Seventh O.T. Katie thread

The cartoons of hugob00m. Reader comments strongly desired!

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After Work

Post by hugob00m »

00000afterwork09.jpg (106.77 KiB) Viewed 5709 times
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After Work

Post by hugob00m »

00000afterwork10.jpg (107.8 KiB) Viewed 5709 times
That's it for now. I've got a few story ideas that I'm working on.
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by daneldorado »

Once again b00m, you have brought a mountain of joy to your friends here at CSR. This is quite a relief, after having to wade through all those junk panels that promised good spanking action to us, the faithful... and DID NOT deliver!

Thanks again... and keep those Katie toons coming!....

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After Work

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Dan. Thanks for being the first to comment.
daneldorado wrote:Once again b00m, you have brought a mountain of joy to your friends here at CSR. This is quite a relief, after having to wade through all those junk panels that promised good spanking action to us, the faithful... and DID NOT deliver!
I'm glad you liked this one.
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by Sweetspot »

A great spanking scene and it was a real gift to be able to view it from so many different vantage points. Katie seems to have a genuine love/hate relationship with being spanked. It looks like it's something she sincerely hates and finds very painful but at the same time she definitely goes out of her way - and often not in a very subtle manner - to encourage men to spank her either at work or in her personal life. A lot like golf, I would think, a game so painful, at times, that you end up throwing your club into a lake in disgust but than sign up immediately thereafter for an early starting time for the very next day.
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by willjohn »

Yeah, but golfers are NUTZ!
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi Boom,

I liked Katie's musings in panel if there was any doubt :lol: . I couldn't help but wonder if Katie was rubbing her bottom because it's still a bit tender from the previous day or if she was just rubbing it in anticipation :lol: . Panel 2 is a nice loving scene with Katie's mouth getting her in trouble again :D . I like the way Bullmoose is holding Katie with a firm hand in panel 3. This along with the announcement, is the beginning of the process 8-) . In panel 4, I like the look of dread on Katie's face which goes nicely with her verbal protest. Katie reminds me of an old girl friend who always protested being turned over, but never offered any physical resistance 8-) . Katie's really sweating it in panel 5 as Bullmoose discovers she isn't wearing any panties. Of course, he also discovered her red, well spanked bottom, but then I think he was expecting this :lol: . In panel 6, it looks like Katie's really feeling his hand on her sore bottom :D . Nice view of Katie's kicking legs in panel 7 :D , and Katie's mouth gets her in trouble again :lol: . Beautiful view of Katie's red, shiny hiney 8-) in panel 8. Also, don't you just love spanking a naughty girl and watching her squalling and kicking 8-) . I have to agree with Bullmoose in panel 9. I just love watching that dancing :lol: . It looks like Bullmoose is going to have another task to perform with Katie. It appears that he wasn't expecting this but he really should have been, just as Katie often isn't expecting a spanking when she should have been :D .......all of which leads to another happy ending 8-) . Thanks for sharing this with us. Phil
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After Work

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Sweetspot. Thanks for your comments.
Sweetspot wrote:A great spanking scene and it was a real gift to be able to view it from so many different vantage points.
I'm glad you liked that.
Sweetspot wrote:Katie seems to have a genuine love/hate relationship with being spanked. It looks like it's something she sincerely hates and finds very painful but at the same time she definitely goes out of her way - and often not in a very subtle manner - to encourage men to spank her either at work or in her personal life.
the way I envisioned Katie in the beginning, she always thought of the spankings she got as punishment... whether just or unjust.

But then, when she and Bullmoose became lovers, things got a little more complex. Now, when it comes to all the other men in her life, she still can't imagine that the real reason she gets so many spankings is that those men are all attracted to her and want an excuse to put their hands on her cute round butt! But she suspects that there's something other than pure punishment going on when Bullmoose spanks her... especially since he usually makes love to her right after he's done. There's some subtle conditioning going on. She's beginning to associate a spanking from her fiance with the pleasure that follows.
Sweetspot wrote:A lot like golf, I would think, a game so painful, at times, that you end up throwing your club into a lake in disgust but than sign up immediately thereafter for an early starting time for the very next day.
I've never really understood the appeal of golf... even though I have some Scottish ancestry. If I ever took up a Scottish sport, I think it would be caber-tossing.
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by hugob00m »

Hi WillJohn.
willjohn wrote:Yeah, but golfers are NUTZ
It sure looks like that to me.
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After Work

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Phil.

@#$%! I had already written a response to your comments, but I looked later and it was not posted! So, here goes, one more time.
overbarrel49 wrote:I liked Katie's musings in panel if there was any doubt. I couldn't help but wonder if Katie was rubbing her bottom because it's still a bit tender from the previous day or if she was just rubbing it in anticipation.
Both. Definitely.
overbarrel49 wrote: Panel 2 is a nice loving scene with Katie's mouth getting her in trouble again.
Katie's mouth gets her into trouble a lot. Maybe if she hadn't volunteered so much information about her workday...
overbarrel49 wrote:I like the way Bullmoose is holding Katie with a firm hand in panel 3. This along with the announcement, is the beginning of the process.
I like it when there's an announcement... and with Katie he needs to hold on when he announces he's going to spank her, otherwise, she's likely to take off running!
overbarrel49 wrote:In panel 4, I like the look of dread on Katie's face which goes nicely with her verbal protest. Katie reminds me of an old girl friend who always protested being turned over, but never offered any physical resistance.
Like the old Borg saying from Star Trek The Next Generation, "Resistance is futile!"
overbarrel49 wrote:Katie's really sweating it in panel 5 as Bullmoose discovers she isn't wearing any panties. Of course, he also discovered her red, well spanked bottom, but then I think he was expecting this.
I think he was expecting redness. After all, he's seen Mr. Argyle's handiwork before... and he knows Katie. What he wasn't expecting was to see her bare under her skirt! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
overbarrel49 wrote:In panel 6, it looks like Katie's really feeling his hand on her sore bottom.
Oh, Yeah! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
overbarrel49 wrote:Nice view of Katie's kicking legs in panel 7, and Katie's mouth gets her in trouble again.
I call that viewpoint a "coffee spanking" picture, because of the old Chase and Sanborn ad. And Katie said @#$% again. Actually that New Year's resolution from 2015 probably shouldn't be in effect anymore... but I hate to give up such a good excuse for Bullmoose to give Katie extra swats!

