New Brazilian gem?

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New Brazilian gem?

Post by daneldorado »

I may be wrong... oh LORDY, I MUST be wrong... but I don't think I have seen a word yet, here on CSR, about the new Brazilian telenovela entitled "Eta Mundo Bom!". Supposedly the show just launched this year and it has a superb spanking scene in it. Why would it not be mentioned here?

According to the Chross message board, a beautiful actress named Juliane Araujo is spanked by Klebber Toledo. The scene was posted to Chross' board at, and the comments have all been positive. I would love to hear from you guys, to know if you consider it that good.

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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by hugob00m »

Yes! It's very entertaining! Too bad I don't understand the dialog... I guess the Brazilians haven't been infected with political correctness.

This scene reminds me of the latest story in Overbarrel's gallery. The ladies watching are all either laughing or nodding in agreement... apparently meaning that the young lady on the receiving end really deserved a good spanking and they all knew it!

Thanks for calling this to our attention.
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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by daneldorado »

Hi b00m... Thanks for your reply. Yes, the spanking scene in "Eta Mundo Bom!" is excellent as we rate these things. And you are quite right, that the crowd of folks surrounding the spanking couple -- mostly women -- all seem to agree that the spanking is well justified. Just like Phil Overbarrel's latest story.

And please notice: This time, the spanking goes on for a good while, and we get to see almost all the swats landing. I think it lasts for about 25 smacks, and we can see the man's hand landing on her luscious derriere seventeen (17!) times

By the way, my Brazilian contact tells me the title, "Eta Mundo Bom!" literally means "Everything is fine" or "Everything is great."

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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by willjohn »

I've seen it translated as "It's a good world." Much the same, I suppose.
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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by overbarrel49 »

The only thing that would have made this better is if the spanker had pulled her dress up 8-) . Of course, it would be nice to know what they were saying too but I enjoyed it anyway :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by daneldorado »

Overbarrel wrote:

The only thing that would have made this better is if the spanker had pulled her dress up 8-) . Of course, it would be nice to know what they were saying too but I enjoyed it anyway :D . Thanks, Phil

I'm with you on that, Phil. But now you have brought up a subject that has intrigued me for years. I'm a leg-lover, meaning that I totally love seeing a pretty woman lift her skirt to show her legs. In this context, of course it is the man -- the spanker -- who usually does the lifting, once he has the spankee over his lap. I use that position in all my spank toons, and I notice that you use it too, as does our friend b00m. We always see to it that the skirt is lifted and the legs exposed before the spanking can begin.

Now then. Anyone would say that yeah, you guys do that because you're horny and not fit to mingle with polite society. But what about vanilla spankings? Like the one we were discussing, from the Brazilian telenovela. And those spankings from the few movies and TV shows that dare to show a woman being spanked by a man?

Probably there were NO skirts-up spankings in mainstream movies in the 20th century. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong.) :)
But maybe there is a trend slowly appearing in vanilla entertainment. About ten years ago, we all saw Demian Bichir put Mary-Louise Parker over his knee in her TV show "Weeds"... and before landing his first swat on her rear, he raised her skirt! And Ms. Parker, bless her heart, has excellent legs!

In the PBS presentation of "Kiss Me Kate" starring Brent Barrett and Rachel York, Fred does raise Lilli's skirt before starting to spank her, but in this case she is revealed to be wearing pantaloons, or whatever you call those long bloomers, so we got to see no legs. Still, the skirts-up position may be catching on. Slowly.

I'm already a retired senior citizen, so I may no longer be around when skirts-up spankings become the mainstream norm. But I am very happy that the artists who display their wares on CSR all seem to subscribe to the skirts-up dynamic. Makes it fun, doesn't it?

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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:Probably there were NO skirts-up spankings in mainstream movies in the 20th century. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong.)
I can only think of two exceptions... and you probably forgot about them because the women were both wearing pantaloons, so no leg showing.

One was an episode of Wagon Train with Susan Oliver spanked by Walter Horton.

The other was Tales of Wells Fargo, but I only saw that one a long time ago. There doesn't seem to be a clip, a still, or any reliable information about that one now... but I clearly remember a young lady at the end of an episode being turned over Dale Robertson's knee and having her skirt raised. I also remember a small group of bearded gentlemen standing around, nodding in agreement (the girl's brothers, I think). Some people say the spankee was Diane Brewster, but I don't think that has been confirmed.
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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by Marco G. »

Excellent video. The spanking extends over 2 episodes, is this a first?

Robert Horton was the actor in "Wagon Train". He died this past March at age 91.

The " Tales of Wells Fargo" episode is "A Study in Petticoats" Season 5 Episode 5. Whitney Blake was the female lead. Diane Jergens was the spankee.

My recollection is that Jergens was madly in love with Dale Robertson and making a nuisance of her self pursuing him around town.

Robertson leaves a building through an alley way(?) perhaps in an attempt to avoid her. He is confronted by her adult brothers who demand to know his intentions toward their sister.

Robertson answers to the effect "this" as he sits on a barrel, turns Jergens over his knee, raises her skirt and petticoats, and begins to spank her on the seat of her bloomers.

