close second in numbers, I guess, but I think it is superior to "Good Marks" for reasons unconnected to the number of pictures.
Hi Dan,

I have to agree with you that the number of pics isn't what makes a viewer like or dislike a toon. As a matter of fact, I think most viewers like some pics and not others or at least have their own favorites ;) .
daneldorado wrote:I believe there is more to a spanking story than the number of pictures you put into it. "Good Marks" is certainly the champ as far as the number of girls who get spanked. Let's see: Xandra, Anna, Barb, Peggy... that's four, isn't it? In my favorite, "Fam Trad," there are only two spankees, just as there were only two spankees in another fave, "One Good Turn." But those numbers should not be the major selling point.
Again, I agree. I never start out to do a "marathon" toon. The number of pics just depends on so many factors, most of which I have no idea about when I start the toon. Reader comments are often one of the major factors that determine the length of a toon so I never know which direction things are going to go until we get there.
daneldorado wrote:An excellent spanking story should create, in addition to pics of pretty bottoms being spanked, a delightful frisson that arises from the situation. A girl getting her bottom whacked is nice, but how much nicer if the spankee is a person from a higher social level than the man spanking her. That is one of the reasons we all enjoyed seeing The Phantom – a commoner – spanking the naughty Queen Pera. And another commoner, Evad, putting his own superior, Queen Arda, over his knee for another good spanking. Situations like these make our nerve endings quiver. I’m pretty sure you know which “nerve endings” I’m talking about.
I think your comments above just go to prove what I've always known......that every spanko has his/her own favorite spanking scenario. Even though we may all enjoy any spanking drawing or situation, some will touch more of those nerve endings than others :lol: . Different people get turned on by different things and I think your comments show that nicely :D .
daneldorado wrote:In a similar way, I am moved beyond joyousness when I see a good-looking and youngish mother, Miss Vicky, getting spanked by her husband Ulysses… right in front of their daughter Tina and son-in-law Steve. Omigod, how humiliating! Of course Overbarrel does the right thing and has the spanking take place right in front of the kids, deepening Vicky’s humiliation; remember, Vicky is the nominal "authority figure" since she is Tina's mother and this all takes place in Vicky's own house. This eventually leads to Steve spanking Tina, as we all expected. But the frisson of seeing your good-looking mother-in-law getting soundly spanked with her skirt up and her panties down just had to affect Steve, and in a major way! :D
I too like to see the older woman turned over and reduced to a little girl's state :D . Even at that, both of us may find such a scene having an effect on those nerve endings but we might still not be in total agreement about every detail of the pic. I guess the quintessential example of this might be your love of seeing a naughty girl's long legs well presented. That might elevate the pic in your mind while other folks are concentrating on other aspects. I've long known that you have some unique viewpoints about spankings and that always seem as it should be to me since I also have my own favorites :D .
daneldorado wrote:If I may inject a mention here of my own work: My own heroine, whom I call Spanky Sal, has been frequently spanked by authority figures: A traffic cop, a foreign ambassador, her college professor, et cetera. But a few years ago I decided to have Sal go over the knee of one of her own male students: A seventeen-year-old boy named Tommy! He loves spanking his pretty teacher (she, not he, is the authority figure) and she apparently doesn’t mind.
and here is one of those unique viewpoints I mentioned :lol: . Of course, I think we all like to see an authority figure such as Sal or some of those you mentioned in your second paragraph, get her comeuppance . By the same token, it's good to see a naughty girl getting a spanking from an authority figure too. Perhaps the difference is the more erotic nature of Sal getting spanked by Tommy 8-) .
daneldorado wrote:Back to Overbarrel: Yes, I love “One Good Turn” and once considered it Overbarrel’s finest work. It really is wonderful, especially the poser artistry. But the only spanker in the story is the authority figure: father of one spankee and the grandfather of another. Overbarrel's recent “Good Marks” is another good story, with all those pretty girls getting their fannies spanked to a crimson hue. But remember: in this story the spankers and the spankees are all college students, thus they are all on the same social level. To my mind, “Family Tradition” is (so far) Overbarrel's masterpiece because of the exciting frissons (there’s that word again) he provides to go along with the spankings.

These are all very interesting comments and I really appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to type these up. While I usually get a big grin from all the nice compliments you make about my toons, I also appreciate that you share your specific thoughts about just what they mean to you personally and why. So many viewers just say they really liked a pic but don't take it any further. Your comments are usually more detailed and more thought provoking ;) . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Never have so many shapely young female derrieres been so well spanked in one dormitory. :roll:

Well done (" they soitainly are")
Hi Willjohn,

I'm glad you enjoyed seeing all the girls get their bottoms spanked :D . Indeed those bottoms soitainly are well done :lol: . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

jimc wrote:I have enjoyed this series greatly Phil. i have not had oppurtunities to comment on specfic strips as much as i would have liked, but i did want to let you know that i have enjoyed them even though i could not comment on them as much as i would have liked. Have a great day and thanks again.
Hi Jim,

I'm glad you enjoyed the toon :D As I told Phil S., I understand time constraints so I appreciate any comments that you do get time to make ;) . Thanks, Phil
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