And... I like to see a spankee kick her legs. There have been some videos where the spanker forbids the spankee to kick, and it's not as fun to watch. Maybe it's just an excuse to give her extra swats... but... No! Find some other excuse!
overbarrel49 wrote:Beautiful view of Katie's red, shiny hiney in panel 8. Also, don't you just love spanking a naughty girl and watching her squalling and kicking.
Yeah! More kicking! I love the kicking!
overbarrel49 wrote:I have to agree with Bullmoose in panel 9. I just love watching that dancing.
I enjoy seeing the aftermath of the spanking... the dancing, the rubbing, the difficulty in sitting down!
overbarrel49 wrote: It looks like Bullmoose is going to have another task to perform with Katie. It appears that he wasn't expecting this but he really should have been, just as Katie often isn't expecting a spanking when she should have been.......all of which leads to another happy ending.
It looks like Katie's earned herself some more swats... but, will it be before they make love, or after... or... maybe even...during? I'll leave that to your own imagination! ;) ;) ;) ;)
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by willjohn »

I remember "Resistance is futile" from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe".

Vogon security man kept saying it before throwing Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect out into space.

Ford: "Why do you keep saying that?"
Vogon: "I just like it!"
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Re: Report and After Work

Post by web-ed »

Sorry to be so late to the party once again, B00m, but the call of duty - keeping the lights on plus the main site updates - just left me no time to visit your forum last week. This week I was determined to take a peek over here before doing the updates, and what did I find? Not one but two very nice new Katie short stories :D . It's had to choose between them (and fortunately CSR readers don't have to), I think I'd lean toward "The Report" as being slightly funnier, for it's apparent from the very first panel (to us, not to Katie) that she's not going to get that report done on time and what's going to happen to her afterward :) . Also, there's the great gag with Argyle typing up the late report by the glow of poor Katie's rear end :lol: !

"After Work" gets off to a good start with Katie wondering whether Bullmoose is going to give her another spanking (and in true Katie tradition, she's always the last to know the answer). She admits to playing hookey from work, not realizing how dangerous to her derriere such an admission is :lol: ! And the humor gets compounded nicely when she uses bad language (again) and must be spanked for it (again). I laughed quite a few times through this one, too. :lol:

Thanks for adding these two new Katie adventures.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by hugob00m »

willjohn wrote:I remember "Resistance is futile" from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe".
Oh Yeah! I forgot that the Vogon, the Daleks, and the Cybermen all pre-dated the Borg. On U.S. television, I saw the Borg first.
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Report and After Work

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed. Thanks for your comments.
web-ed wrote:Sorry to be so late to the party once again, B00m, but the call of duty - keeping the lights on plus the main site updates - just left me no time to visit your forum last week.
No problem. I know what it's like to be too busy.
web-ed wrote:This week I was determined to take a peek over here before doing the updates, and what did I find? Not one but two very nice new Katie short stories.
I'm glad you had a chance to see them, and even gladder you took the time to tell me what you thought of them.
web-ed wrote:It's had to choose between them (and fortunately CSR readers don't have to), I think I'd lean toward "The Report" as being slightly funnier, for it's apparent from the very first panel (to us, not to Katie) that she's not going to get that report done on time and what's going to happen to her afterward.
It's interesting to know that you have a preference between the two and why.
web-ed wrote:Also, there's the great gag with Argyle typing up the late report by the glow of poor Katie's rear end!
I indulged in a bit of fanciful exaggeration there, but I'm pretty sure that there have been a few spankees who feel like their bottoms could glow in the dark!
web-ed wrote:"After Work" gets off to a good start with Katie wondering whether Bullmoose is going to give her another spanking (and in true Katie tradition, she's always the last to know the answer). She admits to playing hookey from work, not realizing how dangerous to her derriere such an admission is! And the humor gets compounded nicely when she uses bad language (again) and must be spanked for it (again). I laughed quite a few times through this one, too.
I'm glad I could provide you with a good laugh.

I don't think I'll have one finished in time for next week, but I'm juggling a few partially done ones... trying to come up with a decent ending for at least one of them.
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by solsunbeach »

Bullmoose never misses a trick, what a guy!*!* :D
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by willjohn »

Katie is obviously enjoying herself too.
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After Work

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Solsunbeach.
solsunbeach wrote:Bullmoose never misses a trick, what a guy!*!*
Yeah! If there's ANY excuse at all to give Katie a spanking, he'll find it! ;) ;) ;) ;)
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After Work

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, WillJohn.
willjohn wrote:Katie is obviously enjoying herself too.
Well... I think she enjoys what comes after the spanking more than getting spanked!
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by willjohn »

Surely she enjoys the foreplay?
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Post by jimc »

always enjoy it when Katie winks at all the CSR readers and says she knows we enjoy watching her spankings and enjoy her little captions as well. I love her positioning and her outfits. Great job b00m thank you so much that you share. Have a great day.
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