A chagrined Jergens is seen rubbing her bottom. One of the brothers asks "Why didn't we think of that".

I was unable to find a video. The episode does not appear on any of the compilations.
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Tales of Wells Fargo

Post by hugob00m »

Thanks, Marco G. Your description of the episode of Tales of Wells Fargo is more detailed than what I remember... (I only saw it once, in the mid-sixties.) and it definitely matches the scene I was trying to recall.
Marco G. wrote: He is confronted by her adult brothers who demand to know his intentions toward their sister.

Robertson answers to the effect "this" as he sits on a barrel, turns Jergens over his knee, raises her skirt and petticoats, and begins to spank her on the seat of her bloomers.
I wish I could see that again... but I've searched and it doesn't seem to be currently available anywhere.
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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by Tanner »

Surprised no mention of the classic skirt-up spanking, John Wayne spanking Maureen O'Hara on her pantalettes with the coal shovel in McLintock! Its THE classic of film spanking!
The fine Weeds spanking shows how much TV has changed. There. were plenty spankings in movies and TV in years past but none with a woman being spanked on a pair of skimpy panties, Even the Elvis spanking,another classic,in Blue Hawaii was over a long ,modest nightgown, if one clingy while wet.
The delicious part was the scene next day with actress Jennifer Maxwell sitting on a cushion at breakfast and saying she avoided catching a headcold!
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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by web-ed »

I'm not sure if anyone else knew about Eta Mundo Bom!, Dan, but the reason I didn't mention it was that I hadn't seen it. While I used to check out Chross's blog every week and at least scan through the links, I no longer have that much time and apart from doing the weekly updates and maintenance for CSR, I typically only check out Richard Windsor since he does dig up previously-unknown spanking photos. So thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.

If anyone wants me to try to download and recode this so you can add it to your personal collections, let me know here on this thread and I'll see what I can do.

As to Tales of Wells Fargo, I'll add that to my list of TV clips to find. I'm not that interested in the newer stuff for some reason, but I do like the old scenes from the 60's and in fact I have posted a number of these in the CSR Video section.
Tanner wrote:The delicious part was the scene next day with actress Jennifer Maxwell sitting on a cushion at breakfast and saying she avoided catching a headcold!
As I recall the dialogue, someone asks Jenny if she's catching a cold in the head, and she answers "Oh no, ma'am - just the opposite" (i.e. heat for the seat) to the general laughter of all.
-- Web-Ed
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Jenny on a pillow

Post by hugob00m »

Tanner wrote:The delicious part was the scene next day with actress Jennifer Maxwell sitting on a cushion at breakfast and saying she avoided catching a headcold!
web-ed wrote:As I recall the dialogue, someone asks Jenny if she's catching a cold in the head, and she answers "Oh no, ma'am - just the opposite" (i.e. heat for the seat) to the general laughter of all.
Yeah! I remember that scene! Seeing Ellie (Jenny Maxwell's character) sitting on a pillow the morning after she got spanked, fidgeting some, and talking about how she got the opposite of a head cold was almost as good as the spanking itself... and it added a bit of humor to the whole thing. AND the round of laughter around the table seemed to indicate that all her schoolmates knew all about the spanking she got. :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol: :lol:

It's a little bit like Phil's latest story in that respect. Ellie was a brat and a snob in the earlier part of the story, and I think the other girls were all glad that she had finally gotten what she had been needing for a long time. After the spanking, Ellie was a much more likable character.
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Spanked with skirts up?

Post by hugob00m »

Tanner wrote:Surprised no mention of the classic skirt-up spanking, John Wayne spanking Maureen O'Hara on her pantalettes with the coal shovel in McLintock! Its THE classic of film spanking!
Well... that wasn't really a skirt-UP spanking... it was more of a skirt-GONE spanking. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: New Brazilian gem?

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SAW THE SPANKING IN ETA MUNDO BOM OUTSTANDING FROM BEGGING TO END :D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) speaking of women having their skirts lifted for spanking Wagon Train The Maggie Hamilton Story and Death Valley Days The Taming Of Trudy Bell have Good spanking in them :D 8-)
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Re: New Brazilian gem?

Post by willjohn »

hugob00m wrote:
daneldorado wrote:Probably there were NO skirts-up spankings in mainstream movies in the 20th century. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong.)
I can only think of two exceptions... and you probably forgot about them because the women were both wearing pantaloons, so no leg showing.

One was an episode of Wagon Train with Susan Oliver spanked by Walter Horton.

The other was Tales of Wells Fargo, but I only saw that one a long time ago. There doesn't seem to be a clip, a still, or any reliable information about that one now... but I clearly remember a young lady at the end of an episode being turned over Dale Robertson's knee and having her skirt raised. I also remember a small group of bearded gentlemen standing around, nodding in agreement (the girl's brothers, I think). Some people say the spankee was Diane Brewster, but I don't think that has been confirmed.
1965 film "The Defilers" had Mai Jansson being spanked on the bare bum. Film classed as a "roughie".
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